《the human (r.h)》fifty seven: day dreaming


"I brought you something." The two vampires perched on the end of Rosalie's bed. The one she had bought when Delilah had stayed over. It had only been used a handful of times, however the thought was what counted, and Delilah thought it was sweet. She would forever wonder what her life would have been like if they had just stayed all those months ago, maybe she would have slept in this bed a dozen more times.

"You did?" Rosalie was cautious, not because she was in a room alone with Delilah, but because she knew her family could hear them speak. She was conflicted, on one hand she would love Delilah to be vulnerable with her, but on the other she wanted that to be for her ears only.

Delilah cleared her throat, although she didn't need to. "Yes," She reached into her pocket to retrieve a delicate box, "Don't worry, it's not a ring or anything," Maybe in another life they would have been married right now. "I've been by myself a lot the last couple of weeks. It's weird, I've never been truly by myself or had a lot of time to think...... I've been thinking about my old life constantly. You know, I don't have any memories of my real parents?"

Rosalie could sense the sadness in her voice, "I'm sorry-"

"- You don't have to be sorry. That's no one's fault but the fires." The last thing Delilah wanted was apologies, "Before I came here I went home..... or my old home. Maya and my parents weren't there. That was a good thing, I couldn't face seeing her and knowing she wouldn't remember me. They've changed my room in to a guest bedroom, it's silly because I know they don't remember me, but it hurt. I wish they still thought of me," Again, Delilah cleared her throat, and went to open the box, "Luckily they hadn't thrown all my things away, I found some stuff in the loft, I must have looked like a mad woman walking out of their house with boxes piled high."


The pair couldn't help but laugh slightly, "Let's just hope no one saw you."

"They'd think they were just hallucinating if they saw Delilah George anyway," The laughter died down rather quickly, the mood turning rather somber once more, "I found this necklace, it was my mothers, my real mothers. I only know that because I found a few pictures of her wearing it - she looked nothing like me, you know? She had this mane of ginger hair that sprung in every direction." It upset Delilah that she didn't look the slightest like her mother, in a way it feels like she wasn't even her mother after all, "I would like to say she would have wanted you to have this, but I don't know, because I've got no idea what she would have wanted."

"Delilah, I-"

"- I would like you to have it though, Rose." Delilah picked up the silver chain, a heart with a little red gem hung from the end. From observation, it was obvious the heart used to be gold but the colour had worn off. "I think she must have worn it in the shower, that's why the colours gone?"

The question was clear in Delilah's voice, "Yes, it must have meant a lot to her."

The brunette nodded her head, her voice but a whisper, "I have a brother."

"That's amaz-" Rosalie cut off rather abruptly. Was it amazing? She wasn't sure, Delilah wasn't exactly easy to read. Maybe she wouldn't like having a brother after all. It took her a few years to get used to having Maya around, so it was possible she hadn't taken this news so well. "How do you feel?"

Delilah shrugged, "My dad kept a journal," She let out a slight laugh, "Weird, isn't it? Normally it's the girl that documents everything. Anyway, he wrote about a boy. My mother and father were high school sweethearts.... I never knew that. God, I never even knew there were journals. They had a baby, they were only sixteen. His parents were furious, told them the right thing to do was to give it away. They agreed, thought they were too young to have a baby."


"Did they say where he went? Did they give him a name?"

"They didn't even hold him." Delilah only hoped he had a family like she did somewhere. Sure, the George's weren't always great to her and didn't always treat her as their own, but she had Maya. Maya was all she needed most of her life, she couldn't imagine doing it all without her.

She could still hardly imagine life without her now.

"Wow." Rosalie wasn't sure how she never knew this information. Part of her felt angry that she didn't ever meet Delilah's real parents, maybe then she could provide Delilah with answers for the questions she obviously had. Maybe then Delilah would be able to tell her if she was anything like her mother.

"I get why. They must not have wanted to be attached to him." She would do anything to defend these people that felt like strangers, "I don't know anything about him, expect a birthday..... there must be a birth certificate somewhere, right? Everyone has one."

Rosalie wasn't sure there would be, but she would never cause Delilah to doubt it, "Of course there will be."

Delilah cast the necklace onto the bed and grabbed Rosalie's hand, "Will you help find him with me?"

She knew it was crazy. Rosalie and Delilah hadn't been a couple since Delilah was human, even then they were hardly that. But Rosalie was the only person she wanted to do this with, she was the only person she truly trusted with this information.

"You want me to find him with you?"

"I know, I know, I did some terrible things to you. I understand if you say no, truly I do. I promise I won't burn this house to the ground, or kill every person in it..... I'm trying not to be that person anymore, Rose. I took up skiing and on the kids sloops for gods sake! I'm not saying that I will behave perfectly forever, I'm just hoping now will be enough for you?"

Rosalie questioned if anything Delilah had just said made any sense, it all felt like a bunch of word vomit. Nevertheless, she chose to focus on the last question anyway, "You were always enough, Lilah."

Delilah's smile dropped slightly, "You never meant those words you said, did you?"

Immediately Rosalie knew the words she was referring to, those words had almost haunted her every day since. "I could never of meant them, I swear it to you. I've never loved anyone like I loved you."

"Not even Roger?" At the slight twinge of Delilah's lips, Rosalie knew she was okay.

"You know that isn't his name, but no, he didn't even come close."

For once since Delilah had become a vampire, she felt okay. She didn't feel like destroying the world, she didn't feel like tearing a house down in an angry fit and she didn't feel like drowning herself into oblivion. She just felt okay, and okay was perfect for her.

"Do you think in another lifetime we'd have made it?"

"You mean have the cottage in France with puppies and strawberry picking?" Rosalie couldn't help the gleam in her eyes as she spoke.

"You remembered?"

Rosalie squeezed Delilah's cold hand, remembering how it was warm the last time they had this conversation, "I think I could probably remember everything about you if I tried."

"God," Delilah couldn't help but smile, she'd be blushing if there were any blood in her body, "When did you become so soft?"

Instead of replying with an even more soft line, Rosalie decided on the next question, "Why can't we still do that? We have all the time in the world, why don't we start with buying that cottage and finding your brother?"

i feel like if i were to end this book here. it would be fine. but then again, i never really did give u guys any rosalie and delilah content.

so what do you think, more or nothing?

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