《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》3.7


will rage on long after the parties over and the guests are gone, it'll keep you up, this through the back of your mind as you try to sleep through it. It part of the experience some may tell you, but In reality it's just the part of you that never went to bed. The part of you that stays up late, re running a conversation over and over.

That part of you is still dancing along to the base of the first song, even while your trying to sleep off the high.

Hayley Marshall gripped onto the balcony railing, her knuckles turning white from the mere amount of pressure she added without thought. Her sights hung low on the city, watching as Kieran's wake continued to rage from afar.

The words continued to replay through her mind like a sharp slap, reminding her that none of it was real. None of the kindness, or the change of stature. Mazeki had been lying, only playing into what she wanted.

It was so sickening it almost made her hurl.

And her grip only tightened farther as the wash of familiarity plagued her from behind, the creaking of the door as she slipped in unscathed. It made her revolted with herself to feel the way her stomach flipped in excitement knowing it was her.

"If I died and someone threw a party, I would be so pissed." The werewolf whispered, starring down at the ranger below. She couldn't look up. Couldn't meet those beautiful green eyes.

Mazeki smiled at the brunette who didn't yet meet her eyes, passing a hand over Hayley's upper back, only to watch as the werewolf tended unknowingly beneath the Blondes's touch. "I'll see to it that no one ever does." She tilted her head, her face falling as she watched to way Hayley look behind herself at the door, but ignored Mazeki."What happened while you were with Niklaus?"

"Nothing happened." The werewolf disregarded, her tone soft with no certainty to back up her claim.

"Really? So, why are you so tense?" Leaning forward the Heretic leaned against the railing aswell, finally catching Hayley's startled gaze. She was flagged with a doubt that the Immortal couldn't quite understand."Or why has your eyes glanced back at the door once I entered?"


Hayley frowned, looking away from the woman as she unrighteousness her fingers from the cool metal bars. Pressing one hand protectively over her stomach, Hayley walked farther into the room and out of reach to the blonde Original.

Mazeki's face had fallen unnervingly even, as she watched the werewolf's every move with a calculated stare that she'd never watched her with before."While I have spent some time trapped in a box, i am still very old. I can observe you even with my back turned." The Heretic hummed, crossing her arms as she continued to stand on the balcony."If you will believe just anything that comes out of my brothers mouth Hayley, you are much dumber then I thought."

"So how about you fix it, fix the paranoia with an answer?" Hayley challenged the Blonde, finally meeting the Woman's eyes with her normal ferocity. Nothing could put an end to Hayley's mind but the confirmation from the actual culprit."Are we Mates?"

Mazeki's mask fell for only a moment, her stare so confused and betrayed that Hayley almost thought she imagined it as the next second it were back to unfazed."What do you already believe?"

"When we're you planning to tell me?" Hayley gritted, taking that for a yes.

"There is many things I do not myself know about it, I did not simply wish to rush in and tell you with no-"

"So you weren't gonna tell me?! You were gonna keep it a secret, lie to me about it?!"

Speed forward, Mazeki appeared only mere inches from the beautiful Brunette."I wanted to ensure you could enjoy my company before I simply told you that you would be stuck with me until the day you die Hayley!" The Blonde snapped, her hands bundled in fists at her side. There was something there, something Hayley never expected to see. True guilt."It is a struggle to be around a Mikaelson, let alone belong to one."

Taken aback, Hayley stared at her in horror."Belong! I don't belong to anybody Mazeki, I'm not your property."

"I Apologize Hayley." The woman whispered, her eyes straying to the floor as Hayley only covers her neck with her hand.


This couldn't be real, it couldn't really. Hayley could not accept any of this, yes Mazeki was attractive, yes she was sweet and funny. But what else was there? A liar. Someone who couldn't even face the reality of the situation long enough to tell Hayley the truth.

Shaking her head furiously, Hayley stared at the woman with complete disarray. "I can't love you, not when I see the devil in your eyes." she slipped, the words left her mouth without any control.

Mazeki's eyes softened, her eyes blaring heatedly at the woman as she reached out hand took Hayley's face between her hands. Separating the distance between the two of them. "Oh Darling, that's not the devil, that's obsession, hunger, consumption. I'd kill for you, and I'd kill you." She whispered.

Hayley stared wide eyed at her, feeling herself grow breathless just by the way she stared at her. No one had ever looked at her like that, so enamoured or so aggravatingly.

Even Mazeki's hands lingering on her cheeks sent goosebumps up and down her body, her stomach doing somersaults as she couldn't help the way her eyes involuntarily glanced at Mazeki's lips.

Leaning in, the heretic rested her forehead to the Werewolf's, their lips just brushing as Mazeki stared at Hayley's. Without even a glance back up to meet the werewolf's eyes, she leaned in and gently pressed their lips between one another.

Already to far gone, Hayley reached forward and grabbed Mazeki by the collar of her shirt, hungrily accepting her lips as she kissed the Blonde back.


"" It was the only word that could slip out from Either brother before the woman appeared in front of Klaus, her hand stabbing through his stomach with a piece of wood she'd ripped up.

"You bastard." She gritted into his ear, twisting her hand as she pressed the make shift stake upwards in his stomach. The Hybrid's eyes flashes gold as he heaved at the sudden pain. "You think I'd let you get away with that- accept the conditions and roll over?"

Klaus grit his teeth, grabbing a hold of the Heretics wrist before snapping it and shoving her away.

Landing on the floor, Mazeki's eyes grew red and the veins of hunger she had gone out of her way to push down appeared. Sitting up quickly, she sped forward only to be caught in the unnecessary grip of Elijah.

She attempted to fight the male however felt her body lift as he held her higher like a child. "What is the meaning of this!"

Before Klaus could even open his mouth, Mazeki pointed at him in a sharp manner, as though she were telling on him to their mother. "Nik took a secret I told him in confidence, and confided it within the grasps of a certain werewolf Queen!"

Elijah stared at his brother in confusion, waiting for the rebuttal.

Ripping the stake out, the Hybrid grunted as he pointed the stake back at her. "Might our sister admit that the secret were about Hayley, and in her best interest to know?"

"Mazeki?" Elijah wondered.

"Brother I assure you my next actions will not at all conflict with the peace of the quarter, or even yourself. It simply remains the Niklaus needs a teaching in manners." The elder blonde seethed, feeling as her feet once again were aloud on the floor, though Elijah's arms remained around her.

A moment of deliverance was made, however Elijah soon let go and met the monster our eyes of his vengeful sister. "See to it that none of the renovations are destroyed in your movements."

Mazeki smirked at him before turning back to Klaus, her wrist snapping up as she received the stake back in her palm and Klaus were thrown into a group of tables.

Elijah sped away from sight and onto the second floor, planting himself beside an on looking Hayley that had an almost dreamy look to her as she watched the two Half breed throw kick and punch after one another.

"May I ask what it is he told you?"

"That she cares about me." Hayley whispered, Smiling to herself as she watched Mazeki speed Klaus head first into the Fountain.

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