《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》3.6


fit in a high pair of dark dress pants and a deep cut Button up, Mazeki Mikaelson scouted out the bar as she walked around. One glass pinched between her thumb and index, and a bottle of the oldest liquor they had grasped between the others.

In truth she didn't know fully why she had come in the first place, sure she had spent some of her time around Cami at one point, but the two certainly weren't close. She was quite confident that the woman didn't even properly know how to say her name.

Spotting her younger brother, with a glass already in hand and his head resting in the other, the blonde Heretic smiled cheekily as she strolled pass people to meet his table. "Nikkie, so sad an mopey. No drinking buddies in sight." She faux pouted, sitting across from him.

Glaring at her, he took another sip of his now fully empty glass. Her arched a brow, looking her over in distaste. "I'm sorry Mazeki, does my face read to you that I'm in any mood for jokes." He grumbled, setting down his glass.

Reaching across the table, she slipped his glass over to her and set down her own. Opening up the bottle of scotch, she began to pour them each a new glass."Clowns typically have frowny faces compared to smiles, so I was taking my best shot." Grinning, she slipped the glass back to him and lifted her own. Though Klaus didn't move to drink with her."Come now, share a drink with me brother. For when someone you know falls, everyone else dead that wants to see you gets just a little bit closer."

Shivers ran up the Hybrids spine as he shook his head, recalling the terrifying nightmare of not only his father, but His child. Shrugging he quickly accepted the glass, and the two cross breeds clinked cups before drinking.

Setting down his glass, He sat back in his seat while looking his sister over once again. Not once could he remember off the top of his mind a time where Mazeki seemed so outwardly happy. "You are aggravatingly chipper for a Wake."

"It's not mine is it, better not be. I'm not even wearing my fanciest dress." She widely grinned at him, setting down her own glass as she only received a grunt for a response."Oh grow up Nik, we have seen plenty of death."

"Should you not be off, lying and deceiving your Mate?" He sighed, waving his hand at her in dismissive fashion.

"Should you not be impending daddy hood?" She rebutted, arching a brow at him. She had to admit she did enjoy Nik in this decade, far more concerned with his own business to be focusing much attention on her."You face your dread, I promise you. I'll face mine."



was a gift, a present from the people before you who found themselves love. It was hard, to perfectly find your match. But when you did, you'd pray for the day that you lose them to never come.

"Are You alright? You look-" Elijah wondered in concern, looking over the pregnant werewolf who was growing redder by the moment.

Turning to him, she rolled her eyes while trying to suppress everything with a gentle smile. "A hundred months pregnant and pissed off at the world?"

Elijah retorted the smile with one of his own,"I was going to say you look lovely."

Appearing out of what could be considered then air, Mazeki walked up between her brother and her mate, quickly giving Hayley a new scarf- her arm."Nice save brother."

The werewolf immediately grinned up at the woman, happy to be graced with her presence after her disappearance at the bar. Mazeki too shared the brunette's smile, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of her head as a greeting.

Leaning her head against the girls shoulder, Hayley looked around the crowd. Her eyes scouting a 'crying' Francesca, who gently patted her eyes with a tissue. The werewolf narrowed her eyes on the human leader, before turning back to Mazeki.

"Do you think I was the target of those bombings?" The werewolf wondered softly, guilt sitting heavy in her chest at the thought that she had got so many innocent hurt and even killed just because she had been there.

Though as the Heretic went to attempt to comfort the woman, she was efficiently cut off by her younger brother."Of course you were the target! Were I to wage a war on the wolves, you'd be my first kill! I would string you up, for all your worshipers to see."

"You are their queen, for that alone you will always have an arrow on the back of your head." Mazeki sighed, shaking her head at that fact. With Hayley as royalty, and her as an Original. There would always be an enemy.

Glaring at his brother, Elijah grew annoyed knowing that the interruptions and shots he took at his sister were all insecurity. Everyone could see it on the two, they were so heavily In love it was sickening."I believe that was my brother's way of telling you he'd like you to return home with us. Perhaps try a different approach, Niklaus, with fewer references to murder?"

Sighing, the hybrid huffed and rolled his eyes like a toddler. "As much as I would hate to throw you over my shoulder, strip you from my sisters grasp, and drag you kicking and screaming to the compound, we both know I will." He smiles at her, viciously. "for the sake of my child."


"One bad dream, and suddenly, you want to be a responsible daddy! " Hayley remarks, leaning some o her weight purposely into Mazeki, to silently show the hybrid there was no way she'd be stripped from the Heretic.

"Let me put this into perspective: my father lived to torment me. It is not my intention to become him. This cycle of misery ends with my child."

"Very kind Nik, well done." Mazeki nodded, amused by his attempts at being both gentle and stern. It was not a good look on her little brother.

"You forgot one thing in your little attempt to plead your case- she's not your child. She's ours." She pointed out, glaring at the man as she unhooked herself from the Blonde Original. Reaching back she quickly retook her hand , and pulled a grinning Mazeki with her.

Mazeki would ever day say it aloud, but she did quite enjoy being dragged around by her Mate.


surpassed death or life, it was a bond between people. A trust. It was so easily breakable, but when you found that person, that one person who promises to stand by you? Nothing can break that.

"There is no saving that atrocity festering in your womb. Klaus will destroy it, one way or another. Better he dies now, and you along with it!"

Before the Werewolf were fully able to comprehend what was happening, a flash suddenly appeared in front of her, and a loud cry of pain echoed through the room.

She stumbled back slightly, her eyes widening as two males finally were visible to her. A shaggy tall male, with some stubble, a sword in hand as he pressed it through Mikael chest. On the other side- holding Mikael's arms back was a darker headed man, more put together with his hair styled and his face clean shaven.

Enraged at the presence of the two, Mikaels face contorted into one with veins as her snarled at the boy in front of him. "Kol."

"Papa, what a lovely reunion for us." The younger male grinned, ripping out the sword as both him and Finn quickly threw him off the second floor, and on to the first level.

"We don't have much time Kol!" Finn warned, looking over at his youngest brother who only could stare down at his father in amazement at overpowering him. The eldest quickly turned his head to the brunette werewolf who was still trying to gather what was happening, "you need to go, now!"

"I don't-"

Kol quickly sped over to her, grasping her by the shoulders and pulling her closer to him as he stared her down. "Tell Maze I'm still waiting for that miracle she promised." He whispered.

Hayley's eyes widened at she felt her body retreat backwards, stumbling to the floor.

Shooting upwards, she gasped loudly as she attempted to regain her breathing. The taste of blood tainted her lips, as she looked around irrationally.

Quickly she was scooped up into the warm embrace that lit her skin on fire every time it happened, Mazeki's arms held her tightly, one of her hands even wrapping around the front of her baby bump as though she were protecting it.


came from even the people closest to you, even from people you offered to forgive over and over. A weak type of person performs the act of betrayal as their loyalties will only ever live to benefit themself.

Klaus stood by the door of the Nursery, watching at the woman that carried his child stared at the room in awe, walking closer to the crib. "Believe it or not, Hayley, I would actually like you to be here. Our daughter should be raised by her parents, in her family home. "

The werewolf reached out gently to touch the crystals hanging from the mobile, and turns to smile at him affectionately. Surprised by such a kind gift. "You, me, Elijah, and miracle-baby, all under one roof? Sounds like a bad reality show." She sighs turning back to the crib with her eyebrows furrowed. "What about Mazeki?"

"You care about her deeply." Klaus sighed, the paranoia of their whole situation having gotten back to him with the visit of their father. Mazeki was linked to them, she'd be apart of his child's life, apart of Hayley's. How was her to know if she wouldn't steal it all from him.

"She hasn't ever let me down, not when I've needed her." Hayley whispers, reaching down the touch her pregnancy bump affectionately. Remembering ever single reassuring touch or word the female had given her since they met.

"Well that may have something to do with her needing you alive." Klaus blurted out.

The werewolf stilled, confusion filling her senses as she turned to the Original Hybrid."What?" She took a step forward when he didn't immediately respond, her head tilting."What are you talking about?"

"Well I suppose it is time you know." He smirked, looking behind himself for a moment before stepping closer the werewolf."My sister isn't just blindly nice to you Hayley, she wishes to gain your favour. Due to you being her mate of course."

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