《Nandemonogatari: A New Story of Something Else》Chapter 24: Recess
The school lies quiet. Everyone else has long since returned to their dorms. Touma ushers Naomi and the Paranormal Club members to an empty “waiting room”, which is just one of the presently unoccupied classrooms.
“I’ll come back to get you guys once we’ve reached a verdict,” he says, closing the door behind him.
“Alright then.” Saito stretches as he leans back in his chair, “What’s the plan now?”
Mari yawns. “We’ve got a plan?”
Yuuri smiles, “We’ll use all the evidence we found to...” she stops, letting her brain catch up, “...to prove that Eriri is trying to kill Naomi!”
Cerys snaps her fingers, “Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, I just wanna say you guys would’ve let me get expelled for this!”
“We wouldn’t have let you get expelled!” Yuudai responds, “We would’ve accidentally got you expelled!”
“That’s the same thing!” Cerys snaps, “You idiots really were gonna let me get kicked out of this place!”
“With the way yew behave, Ah’d thought that’s what yew wanted,” Mari says.
Cerys dismisses the comment with a handwave, “What troublemaker actually wants to get into trouble? That defeats the purpose!”
“Surely one day you’ll get tired of going around causing trouble,” Hotaru says.
Cerys mulls it over, “Probably, but not anytime soon.”
Rina scoffs, “If this is your plan for the rest of our school year, then maybe I need to put you in your place now.”
“Didn’t you already get slammed on your head once by a third-year?” Cerys taunts, “Akina will do far worse things to you.”
“Maybe she needs a little humbling from her senior psycho,” Kirika chips in, with a mocking tone.
Akina looks up from her manga, “Don’t involve me in this.”
Yuuri steps between the two, “Sure, Cerys causes us a bit of trouble, but she’s our friend! Because of her knowledge of sneaking, we’re this close to putting away Eriri for trying to hurt Naomi!”
Naomi whimpers in her seat, “It can’t be her... I don’t want it to be her...”
Suzaka puts a hand on Naomi’s shoulder, “Why does your sister wanna kill you?”
“She’s not trying to kill me!” Naomi shrugs off Suzaka’s hand, “I mean... we haven’t been the closest since last summer, but she wouldn’t attempt to do that to me!”
“We’ve heard a bit from Kirie, but could you go into more detail on what happened last summer between you two?” Hotaru asks.
“Well...” Naomi begins, “We both had big performances scheduled for the same day right at the same time. One of our parents was supposed to go to each event but in the end, they both came to see me... There were...a lot of rumors swirling around about it and it upset Eriri, but I didn’t think she’d act like this! I didn’t ask for them both to come to see me! They just did!” She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself.
Katsuki scratches her head, “This seems like a disproportionate reaction. There has to be more to it, right?”
“Rumors started to spread about me.” Naomi tries to maintain composure, “I don’t know who started them but everyone said it came from the Idol Club. My club stepped up to my defense and from there, our rivalry spiraled out of control.”
“So you acknowledge it as a rivalry,” Yuuri says.
Naomi shudders, “No, well... It’s just... My family prides themselves on performing... they were not pleased with what we put out.”
“What do you mean by that?” Hotaru asks.
Naomi sighs. “Well, that competition last year. While it started friendly enough, by the end of it things got... we may have gone too far in some places.”
Mari scratches her head, “Did y’all both get in trouble fer it, or just one?”
“It was...” Naomi pauses, remembering that day, “Just her... I remember hearing my parents yelling at her from my room once school was over.”
“Did she start takin’ it out on yew?” Mari asks. “Crap like that tends ta roll downhill.”
“That’d be pretty shitty,” Rina adds.
“It never really felt like it,” Naomi says. “Zonzai is the first place she was ever anything other than nice to me.”
“It was fake,” Akina says bluntly. “Those types always are.”
“My sister is not like that!” Naomi pleads, her voice more coarse than before.
“So Eriri nevah did nothin’ ta mess witcha durin’ practice?” Mari asks. “No thumbtacks in tha shoes, natto in yer clothes, pourin’ rotten milk on yer head when yer in tha bathroom, callin’ yew a fat chunka Kobe beef even though yer from Osaka?”
Yuudai winces. “...That last one sounds a little personal.”
Mari gives Yuudai a haunted look.
“I’m telling you,” Naomi says, “Eriri never did things like that to me. Even when we stopped practicing together, she was never anything but encouraging. You all keep implying these horrible things that I would never expect from h-”
“You guys stopped practicing together?” Rina leans in to interrupt.
Naomi stops. She holds her hands over her chest. “Yeah...,” she says, voice trailing off. “But Eriri wanted to pursue idol music. She would get into arguments all the time about it with mom.”
“Did Eriri ever tell you about that?”
“Well no, but it’s obvious, isn’t it? Someone like my sister would only get in trouble with our parents because of her strong will. She’s not a delinquent or anything.”
“It’d be easier if she was some delinquent,” Akina says. “Then we could settle this with fists, instead of these cowardly games.”
Rina cracks her knuckles. “Damn straight.”
Mari frowns at Rina and Akina. “Prob’ly shouldn’t threaten Naomi’s sistah in fronta Naomi.”
“Naomi, do you mind if I backtrack a little?” Hotaru says, tapping his forehead. “Did you say Eriri only started acting like this to you once you started school here?”
Naomi nods. “Ever since her powers developed, there was a more...intense side to her. But that makes sense, doesn’t it? She wants to be a fitting heir to our family’s history, and that means being in control. Of everything.”
“That sounds like a supervillain flag,” Katsuki says.
Mari nods. “Un, un.”
“Please take this seriously,” Hotaru says. “Was this a sudden change, Naomi?”
“Yes,” Naomi says tersely. “I don’t know what happened! One minute she’s the best big sister ever, the next-” Tears well in Naomi’s eyes. “The next…”
“She starts talking shit behind your back,” Rina says.
Hotaru tents his fingers together. “I’d like to think this is a passing phase, but given what we’ve learned, we may have to assume the worst.”
“What’s the worst? That my sister doesn’t love me? That she’s trying to kill me? That’s ridiculous!”
Akina grumbles. “Have you seen the foolishness we do in events?”
“That’s totally different!”
“It kinda sets a baseline,” Mari says.
Kirika nods along, “Some people just go crazy later in life. No accounting for crazy.”
“This is stupid,” Naomi says. Her breathing starts to get more intense. “You’re trying to tell me that my sister has been faking it for years, and is only slipping up now? Off of some coincidences?”
“I’m sorry, but we can’t ignore this many coincidences with this much of a threat to your life,” Hotaru says. “The simplest answer, no matter how improbable, is usually correct.”
“And the simplest answer is Eriri wants you dead,” Akina says.
“But why would she want me dead? And why now? Why wouldn’t she talk to me about it?!” Naomi’s voice rides the edge of hysteria.
“Naomi said Eriri’s power’s pretty strong, right?” Katsuki asks. “Maybe she’s trying to do some Dark Lord mastermind thing?”
“Stop treating my sister like some kind of villain! This isn’t some video game or anime!” Naomi snaps.
“She called you a fake sister!” Rina blurts out. “That’s pretty villainous!”
Naomi gasps and hangs her head, going quiet for a moment before mumbling out, “She’s right...”
The Paranormal Club murmur amongst themselves
“What do you mean?” Hotaru calmly asks.
Naomi takes a deep breath, “We’re not...related by blood.”
“So...adopted?” Hotaru asks.
Naomi nods, “When I was seven, her family took me in.”
“That’s...kinda old.” Katsuki says, “Do you remember anything about your birth family?”
“No... I was in an orphanage for as long as I remember. I was always one of the more athletic kids there. A lot of families wanted to adopt me, but I always rejected them. I just felt like I never fit in…”
“Then the Motobas wanted to adopt you?” Hotaru asks.
Naomi nods, “They had met with me a few times and I felt like I clicked with them right away. Eriri came with them for the final visit and I thought she was really cool. They didn’t even have to ask me if I wanted to go with them, I said yes right away.”
“I guess with your athleticism, you picked up dancing quickly,” Katsuki says.
“It was fun! They were so impressed by how quickly I took to it. Before I knew it, they had me and Eriri performing all over the place!” She pauses, “Until Eriri gave it up to become an idol.”
Yuuri nods, “What Kyo said makes sense now!”
Naomi looks up, “Huh?”
“Kyo had mentioned eavesdropping on Eriri telling Haruhiko that your parents considered you the one to carry on their legacy.”
Naomi leans back. Eyes wide, tears welling within them. “That...can’t be…”
“I think we have all the information we need to begin planning for the next phase of the trial,” Saito says, standing up, “So let’s cut this short. Yuuri, let Yamato know we will need Kyo to back us up on this.”
Yuuri pulls her phone out, “Got it!”
Saito turns back to Katsuki and Hotaru, “You two seemed to ask the right questions at the right time so let’s have you take over for Yuuri as the prosecution.”
“Both of us? That’s fine by me, what about you Hotaru?” Katsuki asks.
Hotaru gulps. “That’s a lot of pressure you’re putting on me..."
Katsuki smiles. “You can’t be modest now, did you even hear yourself a few minutes ago? You’ll do great.”
Saito nods. “If we need any extra prodding then we have the best prodder in the house.” He gestures to Cerys, who’s now scrolling through her phone. She pulls the notebook out of her bag and tosses it to Hotaru.
Yuuri silently sulks in her seat. Katsuki looks at her with a slight tinge of regret.
The door slides open and Touma pokes his head back in, “I need Ms. Sayamura to come with me back to the courtroom please.”
Yuuri stops pouting. “Eh?”
“We’re in the final stages of deliberation and we need to speak with both Presidents to get a final agreement.”
Yuuri stands up. “O-Of course!” She glances back at Saito before following Touma out of the room.
The Idol Club enters their recess room alone. Eriri walks with purpose, lips drawn tightly. The rest of her club shuffles behind her, heavy with trepidation.
Haruhiko’s easy smile is gone, replaced with a grim expression. “Murder? Murder?! This all makes zero sense! I thought we proved Mako didn’t start that fire and now they’re trying to pin it back on us?!”
Eriri silences him with a hand, “Don’t get hysterical. There’s a flash drive in our club room that I’ll need to clear our name.” Eriri gives Haruhiko a warm, sweet smile. “Be a dear and get it for me, would you?”
Haruhiko composes himself. “Sure.” He gives Eriri a quick bow, the easy smile back on his face. “If they ask, let them know where I went!” He dashes out of the room.
Eriri turns to face the remaining club members, her smile frosty and brittle. “So...who beat on my sister?”
Karen steps before her, “ I know you s-”
“Shut up,” Eriri says softly.
Karen freezes like a mouse in front of a snake.
“I don’t seem to remember penciling any of this in for yesterday,” Eriri says airily. “In fact, I’m almost certain the agreed-upon date was the tenth, you muscle-brained bitch.”
Kotoha finds the nerve to speak, “We figured making her disappear would make it easier for your plans and throw the trail off of us.”
“With that English insect hot on her heels?” Eriri asks, her voice strained
The rest of the Idol Club look around, not sure who Eriri is mentioning.
“Cerys, you morons!” she shouts, anger peaking. “You’re lucky we’re up against people somehow dumber than you all! They’ve butchered this case so badly the Student Council won’t be able to convict anyone!”
The Idol Club huddles together, cowed by their Vice President.
“But!” Eriri says, brittle smile back on. “On the off chance they somehow figure it out, we’ll need a patsy.” Eriri’s predator gaze locks on Karen, “You’ll do.”
Karen’s fear gives way to burning hatred.
“You have something to say, dear Karen? Another grand idea?” Eriri walks in sinuous circles around Karen. “Take the fall for me, all you have to worry about is jail.” She grabs Karen’s face and pulls her close enough to hiss into her ear, “Defy me...and you will have far, far more to worry about.”
“I’m not afraid of you anymore,” Karen finally spits out, “I can beat the hell out of you if you dared to lay a finger on me or any of the rest of us.”
Eriri smiles, “Really? You know all I have to do is flip a coin and adjust its direction and speed right through you and you wouldn’t even be able to get near me.” She grazes her thumb softly against Karen’s cheek and continues. “All you have to do is tell me where you’d like it to go.”
Karen quakes with fear, all her anger swallowed in Eriri’s cold, dead eyes and serious threats.
“I’ll do it!” Kotoha runs over, “They’ll never believe Karen was the mastermind. I’ll take the fall.”
Eriri lets go of Karen, who stumbles back a few steps and holds onto her neck. The fire in her eyes has been extinguished. “Figure it out amongst yourselves,” Eriri says, perching herself on the teacher’s desk. She looks to Renge with eyes narrowed to slits, “Now, what are you going to say if they ask you about the hole in the ceiling?”
Renge panics in her seat, “T-That Kotoha forced me to do it!”
Eriri looks over to Nonomi, who freezes in wide-eyed terror. Satisfied, she directs her gaze to Uni, “Now then, for the mutt.”
Uni yips, her ears drooping.
“Thanks to your…fantastic performance on the stand.” Eriri says, words dripping with a lethal dose of sarcasm, “I’ll have your neck. The very second this farce of a trial is over, you are to pack your things and leave the dorm. Your time as an Idol is over.”
Uni breaks down into ugly, shuddering tears.
Eriri laps up Uni’s despair. “In fact, I’d transfer schools too if I were you. Then again, the shame would follow you forever so maybe just go hide in the forest or wherever you filthy animals live.”
Mako grits her teeth and a flame bursts to life in her palm. “You’re the vice president, Eriri. Not a god. You have no right to speak to any of us like this. You aren’t the only one with abilities in this room. Your plan fell apart because you threatened our lives and forced us into working for you because you would not dare get your hands dirty.”
“You’re right,” Eriri says, feigning innocence. “Mmm, but if I do recall… If you ask anyone, they would say you’re the one on the recording starting that fire. The recording was found in your closet, with burnt equipment from their club.”
The flame engulfs Mako’s arm to the elbow. “You set us up. You set all of us up!”
“I would never set everyone up.” Eriri’s eyes narrow to slits. “Only those too slow and too useless to be proper idols.”
Mako shakes her flaming fist at Eriri. “Where do you get off, anyway? You treat us like dirt, have the actual club president as your errand boy, and use us as pawns to kill your sister?!”
“Isn’t that what clubmates are for?” Eriri says. “Working together towards a common goal?”
“There’s nothing common about this! This is crazy! For someone who claims to be so powerful, you exhibit nothing but weaknesses!”
Eriri sighs. “I never expected you to understand, but I’m still a little disappointed.” She smirks, “You are at least smart enough to know your place in not attacking me, so go ahead and end your grandstanding right now.”
Mako hesitates. “Screw you!” Her flames crackle and roar. “If you keep talking down to us like that, I swear-”
“I know you’re not the sharpest, Mako dear, so let me remind you of something.” Eriri slowly walks up to Mako. She raises her hand and closes it into a fist. Mako’s flames part before her, curl inward, and sputter out. “In this club, in this school, there are no gods before me.”
Eriri watches the fight dissipate from Mako’s eyes like her flames, “That’s what I thought.”
“You’re… insane,” Mako mumbles in her final moment of bravery.
“No, dear,” Eriri says, “I’m just showing the world how much greatness I am capable of.”
The door opens and Haruhiko returns, Subaru in tow. Eriri gives them both a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes.
“Court will now resume,” Subaru informs the room.
The rank and file members of the Idol Club return to the courtroom like prisoners. Uni, Karen, and Kotoha look like they’re about to be executed. Eriri hangs back, savoring the last morsels of misery.
Haruhiko joins Eriri in the back. “Is everything alright?”
Eriri’s face is a calm, porcelain mask. “Of course, Uni was just getting a bit emotional over that brutal attack on her. Poor thing.”
Haruhiko looks relieved. “That’s good.” He frowns and lowers his head. “I, uh, didn’t find that flash drive you wanted. Subaru stopped me in the hallway and asked me to come with him to the courtroom.”
“That’s fine.” Eriri half-smiles. Her eyes are cold and dead again. “We didn’t need it after all.”
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Blood Blue
Mayevil is a renowned assassin who is known to complete any mission without fault. A hybrid that is ostracized by each of her respective halves. To her peers, she is an enigma as distant as she is powerful, a person they cannot hope to understand or relate to. Yet, while this is how they see her, the reality is that she is simply confused. Without a greater sense of purpose, her day-to-day life repeats itself over and over again. In the hope that she will eventually find joy or meaning, she continues, without so much as understanding why, as much as why not. Encountering noble vampires, powerful martial artists, and haughty mages all the while, her journey will prove to be a difficult one. This story is inspired by the works of Kinoku Nasu, and various martial arts-oriented stories such as Kengan Ashura and The Raid. Expect a mix of magic, comedy and fight scenes, with a sprawling fantastical world. As a side note, while the story starts off relatively tame, there may be some less than wholesome things that happen later on, so do be warned! Hello! If you want to join the Discord server then look down below!https://discord.gg/DfDhgGSk5q (If you want the special 'reader' role, please just message me @Moripanda!)
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Up until she was seven, Iris had an amazing life. She had wonderful parents, kind and protective brothers and many friends at school.However, that all changes when her parents started fighting. At first, it was about small things. Then, it got bigger and bigger until Iris's mother had enough. She filed a divorce and got Iris while her father got her brothers- Elijah, Daimen and Brandon. Eight years later, Iris has changed. She became cold and sadistic. Her mother changed and started abusing her. Iris was forced to join a gang just to earn enough money to buy basic household necessities.When she was 15, she was told her mother overdosed and died. Iris expected to go into the foster care system. To her surprise, she find out that her brothers and estranged father agree to take her in. However, her father remarried and she has three new stepbrothers. She's determined never to trust anyone again, but that's hard to do when her family are determined to break down her walls.What happens next?Find out in 'Going back'NOTE: If you are reading this on any other site that is not 'Wattpad' you are likely to be at risk of a malware attack.
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