《It's just me and you》Chapter 22- Handsy
"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" The people around me shout eagerly as I down my last shot of vodka.
I immediately feel the cold liquid burn the insides of my throat as I finish it. I then aggressively throw my glass on the ground, shattering it to a million pieces. People instantly erupt chaotically with laughter and applause at my unnecessary action.
I then excuse myself from my audience and stumble my way towards the couch. I slowly take a seat in attempt to compose my reckless demeanor.
As I sink into the couch, my head can't stop spinning and it feels like the whole room is rotating around me. I tightly shut my eyes trying to reduce the spinning, it doesn't work.
I ultimately end up closing my eyes to stop the madness. It becomes somewhat relaxing yet my ears still pick up on all the chatter, banter, and laughter around me.
It's a Sunday night and I chose to host a party in my penthouse, not a good idea. Looking back now I should've just gone to a club or drank my ass off alone, in bed.
I sort of feel guilty, I didn't invite Lizzie or Cameron. It's not that I'm mad at them or anything, I just don't want them to see me like this. I'm not the person I want to be right now.
I'm not partying for fun, I'm partying to forget my problems and I know it's immature and insensitive but I cope the way I cope.
I know for a fact that Cameron would want to sit me down and talk about my feelings or something. I know that Lizzie would interrogate me with questions and I just can't deal with either of them, hell I can't even deal with myself right now.
Ever since I received the... the message, I just haven't been able to find peace or focus. I thought everything would be better and to find out that it's gotten worse just makes me so angry, angry at the world for putting me in this position.
I haven't told anyone about my mother and I don't plan on telling anyone any time soon so I'm trying my best to compose my emotions before I raise suspicion. If someone somehow asks I'll most likely have to come up with a lie because I certainly don't desire any pity over my mommy issues.
Anyways, I threw this party in attempts to forget all my problems. Honestly, I just want to be alone now. I should probably just cut the party short, I have school tomorrow.
Shit. Scarlett.
I don't really recall what happened last night but I think I was an ass. She left in a hurry and I know that it was because of something I said or did. That's all I remember, me being mean, her sneaking into my house, and..... that's it.
There's certainly more to the story but I just can't piece it together right now. I hope it was nothing too bad, I'll see her tomorrow and I'll see the damage, I'm sure I can fix it.
I slowly open my eyes and the spinning has seemed to calm down a bit. The party around me, however, has grown to become more intolerable and wild. It's definitely time to put it to an end. I abruptly stand up and stumble towards my house entrance while bumping through crowds of people surrounding all areas of my house.
I take a deep breath "The cops are coming!!" I shout chaotically.
I try to suppress a laugh as I watch everyone scramble to their feet, screaming in fear, as they attempt to exit my house as fast as possible before the so called 'cops' get them.
As all my guests finally exit my house, I am left with a complete and utter disaster. Cups on the floor, empty bottles everywhere, and my furniture is all misplaced. I'll surely have to call the maid in the morning, I hate putting extra work on her. I'll be sure to leave a generous tip, of course.
I am harshly awoken by the alarming sound of my phone ringing. I immediately get up and am instantly met with a pounding headache, god hangovers suck.
I pick my phone up from my nightstand only to see a bunch of missed calls from both Lizzie and Cameron, not only that but it's already the afternoon.
I basically already missed all of my classes, except for the last one which so happens to be Scarlett. I quickly rise from my comfortable bed and speed over to my closet, getting ready.
Once I'm done freshening up, I collect all my necessities and bolt towards the elevator. I'm certainly going to be late, well I already am but more late than I anticipated.
As I arrive to the first floor, I head over to the receptionist and I notice a teasing smile surfacing her lips, wonder what that's about.
I smile "I would appreciate it if you could possibly send a maid over to my penthouse." I ask.
I then reach into my pocket, handing her five hundred dollars "It's truly a mess, please give this to her as well as giving her my thanks." I say appreciatively.
The receptionist nods in understanding as she takes hold of the money "I'll be sure to do that." She responds proudly.
I nod thankfully and continue on my journey to school.
I quickly check my phone only to see that I'm only five minutes late, honestly could've been worse. I pick up my pace as I get closer to my classes doors.
I immediately stop once I'm inches away from her door. Come on, deep breaths y/n, you got this. I wipe my sweaty palms against my pants as I confidently open the entrance.
That confidence instantly disappears as everyone looks over their shoulder, giving me unnecessary attention.
I then hear a soft yet distinct 'psst' near my left and I look over and notice lizzie curiously observing me with an empty seat next to her. She subtly waves me over and I oblige.
I then hear someone clear their throat, raising everyone's alert "So kind of you to join us today y/l/n, however, I would very much appreciate it if you could work on your time management." Scarlett says irritatedly.
I glance over towards her direction and see that she's giving me a disapproving look, I also notice that she looks incredibly breathtaking. It's almost as if she dressed this way just to distract me, but I know thinking like that is just me being a douche.
I clear my throat "I'll add it to my list." I respond and the class giggles softly.
I notice her eyes are dark and piercing, she certainly isn't happy with me. If only I could remember what happened that night.
She sighs "luckily today will be a light day. I'll put on an insightful video up on the board and that'll take up our time here this evening." She informs the class.
Thank god. I honestly couldn't see myself actually completing any work today. I'm thankful it's just a video. Hell, I'll probably just take a small power nap.
I lean back on my chair, getting comfortable as Scarlett puts the video up and turns the classroom lights off.
However, I notice Scarlett walking towards my isle as well as making intense eye contact, making me feel small.
"I need to discuss your grades with you, follow me." Scarlett says sternly.
Lizzie then turns to me with a concerned look across her face and I just shrug my shoulders and obey orders. I follow Scarlett to the back of the class where there happens to be empty rows of seats and no students around.
"Today y/n." Scarlett says demandingly as she points to the seat next to her.
I awkwardly take a seat "Scarlett, I have an A in this class, don't I?" I ask.
I'm pretty sure my grades haven't dropped, I mean we haven't even had any impacting tests recently so I just don't understand how my grades could possibly be an issue. Plus I'm smart, not to be arrogant but my grade's certainly can't go below an A.
She scoffs "You are so naive, I couldn't care less about your grades right now, y/n." She hisses.
Okay, I am one hundred percent sure I fucked up. Scarlett never really gets this pissed, what the fuck did I do?
"Then why did you call me over?" I nervously ask.
She shakes her head in disapproval "Don't act stupid, we both know you're anything but that." She says.
I sigh "Scarlett, I hate to break it to you, I really do but I don't remember anything that happened that night." I defend.
"That's pretty convenient for you, isn't it." She responds.
I do my best to try and remember the events that unfolded the night she came over, I get nothing. I think Scarlett has realized that I have no clue what she's talking about.
"What makes you think you have the right to leave marks on me? It felt degrading, y/n. What if Colin found out? What if the school found out?" She scolds.
Oh. Shit.
The memory instantly hit me like a truck. What the fuck was I thinking? I wasn't. I was hurt and I was careless. God, Scarlett has every right to hate me right now, I even hate myself.
I turn towards her and glance into her beautiful sparkling eyes that have pain written all over them "I had no right to do that. If I could go back and stop myself, trust me I would. I'm so sorry for making you feel any less than what you are and for burdening you with unnecessary stress. Scarlett it was truly a mistake." I plead.
In reality, I wasn't angry with y/n, well at least not anymore. My anger towards her had diminished that same night she gave me the mark.
I had arrived home quite late due to the unfolding events that occurred at y/n's penthouse and what genuinely angered me, despite y/n's actions, was the fact that Colin was relentless towards my whereabouts.
I precisely remember informing him beforehand that I'd be at school grading papers, which I obviously wasn't but that isn't the case. Colin ironically does in fact believe that I was grading papers, which happens to be the issue.
I've had numerous arguments with Colin regarding my job and he never seems to understand. He hates it when I focus on my work or when I dedicate myself to accomplishing my job. He thinks I put him second and that's the situation.
That night, he complained on how I supposedly care more about grading papers than satisfying his 'needs'. This ultimately subsided my anger for y/n and directed it towards Colin instead.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still upset with y/n but not to the extent I appear to be. I understand she's going through something quite significant and it's affecting her negatively. I do wish I could help but I realize it will be on her own terms, whenever she's ready to speak on behalf of her issues.
I also acknowledge the fact that she was drunk and that I shouldn't hold her mistake accountable against her. I've had my share of drunken mistakes and it would be pretty hypocritical to blame y/n for hers.
However, I do plan on making sure a stunt like that never occurs, no matter what circumstance she's in. I won't be used, embarrassed, or hurt again.
Which leads me to my current scheme. I'm going to make sure y/n never even thinks about disrespecting me, certainly not without any consequences.
"Scarlett?" y/n asks softly, interrupting my thoughts.
I slowly turn towards her, facing her, and I notice her eyes glimmering with guilt and concern. Usually this would be the moment where I would accept her apology and the world would be sunshine and rainbows, what can I say it's not your typical day.
I sigh "You don't really think it's going to be that easy? do you?" I question lowly.
I quickly notice a look of confusion cross her features, I lean in "You're going to have to work much harder than that." I whisper near her ear causing her to hold her breath.
She turns to me "What do you mean?" She asks nervously.
I internally pat myself on the back for successfully putting her in this state, it's quite amusing.
I then gently place a hand by her inner thigh making her tense up. "No more coming late to class, is that understood?" I question sternly.
She instantly nods.
I shake my head "It's a simple yes or no question, unless that's too advanced for you?" I state bitterly while rubbing her thigh to get some sort of emotion out of her.
She sighs "Understood- Yes." She says breathlessly.
The corners of my lips curve slightly upwards as I notice her start to uncomfortably shift in the seat, attempting to adjust her composure.
Before I could do anymore harm, the bell immediately rings throughout the room, alarming my ears.
I quickly let go of y/n's thigh and stand up, bidding farewell to my students as they all exit my class. I then return to the front of my class, turning the lights on. Only to see y/n still sitting on the seat I left her.
I sigh and look down "Class is over y/n, we can discuss the situation some other time." I say loud enough for her to hear, seeing as how she's at the back of the class.
She awkwardly clears her throat "Just give me a couple minutes." She says demandingly.
I look up at her and notice her glancing down at her lap with an irritated expression.
I scoff "I don't have your time y/n, don't make me remove you from this class." I say.
She sighs "Stop Talking." She states bitterly, still avoiding any eye contact with me.
I furrow my brows in annoyance, there's no way she's literally disrespecting me right now. I've had enough, I guess I'm going to have to escort her out myself. I angrily march towards the back of the class in the direction of y/n.
She anxiously looks up once she hears my footsteps and crosses her legs.
"Y/n. Out. Now." I hiss.
She shakes her head "Scarlett, you're not making this any easier." She says.
I sigh "What's the issue?"
She takes a deep breath and slowly uncrosses her legs.
I look around the classroom "We're in school y/n! get rid of it!" I scold.
She scoffs "I'm trying!"
Anyone could walk in right now and we'd both be screwed, this isn't good.
I pace around, watching the doors around us "Can you be a little faster?" I plead.
She sighs "This is your fault." She states irritatedly.
I freeze "My fault? How could this possibly be my fault?" I ask angrily.
She laughs bitterly "Oh I don't know, how about the moment when you were a little handsy with me during class. What was that about anyway?"
I didn't realize, I completely forgot.
I sigh "Okay okay, let's just calm down, literally." I tease.
Y/n rolls her eyes "Shut up. It would be incredibly helpful if you just stayed quiet." She informs.
I smile softly "Do I really have that much effect on you?" I ask.
She scoffs "Do you want it to go down or not?"
I raise my hands up apologetically. I guess I have my answer. I ultimately decide to stay quiet for y/n and I's sake.
Suddenly there's a knock on the door.
I instantly turn towards y/n with fear in my eyes. What the fuck do I do? An idea quickly comes to mind.
"Go to my office now!" I whisper shout.
Y/n obeys and runs over towards my office while holding her area.
"Make sure to lock the door!" I state as she enters my office that so happens to be connected to the classroom. I then hear my doorknob click which means y/n successfully locked it.
I anxiously walk over to my classroom door, I open it and clear my throat "Dean Downey." I greet anxiously.
He smiles "I'd rather not have formalities with my employees, please, call me Robert." He informs confidently.
I nod "What brings you here, Robert?" I ask.
He sighs "Well, I had something to discuss with you regarding a student and I'd prefer not to do it out in the open. Do you mind if we speak in your office?"
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I offer an incredibly forced smile "Of course, right this way." I say while directing him towards my office.
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