《Life and Death | THE ORIGINALS [2]》Red Door


I was inside Davina's cabin sitting by her side as she was unconscious. Klaus was standing at the door not able to enter and the boy from the record store was here.

"We need to get her to a hospital." I say looking at Davina worriedly.

"Oh, hello, darling." The boy says from next to me, looking at Klaus. "Back to huff and puff and blow the house down?"

I smile with a laugh as Klaus responds. "You know, it's funny how often a persons sharp tongue can end up cutting their own throat."

"Klaus, he's just a kid. Give him a break." I close my eyes annoyed.

"Yeah. She's right. You might want to try a bit of lavender under your pillow. Does wonders for stuck-up pillocks with anger issues." Kaleb retorts.

"Okay, Shut up!" I turn to look at him with a amused look.

"I promised not to hurt Davina. I said nothing of this insolent sod." Klaus says angrily.

I stood up and walked past him outside grabbing his hand. "Klaus, come on." We stop just a little bit away from hearing distance as I continue. "A minute ago, you had the opportunity to kill your father with this thing, and you didn't. You're not gonna kill this kid with it either. Besides, he's pretty funny and Davina likes him."

Klaus looks over at Davina and Kaleb before looking back to me. "Fine. He's not funny by the way."

He hands me the stake as I sigh in relief. "Thank you."

"Go get the car." He digs his hand in his pocket pulling out his keys. "Let's take her to the hospital." I smile and walk to the car.

I go to open the door but before I can I see Mikaels reflection in the car window and his hands on my neck, then blackness.

"You've got a way with words." I say looking at the curly-headed boy in front of me suspiciously.

"Well, I've travelled." He tells me standing up from his position in front of the witch.

"You seem to have crossed continents in order to weasel your way into Davinas good graces, thereby meddling in my family business." I smile and shake my head. "Strange, isn't it? Unless, of course, it's your family business. You know, ever since dinner with my mother and Finn, I've been wondering when you might make an appearance, Kol."

Kol chuckles before bowing. "Well, the jig is up. Hello, brother."

"It's not that I begrudge you hitching a ride back to the land of the living, it's just that your making all the wrong friends, brother, and I have half a mind to show you how wrong you are." I threaten.

"But you're not gonna do that, are you, because your little brunette friend, who I think likes me and my jokes, told you to leave me alone. I'm curious. Does she take one of those little plastic baggies out when she takes you for a walk?" He asks trying to be funny.

"Maddie," I call and smile at Kol. "I've changed my mind. I am gonna kill him, after all." When I hear no response I turn my head and begin to walk to the car. "Maddie..."

I see blood on the car window and the door open so I rush over to the trunk seeing it open and Mikael gone with the white oak stake and papa tundes knife. I look around with worry clear in my eyes.


I sit up with a gasp and look around, it's dark and Mikeal is carrying me along. "And she wakes!" He puts me down but keeps a grip on my arm pulling me with him.

"Klaus will find you." I tell him wincing at his hard grip.

"Oh, he will, but I will be ready." The anger in his voice is quite clear.

"How?" I ask in slight fear. "I've seen the kind of pain that blade causes."

"I have fought through more pain than anyone living or dead," he turns to face me with the blade in his hand. "Once I feed, I shall be restored." My eye widen as I try and get away but he just pulls me closer. "Not on you. You, my dear, are leverage. Once I threaten to dismember you in front of him, Klaus, will hesitate, and in that moment of weakness, I shall end him."

I have tears in my eyes as I think of Klaus dying. "This is crazy, the two of you going round and round trying to kill each other. You're obsessing over the death of someone whose fatal flaw is he was fathered by another guy."

"Hush!" He screams which makes me flinch. "You are the enabler of the weak. No wonder he seeks your company."

Suddenly he turns looking for something. "What?"

"I hear music, and where there's music, there's food." I let my senses listen in and he's right. I hear it. He pulls me with him until we see a whole bunch of people partying by the fire. "Well, well, well, well. What have we here? Hillbilly Halloween. How perfect." He says grabbing my wrist again and i silently groan.


"I used to try and convince Klaus that there was good in everyone, that you really did care about him...deep inside once." I say looking at him but he pushes me to the ground. "He told me I was naive, that I could never fathom how deep your hatred ran."

"I didn't always hate him. When Niklaus was born, I was overjoyed." He starts to explain as I look up at him. "I thought, this one...this one has the eyes of a warrior. He will be worthy. But my hope was short-lived. And when I found out that he wasn't really my son, my relief was glorious! But that passed with the knowledge that he was a begat of a beast."

"His mothers infidelity was not his fault." I spit out disgusted at the sight of the guy in front of me.

"Everything that followed was because of Niklaus' obsession with the wolves. He ventured out to watch them turn under the full moon, and he took my youngest son, Henrick. He was but a child. And he was torn apart.

"An accident!" I yell. "And there is not a day that goes by that Klaus doesn't feel absolute guilt and pain for what happened."

"An accident!? He murdered my wife! His own mother who sought to cleanse him of his beast-like nature. He betrayed me. He turned my entire family against me. And yet you defend him."

"You did that all on your own, Mikael. The minute you started hunting down Klaus, is when your family started to hate you." I stand up and look at him. "I have desperately tried to convince him not to kill you, that the bloodshed in your family does not have to be an endless cycle. And after centuries on this earth, do you really not see that all of your violence is pointless!?"


Mikael has his hands against his forehead as he starts to laugh. "Let me hazard a guess. You are one of these alienists, right?" I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Are you talking about therapists? And to be honest, you could do with some couch time." I roll my eyes.

"Actually, my dear, since my wound does not appear to be healing, what I could do with right now is some food." He spits out as I back away.

"You...you said you wouldn't." I take a breath watching as he takes a step forward.

"Yes, I did, didn't I?" He sighs. "And all of the blood of a fawn barely makes for good fodder." He uses his speed to grab me and the veins under his eyes come out. "In times of need, even the devil eats flies." He whispers before tearing into my flesh as I let out a loud scream.


Mikael had me in his grip and to be honest I was barely even conscious but I still heard footsteps approaching. "Your gonna pay for hurting her." I sigh in relief on the inside as I hear Klaus' voice but then I feel myself drop to the ground as Mikaels grip loosens.

"How sweet. The cur whines for its bitch. I'll make sure to drain the rest of her right in front of your eyes just before you burn." That makes Klaus snap and I hear Klaus go to attack him.

My eyes slowly start to fully open and I see Mikael pinning Klaus against the wall with The white oak stake going towards his chest but Klaus over powers him and speeds them both through the wall.

Mikael grunts and I try and stand up, feeling incredibly weak. Mikael goes to stab Klaus but Klaus stops him and turns the stake around. "I'm not as weak as you remember, am i?"

As Klaus goes to kill him, Mikael takes papa Tundes knife and throws it towards me but Klaus speeds and catches it before it hits my face. Mikael speeds over and grabs his one arm moving it behind him and shoving the stake through Klaus' heart.

I cry out and Klaus screams. "NO!" I yell but Mikael turns slaps me making me fall to the ground. I look over at Klaus seeing him fall and his body turn grey and veiny as his eyes look my way.

"Why aren't you burning!? If you were dead, you would burn." Mikael says to himself as he walks closer to Klaus' body. "Burn!" He suddenly looks somewhere else before he leaves the room.

I crawl over to Klaus and look at him while breathing heavily. I grab the stake and try and pull it out but it's not working. "Klaus, please." I beg as I cry. "I need you." I try my hardest to pull but it's still not coming out of his chest. "I love you." I whisper and feel my eyes glow, having the strength to pull it out, I rip it out of his chest with a relieved sigh. I look at the stake then Klaus. "Klaus?"

"What do you think you're doing?" I hear from behind me and turn towards Mikael.

"Stay the hell away from us." I tell him, weakly pointing the stake in front of me. "Or I swear to god, I'll kill you myself."

"You have a warriors heart. Perhaps I'll keep it as a souvenir." He speeds over and rips into my neck again but gets pulled off of me a second later.

"Stay away from my daughter!" I hear my dad throw punches at him and kicking him but Mikaels takes him down pointing a wooden broom at him. That's the last thing I see before my eyes roll to the back of my head and my world goes black.

Klaus gasps awake as Hayley comes in and throws a chain around Mikaels neck making him turn.

"Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it." She slams a heavy weight against his head making him drop. Klaus stands up as Marcel does the same running over to make sure Maddison is alright, Hayley walks over to the Klaus, Marcel and an unconscious Maddison. Davina and Kaleb join the room, Davina moving next to Maddison. All of them stand together against Mikael.

"It's over, Mikael. You're outnumbered. Are you going to beg for you're miserable life?" Klaus asks him.

Mikael chuckles. "You think having people makes you strong? It's proves how weak you are. Come find me when you don't have fools, women, and children fighting your battles." He throws the broom down and speeds out of there.

After Mikael flees, Klaus immediately rushes over to Maddison, who was set down, and reaches his hand to her cheek waiting for her to wake. He slowly caressed her cheek and leans down. "I love you, too." He whispers quietly to the unconscious girl. Klaus heard her as he was paralyzed by the white oak stake. Now, if only he had the guts to tell her when she's awake.

I open my eyes from my spot on the ground and sit up with a groan. Klaus, who is sitting by me, brings his hand up and tilts my head, looking at the bite Mikael left that hasn't healed yet. I reach my hand to his chest on his wound where the stake was, that hasn't healed either.

He winces and puts his hand over mine and begins to talk. "You pulled the stake out in the nick of time. A moment longer, and I would have been done for."

"Don't say that." I whisper as he helps me stand up. "It's the least I could do for telling you not to kill that bastard the first chance you got."

"Well, he hurt you." Klaus looks away for a moment. "For that alone, I would kill him. You know, in a thousand years, i think it's the first time I've seen him run."

"You're still weak." I tell him softly.

"And he knew he was outmatched." I turn my head to see Hayley and my dad walk in.

"We checked the perimeter, and he's definitely gone." My dad says looking me over.

"I appreciate your assistance." Klaus looks at Hayley and my dad.

My dad smiles and hold his hands out. "Well, hey. You die, me and my daughter die. Just call me selfish."

"Yeah. You die, a lot of people die." Hayley speaks up as I smile. "But, Klaus, Maddison, we have another problem." My smile slowly fades at her tone.

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