《the human (r.h)》fifty six; doretha


"Jesus fucking christ." Delilah George stood on a patch of grass, her hands clutching the large present she had brought with her. She hadn't intended to stand for as long as she had, but she couldn't take her eyes off of the two individuals in front of her.

They were the reason she hadn't moved in ten minutes. Or at least that was what she was telling herself.

The truth was she had never intended to return to this place. The house had so many bad memories - it was the turning point of her life in so many ways. Maybe if she had never come here that day, she wouldn't be in this situation now.

Over the past month and a half, Delilah had pondered a lot of 'what if's'. What if her parents never died? What if Bella Swan never moved to Forks? What if she never met Rosalie, or joined the Volturi? In the end, she drove herself mad with it. It was no good to question what would have happened if something never happened, because they all did happen. She could never change that.

She only wished she could change what she had become.

Which is what she had been trying to do. The day after Rosalie visited Kathryn's house, Delilah decided she needed a fresh start. As much as she wanted to go back to Italy and see Debbie and Cam again, she knew she could never go back there. If she did, she knew she would never leave. Not because the Volturi would hold her hostage, but because she knew there was always an open space there for her. Aro would accept her back if she did enough grovelling, and she knew she would grovel if faced with Jane.

She missed Jane. She always would.

Which is why she had bought herself a house in British Columbia. Whistler to be exact, it wasn't the cottage in France she had always dreamed of, but it was a place she could call home. She had googled the fuck out of snowy places to live, and while so far she had experienced more rain than snow, she couldn't bring herself to mind.

It was hard for Delilah at first, she couldn't remember a time in her life where she had ever been alone. Growing up she always had Maya, and when Maya started hanging around in different circles, Delilah always found herself in a relationship. She had even made a list of all the relationships she had been in.

to - Ben, this one ended as she realised if they got married her surname wouldn't change. She didn't want to be a George forever.

- Joanna, okay so this wasn't a relationship so to speak. They would just mess around every now and then. But it still counted.

- Lydia, again not a real relationship. But they were like a couple in private.

- Rosalie, self-explanatory.

- Reece, he wasn't her boyfriend but she wasn't alone. So he counts too.

to - Leah, self-explanatory again.

- Rosemary.... Delilah couldn't bring herself to make any notes on this relationship.


This was one of the main reasons Delilah had decided to move out of Kathryn's place. Sure, she could have gone back to the place she shared with the Bell sisters. However, then she still wouldn't have been by herself.

Moving to Whistler was probably the best thing she ever did. There was nothing there that would make her angry, apart from the fact that she didn't know how to ski. She even thought the niceness of all the people was having a good effect on her, she felt herself becoming nice.....

Until she returned to Forks.

As she stood watching, she felt someone join her. She didn't even have to move her gaze to know who it was.

"Does it not make you sick?" She watched as the girl laughed at something the man did. "I mean, not only is she your daughter, she's also a minor. And he isn't just a grown man, he was also in love with your wife."

"Trust me, it's difficult to see him everyday." Delilah actually laughed as she turned her head to look at Edward, "I would appreciate if we didn't stand here too long watching them."

"I don't intend to. I think my dinners going to come up if I look any longer." Delilah pulled an exaggerated frown, "Although looking at you doesn't help much either. How did you pull Bella again?"

Edward laughed, something he never thought he would do with Delilah George. "Pull? When did you start speaking like a fourteen year old?"

The brunette's frown turned upside down, "You have to keep up with the times, Edward. I know it's hard when you come from BC times, but you have to try."

Edward looked away from Delilah and back to his daughter and Jacob, "I heard you moved to Whistler, how is it?"

"Keeping tabs on me now?" Delilah nudged him with her arm, "You surprise me, I didn't know you cared so much."

"Well for some reason my wife still adores you, so it means I have to know everything about you. And my sister is still madly in love with you, that doesn't help either."

At the mention of Rosalie, Delilah sighed. She knew it was inevitable she would see her on the visit to Forks, she was one of the reasons she was here after all. But it was still a touchy subject, one Delilah wasn't sure what to do about.

There was no doubt in Delilah's mind that they were meant to be together. But it seemed no matter how hard they tried, they could just never work it out.

"Shall we go inside, I think I've watched this illegal pairing for far too long?"

Edward nodded his head, thankful he didn't have to stand here any longer.

The two headed inside the house. No matter how many times Delilah had been here, she couldn't help but marvel. She wasn't sure why, maybe it was all the windows..... she would have appreciated if they had invested in a coffin or two though.


"Whose the gift for?" Edward asked as they walked towards the kitchen.

"Your lovely daughter. Although maybe I should have brought a wedding present instead."

"Funny. She's still a child, Delilah."

"Yes, but for how long?"

Edward didn't reply as they walked into the kitchen, all of the family were either sat around the island or in the living room. She wasn't sure if Alice had made them aware she was coming, but obviously they knew she would be here. They could probably smell her from five miles away.

Overwhelm wasn't something Delilah normally felt, however as she stood with all the eyes on her. She couldn't help but want to burst out crying. All the memories she had in this house and with these people came flooding back to her.

She missed the life she used to have. She missed being human.

It was silent as the family took Delilah in, parts of them were waiting for her to pull a gun or something out. They had learnt to never underestimate her.

Although they didn't expect a massive smile to breakout on her face as she held up with pink box in her hands, "I come with gifts!.... well just one and it's for Nessie, but still."

As Delilah placed the gift on the island, she was engulfed in a hug by Bella. This was the last thing she was expecting, "Thank you so much, but if you ever call my daughter Nessie again, I'll kill you myself."

Delilah giggled, she actually giggled, "Oh Bellatrix, you would never kill me."

"We know," Olivia spoke up, "But looked into a hitman but he wouldn't go near you. You're like impossible to kill."

"Ah Livvy, ever the pleasant host." The two would never be friends, and that's okay. Delilah couldn't do with Olivia's personality, and Olivia couldn't do with the many personalities of Delilah.

"What's in the box?" Esme moved to stand at Delilah's side as Bella let her go.

"It's a surprise, duh." Delilah smiled at the woman, she wasn't sure if Esme still liked her, but maybe Delilah could show her she wasn't as bad as she had been. "Don't worry it's not a bomb. I'm much more creative than that."

Even though Delilah had changed, she still thought nothing she did would ever be as good as when she ambushed Edward and Bella's wedding. In her mind, that was in her top ten Delilah moments.

Rosalie also came to stand at Delilah's side. Over the past month or so, the girls has been texting. It was an attempt at getting to know each other again. The pair had never really been friends before they got into their entanglement, so Delilah thought a friendship was a good place for them to start. She didn't want to jump right back into bed with Rosalie, they needed to lay a foundation first.

"What actually is it?"

Like always, if Rosalie asked Delilah a question, she was going to answer it. "It's my old dollhouse, I don't know if Nes- Renesmee is too old to play with it. But if she is, maybe she can pass it down to her own kids one day. God knows I wouldn't be having any."

"You still don't like them?" Esme asked.

"I've grown fond of children the last month. I realised Renesmee wasn't that bad, so maybe all kids aren't that bad." Delilah had a small smile on her lips, "Now don't laugh, but I've been learning how to ski. I'm only on the children's slope at the minute, and they've all been helping me."

"That's really nice, Delilah."

"I know, but don't go telling anyone. I don't want them to think I've gone soft."

"I think you have gone soft."

Delilah looked to where the voice had come from, finding Jasper stood watching with Alice clung to his arm. Delilah wasn't sure why Alice hadn't approached her, maybe she had a version Delilah was going to laugh herself over the island and attack her. She had thought about doing it many times, but realistically could Delilah be angry about something that didn't happen?

...... Okay yes, she was angry about it, and she always would be. Even if Alice's vision didn't happen, Alice had still killed her in it. That was something Delilah would never recover from. However, she was trying not to act on anger anymore.

"Be careful Jasper, I'm sure Alice told you who would win in a fight between the two of us."

"But we all know who would win in a fight between you and Alice."

Delilah could feel the smile falter on her face, however she recovered quickly, "When did you grow a backbone, Jasper? Alice caught me off guard on that field, me and you? That was fair and square."

"With help from the sisters." Alice spoke up for the first time. Delilah had to fight the sick smirk from taking over her face, she was trying not to be that person anymore.

"True, but what is death if not interesting? The suffering was part of the enjoyment." Of course, Delilah couldn't change that much. There would forever be that darkness inside of her.

"Delilah, you-"

The brunette cut Olivia off before she could hurl an uncreative insult at her. Olivia bored Delilah, she was just a girl who tried her hardest to be mean. Delilah preferred it when people didn't have to try, "-Rosalie, can we talk?"

hello hello hello. sorry it's taken me so long, i couldn't write a chapter i was happy with but this one works for me.

i am promising u more rosalie content from here, they haven't spent enough time together for my liking.

btw i do not know america. i can name all the 50 states, but other than that i am clueless. i literally googled "snowy places in america" and british columbia came up, i'm aware it's in canada tho. that's why delilah is nicer, she's around canadians.

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