《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》3.5


, desirable, wanted. Passion was everything you wanted with a person, to be able to feel your heart connect, to feel their skin brush over your own, to be able to feel their lips brush your own.

Passion was desired because it meant you were desired, at least that's what Hayley believed. She believed Passion was necessary to make a relationship work, and she believed her and Mazeki, had passion.

But that didn't mean their was any desire. The blonde heretic was sweet, giving, beautiful, but that didn't mean she truly wanted Hayley. Really how could she, when Hayley carried the miracle child of her brother.

"Trust me, when the time comes, you'll know exactly what to do." Eve reassured the werewolf, smiling softly at the brunette who sat up as properly as possible.

Hayley nodded, sighing softly as she recalled the dream of her and Mazeki raising her daughter, sweet nothings in her ear. "I hope so. As fun as it is to image Klaus changing dirty diapers, I'm pretty sure that I'll be doing this alone."

Eve smiled unbelievably at her, she knew. Even if Hayley didn't know, Eve knew about the Mate bond and what it meant. There wasn't a chance Hayley would ever be left alone. "I somehow doubt that."

"Yes, come on now little Minx. Give me some credit." Mazeki smiled at the werewolf as she and Elijah appeared at the doorway, Arthur staying a few steps behind to not crowd everybody.

Hayley smiled softly at the appearance of the Heretic, tilting her head. "You gonna help me with the diapers then?"

"Well if it's a necessary requirement, why not." The blonde Heretic shrugged, a wide grin on her lips as she admired here mate in this motherly light.

"Pardon the interruption." Elijah looked between his sister and Hayley, lingering his stare in his sister longer then necessary. "I wonder if I might have a quick word with the conspirators of a supposed uprising."


" one of you is in charge?" The man sat on the motorbike wonders, looking around the group in curiosity. He had no question in his eyes, no thought beyond one task.

His eyes, glazed over, unmasked but not nervous.

Mazeki grabbed Arthur by the arm in a sudden Motion, an action that seemed to only gain the attention of Hayley who stood directly by the Woman. "Leave. Now. Find somewhere to hide."


"What?" Both Arthur and Hayley echoed the same reaction, confused on what the heretic were doing.

"Go, right now." She shoved him back a pace, her arm now instinctively wrapping around Hayley's back to pull her into the heretics side. Arthur looked between the two for a moment of deliberation, before rushing from the group.

Elijah too now notices something odd about the way the man only smiles in response to the question of who cared about the true leader.

On instinct Elijah quickly speed over to tackle the man, while his sister takes to her own route, speeding their positions around so her back was facing the explosion. Bending her head down, she gently rests it against Hayley's shoulder allowing the spell to take root around them.

A boundary spell, an easy and quick one. It would make Hayley and her a little dizzy after perhaps but it was the quickest one the woman could perform.

Hayley's eyes widened, watching as the impact of the explosion forced multiple people within reach to go flying. All but her.

Safety tucked away within Mazeki's reach.


" could be an attack made on your pack, it's best we retreat there while Elijah handles the fallen here." Mazeki walks past Arthur, gently knocking their shoulders as she begins to head towards the direction they came.

Closeing his eyes, the male tried. Tried his hardest to find it within himself to no do this, but he couldn't. He could not handle seeing his only blood walk around as though the meant nothing to each other. "Enough Mazeki! I have waited a month for even a chance to speak with you once again."

Rolling her eyes, Mazeki slowly turned towards the male. Pity, she held so much pity for such a reject. "I waited twenty two years, you wanna play the blame game? Let's play the blame game. You screwed my mother and never thought to question the fact she grew pregnant near after?!" She pointed at him, her eyes masked with anger and resentment.

"It was one night, one lapse of judgement. So how could I hope or even think for a second that a miracle would come from it?" He whispered shaking his head as he took a step forward.


"A miracle- you think me a miracle?" She laughed at the ridiculousness of that. Her, the spawn of evil as Mikael put it, considered a miracle. "I am the spawn of darkness Arthur, the child of the devil some have put it. Do not for a second, waste your time believing I am a miracle."

"You were mine."

Those words dug deep into her soul, piercing that part of her she didn't even know was there anymore. The part of her that dreamed of a fathers real and unconditional love, the one that hoped she'd see the light of her fathers eyes. But it was only a mere dream, because wether she like it or not, Arthur wasn't the one who raised her, Mikael was, and Mikael hated her.

Her mask had slipped, only held on by the thread of centuries. However just as quickly as it could fall, it was fixed back to her. "Enough of this, we need to check on your Pack."

She'd never let herself sink back into filthy promises of love and devotion, she'd tried once.

Then she watched her brother walk out of a hut, drenched in blood, and Arthur's frail body scattered just in view.


stood alongside Arthur, who the suited original waited patiently to finish his conversation with one of the members of his pack. The Male tucked one hand into his blazer pocket, his eyes scanning over the male that Arthur had taken too.

A sturdy young man, his hair was over do for a cut, and he clearly had no responsibilities such as a wife of child with the way he spoke or stood. No maturity was there.

"I asked that you handled this Markus." Arthur sighed, shaking his head at the young werewolf who he'd left responsible.

"She isn't a very easy woman to deal with Arthur, catch her when she's sober- she's angry, catch her when she's drinking, she won't listen long enough to be angry." The dark shaggy haired male stubbornly responded, his arms crossed as he spoke with the revived male.

Stepping Forward, Elijah raised a brow to the younger man. "Excuse my interruption, but who is it you are speaking of?"

Markus looked to Arthur, arching a brow in silent question. He didn't want to answer, he didn't want to be involved in the first place. He had just ended up here by coincidence and strength.

Shaking his head Arthur turned to face Elijah as well. "One of the Female's that came here with the rest of them, caused a bit of a stir up when Mazeki and I were gone it seems."

"A stir up?"

"She locked her kid outside of her RV, and still hasn't opened up yet. Just trying to figure it out is all." He reassured the Original male, before turning back to Markus. "Where is she- the child I mean."

"Kid found herself a spot in between some trees, refusing to move until her mom opens up the door."

Elijah curiosity was surely peeked. "Where are these trees?"

The Original stood a few feet away, his eyes watching the small shaking figure of the child who remained tucked away. He didn't know wether to believe that the girl were cold or simply terrified of what was happening, though regardless Elijah did wish to help.

Inching towards her, he kept his voice calm and soft as he tried to not frighten her in anyway. "Hello there."

The girl tensed at the unfamiliar voice, her head only slowly rising to stare back at him.

A small girl, her hair in tight messy ringlets, and her face displayed what could only be expected, a level of fear that Elijah himself knew of.

"Are you cold?" Elijah's voice were soothing, his eyes kind as he crouched down to be at her eye level. She didn't move, didn't nod, nor disagree. She simply say their, starting at him.

Taking matters into his own hands, elijah quickly unbuttoned his Blazer and shrugged it off of his shoulders. Extending it out, the male tilted his head.


Still silence.

And then movement.

Sitting forward, The girl sheepishly took the extended fabric and pulled it towards herself, wrapping the excess amount of fabric around herself as she continued to stare at the well dressed Vampire.

"My name is Elijah, and yours?" He wondered.


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