《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》ᚠᛁᚾ


and Mazeki sat together, the blonde crouched beside the brunette mother who held her Swaddled baby tight to her chest. The woman didn't know if she wanted to cry or scream or bathe even beg. All the feelings together were numbing. Making her unfazed as she listened to Klaus and Elijah speak together in her room.

Hayley brokenly smiled at her small child, gently swaying the baby to keep her asleep. Restless tears filled her waterline, however the broken woman refused to cry. Not now.

Mazeki watched her mate rather then the child, her hands linked together in a flat surface to rest her face on top of, using her knees to support her arms.

Hayley tilted her head to meet the green eyes that she had found so beautiful in the last months. Even she could not reassure Hayley of the future now. "Why aren't you talking and plotting with your brothers?" The transitioning hybrid sniffled.

Dropping her arms to rest on her thighs, and her hands to hang between her bent legs, the Blonde shrugged in a brisk fashion. To unfazed for comfort. "You are my concern right now, plotting is not. No decision for your daughter will be made without your input."

Hayley exhales sharply, the tears of the days activities breaching her walls and allowing a few to slip down her cheeks.

Standing to her full height, Mazeki sighed as she looked at the mother sadly. Reaching out she gently removed the streaks of gentle tears, before looking down at the Bundle of joy. "May I Hold Her?"

Swallowing thickly, the brunette silently agreed as she helped slip her daughter into her aunts gentle embrace. The blonde Mikaelson took a few steps away from Hayley, adjusting the blanket around the baby to look at her gorgeous little face.

"She will look like you." Mazeki deemed, smiling down at the child that was split between being asleep and awake.

Hayley smiled briefly at the vampires comment. She continued to listen into Klaus and Elijah, shaking her head as she sunk her face into her palms with a groan. "I can't- I just can't do this. I can't feed of if my baby. I can't keep her in the city, living in danger! I can't do anything."

Mazeki hummed along to her words, her eyes remaining on the child in her arms. Hayley eventually looked up, in slight awe in seeing the blonde Mikaelson so happily holding the baby. Unlike the rest of the family, she weren't in shambles, she weren't confused or fearful.


She was content as she rocked the now asleep newborn.

"Nobody knows everything Hayley, even I and my family do not have all the answers. But you do know what to do next, you know exactly what you must do. It just hard to have to admit it aloud." Mazeki softly narrated for the women, meeting her eyes. "You will get through this."

Hayley numbly rose from her chair, walking over to the Heretic. Looking down at the baby, Hayley had to admit that the woman was right. She knew exactly what she had to do.


". Have you seen our sister?" Elijah inquired, walking through the threshold of the room an into one of the common rooms in the compound.

Hayley sat curled on a couch in the darkest corner of the compound, her arms wrapped around her knees as she stared through a small crack between the curtains. Tears streamed her cheeks, unable for the werewolf to wipe them away any longer.

Klaus however stood at the bar, his eyes facing the counter top as a half filled glass of scotch sat in his intense grip. He did not answer his brother, gaining both the attention of the other grieving occupants. Klaus' mind wandered, replaying his last conversation with his elder sister.

Klaus walked into his sisters room with a purpose, tucking his phone away in his pocket as he marched through the threshold to find his sister in the mix of putting on new shoes.

"I just got off my call with Rebekah, she'll be drive in on one of the backroads. You and I Shall meet her." The Hybrid informed, watching as his sister stood up to a straighter height, arching an inquisitive brow at her younger brother.

"And why would I be the one to go with you to meet her, we both very well know what she thinks of me." The Blonde Heretic asked in confusion, reaching to grab a jacket she had laid out on her bed.

"Once My child is in Rebekah's grasp, she will need to locate a witch to put a cloaking spell on to hide them from any threat that may come after them." Klaus informed, not truly answering the older woman's question.

Adjusting her hair from beneath the Jacket, Mazeki tilted her head. "Yes well I'm sure if she travels to mystic falls, Bonnie would be more than willing to help protect a mere infant."


"Bonnie does not understand what this means, she is mortal. If anyone were to figure out that she had placed the spell, it would take a mere two seconds to find the location." Klaus replied shaking his head slowly, his gaze intense as he remained looking at his sister stiffly.

The blonde stared back, arms crossing over her chest as she simply chalked this up to paranoia. "All witches are Mortal Nik, you'll simply have-"

"Not all."

Mazeki's face dropped as she frowned at her brother.

"Klaus?" Hayley whispered, confused by his lack of words and the absence of the woman. She extended her legs to the floor, looking between the two brothers for an answer on where her Mate were.

Klaus reached into his pocket, pulling out a delicately folded piece of paper with the word Dove written in cursive over it. "She asked that you'd hand deliver this to Davina for her."

Elijah's face fell, eyes widening as he looked between the note and his brother face. "Niklaus, what have you done?"

Klaus finally lifted his head, briskly meeting Hayley's eyes before meeting Elijah's. Fear covered Hayley body, a cold feeling running over her insides as she stood from her seat in a rushed movement. "We needed a strong witch to place the cloaking spell, and that witch needed to be untraceable."

Both Hayley and Elijah met each others gaze, both completely taken aback.

She was Gone.


sat in the backseat of Rebekah's vehicle, hovering above the small baby in her seat. The Blonde hummed a soothing melody to keep the small child asleep while also using one of her fangs to Knick her finger. Lifting to the babies forehead, she gently smeared a small dot on the child's soft skin.

Rebekah watched her sister in the rear view mirror, watching how gentle her sister could appear sometimes. As though she were a tired beast. "Running from your problems again it seems sister?"

Mazeki looked up from the baby, meeting her sisters gaze in the reflection, however she didn't frown or snarl, she remained with a smile. Albeit a sad one. "Look how well it worked out for you."

Mazeki turned back to hope, gently fixing the small girls blanket as she leaned in the whisper. "You, sweet girl, will have everything your heart may desire and More if I have anything to say about it."


" Arthur." Elijah apologized sincerely, the suited male still unable to process on his own that his little sister had left the city in Hope's name.

Arthur nodded, appreciative to the fact that Elijah had come to tell him even in this time of grief. Truly noble the revived werewolf thought. "Thank you for telling me Elijah, not most would have gone even half that far knowing Her and I'd relationship."

The original Vampire Nodded softly, frowning as he looked off to where a bonfire had been set in the middle of the Camp. "I held hope you could repair what was once there, she did once grow fond for you. But it seems in the years, we have broken her so far to not want any family beyond what she is already stuck too."

Arthur sighed shaking his head as he smiled comfortingly. "She may not wish for a father Elijah but she would go to any lengths to defend you or that girl she took in. Davina. She is not incapable of making family, she simply has no more room for those that disappointed her." The rugged werewolf Alpha apologetically patted the suited males Arm. "If you do not mind Elijah, I need to be left to myself I feel."

The nobleman nodded, tightly reciprocating the smile."Of course, however I had hoped you'd point me in the direction of Artemis."

Arthur arched a brow, tilting his head in a way that reminded Elijah of his little sister. "You care for her?"

"It would appear so, wouldn't it?" The male nodded, watching as the male gestured off to where a crowd were gathered aimlessly around the fire.

"You'll find her hiding somewhere around there. She fears the dark. Goodnight Elijah."

"Goodnight Arthur."

Watching as Elijah made his way towards the fire in search of the child he'd only met some nights ago, Arthur watched him for a moment. His hand reaching into his front pocket as he began to unfold a crumpled piece of Paper.

Lets revive the past, what do you say?


Goodbye for now Lovelies, it been a glorious ride. check my account and you'll see the intro and aesthetics for the second book- addicted.

Hope this was a some what satisfying ending for the first season :D

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