《Life and Death | THE ORIGINALS [2]》Wheel Inside the Wheel


I stand by my bedroom window and bite my lip. Elijah missing is stressing me out, Mikael being out there has made me scared, and Someone draining my magic has made me weak.

I hear Hayley walk past my room and follow her to Klaus'. Klaus stands there while washing the blood off of his hands. "I see you're interrogation went well."

"It turns out these witches are delicate creatures." I look taken back a little bit. Am I supposed to be offended? "No matter. As suspected, my mother has Elijah captive."

"Great, lets so find them." Hayley sighs.

"Esther is too powerful." Klaus shakes his head and walks towards us while drying his hands. "She won't easily be found. I need to draw her out." Klaus puts his hand on the doors and go to close them.

"Wait, where are you going?" I ask making him stop and look at me.

"I'm going to change my shirt and then I'm gonna find my brother." He goes back to closing the doors but I step forward and stop them from shutting.

"Klaus." I open the doors wider. "Let me come with you."

Klaus sighs and steps towards me. "I know you want to help, Maddie, but you can't. My mother is wretched. She will target you in order to thwart me and I can't very well save Elijah if I'm busy saving you. Can I?" He smiles and backs up, closing the doors as I roll my eyes.

I look back to Hayley and we both leave the compound and make our way to my dads.

"Maybe Klaus is having better luck." Dad says to Gia.

"No he's not." I sigh as me and Hayley was inside.

"Which sucks considering how low the bar is around here. Listen, you two up for a rescue mission?" Hayley asks them.

"Are we going after Elijah?" Gia asks confused.

I shake my head. "No. That's all Klaus. We mean Oliver."

"He and Elijah were fighting the werewolves together, I've heard that Oliver has been captured and he's about to be executed." Hayley explains. "Okay, look, if we can save Oliver than we might be able to find out where Elijah is."

"Are you sure we have to save him?" I say quietly while leaning forward towards Hayley's ear. She turns and glares at me as I roll my eyes and walk around to pour myself a glass of bourbon.

"Okay, so what do you want from us?" My dad asks as I stand beside him.

"Just a little distraction. Esther's son Finn, he's the one that's controlling the werewolves, if you can keep him out of the way than me and Hayley can go and get her stray werewolf." I down my glass and begin to walk out but my dad stops me.

"You can't take on all those werewolves by yourselves. You'll get killed...and then I'll get killed for letting that happen." He says looking at me worriedly.

"We're not going in alone." Hayley speaks up as I nod pointing to her. "Werewolves may be answering to the witches but they still have an alpha. I just have to find him."

"I'll be fine, Dad." I whisper and kiss his cheek as Hayley and I leave for the bayou.


Me and Hayley look through the bayou but I don't see anyone. Suddenly noises fill my ears and I speed in front of Hayley and catch the arrow that almost hits her, then the second one. I drop the arrows angrily and look around.


"Is that your best shot?" I ask loudly. "You're gonna have to do a lot better than that if your gonna kill a hybrid." I see a man coming towards us as I get ready to fight him. He pulls out a blade but before he can use it I hear his voice.

"Stop!" I turn around and look at my brother.

"Jackson?" I ask in a quiet voice.

"Maddison. Hayley." He says as he walks forward. "I see you met my friend, Ansel."

I turn once again to look at the older man with the arrows. He looks strangely familiar.

"You know them?" Ansel asks Jackson.

"Yeah actually I do." He nods stepping closer, looking at Hayley. "She was supposed to be my wife." His eyes drift to mine. "She's my sister."

The four of us sit down as Jackson explains what happened. "After Francesca Guerrera took over the wolves, she offered me a moonlight ring as long as I call her alpha. I declined. So a couple of her brothers dragged me out here and left me for dead. By the time I healed up, the word had spread about what happened to you." Jack says looking to Hayley. "And to your baby. So I knew it was over. Then I just drifted."

"You just drifted?" I ask trying to keep calm. I shake my head with a scoff.

"That's when I met Ansel." He continues. "See, he's been teaching me the old ways. The traditions. What it means to be a wolf."

"You mean by living out in the ass end of nowhere?" Hayley asks him.

"Easy. Your kind makes him ornery." He says looking at the two of us.

"Our kind?" I ask offended while Hayley looked amused.

"Jack, whatever you and your friend think of us, our kind is the wolves. Even if they did pledge allegiance to a witch, all that means is they need an alpha. Ollie needs one too." She says after a pause.

"Yeah. I heard about that. Thing is, Ollie betrayed me. He plotted with the Guerreras. He spilled his own peoples blood." Jackson raises his voice at us.

"He was trying to make up for that." Hayley says.

"It doesn't matter! Witches have him. He's dead, not that I care." I stand up in shock.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask loudly. "Oliver may not be the perfect werewolf but he is still family. That says a lot coming from me. Oliver doesn't deserve to die. God, I look at you and I don't see anything that even makes us brother and sister. I don't see anything that makes us family!"

It was dead silent after I said that but luckily Hayley spoke up. "You don't wanna be the alpha, fine. We'll save Ollie ourselves." Ansel stands up with his bow and arrow and I face him angrily.

"Do you have a problem, old man?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"I have no love of vampires but I will not allow a wolf to be killed by witches." He says and walks away.

"At least someone's interested." Hayley walks after Ansel as I go to follow.

"Why are you doing this?" I stop in my tracks. "Why are you saving Oliver?"

"I may hate him but Scott doesn't deserve this. Scott is my family and Oliver is his...so he's mine too. Not that you understand the meaning of family." I glare at him and walk away.


I heard my dad ask through the phone.

"No!" I yell from behind Ansel and Hayley. "He's being a coward."

"He's out of commission but I got the next best thing." Hayley tells him. "I'm assuming you have a plan to keep Finn occupied.

"I don't like that tone of voice." I mumble to myself.


The three of us walk into the cemetery and into the tomb to see Oliver bloody. "Ollie? Ollie, wake up." Hayley whispers.

"What the hell are you doing? Who the hell is that?" He asks looking at Ansel.

"We're here to save your sorry ass." I smirk as he looks at me.

"You?" He asks weakly.

"I know. Surprise." I smile and rip the chains off his wrists and catch him.

"Please tell me you know where Elijah is?" Hayley asks him.

"They know we're here." Ansel says.

"We have to go. Now!" I say as Hayley helps me carry Oliver.

"Just leave me here. Go." Oliver says as I look at him in disbelief.

"To hell with that. Think of Scott, Oliver." I say quietly. "If they want a fight, we'll give them a fight."

"No." Ansel walks towards us. "I came with you to save one of my own, now to watch you kill scores of them. Take your friend out the back. Move as fast as you can. I'll hold them off here."

Hayley, Oliver and I all leave the tomb.


"Come on out. We know your here." I hear a guys voice yell.

"Why don't you just let us go and we can call it a day?" Hayley asks as Oliver weakly walks with her.

"No. I don't think so." He says and I walk beside Hayley as my heels click.

"Do you wanna rethink that? I remember when you guys came into my home and threatened me and my family. I remember killing one of you, don't make me kill all of you." I say with a teasing smile. "No? Then we do this the hard way."

"You idiots. Your lining up to fight two hybrids? For what, so you can kill me, all because some witch gave an order? I know I ain't innocent, but I never lost sight of what I was fighting for." He says and glances my way. I nod my head. "We were gonna be a pack. But now...we are turning on each other, killing your own people. We do that, we're nothing."

All the wolves move and I nod at Oliver and Hayley to leave. I speed back to where Ansel is and throw a werewolf away from him. He looks at me in shock. "I may be a hybrid but I protect my people. That's includes you."

Ansel and I fight some wolves but as a guy goes to bite into my neck and Ansel turns to help, the guys neck cracks and he falls to the floor. Ansel has his sword up and I turn around and sigh in relief.

"Klaus." I breath heavily.

"Are you aright?" He asks while checking me all over.

"Im fine. I'm okay." I grab his hand and nod. His eyes drift to Ansel and he looks shocked.

"You." I look in between the two.

"Niklaus?" Ansel asks.

"No. No. You're not real." Klaus denies angrily.

"Niklaus..." I stand there confused as they talk.

"No! You're a phantom conjured by Esther. That is all you are." Klaus says while walking past Ansel. "Mother! Stop this charade. I know that thing is not real.

"Klaus..." I trail off.

"Look at me, Niklaus." Ansel interrupts me and looks to Klaus. Klaus turns slowly as he keeps talking. "I am flesh and blood...your flesh and blood."

"You've been dead 1000 years." Klaus walks forward with tears in his eyes.

"And through that time, I lingered on the other side, watching you let the world fall apart. Until I woke 4 moons past in a land of wolves like myself." Jackson. I think of.

"No. No. No. you're just in my head." He says walking back. "Your an illusion meant by my mother to sway me to accept her bargain."

I walk in front of Ansel and towards Klaus. "Klaus, he's not in your head. He's real." I may not know what's going on but it hurts seeing him like this. "Klaus, he's real." I whisper. I look into klaus' eyes as he stares back. He knows I'm not lying.

"I do not speak for Esther." Ansel says from behind me. "I know nothing of her bargains...but you are my son." My mouth drops open completely as Ansel says that.

Ansel goes to touch him but Klaus catches his arm and looks at the tattoo on his wrist. "Even if what you say is real...you are nothing to me." I stand behind Klaus quietly, I feel very awkward. "For all I care, you can crawl back to hell."

Next thing I know I'm in Klaus' arms and not in front of Ansel anymore.

We walk into one of the tombs and see Elijah hanging by his hands. Klaus and I walk forward, I rip the doll down and Klaus breaks the chains from the ceiling and catches Elijah.

"Wake up, brother. Elijah..." Klaus says as his head rests against Elijah's.

"He won't wake, not yet." Esther says. "Which gives you and I one last chance to discuss my offer. Hello, Maddison. How's your magic?"

My face completely drops as she asks me that. My eyes go to the mark on my arm and I glare at her.

"You promised me Elijah's safe return." Klaus says angrily taking off the chains wrapped around his wrist. "Or was that a lie, just like that ghoulish atrocity outside claiming to be my father back from the dead."

"Your fathers return is real. I pulled him from the other side before it collapsed, left him in the bayou to join the wolves, and I used the execution of one of his own to draw him here, where I knew he'd find you." Esther explains to him.

"To what end besides my torment?" He asks.

"I brought him here to be the father you never had, to teach you to become the man you always longed to be. Once you are remade as a werewolf, you can join him." Esther says like he's actually considering it.

"His return changes nothing." Klaus tells her as he stands up.

"It changes everything. It is my gift to you, Niklaus. This offer is your last chance at salvation. Reject me now, and now you will live out your endless days unloved and alone. Do not refuse me out of some ancient spite." Ethers says to him.

"Not spite, hatred," Klaus spits out, "a pure and perfect hatred that's greater now than the day I first took your life."

"Why? After all I've done to explain to you, why must you persist..." She was cut off by Klaus grabbing her neck and speeding her against the wall.

"Because you came for my child, my daughter, your own blood!" He screams with pain etched in his voice.

"You don't understand." She chokes out.

"My child!"

"Niklaus! I had to..." Ester lifts her two fingers making Klaus' nose bleed but he doesn't let his grip loosen for a second.

"You declared war when you came after my family, and for that, I will make you suffer as only I can. After all, I am my mothers son." Klaus walks to Elijah and picks him up, walking out of the tomb with me following behind.

Hayley, Klaus and I stand in Elijah's room as he lays unconscious. I grab Klaus' hand softly and feel him grip mine back.

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