《Hidden Fox》Fifteen


"Guys? Hey guys!"

"April! Xavier! Where'd you go?"

I pulled away from my mate when the Gammas' calls echoed through the trees to us. Sighing, I looked up into his eyes, hating that our moment ended. "I guess we better go back to the pond before they think we've been abducted."

I was expecting him to chuckle, but instead he grabbed both my hands again, refusing to look away from my eyes. "April, I also wanted to discuss going to my pack."

"Oh, yeah sure, I'd love to see your territory, too!"

He cracked an amused smile. "Yes, but I meant to live there, too."

Alarmed, I pulled back and my eyes grew to saucers. I knew it was inevitable, seeing as his pack was my future and mates often lived together almost right away. It was obvious he had been wanting this for a while, but it stressed me out. I'd never met any of his pack besides my friends, besides, I just moved here!

"Xavier. . ."

He frowned, "you're nervous about it."

"Yes! It just stresses me out to live in a new Packhouse full of strangers when I just barely went through all of that two months ago here!"

"You'd have me."

I couldn't help the smile that came from that one. "Well, I know, but still. I've lived in one place my entire life and then in the span of, like, ten weeks I get turned all upside down! Okay, I came out here in hopes to meet my mate, but who could've predicted it would be right away? I mean what in fate's name is that about? And I've never even seen your place, or met your parents or -"

He cut me off with his lips pressing against mine. "Slow down, it's okay." He whispered into my mouth.

I sighed and leaned against him, hearing another one of Andrew's shouts, this time much closer. "I just, I-"

"I know. What about this?"

I pushed back so I could look at him. His face had become concentrated, but his eyes betrayed excitement.

"I know we planned on dinner with the Williams, but what if we went back to my pack to eat? Then you could meet my folks and whoever else you want to know, and then I could show you the territory." He kissed my nose, "would that help?"

When his soft side made an appearance, breaking that hard, mysterious shell he was keen on protecting, I melted. My thoughts turned to mush knowing he reserved this part of him for me. "Yeah. I like that plan. I'm sorry, I'm just not used to so much change so fast."

He smiled, "it's okay. I understand."

The crunch of leaves underfoot made us both turn our heads. "There you are! Goddess, couldn't you hear us calling for you this whole time!"

"Yeah, we heard you." Xavier told Andrew smugly.

Everlee rolled her eyes. "What are you guys doing up here anyway?"

"We made a new plan."


The ride from Emerald's to Xavier's was roughly a half hour. I was fidgeting the entire way: my knee bounced, my eyes skimmed over every tree we passed, and my fingers picked at my nail beds. I shouldn't have been that nervous, it was just his parents. They raised him, and I like him, so how bad could it be?

My mind could conjure up a number of terrible ways this might end.

I shifted in my seat, not taking my eyes from the scenery out the window. Andrew was driving, and Everlee sat beside him in the passenger seat. Xavier and I were in the back. The middle seat separated us, but his eyes continuously bore into me; the burning never cooled.


It must have been when I started chewing the inside of my lip that put him over the edge. In a blink, he had unfastened my seat belt and pulled me across the car and onto his lap. My back against the window with his arm wrapped around me.


"Shh." He murmured against my ear, a wave of a shudder traveled from the nape of my neck to my waist. His arm tightened its grip around me. "Relax, you're not helping yourself."

I didn't respond, but my leg wasn't bouncing anymore and I stopped chewing my lip. My fingers still twisted in my lap. With the slightest sigh, Xavier took my hand in his and laced our fingers together.

"Does my fidgeting bother you?"

"No, I just don't want you to be anxious over something you have no reason to be anxious over." He kissed my cheek, and somehow that calmed me more. "Were you this nervous about moving in with the Williams?"

I knew he was getting me to talk, to distract me from picking at my nails or bouncing my leg, and I was grateful. "Well, yes and no. I didn't know them at all, so that was scary, and in case you were wondering," I threw him a side smirk, "I did fidget a lot on the car ride across the country on the way over here."

"Are you more nervous going to my pack for dinner than you were to live with the Williams?"

I tilted my head back with my eyes closed, knowing exactly where he was digging. The sound of him swallowing instantly corrected my head placement; I hadn't meant to put myself in such a vulnerable position. I had to remember I was already sitting in his lap, with his face in incredibly close proximity with mine. I inhaled sharply, "Xavier, this is meeting your family, which will soon become my family. I have a right to be nervous."

"Well, I think it's ridiculous." He had a smile on his face, but wasn't showing his teeth. He was teasing me.

Leaning into him, I dug my shoulder against his chest until his smile dropped. "Wouldn't you be anxious about meeting my parents?"



It was silent.

"Fine, maybe a little."

"Ha! See?" I smiled in victory, "it's not ridiculous."

He shrugged, "any excuse to hold you."

With a scoff, I attempted to maneuver off of his lap, but his fingers tightened against my waist, and the hand laced in mine wrapped our arms around my stomach to trap me.

I didn't fight very hard, because I definitely enjoyed being in his arms as much as he enjoyed me being there.

The car rolled to a stop and instantly my heart rate spiked. Xavier squeezed my hand; he had probably felt that. Gently pushing me from his lap, he pulled the car door handle and stepped outside to the crunch of gravel beneath his feet. It struck me odd that a Pack house drive would be unpaved, but I took his waiting hand and let him escort me from the vehicle. The second I looked up at the house, the gravel made a lot more sense.

Instead of the typically refined, pristine pack houses I saw growing up visiting neighboring territories, this one was wildly different. While still put together and well taken care of, it didn't scream "rich, polished, modern mansion" like the others. Traditional bricks formed the base while the majority of the exterior walls were composed of logs. With the trees and autumn-dying foliage surrounding the area, it reminded me of a picturesque log cabin. Except on a much grander scale. When we stepped inside, I was even more surprised to find the interior kept the cabin theme, exposing the log structure and carved architecture.


It was absolutely beautiful, but it was wasn't what I had been expecting for such a reputable pack.

"Wow," I blurted.

Everlee giggled, "it's a bit much, isn't it?"

Xavier's hand squeezed my shoulder. "When it's ours, we can update it to a more modern look."

"No!" I coughed, embarrassed to turn down his idea so fast. "I mean, I love this. It's what I wish more pack houses looked like."

Andrew snorted, "I think it looks like a Great Wolf Lodge."

My head tilted to the side, "I could see that, but it's so cute! And it fits the look of the outside landscape." I wiggled my eyebrows, "besides, aren't we wolves?"

I didn't miss Xavier's side glance as Andrew groaned, kicking off his shoes by the door. I decided to copy him, but I noticed Xavier kept his on. I wasn't sure what to make of that.

"I'm glad you like it. We built this into what it is when we became the alphas."

Turning, I discovered the new voice belonged to a woman about my height, with crows feet around her eyes and greying brown hair. She looked a lot like Everlee, but with lighter hair and aging skin. I straightened my posture, knowing this had to be her mother. Xavier's mother; and the man next to her had to be their father. Xavier and his sister both shared their striking dark hair with him.

"Alpha and Luna Black," I greeted with a respectable bow of my head.

The Luna chuckled, and I was suddenly engulfed in a rib-crushing hug. "Oh, honey, its so good to finally meet you!"

"But that's not our title anymore," Xavier's dad added. I looked up from the Luna's shoulder to see him pat his son on the back. "Xavier gained his title two years ago."

When I was finally released from his mother's arms, I begged for his help with my eyes. He smiled, grabbing my hand in his and giving it a tight squeeze.

"She knows that, Dad, she was just being polite."

His dad nodded once and suddenly I felt very small, shrunken under the gazes of my future in-laws.

The Luna gestured for us to follow her into the dining room, claiming she was so excited we had decided to come here to eat tonight. I barely heard her.

Xavier's lips brushed against my ear, clearing my daze. "Don't worry, he's just proud to announce me as the Alpha. He doesn't want people to think I'm not in charge. It happens more than you'd think." He kissed my cheek, pulling me after his Gammas down the hall.

"I didn't know you claimed the title late." I knew he was Alpha, otherwise his parents would have been the one to come to the Williams for those meetings. Most alphas pass the title when their successor reaches the age of eighteen. Xavier waiting until twenty was shocking.

He shrugged, seeming embarrassed. I tugged on our linked hands, urging him to stop walking. We let his family disappear around the doorframe before I told him to tell me.

"Well, I hadn't met my mate yet."

"So?" I laughed, "Xavier most wolves don't get their mate immediately at sixteen."

"I know. But by eighteen I still hadn't found you, and then nineteen, and then twenty. I would've waited even longer, but my dad wanted to step down by then."

I didn't understand. Why did it matter? He must have been able to read my face:

"I wanted us to claim the titles together, for it to be a whole ceremony I got to share with my mate. Especially because I wasn't sure how you'd feel about a wedding ceremony, so at least I'd get the Alphas Succession ceremony."

The words squeezed my heart, and I leaned my head against his shoulder. "That's really sweet. I'm sorry I wasn't around sooner so that could happen."

He shrugged, knocking my head off him and causing me to giggle. His smirk returned, "that's okay. Now, I'll get to be the one that initiates you as Luna."

"I'd like that."

"Good, now let's go eat diner." He started walking, but I stopped him again.

"You know, if you still wanted a wedding ceremony, I wouldn't be opposed."


The happiness that brought him brought my smile to my ears. "My parents had one because my mom is human. Besides, I think marriage is a beautiful thing, wolf or not."

He leaned forward and kissed my nose. I noticed he liked to kiss other parts of my face besides my lips. It was endearing. "Fox or not."

My eyes flew wide and I jerked away. "Shhh!" I snapped. Didn't he get it?

He chuckled, pulling me forward again, "relax, no one's around."

Yeah, no one except wolves with hyper-sensitive hearing!

"I'm sorry," he said as we turned the corner, "I'll be more careful, I promise."

"Thank you." I squeezed his hand and we joined his parents and Gammas at the table.

"There you guys are!" The Luna chirped, seeming thrilled for us to return.


"No worries, I'll go let the chef know we're ready." Xavier's dad said, pushing his chair back and disappearing through a door in the back corner of the room. A moment later, he returned with a trail of omegas carrying trays of plates and glasses.

When my plate landed in front of me, my mouth instantly began watering. The steam coming from the meal of venison and vegetables was overwhelming, and I realized I hadn't had anything to eat yet today.

"This smells incredible," I commented. "Thanks so much for having me."

The Luna — whom I learned is named Emory after hearing Andrew address her (and the former Alpha was Derek)— smiled graciously. "Anytime. Our home is your home!"

"Literally." Xavier whispered as he took a bite. Heat flushed over my cheeks as I caught what he meant. Earlier in the woods, he said he wanted me to come live in his pack, was this him asking me again?

I could tell Emory had heard him too, because her smile hadn't dropped, even as she ate. Quickly, I shoveled a piece of meat into my mouth, hoping the flavor would take over my senses and let me relax. It worked. The chef had cooked it heavenly, and suddenly I didn't know why I had turned Xavier down.

When our plates cleared, and the omegas took them away, we fell into a really easy conversation. I mostly talked with Everlee — who thankfully still hadn't asked about why I shut her out for so long — I also discovered their parents were very easy to converse with, too. Emory was a very welcoming sweetheart, and Derek reminded me a lot of Xavier. I realized I could have stayed at that dining table all night, swapping stories, getting to know each other, learning the ins and outs of their pack. I wasn't sure how long it had been when Xavier finally pulled me away to see the territory.

"It gets dark early now," he'd reminded me, "better walk the grounds before it's too dark to see them."

We said goodbye to everyone — Emory even gave me another hug — and then walked out the doorway, hand in hand.

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