《Nandemonogatari: A New Story of Something Else》Chapter 26: Confessions of a Teenage Maniac
Where a battleground once stood, a classroom has retaken its place. The two clubs have made quick work of the cleanup. Yuzurika has Eriri in a restraining hold while Touma projects a barrier over the girls.
Lucy, the Vice-Principal, enters the room and surveys the damage. She tutters, “Shiina, another fine mess you have gotten yourself into, I see. Please explain why such a proper student such as Motoba would lash out like this?”
“I wouldn’t have called you down here if it wasn’t something outside of the Student Council’s jurisdiction,” Yuzurika replies, “You know that I could very well take care of most little situations and scuffles.” She shakes Eriri awake, “Wake up Ms. Motoba! You have company!”
Eriri stirs awake. She looks out over the crowd but fails to notice Lucy’s presence as she singles out her sister. She scowls and holds her hand out at some nearby debris. The debris lays motionless. She continues to strain herself at whatever she can to no avail. Her frustration turns to panic amidst her flailing.
Yuzurika looks down her nose at Eriri’s attempts. “Enough. You should know that you’re still locked out of your powers, so quit jittering about and listen to Ms. Usha.”
Lucy steps towards the bubble, “What is the meaning of all of this Motoba?”
Eriri remains silent.
Yuzurika tightens her hold, “We have you on record admitting to wanting to murder your sister. The remainder of your club, the Izumi cousins excluded, have fingered you as the mastermind, as well.”
Eriri focuses her death glare over her club. Karen and Mako stare her back down, no longer afraid of their Vice President.
Lucy crosses her arms, “It’s over Motoba, the police are on their way. You can either explain yourself to us now or to them later.”
“I owe no explanation to anyone!” Eriri spits, honing back in on Naomi, “This is a family matter…”
“A family matter?” Yuzurika scoffs, “A family matter is who makes dinner, or deciding which game to play during New Years. I would not call attempted homicide a family matter.”
“I’m getting really sick of your interjections, Madame President,” Eriri says with venom in her voice.
Naomi walks over, tears welling up in her eyes. Cerys tenses up as the distance closes between the two.
“Please…” Naomi sniffles, “I looked up to you… You’re my sister, aren’t you? Why did you put me through this nightmare?”
Naomi stumbles back a bit. Tears still roll down her cheeks as she looks at her elder sister, who’s now shaking with rage. Eriri’s glare gives off the same energy as their eyes meet.
“Sister? Don’t… Don’t call me that! You made my life a living hell!” Eriri snarls as she presses her face against the barrier, her eyes burning a pure hatred that takes Naomi aback, pushing her to the edge of tears. Cerys rushes up to comfort her.
“You don’t know... You don’t know anything, Naomi. You know nothing about what I was going through.” Eriri manages to finally say, “My parents had been trying for years to have a second child.Soon they gave up and eventually looked at adoption.”
Hotaru joins Cerys and Naomi, “And they found Naomi?”
Eriri’s face softens slightly, “They found Naomi. But I was the one that brought her into the family.”
Hotaru gets a bit stern, “I’m sorry, you di-”
“My parents had visited several times already, and they had already fallen under her spell. They brought me along on the last trip so she could infect me too.” Eriri sighs. “I was so excited to be a big sister and she was so excited to be my little sister. How could I say no to such a,” Eriri sneers, “...perky, athletic little ball of sunshine?
The room goes quiet, no one dares interrupt Eriri’s story.
“We spoke for hours, and Naomi came home with us that day. I was elated.”
“Then...why?” Naomi says, eyes red and puffy with tears.
Eriri’s eyes go wide and her face goes slack. “Because I figured out their plans.”
“Stop stringing us along and get on with it!” Cerys snaps.
“If you interrupt it will take longer,” Eriri says, rolling her eyes, “She and I started training together and improving each other, but I was soon tempted by another calling…” Her gaze falls on Haruhiko, “To become an idol.”
Haruhiko winces and looks away from Eriri. “...I’m sorry.”
Eriri gives him a brittle smile, “Don’t worry dear. I enjoyed my time performing. It was a nice, meaningless diversion.” She glares at Naomi. “She was always the problem.”
“Please stop saying these hurtful things, Eriri!” Naomi screams, shaking her head, “They love us both!”
“They love you!” Eriri sneers, “Wake up from your stupid fantasies! They never approved of me becoming an idol! The better you got at yosakoi, the more they spoke of you! The only performances they bothered to attend were yours! You were never my sister, you were my replacement!”
Naomi clutches her head, shaking. “Please stop…” she mutters to herself, “Please…”
“You realized it, didn’t you Naomi?” Eriri asks, slamming her hands against the forcefield, “You saw the preferential treatment before your very eyes. You saw them push away their blood daughter and said nothing! You knew didn’t you!? Don’t you lie to me!”
Cerys glares death at Eriri, “You really are fucked in the head!”
Rina joins the group at the bubble, “If I had known that, I would’ve done far more than hit you once!”
“This is family business and it does not concern you!” Eriri yells, “I wasn’t going to let myself be replaced by some pretender! I wanted my family back! I wanted my life back!”
Eriri’s rant is cut short by a knock at the door.
“You may come in,” Lucy responds, turning her head to the noise.
Two men in pristine white uniforms and dull grey caps enter the room with military precision. As they pass, the group notices a lightning bolt stitched onto the back of their jackets. One of them holds a pair of shiny silver cubes attached together by a chain, which make those close to them feel lightheaded.
The color drains from Eriri’s face as the men approach.
Katsuki puts two and two together. “These are-!”
A detective breezes past the group and stands up front, hushing Katsuki in an instant. He and Lucy exchange bows.
“I thought you had gotten lost on your way over.” Lucy says, surprisingly informally.
“We take the utmost caution with cases like this,” the detective says. He points to the barrier, “Is this our culprit?”
Lucy nods.
“Lower the barrier,” the detective says.
Touma drops his shield and Eriri breaks herself free from Yuzurika’s grasp. She tries to skitter away and is immediately intercepted by both men.
“Traitors! Villains! Smiling, damned villains!” Eriri screams bloody murder as the cubes are clamped over her hands. She scratches at the men as the cubes firmly lock around her wrists, she collapses into a heap in one of the men’s arms, with Katsuki rather focused on the procession.
Yuudai raises his hand, “Who... Are you?”
The detective spins around to face the room, “Detective Tomari. National Police Agency, Special Crime Division.”
Saito slinks towards a back corner when he sees the detective.
“And by special, you mean us right?” Cerys asks.
“Correct.” Tomari says, “We handle crimes associated with powered individuals, or nowadays more commonly known as ESPers. That’s not all we’re limited to, but it is our hottest new subject to cover.” He looks around the room and immediately follows up, “Everyone here was a witness to the attack, correct?”
Yuzurika waves in the direction of those who had been sent out of the courtroom, “Everyone besides these students.”
Tomari takes notes, “I see. I will be reaching out to a few of you over the next coming days to get the details on the events of the attack to make the case against Ms. Motoba.”
Naomi composes herself, “W-What are you going to do with my sister?”
“She will be transported to a facility specially designed for those with powers. She will be held there until her trial.”
“Um…” Yuuri points to the cubes on Eriri’s hands, “Sorry to cut in, but what are those supposed to be?”
Tomari looks, “Cuffs that nullify powers and cause fatigue in the wearer. That’s the easiest way to explain it.”
“Is that why I felt dizzy all of a sudden?” Rina asks.
Tomari nods, “They are on the strong side for our own safety.”
Mari scrunches up her nose. “They smell kinda funny.”
There is a slight buzz while the police stand Eiriri up again, the more curious students trying to take a peek at the special technology.
“Right, clear the way. Got to put this little bird in her reinforced cage.,” Tomari says, as he pushes through the crowd of students.
“I’ll follow you out,” Lucy says.
Tomari motions for the two men in white to carry Eriri out.
As they do, Eriri and Naomi’s eyes meet one last time. Eriri’s dim red eyes burn with years of hatred as the doors close on the classroom and the case.
Naomi stares at the closed door, crying silently. “Good bye, Eriri.”
“Now then,” Yuzurika says sitting at her desk, “We can finally put an end to the trial.”
“We’re still going!?” Cerys responds.
“Just because we caught the culprit, Ms. Alcott, does not mean we are skipping sentencing.”
“Sentencing?” Karen asks, “They just carted Eriri away!”
Yuzurika reaches for her gavel, only for it not to be there. She settles for smacking her fist on the desk, “That still doesn’t mean you or your club are free, Ms. Michishige! Due to the majority of you being accessories to Ms. Motoba’s attempts to murder her sister, I’m sentencing your entire club to two weeks of dorm arrest!” She gives the Idol Club a stern look as she rubs her hand.
“What’s going oooooon? Why are we on dorm arrest?” Chiya asks.
Yuzurika gives an exasperated sigh, “I guess you are the sole exception, Ms. Izumi. Considering you were none the wiser on this plot.”
Chiya lazily fistpumps, “Yay~”
Yuzurika looks at Haruhiko, “I suppose this also applies to you as well Mr. Izumi.”
Haruhiko shakes his head, “I let this happen under my watch, I'm just as much an accessory to this as the rest of my club are.
Cerys leans on the desk, “That means I’m also off the hook right?”
A wicked smile creeps across Yuzurika’s face, “Actually, Ms. Alcott, no.”
“Wait why!?” Cerys argues.
“Did you really think you could get away with making a mockery of my courtroom?” Yuzurika asks. “The Student Council will not overlook your charges of breaking and entering. You are also sentenced to two weeks of dorm arrest!”
Cerys stares down her judge, “Oh you really are a bitch!”
“Keep talking and I’ll be happy to extend that sentence for you.” Yuzurika taunts.
Cerys opens her mouth but opts to instead huff and march back to her club.
“Your sentences will begin at the start of the week,” Yuzurika bangs her hand on the desk, “Court adjourned. May you all make it back to your dorms safely.”
The Paranormal Club sits exhausted at the large kitchen table in their new dorm. It is ‘cozy’, but there is just enough room for everyone to squeeze a chair around.. With the trial now over, the group is slowly getting themselves acquainted with their new dorms. While still barely passing off as shelter, it is a considerable improvement from the trash tier accommodations. The furniture, whilst still clearly used, was at least in good enough condition that one could guess it came from the second hand store, as opposed to picked up off the side of a street. The beds -were still uncomfortable, reminiscent of a cheap hotel, which is at least an improvement on the previous beds, which were more similar to prison bunks.
Kirika mopes at the table. “I thought this place was supposed to be an improvement! It looks just as grim as the last dorm. I don’t see why I can’t commute in, I asked ever so nicely with ever so much money!”
“Ah’d say ‘that ain’t how it works,’ but it is when yer involved,” Mari says, patting Kirika’s back.
“I don’t wanna hear it!” Cerys snaps, “I’m the one confined to this dump for two weeks!”
“It’s a real comfy dump though,” Mari says.
Yuuri smiles, “Oh come on you guys. It’s definitely a slight improvement over the last one. There’s a lot more room around here, Cerys. It might not be all that bad for you.”
“How do you figure?” Cerys asks.
“Well…” Yuuri stops to think. then hangs her head in defeat, “I don’t know... The trial melted my brain…”
“Got a whole lotta time ta play video games,” Mari says.
“Do I look like I play video games?” Cerys asks, deadpan. “Why are you so chatty all of a sudden?”
“Ah don’t do well with violence outside of a screen, so Ah got real quiet.” Mari says. “An’ Ah felt sayin’ stuff durin’ tha trial’d get me kicked out.”
Katsuki finally breaks her silence. “Those guys... My mom told me about them before. Well, not those guys, but the uniforms that they were wearing. That was the Special Crime Division.” She sighs. “Seems like half of her day now is just trying to be a public defender for the kids they drag away.”
Saito sits up. “Kids?”
Katsuki scoffs. “Yeah, right? They don’t know how to handle us so they treat us like living weapons sometimes.” She looks out the window to the school grounds. “Though I guess delinquents are worse when they can punch through steel or outspeed a car.”
Saito shakes his head and leans in, “Nah, I mean, is it mostly kids those guys are dealing with?”
“Oh, yeah,” Katsuki puts a finger to her cheek and looks up, “That is in fact the case. More specifically, it’s people around our age that’ve got these kinds of things going on with them.”
Saito leans back into his chair, “I see.”
Cerys groans. “Great, so I really need to make sure I don’t get caught doing what I do best. This is gonna be the longest two weeks of my life.”
Suzaka chimes in, “At least you won’t have to go to class!”
“I wish.” Cerys sighs, “Yuzurika already told me they were bringing a laptop over so I can participate virtually.”
Suzaka’s eyes sparkle, “Could be fun! I did it last year while in the hospital!”
“You weren’t a new student like us?” Hotaru asks.
“Nope! Was here last year but I was in the hospital for most of it.”
“I hope it was nothing serious!” Yuuri says.
The sparkle leave Suzaka’s eyes as she looks around, “I, uh, don’t wanna talk about it…”
“Not like it matters! She sure as hell doesn’t fight like she’d been sick for a year!” Rina gives Suzaka a small shove.
Suzaka giggles and pushes Rina back. She suddenly yelps in pain.
“I swear I didn’t touch her!” Rina blurts.
Yuuri shoots up, “Are you alright!?”
Suzaka waves Yuuri off, wincing, “I’m fine. Guess Eriri hurt me more than I thought…”
“Do you need to go to the nurse?” Yuuri asks.
“No!” Suzaka shouts before catching herself, “I uh...think I’ll just take a shower and then rub some dirt on it.”
“That ain’t how it works,” Mari says.
Akina peers up over her manga, “I won’t feed you if you drag mud in here”
Suzaka gives Akina a pleading look. “But you need the dirt to make it better.”
Akina’s face is stone.
“What if it’s just a little dirt?”
Killing intent creeps into Akina’s level gaze. “If you come back dirty I will wash you down. Outside. With a garden hose.”
Suzaka slinks away.
“I’m worried about Suzaka,” Yuuri says nervously.
“Seriously, I didn’t do anything,” Rina says.
“I-I believe you Warren! It’s just, she’s been through a lot, and…”
Mari taps her temple. “An’ anyone who’d argue with Akina can’t be all right up there.” She gives an aside glance towards Cerys.
Yuuri hesitantly heads after Suzaka. “I’m going to go check up on her.”
“Before or aftah she showers?” Mari asks.
“Now’s not the time, Mari…”
Akina gets up, “I’ll start dinner then in case Yuuri drags her back out here.”
The rest of the club begins to get up from the table and head back to their rooms to straighten things out from the move.
Yuudai stops halfway to his room. “Oh yeah! Cerys!”
The redhead stops, “Huh?”
Yuudai feels around for something in his jacket pocket and pulls out a beat-up box. “I forgot I had this... Sorry it got crushed, but maybe it’ll help you feel better!”
Cerys takes the box and opens it. Inside it is a rather plain pink bow.
She smiles, “You really were going to get me something when you ran off…”
“I mean yeah!” Yuudai says, “It didn’t feel right not to have some kinda birthday present for you...even if it’s not your birthday anymore!”
“I’m glad you cared,” Cerys chokes out as she wipes tears from her eyes.
“Of course I care about my friends!” Yuudai puffs his chest out.
“Once this suspension is over, maybe you can take me on a proper date.”
Yuudai’s face goes red. He stammers and stutters while Cerys walks away, laughing hysterically.
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Synopsis: Many worlds, realms, and universes no longer bathe in the light of the will. The darkness has corrupted them. The champion of the spark, a mere child is the only one capable of changing the fate of all living beings. As a wielder of the spark, the heavens did not tolerate him. Many heart-wrenching events befell the child from the moment he was born, even the death of his beloved. The heavens were truly unmerciful to him. This child’s name is Chen Gudan, and this is his story of love, betrayal, and revenge as he traverses his world and many others to resurrect his beloved, while juggling the fate of all... "If the heavens prevent me from resurrecting her, I will go against its will!" Notice 1: I took a bit time away from this novel to build a webpage for it. Starting from today (June 14, 2021), I will try to update every week with a new chapter (as I have finished the site). The cover is from: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fire_in_darkness_-_LOHDI.JPG No copyright infringement was intended from the use of this cover. If the original owner of the picture wants me to take it down, please message me and I will do so, as quickly as possible. Notice 2: This is my first novel, it would be great if you guys can give me feedback (in the form of comments) as it progresses, especially in the first few chapters. I am planning to make this novel at least a few hundred chapters long. Otherwise, thank you for reading my novel. Notice 3: This is my plan for this book: Chapter 1 to 6 are the backstory of the main character before and when he was born. Chapter 7 to 12 are the main character's early years. Chapter 12 and beyond is when the story starts.
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49 and one hero.
Hi I'm Spint, 27, and I'm from Sweden.This is my first attempt of writing something readable.(A first attempt on making a proper description.)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heroes, a word normally associated with people who do extraordinary deeds that others would shy away from. Deeds like jumping in front of a car to save a child. Like walking in to a burning building to save those inside. Like taking a bullet to save another. Save, this is the word that defines a hero, to save others at the cost of oneself. But what would happen if a hero was not made by his own actions but was instead forced in to situation that would eventually make him into a hero. What if everyone around you saw you as a hero, named you as a hero and looked upon you to save them from what was to come. Would you become a hero for them, or would you lash out against them for forcing you? This is a story about those that walks the road of a hero, and the one who makes his own path. Written in the classic """"Summoned heroes"""" style set in a fantasy world.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I hope you will enjoy it!Ps. I would love to know what you guys think, good or bad. Feel free to wright a comment in the individual chapters or wright a review down below telling the readers what you think about it. But please keep in mind that good or bad scores don't tell anyone anything. If you are hesitant about reading this fiction then try out the first chapter. It is short ^^. Ds.
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