《Hidden Fox》Fourteen


"April!" A joyous shriek dug through my ears, causing my arm to spasm in surprise and mascara to smudge down my cheek.

"Amethyst!" I grumbled under my breath, though I knew I could never be mad at her for long.

Within seconds, Amethyst had bounced her way across my bedroom and to my bathroom. She stood in the doorway, her small fingers gripping the frame as she tilted back and forth on her heels keeping the widest smile I had ever seen on her face.

"What's up?" I asked as I continued to apply my makeup for the day, moving on to my other eye with the mascara wand.

She stared at me, her smile dimming in concentration as her eyes followed the movements of my hand. "What are you doing?"

I brushed the wand through my lashes, coating them in the substance and turning the pale strands to black. "I'm doing my makeup," tilting the wand away from my face, I turned my head to look at her, "but what are you doing?"

Ames giggled, a pure, innocent sound that floated to the ceiling, immediately pulling my lips into a smile as well. That child was contagious.

"I'm waiting for you! Why are you sitting on the counter?"

Turning my face back to the mirror, I resumed my mascara application."Because it's easier to get closer to the mirror to see what I'm doing. Why are you waiting for me?"

Through the mirror out of the corner of my eye I could see her giant grin return to her petite face. Her crystal green eyes brightened like summer and she rocked twice on her heels before answering me. "Because they're here!"

The wand handle slipped through my fingers and clattered into the sink below me, spreading little specks of black over the marbled countertop. Amethyst laughed, seeming to find my reaction absolutely hilarious. She spun one hundred eighty degrees on one foot before prancing out of sight, her giggles following.

I figured she was just excited about my love life because her grandmother had been ecstatic to find out Xavier and I had made up to good terms. It had rubbed off easily on the four year old.

Emerald told me that because Eirenae had found her happy ending as a teenager, she was always so invested in all the happy endings that happened around the pack. And since I was now sort of part of that pack, I was included as well.

With a sigh, I picked up the mascara wand and twisted it back into its tube before throwing it in the drawer just underneath my butt. As soon as I shut the drawer, a soft knock rapped along the wooden board of the doorway trim.

"Amethyst!" I called out, letting her know she didn't have to hide out there.

Instead, Xavier's face was the one that greeted me from around the wall.

"Oh! Hi."

He smiled, "I'm not Amethyst, though I'm sure you're okay with that. However, she did greet me at the front door with several jumps. She looked extremely excited that I was here."

"You can blame her grandma for that."

He laughed, stepping into the bathroom. Glancing down at me, he seemed to just realize where I had made myself comfortable. "What are you doing on the counter?"

I threw back my head. Wasn't it obvious? "So I can be closer to the mirror. It helps me see what I'm doing." Though, it probably did look funny. My legs were technically too long, folded awkwardly under each other with my knees hanging off the edges.


I finally met his eyes, causing him to go very still for half-a-second. I loved having that effect on him, but I wished he had it on me. At least I had the physical electricity.

"Are you supposed to be up here?" I asked.

"I don't know. No one stopped me."

Of course they didn't. It was probably Eirenae who answered the door, she was the one watching Ames and Jade most of the day.

I shook my head at him with a smile and he reached for me, grabbing my hips gently with his hands and lifting me off the counter as if I weighed nothing at all. He pecked my lips and my heart danced against my rib cage.

With my feet on the floor again, I faced the mirror to take my hair out of the messy bun it was in, letting the strands fall loosely in bun-made waves down my back. "Do I look okay?"

I met his eyes through the mirror, through which he had been staring at me longer than was probably necessary for an answer. Finally he cleared his throat with a nod. "Of course, you always do."

I hit him lightly on the chest with the back of my fingers before walking past him into my room, refusing to acknowledge the fact it might as well have been a rock I was drumming my fingers against. Suddenly, my only thought was good thing I cleaned the room. "Did you come by yourself?" I thought I had remembered him telling me his sister and higher-leveled pack members were coming as well. Maybe it had changed.

"No. Everlee and Andrew are here. Jacob was going to come, but he told me today he had some business to take care of. I'm not sure what, though, because his business is with me, but whatever." Jacob was Xavier's Beta, and while I didn't want to dislike him, he kind of gave me the creeps. I wasn't comfortable being around him without Xavier at my side. Xavier trusted him, though, so I supposed that was what mattered.

Grabbing my mate's hand, I pulled him along with me as I walked into the hall and descended the stairs. Turning into the foyer, I saw Everlee and Andrew waiting with Eirenae, Kota, Emerald, River, and the kids.

Everlee and I hadn't talked much since I made up with Xavier. It had been nearly a week, and each class with her, I tried, and finally she seemed to be returning to her normal self around me. But I knew it was hard and it wouldn't change overnight. Andrew, on the other hand, barely knew me, so nothing had changed there.

"Hey, Freckles."

Jade giggled from where he sat on Eirenae's lap, and I sent him a glare that only made him laugh harder.

"Where did that even come from?" Xavier asked from beside me, his hand had moved from mine to around my waist.

Andrew shrugged. A puckish smile stretched his lips thin, "you're smart enough to figure that one out."

I didn't miss the sharp glare Xavier sent his Gamma, but I knew it was all in good fun; as good of fun teasing me could be, I suppose. I glanced sideways at my mate, "he calls me 'Freckles' because I have an absurd amount of freckles covering practically every inch of skin on my face and limbs."

Andrew raised an eyebrow as if to say, duh. Everlee beside him had a hand slapped across her mouth to stop herself from laughing. Her dark eyes were shining more than I had seen any light from them in weeks. That alone broke through my playful seriousness and I let myself smile.


Xavier shook his head at the three of us, "I guess I didn't know you were that close."

Everlee barked a laugh and Andrew's fingers squeezed her hips, holding in a laugh himself.

I blew out a puff of air to cover the laugh that threatened my lungs. "We're not. I've met him once, maybe twice?"

Andrew lost it, and that only fired Ev up harder. Xavier just stood there, his side pressed against mine, probably bewildered by our behavior. While the whole thing had become funny, I was mostly laughing out of pure giddiness to know I really got my friends back. That alone was enough to make me feel like I was floating on air.

Xavier took my hand, only fueling the giddy feeling when the zap shot up my fingertips. "When you've calmed down, would you like to take a walk outside?"

Eirenae must have taken that as her cue to leave us alone, dragging a whining Jade after her. It didn't take long before Kota and their children and grandchildren followed them. I thought the plan was to do something all together, but they must have figured we'd want some time alone. These friends were, in fact, also my new pack; sooner or later, anyway.

I took a few deep breaths, getting my breathing and heart rate back down to normal levels. After a nod at him, Xavier tugged me forward.

"Aren't I supposed to be giving the tour? You're not the one that lives here!"

Andrew spoke up from behind me, "well, technically — as far as I understand it — you don't really live here either."

"Yeah, aren't you from like Utah or something?" Everlee added.

"I- shut up." I grumbled. Xavier squeezed my hand, but I could tell he was holding back a comment as well. I wondered how much he had told them. I couldn't recall telling Everlee I was from Utah, but maybe I did. The last two months had been an absolute whirlwind I honestly had no idea. Whatever Xavier told them, I hoped I could trust him enough that he kept my secret. Maybe he told them I was a stunted wolf.

"Alright then. Ape, lead the way."

"Ape?" Andrew snorted behind us, making a monkey noise that earned him a slap to the side of his head from Everlee.

Xavier shrugged in defense, "it's a common nickname for April!"

Andrew's grumble was almost inaudible as he rubbed his head. "I still like Freckles better."

We headed out the back door, skipping the yard and going straight for the coniferous trees that surrounded the property and climbed the hills. "I don't mind the nicknames," I told them honestly. "I think it's cute." I tilted my head back to shoot Andrew a hard look, "any meaner than Freckles though, and I'll maul you in your sleep."

Xavier chuckled as his Gamma's eyes went wide in fake horror.

"You monster!" Andrew scoffed.

I laughed. "The best part of the territory is through here, to the west." The trees lining the mountains were green, as that type of tree didn't turn colors or lose their leaves. But I knew that deeper in, the forest got thicker and contained all sorts of trees, giving us a wide range of colors during this time of year. I had often taken walks around the territory when I had been moping the last month and had become very familiar with the area of the Shenandoah Mountains River's territory occupied.

Xavier motioned me forward and I took full lead, guiding us on the hill up through the forest. About ten minutes in, I could hear Andrew's heavy breathing more than any other sound in the woods.

"Can't we just shift?" He asked, trying to catch his breath in the chilly air.

"No." Xavier and I both said quickly. A side-glance back at him told me he was looking at me thoughtfully as we walked. Shifting meant showing my fox, and while I understood that eventually they would know, it was one person at a time. Baby steps.


I felt bad, because I knew he didn't understand why we weren't doing this hike in the easier form, but I was not about to show them my secret without any warning first. And a warning meant explaining and sharing more than I was ready for right then.

He stopped complaining, though, and I had a feeling Xavier had shut him up with that Alpha stare of his.

That sexy Alpha stare of his, you mean.

Shut it.

Finally, the ground sloped back down in one of those many valleys. "Here," I announced, "this right here has become my favorite spot!"

In front of us was a perfectly round pond, dotted along the shores with lily pads and cat tails — both browning and life-less from Fall — and surrounded by trees that all seemed to take every ounce of color from the sun and incorporate it into each leaf on every branch. Some had fallen already, spreading across the water like it's own waves of golden fire.

It reminded me, I realized, of that lake I would go to on my runs back home. While it was very different, it had the same feel to it.

"Woah." Everlee inhaled as she took in the scenery. "This is amazing."

The boys stood there, breathing it all in, too. Of course it was Andrew who broke through the peace. "So, who's jumping in first?"

I gaped at him, "are you crazy? It's November, that water is going to be like ice!"

The Gamma tilted his head at me, a sparkle in his eyes. "You know, I would say you, but then Xavier would probably kill me immediately." He whips around to his mate with a grin, "I guess that means you!"

He scooped her up and she shrieked, the screams turning into laughter as he spun around in circles with her hanging over his shoulder. He got dangerously close to the water, acting like he was going to drop her, before he finally backed away and set her on her feet. She collapsed on the hard bank, a hand on her stomach as she tried to control her panicked breathing. But her smile told me that was fun.

I laughed at them, enjoying watching them tease and poke each other when Ev stood up and each tried to push the other into the water. Shaking my head, I walked around by the shore a few yards where I knew there was a giant oak with a rope swing hanging from a branch. In the summer, it would be perfect to swing into the water from. There was a giant knot a few feet up the rope that was sturdy enough to sit on. Without looking, I knew Xavier had followed me over, leaving the two hooligans to their game of "who gets tossed into the pond first".

I sat down on the knot, adjusting until I was comfortable enough. I could feel Xavier's presence behind me as we watched our friends.

"Ready?" He said suddenly, and before I even had time to process what he meant, I was being lifted into the air as the rope was tugged beneath me.

"Ah!" I squealed, grappling with the rope for a better grip. When he decided I was high enough, he let go of the rope and I was flying through the air, dipping down to the ground and then back up over the murky pond water. If I slipped, I'd be going right in. "Xavier!" I shrieked as I swung back towards him.

His shoulders shook. He was laughing! As I swung past him, I stuck a hand out, clipping him on the shoulder enough to make him stumble backwards and end up with a foot in the water. My fear and anger disappeared and I was laughing too, mostly at his shocked face, but still. That was fun!

When I came back around, his hand shot out and grasped the bottom of the rope, bringing me to an abrupt stop. So abrupt that I nearly lost my grip again.

"How did you do that?" My laughter died when looked up to his blue eyes and saw how serious he had become.

"Do what?"

"Push me so hard!"

I rolled my eyes. "I barely clipped you! Maybe you're just weaker than you thought."

He growled hard and deep, which I deserved. Calling an alpha weak did a lot of damage to their wolf; one of the worst insults.

Jumping off the swing, I threw my hands up in defense. "Sorry! Didn't mean that, I was joking!" I seriously couldn't tell if he was actually mad I had pushed him.

"Come here." He took my hand and led me up away from the bank, into the trees.

"What about-" I quieted myself when I knew he wasn't listening. Something was on his mind and I had a feeling it had to do with me, something he didn't want his Gammas around for.

Finally, he whirled around to face me, grabbing my other hand in the process. "Do you have powers?"

I choked on my spit. "W-what? Where did you get that idea?"

"You know, like how the Royals get special abilities. Do you get something like that, too? Because of your Fox?"

Oh, he was serious. "Not that I know of. Xavier, where is this coming from, what's bothering you? Is this just because I pushed you into the water?"

His hold on my hands tightened, almost protectively. My heart softened; what was he afraid of? Was he afraid of me?

"It's not that you did, it's that you were able to by barely touching my arm as you swung."

"Maybe it was the momentum?"

He shook his head, his eyes wild with thoughts, yet so focused on nothing but mine. It was distracting, I had to break the contact. "April, you've never met anyone else like you, right?"


"And you have other abilities the average werewolf doesn't, right?"

I almost said no, but then I thought about how my clothes don't shred and certain things stay with me. "I guess, yeah. I've never thought about it like that."

He tugged me closer. "I think you're stronger than you realize, and I think it has something to do with what you are."

I stared at our shoes, the toes merely an inch apart. In fact, my hair skimmed his shirt we were so close. My voice dropped to a whisper, "what are you afraid of?"

He let go of my hands and wrapped his around my back, closing the distance for a proper hug. My cheek squished against his chest and my eyes closed as I breathed in his scent. "Xavier." I reminded him.

He rested his chin on my head, "Ape, Royal blood has been hunted before. If the wrong people find out about you, I-" he took a deep breath. "I can't lose you, okay?"

My heart broke. I knew he was a few years older than I was, which meant he had been searching for me — his destined mate, his other half — for much longer than I had. It explained his arrogant stand-offishness when we first met. Deep down he had been hurting for me, and then had to wait longer because he assumed I was human. And now he was afraid of losing me for different reasons all together.

Suddenly I understood my parents helicopter protectiveness once I shifted. I understood why they were so nervous about me going out by myself, or why I could only tell very specific people about my fox.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him as close as our bodies would let us. "You won't lose me. I've been hiding myself for years now, I'll be okay."

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