《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》3.9


, even those who believe they have it, only posses so very little. To have true control, is to have true power, the ability to tempt and allure people. It was a struggle for all, to maintain control once even letting a little bit free, but most tried to hang on.

Vampires however struggled even worse, all their emotions tied to their relentless hunger. The relentless craving to taste a liquid they could only gain by harming. It's why newly bread vampires, shortened. Unable to handle the strength it required to restrain.

Even a millennium later, Mazeki Struggled to restrain. Struggled to handle the way her hunger fused with emotion.

"Seems I owe you one."

"Yes, it would seem you do." The Blonde explained flatly, her lids already halfway shut as her gaze pressed through Jackson's exterior. He was skittish, by the way his eyes frantically moved between her and the door, and his fists clenched an unclenched repetitively at his sides.

"Thank you, Mazeki." He whispered, his tone disheartened. Perhaps it was simply the fault of males, unable to fully accept the fact that women could be superior in many ways either then intellectually.

Mazeki looked past him and his grovelling thank you's, to peer at her starring mate that stood ten feet from them. Her body tensing as she watched the almost amused look to the blonde as she turned back to Jackson. "I did it for Hayley, she cares for you. I will not be the one to stand in the way of that."

Jackson slowly nodded, clearly taking her words to heart as he slowly passes the woman to exit the room. Leaving the two women to their necessary discussion.

"He's a good guy, if you get to know him a bit better."

"Yes, we'll I'll simply have to take your word for it little Minx." Mazeki smiled, walking closer to the brunette.

Hayley sighed, her face falling as she realized what was to come."There's something that I need to tell you. My Parents, they- they wanted me..." she squeezed her eyes painfully shut."I was supposed to be betrothed to Jackson."


It was unearthing, the stare Mazeki possessed, one Hayley had never seen the usually amused woman look at her with. As though she were looking straight through Hayley, not even into her soul or mind, but right through her core. Their was nothing in the look, no anger, or confusion, simple distortion.

"What?" Mazeki's voice came out shallow, breaking up the long silence that Hayley had grew unnerved in.

Crossing her arms uncomfortably, the pregnant wolf looked towards the floor, her shoulders rounded and her breathing tight as she tried to answer. "I was gonna tell you about it yesterday- but then the whole Mate thing happened, and I just-" Hayley shook her head, only lifting her head enough to seem as though she were confident."I-I just didn't know how to tell you after that, it's this insane custody--"

"Custody or not it does not matter," Mazeki sternly told her, her tone flat as she left no room for any argument."You will not be marrying Jackson simply out of obligation for an agreement your mysterious parents planned."

"It's family, family... it has obligations." Hayley sighed, she desperately wanted Mazeki to truly meet her eyes. To seek her out within this conversation rather then determine the outcome as though it were her decision.

Mazeki did not meet her yearning gaze however, the thought of her words repulsed the immortal."As does mates." She remained stone, unrelenting to any of Hayley's words. "Peace amongst species is hard, yes. But if we are to talk betrothed Hayley, you were betrothed to me far before you were even conceived."

Hayley scoffed, rolling her eyes at the whole fated part of this mate thing she still didn't fully comprehend. Was all their feelings fake, a fabrication of a pre conceived decision? "Destiny then, I was destined for you?"

"Yes Hayley, you were." Her mind wavered with memories that chose to disturb her, being second place. As common as it were to her, she despised it. The thought of being a back up. Even now she remained let down by Elijah's support."And I can assure you, the moment you inform Jackson of that fact he will know there is not chance of marriage or even a relationship."


Hayley simply starred at the blonde, unable to retort as she heard these decrees that were made for her. Mazeki was panty dropping type of gorgeous, and painfully powerful. But that was an intimidating reality really, destined to be with someone who could snap her if she chose to disobey anything the blonde decided.

Hayley were so caught up in her own monologue, she hadn't even noticed Mazeki's brisk movements. She didn't even fully fathom her presence until the blondes cold dead fingers cupped her cheeks."There is many choices in the world Hayley, even you now have the choice to be happy or angry of our connection. But regardless of how you feel, You remain stuck with me."

The blonde leaned in, resting her forehead gently against the Marshall woman's as Hayley simply lost her self with the deep ivory eyes belonging to the the woman. A cold shock ran through the werewolf's veins as Mazeki gently brushed the outer of their lips against one another. She did not push of take control, simply surrendering the power to Hayley.

"Just... give me some time to get used to the idea. Okay?" Hayley's voice were hoarse, forcing herself to blink as the cold minty air of Mazeki's needless breath fanned over her face.

"Of course." The blonde smiled, fluttering her eyes at the girl. Watching as Hayley sagged slightly, slowly involuntarily moving within Mazeki's protective grip.

Control. Even when people believed you were handing it over, it never truly left your grip.


she said once before, the compound wasn't a home, it was a play. A stage to create and act to your part. A place to put on a show, to fight a war in front of a live audience.

Or in this case, a dead one.

Elijah gave his brother a brief glance, his eyes narrowed on the hybrid challengingly. "If you don't kill him, I'm sure Mazeki shall."

Mazeki stood with her back faced to the two men however smiled crookedly at such a remark. Her knuckles cracked beneath one another, as she looked amusingly at all the Vampires that starred back at the siblings. Ready to fight, ready to die.

"He's mine. This won't take long. " Klaus held a malicious smile, sending one glance to each of his siblings, before quickly disappearing after his once adopted son.

Elijah turned towards his sister, sharing a once familiarly competitive smile, as he began to confidently unbutton his jacket. His eyes already turning blood shot, and the remnants of dark veins beginning to appear."What have you sister, a battle to the death?"

The blonde grinned, her fingers already tucking her hair into a loose ponytail, before widely extending her arms out in dramatic Mikaelson fashion. "What other battle is there but to the end, dear brother." Her eyes slowly drifting, red began to cover her vision, as she began to feel the familiar hunger take over her emotions. Take over her control."Please get in close, it'll make it easier taking you in groups."

Elijah smiled at his sisters obvious excitement, for the first time in what may be centuries, he saw the trueness of his sister. The eager and rash decisions she had once taught to Klaus, once being labelled a burden and a fault, now something Elijah appreciated to see light his sisters face.

"Gentleman. Shall we?" Elijah opens his arms, smirking at Dozens of Vampires that camped the room.

It was as though their visions were already covered in blood even before the first draw. Already taken by their animalistic abilities that only truly could come out in-front of each other. Perhaps it was why in the years passed that Elijah was considered noble, And Mazeki Forgiving.

They were unable to be close, and for that they lost the ability to truly embrace themselves.

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