《Life and Death | THE ORIGINALS [2]》City Beneath the Sea





"Maddison Gerard. 19 year old Female. Strawberry blonde hair. Currently carrying twins." A nurse says as she and the doctor look at the unconscious pregnant girl. "She called 911 but passed out right after."

"Did she say anything?" The doctor asks. "Any emergency contacts?"

"She said, 'Klaus' and yes, her father. Marcel Gerard." She confirms with him.

"Call him. He's gonna need to be here." The doctor says before walking out of the room.

I wake up or at least I thought I did. I look around and see I was in the compound. I furrow my eyebrows and look down at my still growing stomach and sigh in relief. "What the hell?" I whisper.

"Maddison?" My eyes widen and I turn around.

"Thierry?" I ask. He nods and I run into his arms. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." He mumbled and kissed my head. "I'm so confused. How are you here?"

"I don't know. The last thing I remember was being in your apartment and puking up blood...and Klaus." I say slowly and look up. "He's daggered."

"It's okay. It's gonna be okay, Mars." He whispers. "I am so proud of you." He laughs softly.

"You are?" I ask shocked.

"Of course I am." He pulls back and looks at me. "You have two wonderful babies growing inside you, you fell in love, I mean Klaus is not the best person but your in love with him so I'll cut him some slack. I've been watching over you."

"Does that mean you know what's wrong with me?" I ask him sitting down.

"I don't...you didn't link yourself to Klaus though, right?" he jokes as I roll my eyes with a small smile. "You're unconscious in the hospital and only you can wake yourself up."

"Wait, if I wake up, then what about you?" I ask scared.

Thierry sighs and puts his hand on my cheek, "You and I both know that I won't be able to wake up with you. Even with your power, you can't risk it, you can't risk your babies lives. Just know that I love you and I couldn't be prouder of you. You have to wake up now."

Marcel rushes through the hospital before finding his daughters room. He sees her unconscious and rushes to her as the doctor walks in. "Mr. Gerard. Perfect timing."

"What's wrong with my daughter?" He asks moving hair out of her face.

"Your daughter made a 911 call last night. When the paramedics got there she was in the bathroom passed out, blood all over, it appears she was puking up blood." The doctors explains.

"Why?" He asks confused. "Are the babies okay?"

"Ms. Gerard was under a lot of stress and trauma, the trauma seemed to have triggered something inside and made her sick. Unfortunately, it wasn't healthy for a woman in her state." He says talking about her children.

"Are the babies okay?" Marcel repeats in worry.

"Their okay. As long as Maddison wakes soon, they will be okay. My advice, talk to her. She might be able to hear you and it will encourage her to wake up quicker." The doctor walks out to give him some privacy.


Marcel looks down at Maddison with tears. "Hey, Ana, it's me. Please wake up. You got a wake up a-and be with your beautiful babies, keep them and you healthy. Come on, Ana." He cries.

"Come on, Ana." I hear my dad cry.

"What is that?" I ask looking around not seeing him.

"It's Marcel. Like I said, your unconscious in the hospital. You need to wake up, Mars." Thierry says.

"I can't. What about you? I won't be able to see you again. My children will never get to meet you." I choke my words up and close my eyes as tears escape them. "It's not fair. I want my kids to know you. Know how awesome you are, and talented and incredible."

"Oh, come here." Thierry pulls me into him as I cry on his shoulder. "Listen to me, I'm always gonna be watching over you and those two little munchkins in your belly." We both laugh as I close my eyes and listen to his voice. "I'm always gonna be here for you, not physically, but in your heart. Even if you can't see me. Now, you wake up, hug Marcel. Find a way to wake up Klaus and take care of the little ones. Tell them epic stories about their uncle Thierry, okay?"

I nod my head. "I promise." I open my eyes and sit up from the hospital bed. My dad sighs in relief as I look around not seeing Thierry. "He's gone."

"Who?" My dad asks softly.

"Thierry. I saw him. I was talking to him but he's gone now." My dad sits next to me and brings my head towards his chest as I cry.


"No!" I raise my voice at my dad as I rub my head from a headache. Puking up blood causes mad headaches.

"Maddison..." my dad sighs.

"I said no." I turn towards him angrily. "I am not going back to the compound and I'm are as hell not going where any Mikaelson is, unless it's Klaus and he's awake. You hear me? Am I being clear?"

"I'm just trying to keep you safe." He says quietly.

"Then get out!" I yell. "Just leave. The only person who can keep me safe is daggered. You know, so many people I have loved, I have lost. So many people who I wanted to be apart of my babies lives, are gone. Thierry, my parents, even my grandmother, dad. I won't let Klaus be one of those people. So unless you help me undagger him...then get the hell out of my house."

My dad leaves the house without a word making me sigh sadly, of course he won't help me. Thierry was always the person who helped me, I mean he's the one who gave me a home when I needed it, he gave a great birthday and prevented me from being entirely alone because my dad was too busy with whatever, and in return he died.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a mug out of he cabinet and a tea bag. I look out the window as I let the water boil. "What do you think you're doing here?" I ask him as I feel his Presence. "you're not welcome."


"Family crisis." Elijah responds.

"Have you spoken to Klaus? Ohh, wait, you daggered him." I smile sarcastically facing him.

"Words were exchanged." He says with his hand in his pocket.

I throw him a dirty look and scoff. "Klaus didn't kill Aiden." Elijah had shock covering his whole face after I said that. "He just took the blame because he was scared. Hayley was taking hope and was gonna leave. He was scared to lose his daughter and wanted people to fear him instead of showing his fear."

Elijah looks down in conflict before shrugging off my words. "Nevertheless, had I left Niklaus standing, the very army protecting Hope would have revolted."

"But you can't just leave him like that!" I say angry. "Especially while his children are all in danger."

"Please. Your feelings are clouding your judgement."

"Excuse me? My feelings?" I ask incredulously.

"For my brother. I'm not a fool, Maddison." He says as I laugh.

"No, you're an idiot. It's obvious I have feelings for Klaus, I love him, and I would do anything for him. But this isn't even completely about him, it's about my daughter and my son and even Hope. Do you even realize what you did to my children last night, Elijah? I was in the hospital because of you. Seeing you dagger Klaus triggered something and I got sick and started puking up blood. I called 911 but passed out before I could even talk. Thankfully, they came anyway. The doctor said it was trauma and stress what triggered it. Where do you think the trauma came from? Huh?" I pause. "How long are you gonna leave him like that?"

"Until Hope is safe. Now I need your help." He says as I lean my head in my hands.


"I'm afraid we have more pressing concerns." Elijah walks in st. Anne's putting down a box.

"What's all this?" Rebekah asks.

I walk him behind him annoyed. "Dark objects, because apparently, Elijah can't ask Cami himself."

"It seems that Niklaus' distrust of Freya was not entirely misplaced. Our sister wants to use Hope to lure Dahlia into a trap." Elijah tells his sister.

Rebekah looks surprised and angry. "And I assume you told her she's out of her lunatic mind."

"I have another idea. Hope is something of a beacon for this new terror, and now that she's been cloaked, perhaps we could use something else to ensnare Dahlia. These enchanted objects should generate enough power to create a decoy of some kind." Elijah explains as Vincent gathers his things and gets up to leave. "Mr. Griffith, where do you thing you're going?"

"I agreed to help Rebekah break her bond with them 8 kids. When you want to get back to that, um, text me." He says and turns to leave but Elijah speeds in front of him making him sigh.

"Right now, I need the best minds and the most formidable witches in this city. Mr. Griffith, do you have any idea the danger my niece now faces?" Elijah asks.

"I wish her well-i really do, but I'm done with magic and this ain't my fight." I roll my eyes and speed towards Elijah, pinning him to the wall and looking to Vincent.

"Go. I got it from here. You're right, it's not your fight. Don't let them force you to do anything. Including my father, Marcel." I tell him and smile when he shoots me a thankful nod and leaves. I let go of Elijah and look at him. "You want a witch, you're looking at one. I won't let you force an innocent person to do all your bidding and let's not forget, you two are half of the reason Hope is in danger seeing as you took the person who could have kept her safe."


Hayley called me later in the night. Their giving Aiden a Proper werewolf death ceremony and Jackson needs some family. I met up with Josh and invited him to come with me. He accepted. We both walk to where everyone was, the wolves surround us and murmurs are heard. "I told Maddison where they can find us." I hear Hayley tell Jack.

"Let them through." Jack says and walks closer to us. The wolves back away as we walk through them. Jack shakes Josh's hand and looks to me. I walk forward and hug him tightly. Aiden was a good person, he didn't deserve to die.

I see Scott with the wolves gathered together and sit with him. I comfort him like with Oliver's death. He keeps losing people he loves...like I did. The least I can do is make sure he's not alone for it.

Josh leans by Aidens body and kisses his head before he talks to him. "I never thought much about the whole immortality part of being a vampire. Suddenly, forever feels like a really long time." Josh walks away and him and Hayley hug each other.

Josh and Jackson covers his face and push the bedmake Aiden was on in the water. Jackson lights the flame on the lighter and throws it on Aidens body. His body lights in flames as I stand up with Scott and grab a hold of my brothers hand. Hayley walks to his other side and Scott stands beside Josh.


"Elijah, I'm calling to say good-bye. Hope and I, we can't be apart of your family anymore. All Hopes life, her family has tried to destroy her. That can't be my little girls story."

I stand with Elijah and Rebekah listening through the phone at Hayley's voicemail. I didn't realize that they were leaving, when I left the bayou I didn't think that Jackson would leave without saying goodbye.

"Family is supposed to love you. Even if she is free of Dahlias firstborn curse, Hope would still be Klaus' daughter. She'd inherit 1000 years of enemies, all his anger and rage. I don't want hope to be a Mikaelson. All the pain that comes with that name, she doesn't deserve that. Elijah, goodbye."

"She's right, Elijah." Rebekah says making me bite my tongue. Elijah turns his phone off as I sigh.


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