《the human (r.h)》fifty eight: invisible string


As much as Delilah would have liked to stay hidden in Rosalie's room for all eternity, there was little to no privacy in the Cullen house and there were things Delilah needed to do.

Like terrorise all her old archenemies - when Delilah said she was trying to be a good person, there was only so far she could go - besides, if she was going to live forever she had to have a little fun.

She had heard about a girl at Forks high school that was trying to be the next Delilah George. Maybe it was a bit of a stretch, but even so Delilah couldn't take the chance. Which is why she had spent her morning breaking into the girls house and appearing behind her every time she looked in the mirror.

Obviously Delilah was too scared to tell Rosalie or any of the other family members what she had done. They wouldn't see the funny side like Delilah did. Jane would probably have seen the funny side, but Jane wasn't here and she couldn't exactly text her.

It was just something Delilah would have to keep to herself for the foreseeable.

As Delilah started walking back to the Cullen house through she trees, she suddenly stopped in her tracks - just because she wouldn't tell them what she'd been doing, didn't mean they wouldn't know. Somehow the Cullen's found out everything, which meant Delilah's secret wouldn't be a secret.

Could they really be annoyed? It wasn't like she killed the girl, which she could have done if she really wanted to. She just wanted to give her a slight scare, plus it was funny..... right?

All of a sudden Delilah wasn't so confident in herself. Her horoscope reading for the day had told her she needed to avoid negative energy, and right now the Cullen's had negative energy written all over them.

So instead of returning to the Cullen house, Delilah went to the only place she could think of.

The bell chimed as she pushed open the door, the same as it did when she came here all those months ago. Or at least she thought it did, almost all of Delilah's memories had returned, even the ones from when she was starting to lose it. Although some things were still a bit foggy.

The diner - Betty's Diner, as it was called - was packed. For a split second Delilah was worried that someone would recognise her, however after a quick scan of the room everyone looked like out of towners. All bar one.

"Excuse me," The girl lifted her face, Delilah couldn't see her eyes through the sunglasses but she knew the girl was looking at her, "Do you mind if I sit here? Most of the other seats are taken."

The girl stood and pulled her bag from the opposite seat, "Go ahead."


Delilah slid in, she couldn't take her eyes off the person in front of her. "Thank you." Unfortunately the girl was too engrossed in her book to pay much attention, "I'm Delilah by the way, and you are?"

After a few seconds, Delilah thought she wasn't going to reply. Maybe she wasn't happy about being disturbed from her book, "Maya."

An unneeded sigh of relief left Delilah's lips, she knew it was her but a small part of her thought her mind had been playing tricks. "Nice to meet you Maya, you can call me Lily. Most of my friends do."

It was a lie. Only one person had ever called Delilah that, and she was sitting right in front of her, only Maya had no idea.

"Really? I wouldn't have got Lily from Delilah. Don't most people call you Lilah?"

Delilah shook her head, another lie. Although surely lying for good reason didn't really count, "My sister started calling me Lily when we were younger, I guess it just stuck..... you remind me of her actually."

Maya's gaze softened and she finally lifted up her sunglasses, "I don't know why, but you remind me of someone too."

If Delilah listened closely, she was sure she could hear the sound of her own heart breaking. This was exactly what she wanted, she wanted to take all the pain from Maya and make her happy again. That was what Maya deserved. She just didn't know it would hurt herself so much.

"Maybe we knew each other in a past life." It hurt Delilah to smile when she spoke those words, she wished they still knew each other in this life.

"Maybe we did." Maya looked back down to her book, although closed it after a few seconds. "How come your in town?"

"I'm just visiting some friends." A semi-lie, some of the Cullens were her friends.

Maya hummed as she picked up her drink, "Tell me about this sister of yours, if she's anything like me she must be great."

The brunette laughed, this felt so normal. "Oh she was-"


Delilah stiffened, why did she say was? Now she was going to have to come up with some stupid story on the spot. With how much lying she'd done today, she would never see the pearly white gates.

"It's hard," Delilah paused, buying herself some more time, "She got in an accident a few months ago. Lost all of her memories. She doesn't remember me at all, sometimes I think maybe one day she'll wake up and everything will go back to the way it used to be. I know that's silly though."

"It's not silly to think that."

Delilah wanted to lean across the table and pull her sister into a hug, "That might not be silly, but I'm sure me coming and sitting here with you might be. It was just because you reminded me of her so much..... when I saw you, it felt like I had a sister again."


"That's the least silly thing I've ever heard."

The two laughed along with each other, "Well either way, I just hope she's happy." The want in Delilah's eyes was clear to anyone that looked close enough. She needed this.

"I'm sure she is."

"Are you happy?"

Not doubt Maya thought it was a strange question, but even so she didn't let it show, "I am, thank you. Very happy."

It was so bittersweet. All Delilah had wanted was for this. This was why she manipulated Maya's memories, this is why she had suffered though so many feelings during this conversation. Maya was happy and that was all that mattered, even if it hurt Delilah in the process.

"Rosalie Cullen?" Delilah was suddenly broken out of her thoughts by Maya getting out of her seat to greet the blonde that had somehow found her. "I haven't seen you since..... since I can't remember."

At that Delilah cringed slightly. She hoped she hadn't erased more memories than needed.

"Since Isabella's wedding to Edward." Rosalie supplied.

Maya nodded, a smile back on her face as she slipped her sunglasses back on. For a second, Delilah panicked she was going to leave. However, Maya thankfully sat back down. The sunglasses were only back on as she hates people looking in her eyes.

Everyone expect her sister, even if she didn't remember.

"This is Delilah, we've just met but she's visiting some friends in town."

"Oh, I know Delilah."

Delilah smiled at both girls as Rosalie sat down next to her, "She's the friend I'm visiting."

The brunette girl giggled slightly, "Ah, when you said friend, I didn't realise you meant friend." It was so good to hear Maya giggle, "I thought you had a girlfriend Rosalie," Immediately Delilah tensed, surely not..... "That-that girl...... what was her name?"

Rather quickly Rosalie grabbed Delilah's hand under the table, "Delilah. It's always been Delilah."

"I thought I remembered hearing about you and some girl at school, but my memory isn't what it used to be." Again, Delilah tensed, maybe her mind manipulation wasn't fool proof. It wasn't only that that made her tense though, she remembered what it felt like when she lost her memory. It was horrible to feel so strongly that you could remember something but could never pinpoint it. She hated the thought she'd done that to her sister.

"Well, school was that long ago." Delilah replied, she wasn't sure what else to say. It really wasn't all that long ago.

Maya just nodded, a small smile on her lips. "I have to go, but it was really nice to meet you, Lily. See you later, Rosalie."

Delilah wanted to stand up and beg Maya to stay, but she couldn't do that. Maya had no true idea who Delilah was. Plus she had a life that didn't involve her now, a life Delilah was so desperate to learn about.

As soon as Maya had bid her farewells, Rosalie turned her head and went to speak, however Delilah got there first. "I know, I know. I shouldn't have gone and spoked Anya but she was asking for a lot worse I think. All I did was give her a little freight, I could have murdered her you know?"

Instead of a scowl like Delilah was expecting, a tiny smile was on Rosalie's face. "I'm not going to tell you off for that, I thought it was funny.....The rest of the family might though."

"Oh," Delilah's shoulders relaxed as she squeezed Rosalie's hand, "Then why are you here?"

Rosalie shrugged, "You'd been gone a while and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Look at you being all soft." Delilah pushed her shoulder into Rosalie's a happy smile on her lips. "Maya looked well."

"You two could be friends now, you know?"

A few seconds later, Delilah shook her head no. "We couldn't, not really. We can't stay here forever, I can barely leave the house in case someone recognises me." Delilah turned her head away from Rosalie to look out of the window, "Do you think it was wrong of me to erase her bad memories?"

The change in Delilah's mood was clear, Rosalie didn't need Jasper's gift to tell her she was feeling sad. "I don't think you should have done it. Not because I think it was selfish or anything, I just think you and Maya loved each other so much that it's a shame she doesn't remember that..... I also don't like to think you're upset over it."

Delilah nodded as she watched cars pass by, "I think everything I've ever done has hurt me more than anyone else..... minus the stuff I did to Anya, that was karma."

"I don't think you're right, Ly. The stuff you did to hurt me worked..... but I think you're in a lot of trouble for the Anya thing when we get home."

"I don't care, it's not my home." Finally, Delilah turned to face Rosalie, her face so serious as she searched her eyes, "I didn't do the whole Mary thing to hurt you. Truly I didn't."

After a few seconds of silence, Rosalie squeezed Delilah's hand. "I know."

hello hello hello.

scared im gonna get locked out of this because i need to change my email but i can't remember my password..... at least you have so many chapters to read back on!! lysm xxx

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