《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》4.0


be told, even within a thousand years, even having met thousands of those you now know as the greats. I've never quite loved anyone in the way that I love you

Mazeki's breath were shallow, her form staggering as she came to the stop on one of New Orleans empty streets. Her body glowed with the reflection of the moon bouncing off the sweat and blood, forming a disgusting concoction on her body.

The blondes eyes were hooded, her feet planted firmly as she stared at her surrounding. The flashbacks of so many centuries, coming in and out of reality as she slowly grew more confused. Stumbling forward, the Blonde landed on her hands and Knees.

I've loved, sure. But not like this I'm afraid. There is an agreement with those you may share blood, that while circumstantial, you must obey its connection like the law. It was not only how I was raised, but a rule I have followed, even in my darkest moments.

The sharp stinging of pain flooded her mind as she gripped the ground, her whole body tensing at the irrational pain. As though she were being spread in half from the inside.

She looked up only to watch as the street lamps turned to trees, and the buildings to huts. When she tried to blink the vision only grew more wild, watching as a circle of women, dressed in black capes and gowns, circled a fire. A man perched, tied to a pile of logs.

An old version of Mazeki stood across from him.

"Stop it!" Her voice screamed, trying to repress whatever sick game that was at play.

And it is because of you, I must admit to myself that I may never be quite good enough. Even in my strongest form, I shall never be able to protect you as you deserve. You shall be forced, to swarm within the blood of my families enemies.

"I must admit, I thought Genevieve was bluffing when she said she could get it done." A dark eyed witch seethed, circling Mazeki as the Blonde glared at her. Attempting to speed at the mortal witch, only to stumble into enemy arms. "Poison in the liquor seemed a little old school, but I suppose there always some charm in the classics."

Mazeki huffed, sinking farther into the witches hold as she attempted to move. Every bit of strength she once had in the battle of vampires against the Original elders, all gone in a blink of the eye.

"I'll feed you... you- your eyeballs." Mazeki groaned, slipping completely out of the Woman grip and back onto the ground. Her legs shaking from the enhanced pain, as her nails dug into her palms so tightly they drew blood.

"Don't worry, it'll all be over soon. You and your little werewolf princess can burn in hell together." The witch mockingly put with fake pity, watching as the Originals eyes began to shut.


My father wrote me a letter once, declaring his loyalty, his love. I felt nothing as I read it, nothing but pity for a man I once cared for only to now see for nothing but a pawn. Another chess piece in my younger brother game. I never believed he could love in such a way he claimed, I learned to believe love was circumstantial.

Mazeki eyes were just nearly shut, as her air separated from her. Her fingers reached for her throat by instinct, only to feel as the waterfall of her unearthed blood began to flow, choking her as though it were the hand of god.

The envy eyes filled with unearthed tears, knowing this was not truly her pain, but that of a beautiful wolf, a beautiful mother, a beautiful leader. That the world would now officially lose.

Until you, until I realized just what unconditional love meant as you gazed at the soul of someone you would kill yourself for to see happy.

But this is not a love note, it is Apology. Im sorry Dove, for not being stronger. So forgive me, for I will always love you, even when you gaze at me with the hatred I deserve.

I will forever see as my child, Davina. Always and Forever.


escaped in a short form, pushing past the currently dead, Hayley Marshall, as she the carpet and side of wearing stairs. The smell of blood entered her senses, promoting an unfamiliar Hunger that consumed every bit of her senses.

Sitting up in a fast motion, The brunette continued to beg for air as she heaved in and out, so fast her whole body followed the motion.

Snapping her head up at the sound of creaking, Hayley's face feel at the woman that came stumbling right through the church entrance.

"Maze..." Eyes wide as she stared at the bloodied Heretic, who stared at her with a similar facade.

"Hayley..." The blondes voice was dreamy, as though she couldn't quite grasp if this was real. The brunette- alive and awake.

Hayley let out a small gasp as Mazeki's fingers quickly latched onto her upper arms, the females nails digging into her skin and her eyes starring through Hayley as though she were nearly a ghost.

The brunette's eyes trailed to the woman's neck, her lips parting at the thick layer of dried blood the stuck the immortals skin and tank top together. She could only picture the moments in parallel, feeling as the sharp metal pressed against Hayley's neck only to startle Mazeki as they both bled the same way.

Guilt filled her throat instead of sounds, the now mothers fingers drew gently against where the cut had to have been. A unnerving feeling crawling up her spine as she outlined it, as though her soul was already to haunted by the thought of loosing Mazeki, to truly relive the moment.


"Your-" Mazeki choked, as though the words themselves weren't real. No heartbeat, and no baby. The heretic frowned at the woman, drifting her fingers slowly down the girl arm and attaching them to the woman sides."Your child's blood was in your system."

Hayley shook her head, unable to admit the fact that her life were gone. That she were living on a timer for as long as the blood would give her time. It couldn't be real, not if she let it. "I can't think about that, not while those witches have them."

Mazeki shook her head, staring at her mate in bewilderment."I know it just...give me a moment." Mazeki plead, slowly adjusting them into a soft hug. One that's intentions remained unseen. If it were for having lost her life, having lost her baby, or something else, Hayley didn't know.


was nothing but a chess game. You make a plan, and you stick to it until the opponents next move, then you counter act. You remain steps a head of each play, each encounter. She recalled sitting outside, for hours, her and Elijah would bask in the warmth of the day, sitting in complete silence as either took their time. It didn't matter how long it took, it didn't matter if the game was even left unfinished by sunset. They'd come back to it the next day.

Chess was also a great explanation for manipulation, you use grunts, eye movements or small movements of the body to convince your opponent your fearful- uncertain of your next move. It's why Mazeki insisted Elijah and her played it, to convince him she were there to forgive while the preparation for her departure was made in the shadows.

Hayley and Mazeki stormed through the rickety old gates of the Cemetery, the blonde looking around in fast movements to locate her brothers. Grabbing onto Hayley by her waist, she listened as the brunettes heart raced, making Mazeki frown. "Calm yourself, there will be time for worrying after we've found your daughter."

Hayley swallowed thickly, begrudgingly nodding at the request for attempting to ease the unwavering beast inside. "We will find her- won't we?"

"Of course we will, it's what Mikaelson's do Minx." The blonde heretic reassured, quickly using her accelerated hearing to locate her brother faint voices off in the distance. Mazeki looked down at Hayley, quickly sinking her head to capture the brunettes lips, shocking the women who stopped breathing at the sudden shock to her system.

Without even realizing, Hayley's feet were swept off the ground, as Mazeki sped them towards her brothers. Even as they stopped, just outside the tomb you could hear the men bickering in, Mazeki did not pull back, allowing Hayley to take her kiss in as a moment of promise. A promise to find her daughter, a promise to save her.

Hayley slowly pulled away with her head spinning, blinking a few times to see clearly. The two mates shared a look that neither had experienced, for once it felt as though Hayley truly understood the Blonde in a way she never could. Unable to express what was on her mind, the hunger that consumed yourself, even the little voice that already screamed Monster in the back of her head.

Death was told to separate its lovers, ending many of the greatest lives of history. Perhaps they were different, maybe death was exactly what it took for Hayley to fully understand just what she were feeling.

Love. She was absolutely knee deep in love.


shut her eyes, extending her arms forward as challenged the spell bringing the Spirits all forward to aid the sacrifice. The Heretic concentrated her effort on the two Harvest girls that continued to challenge her own magic.

The Blonde hands radiated with a red glow as she continued to try and cling onto something, anything. But she couldn't find it within their spells, where it exactly were starting. She couldn't pull it from them because it didn't simply belong to them.

So as their voices raised and they forced the woman to her knees, Mazeki squinted her eyes, looking towards the ground. As though a light bulb had shattered in her mind, The Blonde dropped her hands to the ground, Beginning to siphon the Magic straight from the blessed area. The ancestors, the spirits linked to this plain through the ground, weakened enough they'd crumble as she sniffed out the force.

The two girls began to sound pained now, there knuckles white as the gripped onto the hold of the magic around them. Though it weren't enough. It wasn't enough that the twos only desire was to protect to their coven, not in the face of family.

Klaus' looked to his sister, who for the first time in centuries had a nose bleed, overwhelmed with what she were trying to control. It was to much, to control in their time of need and as she remained weak from Hayley and the poison.

Noticing the iron rods imbedded in the ground, Klaus sped over and quickly retracted one before pivoting. His gaze narrowing on the blonde Harvest girl he'd never learned the name of, the Rod flew from his hand and impaled itself into the blonde girls chest. Killing her instantly.

Mazeki gasped loudly, her eyes snapping open as though the weight that had begun choking her had finally let go. Narrowing her eyes at Genevieve and Monique, Mazeki began again, this time breathing rather then trying to spell at the same time. Her arms crawled with black veins, however she only continued to make the witches weak to the land of ancestors.

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