《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》3.8


for Help, as you watch those you Love suffer, may be one of the hardest things people must do. Love is painful, and Vulnerable, and to see it flourish you must know when to admit there is nothing more you can do.



Super scary Magic Vampy Original?

Forget that message.

Super pretty Original Sister!



It's called a heretic. Or a half breed at the very least.

May I help you?

[Contact Name changed To '']


Im Worried about Davina. Have you talked to her?

I called her last night to see if she made it home safely.


What's happened?

She was acting all Cryptic and weird when we saw each other today.

She was telling me to get outta town and that there was something bigger then Klaus to be worried about.

You think she's ok?

I'll speak to her when I have the chance.

Thank you for your concerns Joshua.


was one of the greatest portrayals of Love in history, both in family and in marriage you would find Death in the Room. It's what made Love so beautiful- The sharp Edge.

"Dove, are you alright?" Mazeki wondered, eyeing the Teen who stood rigidly a few feet from her. The teens dark eyes were foggy with despair, completely trapped within the feeling of Lost as She Watched Mikael.

The Ghost of Mazeki's past walked a predatory circle around her, his dangerous gaze watching her every little breath or move."After nearly six hundred years, she still looks just as hellbent on her destruction as the day she were born." He grunted, the Once Viking spat to the Previous Harvest witch.

Davina looked down guiltily, she knew she should say something. But she couldn't, she couldn't get passed the part of her that felt it wasn't real, that Mazeki would be angry at her lying. She couldn't lose Mazeki, it would hurt to much. Like losing a piece of her heart she was dependent on.

"Davina?" The Blonde Mikaelson woman whispered, moving closer to gently move some of the girls fallen hair out of her face. Behind the curtains of her hair laid stagnant tears in her eyes as she fearfully met The Heretics gaze. Shutting her eyes forcefully, the teenager bulldozed right into the Woman grip, burying her head tightly in her neck. Mazeki Frowned, her arms immediately enveloping the small girl."It's alright, I've got you."


"It's not over. It'll never be over." The Dark haired Teen whispered brokenly into the Blonde hair, gently shaking her head against Mazeki's neck."Someone new to fight someone, new to conquer, it's all an on going game."

"I'll never let a thing happen to you. Never." The woman whispered, tightening her grip on the distraught Teenager that could do nothing but hold onto the woman for dear. Davina was like her child, and not a thing would separate her from the girl.

Shaking her head, the brunette pulled back to stare up into The green Damaged eyes of the woman she no longer just saw as her mentor or friend, but as her family. "I'm not worried for me Maze... I'm worried for you."

"I'm fine, just fine." Mazeki reassured her with a smile, using one of her hands to soothe out the back Of Davina's Hair.

"A blatant Lie, that scoundrel has never been fine a day of her life. Always causing issues." Mikael whispered in the Teenagers ear, causing the girl to yelp and pull from Maze in a fearful fashion.

The Original frowned at the Teenager, concern forming wrinkles between her brows."Have you gotten any sleep?"

"Maze..." Davina Sighed, bringing both of her palms up to rub at her eyes and stifle how puffy her lids were.

"I told you before, a child of war needs her sleep. You are still suffering the symptoms of being revived Davina, it will take time before the affects disappear for good." Mazeki Sighed at the girl, walking around her to rest up against the table of the greenery."Have you spoken with Marcel? Has he been experiencing any of this paranoia?"

"It's not just paranoia..." The girl muttered, looking down at her feet as she heard the hollow echoing laughter of Mikael. Turning back to where Davina had previously been working, she walked over to her station and peeled open a Bag mazeki had bought for her. "I found these, Genevieve was hiding them in her family crypt. They have your little marking thingy that was on the Grimoire you gave me."

Turning to teenager walked up to the Blonde Vampire, extending her hand out to reveal the missing spells from Mazeki's Grimoires. Dirt and grime covered the edges, clearly kept away somewhere dirty over the centuries, but there they were.


Smiling pityingly at the girl, she gently accepted the papers."Thank you." She rolled them up in to a loose tube, her face creasing downwards as she found herself back on topic."I've experienced these visions before Davina- even Elijah. If you wish to talk-"

"I'm fine, just tired." Davina Interrupted, smilingly tightly in a way that didn't quite meet her foggy eyes.

It wasn't believable in anyway, sure. But Mazeki was well aware of how stubborn and prideful witches could be when the desired secrecy. So she chose not to push it, instead standing to press a gentle kiss against the crown of Davina's head. "Get some rest Dove."

Davina watched over her shoulder as the woman walked slowly towards the door, and before the words could truly even process or any embarrassment could ensue, the Teenager gave her parting words. "I love you Maze."

The Original Looked Over her shoulder, smiling back at the Teen. "I love you too."


in The Wars of Family, shall you See Blood. For Family may be Many things, but Kind would never be one of Them.

"Remind me to ask him before I pull out his innards." Klaus snipped, cracking open another Crate as his sister looked over his every move. No longer did she trust him, or his actions.

"How remarkable that not only can you raise a child, but once he begins copying your actions, you're ready to kill him." Mazeki Mocked, rolling her eyes at her demented little brother as she walked back over the tied up Jackson.

She eyed him skeptically, reaching out to grasp his chin in a hard fashion so she could meet his eyes. Full of Hope and Fear. He couldn't quite read Mazeki or her actions, and The Blonde was happy for that.

"Okay-" The Hybrid widely gestured around him and the crate, looking between his two elder siblings who both watched him in curiosity. "Exercise extreme caution in this general area. Bit of a mess."

Letting go Of His Chin, Mazeki Crouched Down Inc. front of Jackson's little bombing set up, and smiled at him in an amused Manner. However he could only read it for threatening.

Soon enough the Blonde's phone began to ring, smiling upon the tingly feeling that ran up her spine- she answered immediately. "Hayley, what gracious timing."

"Are you with Klaus and Elijah- What's going on?" Hayley exclaimed to her Mate, the Nerves of it all making her body thud. Something was wrong, she could feel it, perhaps because of Mazeki?

Was that how to Mate bond worked, Hayley wondered silently to herself.

From a couple feet Away Elijah raised his Voice to Answer for His sister, as Maze continued to gently pull at The werewolf's restraints. "Jackson is fine. He's...a little tied up right now. Can we call you back?"

Mazeki and Klaus sniggers at Elijah's joke, as Klaus flips open another Crate- with surprise, Surprise. more Bombs, and a letter. Watching as one of the switches turned from Red to Green, Every one turned to the King."Oh, that doesn't bode well." Klaus Muttered.

"Are you trying to kill us?" Jackson yelled, shaking his seat as Mazeki immediately flicked her wrist to stabilize his seating before he killed them all.

"Oh stop fussing, to much shaking will really get you to explode." The Blonde woman grumbled, pulling the phone a bit from her ear as though she were giving them privacy.

"Stop Touching me then!" He snarled at her, only to receive a mocking pout.

"But you're just so cute."

Pulling the phone back to her ear, the Heretic listened to the outraged voice of her Beautiful Minx. God did she find Hayley's Hostility attractive. "Mazeki, tell me what's going on, now!"

Peeling open the Letter, Klaus narrowed his eyes to read the small font. He muttered along to the Words, causing All three Original Vampires to look at each other in immediate Concern.Immediately Speeding towards Him, Mazeki Quickly collected Jackson before Vamping off right Behind her Brothers. The explosion still ringing in her ears long after it was over.

Hope you enjoyed Lovelies! We're getting really close to the end of this book here. Only a few chapters and then we're switching on to Season two!

I'm Still working out some of the Layout, but thus far I know For Sure is that It will be Called '' and the intro and Aesthetic will be posted as soon as I've finished season One ''

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