《Nandemonogatari: A New Story of Something Else》Chapter 25: Paranormal v. Idol Club
Both clubs file back into the courtroom. Those on the Paranormal side can see the mood has shifted on the Idol Club as a tense air has followed them in. Yuzurika’s gavel snaps everyone to attention.
“We will now begin our second case today, which is to determine whether or not the Idol Club is attempting to kill Naomi Motoba based on the evidence the Paranormal Club has brought forth. Given that the roles are reversed, Ms. Sayamura, you can begin with your opening statement.”
Yuuri stands, “Actually, uh, your honor, I’d like our prosecution to be headed by my Vice-President Katsuki and Hotaru.”
“On what grounds?” Yuzurika asks.
“Well, they are...” Yuuri pauses to think of a good reason, “They have more knowledge on this matter! I feel the prosecution’s best shot lies with them!”
The Student Council huddles and whispers amongst themselves for a minute before returning to their seats.
“Very well then Paranormal Club. Your case will be handled by Ms. Kusaka and Mr. Fujinuma.”
Hotaru takes to the floor, “A fire, a collapsed roof, a bloodied hair straightener. All of these have been attempts on Naomi Motoba’s life. Despite the Idol Club’s adamant denial of it, we have strong evidence to prove that there is someone within that club angling to have Naomi murdered. There are no coincidences this time, just a well-thought-out plan from their mastermind.”
Yuzurika nods, “And now for the defense.”
Haruhiko stands up, his bravado slightly shaken, “What you just heard was another collection of attacks on our club over baseless accusations. We have cleared our names time and time again of the unfortunate fire and now a brand new club at this school wishes to pin it back on us! As for the other accusations, they are completely new to us.”
“Is that your entire statement?” Yuzurika raises an eyebrow.
Haruhiko holds a hand up, “Why would we ever want to put our Vice-President’s little sister in harm's way? Our rivalry has become intense, we’ll admit as such, but we’re not complete monsters! The Paranormal Club’s claims have no merit to them and should be tossed out.”
Yuzurika shakes her head, “The solitary piece of evidence entered by the Paranormal Club is enough to warrant this trial so we shall move forward, Mr. Izumi.”
Haruhiko returns to his seat, slightly deflated.
“You may call your first witness, Paranormal Club.” Yuzurika gestures.
“We’d like to call Mako to the stand first,” Katsuki says.
Mako slowly rises and trudges her way to the stand.
Hotaru grabs the recorder from the table and walks to the bench, “Before we begin, we’d like to enter a new piece of evidence. We will need to borrow your laptop to play it.”
“Hand it here.” Yuzurika holds her hand out and takes the recorder from the boy. She reaches into her bag, pulls out her laptop, and plugs in the recorder. The file browser displays several files, including an mp3 file time coded to the night of the fire.
A minute later the recording of the Idol Club begins to play. By the end of it, Yuzurika’s eyes burn with fury, “So it was you who set the fire!”
Mako chokes up, “Y-Yes…” A crestfallen look dawns on her face as her eyes dart straight to her feet.
“This does change things, in quite a material way,” Yuzurika tents her fingers, “With the Paranormal Club having concrete proof, we can now begin to determine why the Idol Club is actively trying to assassinate Naomi. Ms. Alcott’s status is now pending on the result of this trial.”
Cerys leans forward, “So if we win this trial, I won’t get in trouble for breaking and entering?”
“Keep talking and you may be in trouble regardless of this trial.”
Hotaru walks over to the watery-eyed Mako, “I understand you must be under extreme emotional distress but I think it’s crucial that we know. Why did you burn down the Yosakoi dorms?”
“I...I did…” Mako stops to give a quick glance at Eriri, who stares back pure death. Mako recomposes herself, “I mean...because I wanted to kill her.”
“Why did you want to kill her?”
“I...” Mako sighs, “When I came to this school last year I really began to admire Eriri but she was so close to her sister that...I got really jealous. I thought the only way I could fix this was to...” Mako chokes up again, “If I could get rid of Naomi...by taking her down...” Mako wipes her eyes.
Katsuki motions to Hotaru and the pair switch, “That must be terrible, feeling that way. But it doesn’t explain one thing.”
Mako looks up.
“Why did you sound like you were caught off guard in the recording?” Katsuki asks.
“I...didn’t know I had left the...my...recorder in my pocket when I left to go do it!” Mako quickly answers, “I must’ve bumped it and turned it on by accident walking out to their dorms…”
“Your recorder.” Katsuki bounces back, “Interesting. Your honor, could you play one of the other files on that recorder?”
“Of course.” Yuzurika opens another file and the room is filled with the sound of Chiya’s singing.
The poofy pink idol perks up, “Hey, that’s where that went~!”
Yuzurika sighs, “Have you not been paying attention to this trial at all Ms. Izumi?”
Katsuki gets an idea, “Could the prosecution bring Chiya up to identify this as her recorder?”
Yuzurika motions for Chiya to approach the stands.
The girl lazily walks over to the bench.
“Can you say with one hundred percent certainty that this is your recorder?” Yuzurika holds out the device for her.
Chiya takes it and stares for a few seconds before pocketing it and returning to her seat.
Yuzurika slams her gavel, “Ms. Izumi! Where are you going?”
Chiya scratches her head, “Well...it’s my recorder so I’m taking it back.”
“It’s current evidence so it stays with us!”
“No fair!” Chiya pouts, “I’ve been looking all over for this. I’ve had to use Haruhiko’s recorder since then!”
“You will get it back when the trial is over. Now bring it back!” Yuzurika orders.
Chiya pouts harder but slowly returns to the stand to return the recorder.
Katsuki walks back over to Mako, “So now that we know that the recorder wasn’t yours, what else have you been lying about? Why don’t you tell us who really put you up to this and why they want to kill Naomi?”
Embers swirl around Mako as she looks back to her club. She locks eyes with Eriri again, the lifeless stare sucking all the rage out of the redhead on the stand.
“I put her up to it!” Kotoha shoots up from her seat, “I’m the one you want!”
Yuzurika looks shocked, “I would not expect this from you Ms. Karasuma.”
“Well good, cuz it’s not her either!” Katsuki continues, “We have the evidence to show it was neither of these two!”
Eriri’s eye twitches.
Yuzurika sits back, “Very well then. Is that all the questions you have for Ms. Hibiki, Paranormal Club?”
Cerys stands up, “I have one!”
“You’re not on the prosecution!” Yuzurika snaps.
Cerys ignores her and walks up to the stand with a piece of paper and a pen. “May I get Mako’s autograph...in English please?”
“E-English?” Mako freezes, “S-Sure…”
“Ms. Alcott, did you not hear me the first time? We still can find you in contempt of court.”
“Trust me, this is going somewhere,” Cerys assures her.
Mako hands the paper, with a signature written in what could generously be called English, back to Cerys. “T-There.”
Cerys takes the paper and goes back to her seat.
“I thought you said this was going somewhere, Ms. Alcott,” Yuzurika says.
“Give it some more time. I promise.” Cerys answers.
Yuzurika groans, “Idol Club, do you wish to cross-examine?”
Haruhiko looks up from rubbing his temples at the table, “N-No questions…”
“Call your next witness then Paranormal Club.”
Katsuki and Hotaru swap back out.
“Before we call our next witness, we’ll need to call in Kyo Sakuraba from the Games Club to assist in this testimony. She uncovered some information from the piece of evidence first submitted to you,” Hotaru says.
Touma ushers Kyo into the room from right outside, who shrinks at the gathering. She scurries over and takes a seat with Katsuki.
“With that situated, we’d like to call Karen to the stand.” Hotaru gestures to the blonde Idol Club member.
Karen scowls as she takes the stand.
Hotaru grabs the bag with the hair straightener from the bench, “Kyo, can you confirm for the court what you told us regarding this?”
Kyo meekly nods, “H-He told me that he’s used by a third-year girl in the Idol Club and was also used to attack Naomi. B-But he did not say who exactly used him.”
“Thank you Kyo,” Hotaru says.
Karen groans, “Let me save you some time. I did it! I ordered Mako to burn down the dorms, I ordered Renge to destroy the roof, and I attacked Naomi with my hair straightener!”
Yuzurika grabs her gavel, “So the real culprit comes clean.”
“Hold on!” Katsuki stands up, “Once again, this isn’t the culprit.”
“How could you know that!?” Karen snaps.
Katsuki gestures to Kyo, “Can you ask the hair straightener to say the hair color of his owner?”
“I-It says his owner has black hair.” Kyo answers.
“So you used Eriri’s hair straightener to attack Naomi,” Katsuki says.
Yuuri mutters to no one in particular. “They really aren’t good at keeping track of who owns what, huh.”
“Who cares who’s hair straightener is!?” Karen shouts, “I got tired of Naomi threatening Eriri so I decided to protect her by any means necessary!”
“We know you are not the true culprit.” Hotaru says, “So tell us who really set you up to this.”
“I’m telling you it was me!” Karen growls.
Kotoha shoots back up, “No it was me! I’m the one you want!”
Yuzurika slams the table, “I’ve had enough out of both of you! We’re not putting up with these outbursts for the second trial! I’m holding both of you in contempt! Remi, take them to the holding rooms!”
The sleepy-eyed, freckled brunette of the Student Council nods and motions to both to follow her.
Cerys runs back up with her paper.“Wait!”
Yuzurika points her gavel at the redhead. “You better hope this goes somewhere or you’ll be joining them too Ms. Alcott!”
Cerys holds the paper and the pen out, “Autographs in English please.”
Kotoha takes the paper and quickly scrawls out a signature. Karen snatches the pen and slowly writes her name out much like Mako did.
“Come along now~” Remi chirps, beckoning the two idols to follow her.
Eriri watches intently as the three leave. A smirk creeps onto her face.
Yuzurika sighs, “With that now taken care of, do you have another witness you’d like to call, Paranormal Club?”
“We’d like to talk to Renge next,” Hotaru says.
Renge stands and shuffles forward, her eyes fixed on Eriri once seated.
Katsuki walks up, “Renge, we know you were the one behind the roof collapse. Regardless of Karen’s outburst it’s quite obvious.”
Renge is blindsided, “E-Eh?”
“Your power weakens things, yes?”
“R-Right… Something like that.”
“Then let’s cut all pretenses and get right to it,” Katsuki stands in front of Renge, blocking her view of her club, “Who forced you to do that?”
Eriri springs up, “I object!”
Yuzurika shoots Eriri a look, “Reason?”
“They’re leading the witness.”
“Sustained,” Yuzurika bangs the gavel, “Ple-”
“I-It was Kotoha!” Renge cuts off the judge, “She gave me her key to the room and told me to weaken the roof! She w-wanted it to look like an accident so we wouldn’t get blamed for it!”
Hotaru stands from the table, “Are you one hundred percent certain that Kotoha ordered you to do that?”
“Objection!” Eriri stomps, “Leading again!”
Yuzurika hammers, “First, no it isn't. And second, may I remind you, Ms. Motoba, that you are not the head of the defense, Mr. Izumi is.”
“It’s obvious he hasn’t been paying attention!” Eriri points to Haruhiko blankly staring at the table in front of him.
“That’s none of my concern,” Yuzurika glares, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you suddenly but keep it up and you’ll be joining your clubmates as well!”
Eriri gives a small smile and sits back down.
Yuudai picks out Eiri’s actions and jumps up, “Judge, she’s trying to get herself thrown out!”
“Enough with this yelling from both sides!” Yuzurika shouts.
“But you’re the one yelling!”
Yuzurika points to a nearby door, “Out! NOW!”
Yuudai storms past Touma who’s trying to usher him out.
“Paranormal Club, do you actually have a question that isn’t leading the witness, Ms. Gotoukouji?” Yuzurika asks, her voice increasingly strained.
“I think we’ve gotten what we needed,” Hotaru says.
“I need one more thing!” Cerys walks up.
“Ms. Alcott, I’m tired of this!” Yuzurika growls, “I’m holding you in contempt as well!”
“Wait, what!?” Cerys shouts as she gets Renge’s signature, “I actually have a reason for this!”
“And I no longer have the patience for your shenanigans!” Yuzurika snaps, “This is a trial, not your playground. You are in contempt, moreover, you have earned MY contempt. Leave. Now!”
“I will, you bitch!” Cerys marches over to the prosecution table, slams her paper down, and exits.
“I don’t think calling the judge a bitch is a good idea…” Kirika offers, to no one in particular.
“This is too serious of a case to have all this nonsense!” Yuzurika rubs her temples, “I want to find out who is the culprit behind this because I will not stand for attempted murder on my watch! Paranormal Club, do you have any more evidence to add, or will you continue this wild goose chase?”
Hotaru looks at the paper Cerys left. He pulls out the notebook under the table and compares the writing, “Actually I have one more witness to call...Eriri Motoba.”
Eriri instantly rises, “Your honor, it’s obvious they have no case! Save us all the trouble and throw the case out!”
“All this stress is going to give me wrinkles,” Haruhiko mumbles, massaging his temples.
Yuzurika stares down Eriri, “That can be determined after you testify Ms. Motoba.”
“Then I refuse to testify!” Eriri crosses her arms.
“Get on that stand before I make you.”
Eriri gives a stern look, followed by a peaceful smile as she makes her way up.
Hotaru grabs the pen and paper and takes it to Eriri, “Would you mind signing your name in English please?”
Yuzurika pinches the bridge of her nose, “Is your entire club trying to make my life miserable!?”
Eriri doesn’t budge. She gives Hotaru a defiant glare.
Hotaru stands down, putting the paper away.
Katsuki joins him, “What we know are these three things; Karen used your hair straightener, everyone we talked to mentioned you as the reason they were trying to kill Naomi, and you are the one pulling the strings in this club! Haruhiko is just the face.”
Eriri scoffs, “Baseless conjecture. Why would I order Karen to attack Naomi with my hair straightener? And of course, they all mentioned me. Naomi’s my sister.”
“What do you know about March 5th of 2019?” Hotaru asks.
Eriri tilts her head, “I don’t recall what happened over a year ago.”
“That was the day the Yosakoi dorms were set on fire.” Hotaru continues, “Specifically near the part of the building where Naomi’s room was.”
Eriri narrows her eyes, “How do you know about that? You weren’t even at this school when that happened. None of you were! All you know is hearsay.”
“However, we were here on April 27th of this year!” Katsuki holds up the notebook, “Can you tell us why Kotoha and Renge’s names were found in this notebook on the same day the roof collapsed under your sister?”
Eriri laughs, “That’s quite the stretch to go from a simple log of who uses the practice space to the attacks on my sister. Besides, who said it was my notebook?”
“You did.” Hotaru answers, a slight grin creeping onto his face, “We simply provided a name and a date. We never said what the notebook was for.”
Katsuki flips through the pages, “Tell me, why doesn’t Chiya’s name show up for yesterday? We know that Haruhiko messaged her to lock up after she was done practicing.”
“You looked at my phone!?” Chiya panics, “It’s bad enough someone put my number on the internet. Now everyone’s just looking at my phone!?”
“She has a hard time keeping track of what she does.” Eriri says through gritted teeth, “You think you can keep up with that...thing?”
“Is that why you leaked her number out to her fans?” Katsuki presses.
“You did what!?” Haruhiko shouts, his stupor now replaced by fury.
“More empty claims,” Eriri calmly replies, “Knowing how forgetful she is, she probably put it out there herself.”
“Why did Karen attack Naomi with your hair straightener?” Katsuki continues.
“I didn’t tell her to-” Eriri catches herself, “As I said before, why would I have them attack my little sister? Just because my parents like her more?”
“Hold on,” Yuzurika says. “Say that again, Ms. Motoba?”
“I refuse,” Eriri says quietly, glaring pure hatred at Yuzurika. “This farce ends now.” She throws her hand out, Yuzurika and the rest of the Student Council flying across the room into the Paranormal side. With a yank, she pulls Naomi into her clutches, grabbing her by the neck.
“What are you doing?” Naomi shouts.
“Killing everyone,” Eriri says flatly. With a dismissive flick of her wrist, she sends the furniture in the room flying over to barricade the door. “Don’t worry, I’ll save you for last. You haven’t suffered enough...”
With a clenched fist, she brings the group to their knees with crushing Gs. The room creaks and groans, the floor starts to crack and splinter.
“Love is a heavy thing, isn’t it?” Eriri laughs.
“This isn’t love! This is crazy!”
“Crazy? No. This is deserved.” She closes her eyes to savor the feeling of Naomi’s throat squeezed between her fingers, only to feel nothing. She opens her eyes to see Saito running away from her, Naomi slung over his back.
Eriri snarls. “How did you...?”
“Killing intent,” Saito says, not looking back at Eriri. “You’re radiating it.”
Eriri sighs, “I should have planned for one of you stooges to decide to play the hero.” she picks up a knocked over desk chair and tosses it in the air. She suspends it and flings it towards the two with a motion of her finger, “Outrun this, boy!”
The chair slams into a barrier, exploding into shrapnel. Touma stands, hands outstretched, in front of everyone else. Silver extends from his hands to the barrier.
Rina cracks her knuckles, “Just what I’ve been looking for!”
“Yeah! Let’s go knock ‘er out cold!” Suzaka joins her.
Yuuri grabs both of them by their collars before they can take off, “You two aren’t going out there to hurt yourselves!”
“But you’re fine with your boyfriend risking his life!?” Rina protests.
Yuuri gulps. “He can handle himself…” She mutters. ”It’s not like I’m fast enough to stop him...”
Eriri hurls everything she can muster at Saito and Naomi. She sends shrapnel back at the barrier as soon as it shatters, over and over, until it becomes a killing hail.
Yuuri looks back to Rina and Suzaka, “We need a plan.”
Yuzurika slowly stands up from her impact, “Create a distraction.” Yuuri and the others turn to face her, “I need someone to keep her busy so that I can get close.”
Rina and Suzaka look at each other then back to Yuuri.
Rina grins. “Looks like we’ve got us a plan!”
Yuuri looks disgruntled for a second before finally letting go of the girls, “Please don’t get hurt out there.”
Rina takes off her jacket and tosses it aside, “Do you have the courage to ride with the devil, Suzaka?”
“There will be time for one liners later!” Katsuki barks. “Just get out there and beat her down!”
Touma hears the cue and lowers a portion of his barrier, allowing both girls to take off.
As soon as Eriri notices the barrier drop, she sends a desk hurtling towards them. She points at it and hisses, the desk flies faster every second it’s in the air. It’s cannonball speed by the time it reaches Rina and Suzaka.
“Heads up!” Rina calls out as she tucks and rolls.
“Mah head ain’t that hard!” Suzaka grits her teeth and smashes the desk with a piston-powered right hand.
Eriri glares at her. “Impertinent little…!”
Suzaka ignores her, shaking her hand loose. Steam belches from her right arm.
Rina leaps back to her feet. “Nice one, Suzaka! We’ll need more of those to close the distance, though.”
“What are you two doing?” Saito asks, still covering for Naomi.
“Followin’ orders!” Suzaka says.
Saito groans. “So whose orders was it exactly for those two to take to the frontlines?”
Yuuri looks down and twiddles her thumbs.
“I didn’t specifically say them, but they’re the two that volunteered.” Yuzurika says. Her eyes are locked onto Eriri. “I just need a small window to get in there and shut her down. Once I do, she won’t be able to throw anything but a tantrum.”
“D-Don’t hurt her!” Naomi pleads.
“I won’t,” Yuzurika says. “I can’t speak for anyone else.”
“Are we sure those two can handle it by themselves?” Saito says.
“They won’t need to,” Yuzurika says. “Have patience.”
“I can go back out there,” Saito says, “More targets mean more of her attention divided. Plus you’d probably have a cleaner path.”
“Patience.” Yuzurika says.
Suzaka and Rina slowly close the distance with Eriri. Eriri toys with them, lazily catapulting chairs and desks.
Eriri sighs, “You two just won’t give up will you?”
“We don’t gotta!” Suzaka says, “Not like’t takes too much ta put up wit’cha!”
Eriri waves her finger back and forth, making Suzaka duck a desk coming at her from all angles. “You think quite highly of yourself for a commoner. Doesn’t it bother you being that deluded?”
“I don’t feel too bothered right now,” Rina dusts her pants off, “So I think we’re doing a pretty good job!”
Eriri forcefully points down, sending a shockwave that rattles the room and flings chairs into the air. She freezes the chairs in place with her right hand and stirs them around Rina and Suzaka. They pick up speed like a hurricane, the force of gravity on them makes them squeal metal.
Rina and Suzaka take defensive stances.
Rina looks around, “What’s this, just some sneaky chairs or something?”
Suzaka nervously glances over her sunglasses. “This ain’t how ya play musical chairs.”
Eriri clenches her right hand into a fist and the chairs converge on Rina
“Rina!” Suzaka yells.
The chairs crush tighter and fiercer on the red-hot girl.
Eriri’s smile grows wider and more deranged, “Are you bothered now, second-ye-”
The chairs smoke, smolder, and burst into a confetti of molten iron and slagged wood. The shrapnel blows past Eriri, but what stands before her strikes her to the core
At the center of where the pile once stood, is Rina. Her skin is steaming. Her arms glow with hotspots, her sleeves are on fire like kindling.
“So that’s your power,” Eriri finally says, “I was wondering if you had one at all.”
“Shut up,” Rina growls.
Eriri’s grin turns into a grimace. She swipes at the air, sending any chairs that haven’t been rendered to slag at both Rina and Suzaka.
The two do their best to deflect Eriri’s frenzied barrage. The ebb and flow of attack and defense turns into a mad dance.
Eiriri sways to the rhythm. ”This isn’t the kind of performance I’m used to, but it’s entertaining all the same!” She laughs and drives a spray of still-hot metal into Rina’s exposed back. “Your timing’s off!!”
Rina grunts in pain, Suzaka floats into a back to back defensive stance with her.
Saito, seeing the situation turn against the second-years, stands up. “Alright, I’m going in.”
“Why?” Akina says, bemused. They’re clearly having a good time out there.”
“I’m not sure what qualifies as a good time to you,” Saito says, “but one bad hit and they’re both out cold. I’m going to give them some breathing room.”
“It is impolite to interrupt a duel to the death,” Akina says.
Saito reaches back for his weapon. “Being polite was never my thing.”
Before he can intervene, Remi, the unkempt student council girl, makes her reentry by phasing out of the floor.
“Well this is newwww~” Remi says. “Everything alright here?”
“Remi!” Yuzurika says with a big smile. “Perfect timing!”
“Oh yeah, I am good at that, you knooooow~” Remi chimes.
Yuzurika grabs her arm and points ahead, “I need you to send me over there behind Eriri on my cue. This is super important, okay?”
Saito lets go of his weapon and puts his hands in his pockets. “Well, that’s certainly convenient. But we’ll need to surround Eriri as soon as you make your move, prez.”
Akina sighs, “I might as well assist you here, Naoyuki. You lot always need help cleaning up.”
Saito blinks, “I didn’t expect you of all people to offer up to help, Akina. You’ve softened up haven’t you?”
Akina turns her head. “Don’t mistake my boredness for weakness.”
“Then the plan is settled,” Yuzurika says with confidence.
Eiriri’s excited dancing has mellowed into a slow waltz. There’s not enough whole material to throw at Rina and Suzaka, so she settles for battering them with bullet-sized, bullet speed shrapnel. Eriri yawns and unloads a clip’s worth of tile shards at Rina with a glance.
“You’re boring after all,” Eriri says. “What a shame.”
“Maybe if you would actually, ngh, fight me head on, guh, you wouldn’t be bored!” Rina yells at her while still taking a barrage of hits.
“You don’t know how this works, do you?” Eriri tells her, “This isn’t a movie or a video game. We don’t take turns or follow a code. In this world it’s sink or swim, and you have to climb atop the backs of anyone who tries to drown you.”
“Last I checked, this isn’t a pool!” Rina exclaims. She finds an opening in Eriri’s suppression fire and lunges towards her with a burning punch.
Eriri grabs Rina’s fist. “I get you aren’t the brightest so this is going to fall on deaf ears, but I can control the direction and magnitude of force. That means your big scary power is nothing to me.”
Rina goes wide-eyed as her flames twist to nothing in Eiriri’s grasp. “How?!”
“Heat is a force,” Eriri says. “Everything is a force. I control forces. I control everything.”
Suzaka barrels towards Eiriri with another punch, a dangerous force against the dangerous idol.
Eriri stops her with a finger. “And don’t even get me started on your plain old force.” Eriri cackles, “I wonder just how many students have the power to ‘punch hard’.”
Suzaka pushes harder and harder, until her arm starts to spark and smoke.
Rina’s flames grow hotter by the second, her rage boiling over. “God you really are a first boss!” she shouts in Eriri’s face, “All you’ve done is gloat and put up the bare minimum for fighting!”
“Why would I do more than the bare minimum against the bare minimum?” Eriri asks.
“Bare minimum?!” Rina gnashes her teeth. “That’s it! I’ll show you what some real justice looks like!”
“Oh?” Eriri turns to Rina, “And how are you planning to do that?”
Suddenly, Eriri feels a pair of arms wrap around her thighs.
“What th--?!” Eiriri looks down to see Yuzurika stuck in the floor, pressed tightly against her. “You…!!”
“Allow me to demonstrate for her.” Yuzurika says with a small, victorious grin.
“No...NO!!!” She panics and thrashes, sending debris flying everywhere. She cracks the chalkboard and the walls with undirected force, but doesn’t have the power to toss them. The chunks she can force loose fall uselessly on the floor. She sways on her feet, her energy fading and her eyes wide with fear.
Suzaka whoops, now free of Eriri’s fatal attraction. “She ain’t got no more force ta force!”
Rina, also free, winds up and clocks Eriri with a blazing right hook to the face. The punch sends Eriri sprawling backwards onto Yuzurika.
“Hey!” Yuzurika squeaks.
“For your information,” Rina says, clenching her ignited fist. “That’s how I planned to show you what real justice looks like.” Rina says to Eriri, her fist ignited. “With a...with a…”
Suzaka fistpumps the air. “Meteor Straight!”
Rina snaps her fingers. “Yeah! A Meteor Straight!”
Once he’s sure the fight is over, Touma drops his barrier.
“E-Eriri!” Naomi cries out. She starts to run to her sister, but Saito holds her back.
Akina traps Eriri’s arms and lifts her off of Yuzurika like dirty laundry. She looks at Eriri as such. “As expected.”
Remi pushes Yuzurika through the floor and follows behind her.
Yuzurika surveys the damage. “She’ll be powerless for at least an hour,” she says. She gives Rina an annoyed look, “And by the way, we were requested not to hurt her.”
“She started it,” Rina says. She slams her fists together with a spray of sparks and shrugs. “All I did was answer her question.”
- In Serial253 Chapters
While reading a book, a sparkle of light disappeared. And, as it did, a message appeared.[Wisdom increased by 1]
8 1278 - In Serial21 Chapters
Roar Of Greatness - A LitRPG of Draconic Proportions
Isaac's home planet, Earth, is destroyed. These things happen, shockingly often actually. Normally, there's no loose souls floating around, needing to end up somewhere. Due to a clerical error, and a chaotic god, Isaac's next life is going to be much different to his first. Tasked with ruining the easy farming grounds of Gaia, Isaac simply decides to roll with his role for now. He wasn't an emperor in his past life or anything like that, but Without anything better to do, why not take over the world in his spare time?
8 192 - In Serial8 Chapters
Fractured World
Two different people, years apart in age, in experience, and in life, but both have been caught up in an extraordinary event. A place of business has been dragged to another world and now they must figure out what they're doing there and how to survive a world filled with magic, monsters, and non-humans.
8 176 - In Serial11 Chapters
The Black Fortress Academy
Quinn is the most disliked human and necromancer in all of Cinder. Or at least it feels that way when she's pushed so far north she has to make a living hunting the animals in the mysterious and feared North Forest. When bounty hunters force her to cross the border into Rainon she meets Meyron the Black, the definitely insane former professor of necromancy from the Academy of Mages. But she's been pushed out too, and together they're going to look for the five rejected necromancer applicants she fished out of the headmaster's wastebin. Together they will build the foundation of the Black Fortress Academy.
8 201 - In Serial29 Chapters
Jack of All Trades, Master of All
Jack was reincarnated, again. This time, the omnipotent sphere had finally revealed to him that this new world was, in fact, the real one, and his soul had just returned to his body after two years of coma. During that span, the Earth or the magical world No.146, where he was The Grand Sage, was just a simulation experience. Jack inherited the System of Knowledge from his former self in the previous world. But gradually, he realized there were other Returners, holding other powerful Systems that they themself were also granted. The reason? The Omnipotent Sphere refused to give an answer. With the ever-burning desire to find his former friends and companions at World No.146 after their souls too were returned to this world, Jack began his journey. Ahead of him, five hundred years old as he technically was, there might be some surprises he still wasn’t prepared for. This is an original translated work. I’ve always wanted to challenge my writing skill and post on Royalroad a few times, but, as it turned out, I realized my own English capability still limited me. Therefore, I am currently working with a team of three, hence the name Triopals, consisting of me, the author, a translator, and an investor who really put his faith in this project. My translator and I will work together to deliver four chapters each week. Depending on the translating, editing, re-reading, checking, and re-reading-again process, the chapters will be uploaded each day or all at once. Careful as we may be, there can still be some errors at our best, so we welcome grammatical corrections, etc. We are very appreciative of your support.
8 156 - In Serial44 Chapters
The Way of the Sorcerer: A 'The Wandering Inn' Fanfiction
What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in a fantastical new world? Ivory Henderson is forced to face this question as he is transported from Sydney, Australia to The Eternal Throne of Calanfer, Terandria. Follow Ivory, a [Sorcerer], as he delves into his magic in this strange new world. The Way of the Sorcerer is a The Wandering Inn fanfiction. Please consider supporting pirataba by reading their web serial!
8 168