《Life and Death | THE ORIGINALS [2]》Fire with Fire





"It's done." Rebekah announces as she walks into the compound with my dad. "I'm delinked from those children. The covers are most grateful, and we even beat the rain."

Elijah turns around from his spot from the window, Freya chants from her spot on the couch and I'm sitting on a chair while eating some chips. Gotta feed the little ones. "I trust Davina will play her part."

"Yeah, against my better judgement." I laugh at my dads words.

"Stop being so overprotective, dad." I respond digging my hand back into the chip bag.

"If Davina's made regent to all 9 covens, she'll be granted the power to resurrect Kol and the political clout to connect the witches to our cause." Rebekah says happily.

"Don't pop the champagne just yet." My dad tells her. "Dahlia said she'd come for the baby, and now a storm springs up out of nowhere. You really think that's a coincidence?"

"Nope." I say as everyone ignores me. Rude.

"Regardless of her power, she needs to be dealt with. Fortunately, we have a weapon." Elijah says making Freya glare at him.

"Look, no offence, but are we really gonna put all our eggs into one still kind of mysterious basket." Dad asks.

Freya stands up and looks to him. "I assure you I am quite motivated to aid Dahlia's defeat, particularly now that Elijah has forced me to be bait."

I smile and look to Elijah. "Hey, good move, buddy. Air five." I put my hand in the air as he sends me a confused look. Almost dying and puking blood has made me more appreciative of my life.

"And if we should fail, Davina and the witches will take up the task, at the very least distracting Dahlia long enough for Hope and Hayley to disappear." Elijah says making me grow nervous.

Thunder strikes and I flinch at the noise and feel the babies kick making me gasp. My dad is at my side instantly. "I'm okay." I assure him. "The babies just kicked." I say sadly. Klaus isn't here to feel it.

Rebekah goes and closes the window before calling for Elijah. I look to see blood on it. I stand up and rush to where Klaus is with my dad and Rebekah following me. "He's gone." I whisper.

"Oh no." Rebekah says. "Where the hell is he?" She turns towards my dad as I smile.


"Until Niklaus is found, Marcel and his men with scour the city." Elijah says walking with Rebekah and I.

"Assuming Nik doesn't slaughter them." Rebekah says.

"Cut him some slack." I defend as they ignore me once again.

"You know as well as I do he'll be on the warpath, which again raises the question how in the hell is he even awake?" She asks.


"It was Dahlia." Freya says making us stop. "This was all part of her plan. No doubt she killed Aiden, hoping that the blame would fall on Klaus, the family would divide, and she could win Klaus to her cause."

"That's crazy!" I laugh. "Klaus would never align with the She devil."

"You continue to defend him." Freya looks at me.

"He would kill anyone who tried to take his daughter." I tell her.

"Isn't it Hayley who is trying to take his daughter?" She asks.

"Their daughter." Elijah interrupts. "Let's not forget that Dahlia's the true enemy here."

"How good then that I finished my spell. The ingredients in the paint of his artwork combined with my blood will render Dahlia vulnerable. The moment she passes between these paintings, she will be mortal. You can kill her using this." Freya takes out a knife from her pocket making me take a step back.

"Fathers knife." Elijah says taking it in his hands.

"I thought it appropriate." She shrugs.

"We have a visitor." Elijah says and speeding towards the entrance.

"Well that was fun." I mumble.


"And you are certain this can work?" Elijah asks as we moved in the main room.

"Let's not toss around words like 'certain.'" Rebekah tells her brother.

"Nonsense. You grow more adept with magic each day, and this spell is flawless, though I might have preferred Elijah ask my permission before volunteering me as the bait." Freya says standing up.

"Oh, get the hell over it." I scoff. "Any sane person wouldn't use a baby as bait but I think we've established you're out of your damn mind."

"Yes, I'm not in the habit of asking permission." Elijah says subtly agreeing with me.

"No matter. We have all that we need. Rebekah will perform the spell, using my heartbeat and the golem to craft the illusion of Hope's presence. Once Dahlia's lured into the killing ground, you will do what is necessary." Freya says looking at Elijah.

"You're rather calm, which is odd since there are a million ways this whole plan could fall to pieces." Rebekah crosses her arms at Freya.

"I admit...at first I was upset when Elijah ignored my plan in favour of his own. You are all so determined to protect Hope at all cost. Perhaps I'm envious. No one ever fought so hard to protect me. Then I recalled what I saw when I looked inside your mind, the day you all swore and oath to stand by one another always and forever. There's strength is such vows." Freya explains as my distrust in her strengthens. I knew she saw into their minds.

"I can assure you it has not been free of consequence." Elijah says to Freya.


"That's an understatement." Rebekah and I say at the same time. "Ask me, that vows been more trouble than it's worth."

"And yet here you are, proving my point. Family defines you even if it does demand sacrifice." Freya walks to Rebekah and grabs her hands. "My entire life, I have longed for what you have. It is better to at least glimpse it facing death than run forever and know nothing of family."


Everyone's in their positions as we hear Dahlia's weird tune playing through the church bells. I stand close by where Freya is, listening and hear Dahlia walk in. "I come all this way to collect what is owed to me and whom should I find?"

"Tante, please listen. I betrayed my siblings so I could procure this child. I offer her to you now, and in exchange, I only ask that you release me from my obligation to you." Freya says to her.

"How curious that you should bargain with me for that of which is already mine, but by all means, make your case for why you should be freed, and then I will decide whether to release you or kill you once and for all." Dahlia tells Freya. "You surprise me, betraying the family you meant to coax to your side. How very ruthless of you." Dahlia walks even closer making me release a breath.

"I had hoped that they would welcome me as a sister. I was wrong." Freya says.

"Of course you were, you poor, little fool. To think that Esther's wicked progeny could ever care for you. They are known the world over for obscene acts of violence, and yet you sought them out instead of staying where you belonged...with me." I peek through the window and see Dahlia almost past the paintings. "I offered to protect you for all time, and you left me, and now it is you who is alone. But then, who could love such a deceitful, little wretch?"

Suddenly the fake Hope turned into sand in Freya's arms and Dahlia looked shocked. "What have you done?" She asks angrily.

Freya grabs Dahlia and pushes her past the paintings. "Elijah, now!" I rush out and see Elijah go for Dahlia but gets tackled to the ground by Klaus.

"And so the wheel of betrayal circles round once more." Klaus says and throws Elijah up on the balcony.

"You treacherous, little shrew!" Dahlia yells at Freya and uses magic, making her fly backwards.

Klaus picks Elijah up and pins him to the wall by his throat before grabbing his neck harshly and pinning him on the railing. "She's controlling you. You have to fight her."

"The only thing she did is pull out the dagger you stuck in my heart." Klaus says angrily. Elijah managed to get a few punches in before Klaus took control once again and threw him back.

Elijah gasps. "She will take...everything from us."

"You took everything when you broke our vow. Perhaps I'll take something from you." My eyes furrow in confusion as Klaus breaks Elijah's hand and slams his face into the railing. I see Gia walk in and look up at Klaus and Elijah.

"Elijah?" Her voice shakes as Elijah struggles.

"Gia, be a sweetheart and take off your daylight ring." Klaus says to her as my eyes widen.

"No! No!" Elijah yells in pain.

"I can't stop myself." Gia cries as Elijah continues to yell. Gia takes off her ring and starts to light on fire and screams.

Klaus stops holding him against the railing and looks down at Gia. "You seem vexed, brother. Wait until you see what I've got in store for Hayley." Elijah grunts and stands up fighting him. They end up both falling down the stairs to my level as I back away.

Elijah vamps out and stands up as Klaus looks unimpressed. "Is that a hint of the fabled beast behind the red door? Come on, brother. Let him out to play." As Elijah attacks, Klaus ducks and turns around and stabs papa tundes knife in his chest as he screams. "You should know better than to fight me in anger, for my anger is unending."

"Klaus." I say trying to keep my voice steady. Klaus drops Elijah and looks my way.

"You shouldn't have been here, Maddison." He says.

"I'm here because you need me. You need me to tell you that this...this is not you. I know you are hurt, but please, Klaus, listen to me. You are better than this." I tell him.

"Is there a problem?" Dahlia asks making me look her way.

"Not at all. Just another victim." He says walking towards me.

"No. Klaus, I know you won't hurt me. I knew from the minute that we met. I trust you." I tell him confidently.

Klaus puts his hand on my cheek. "Then you are already lost." He says and bites into my neck as I scream.


I wake up with a gasp and my hand goes to my neck to feel it healed. I sigh in relief and grab the knife from beside me and walk to Elijah. I bend down and cut a line in his chest, sticking my hand in and gripping papa tundes knife, ripping it out of him. Elijah gasps awake and looks around the compound.

"He had to make it look convincing." I tell Elijah.

"What..." Elijah whispers. "To...to...to what possible end?"

"He told me her secret. I know how we can kill Dahlia."


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