《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》3.4


raged on outside, shaking the weakly built house as all it occupants tried to sleep through the restless night. Elijah and Finn slept in their own room, Elijah to scared to admit he were awake because of the winds, As Finn pretended to be asleep on the other side of the room, his eyes shut as he kept telling himself to grow up.

Mikael and Esther laid in bed on the other side of the home, the blonde witch laid seven months pregnant with a previously damp cloth pressed against her sleeping neck. Even in the mix of the storm, her pregnancy would make her to hot to bare to night.

Mikael out of all of them, we're the only one able to actually have fallen to sleep. Though it certainly wasn't made without strife.

The male struggled to remain with his footing inside his dream, his feet struggling to kelp still, and his breathing ragged as it felt as though a hand pressed against his mouth and nose. Their was a faint whispering in his ear, one that continued until he could truly not breath.

Body snapping up on instinct, the Viking say with arms planted firmly on his legs, trying to grasp at all the air he were aloud by the world. His eyes moved to the small window made at the far side of their room, where he watched the rain continue to pour. "Mazeki..."

A small groan illuminated from the woman beside him, earning his attention as Esther reached over for his hand in concern. Slowly trying to to maneuver herself upright. "Are you alright Mikael?"

He did not meet her eye, fixated solely on the storm that only worsened every moment. It was as though staring death in the eye, yet he feared not, their home would be protected, but for how long? "The child, she is doomed. The spawn of evil."


Esther's eyes widened, turning to her husband as though she had wounded her rather then spat about their child to be."No." she firmly shook her head, resting her open hand against her extended stomach."I understand and apologize for your nerves, I know that after Freya it may seem- daunting, to have another girl."

"She is not a girl, she is an abomination." He grit, side eyeing her stomach, as though he could finally see clearly.

Growing aggravated, Esther pulled back from the man, and shook her head profusely."Stop it, at once!" She didn't know if it were the hormones or the anger, but tears began to rise in her eyes."Our child is healthy, thriving. She is two full moons away and I will not hear anymore!"


laid screaming in her cot, her fingers grabbing roughly on the sheets below her as she praised for the pain to end. A month, a full month early, bleeding, so much pain. She didn't know where to begin with her fear, if it were for herself or the child she had already began to love. Or perhaps it was the fear of the Lightning that seemed to grow closer to them.

Mikael stood rigidly at Esther's side, unable to quite think right. This abomination would be the end of his beautiful wife. "I knew this would happen, that child is evil, she will doom us!" He yelled, glaring at Ayana as she was aided by two other woman.

Ayana only challenged his fury with her own, she stood from her knees- where she had been dunking a cloth in cold water- her eyes were stone cold. "Mikael, this is a stressful time- if you can not be supportive of Esther and that Child, you can not be here for her."



storm had passed, leaving a beautiful rainbow in its absence. At least that was what Ayana had told Esther the moment she were finally able to wake up. The witch took to reframing from telling the woman of the way her finger and legs had begun to turn grey during the birth, or that she didn't know truly how Esther had survived this pregnancy.

The blonde mother stared down at her tightly wrapped daughter, happy tears streaming down her fiery cheeks. "She is beautiful." Her voice were hoarse, but it could never compare to the love that completely engulfed Esther and her baby.

"She is." Ayana agreed, smiling down at the pair, before looking up to meet Mikael's eye. The witch couldn't tell his feelings, though truth be told? She didn't want to.

"Mikael, please come here." Esther whispered, ushering her husband over as she never for a moment to her eyes off of that beautiful green eyed baby.

"What will you call her?" Ayana inquired.

"I don't know-"

"Mazeki. Her name is Mazeki." The rugged male cut off, staring down at the young child in his wife's arms. It was confusing, he'd admit that. How could he love and despise something so much, at one time?


, it's a game. By construct, if one person desires to hold power within their hand, someone else is forced to go without it. It's what makes it so oddly beautiful, someone with power was alluding, in control, and capable.

Mazeki once thought Power were something you had to be born with, that was until she truly read who her parent all were. People with little power, only so much say in this world.

That was the moment Mazeki decided she wanted power, that was the moment she gained it. A child who understands adults, well that just a complete mind game there.But unfortunately for the Heretic, she'd unfortunately lost all her power, thanks to an annoying, beautiful, radiant, pregnant werewolf.

Elijah stood with Mazeki, watching as she stood leaned up against a tree, watching the pack of her kin walk aimlessly by and chat. His eyes too scouted around, slowly growing interested in a small group of children that played with a worn soccer ball. They were all smiling- well except for one girl that seemed a little left out.

Turning back to his sister, he raised a brow at her. "Might I ask what it is we are waiting for? We should be leaving now." He stressed, curious as to why his sister were just loitering around.

"Here I thought you were good with grammar brother, it's who I'm waiting for, not what." The blonde smirked at him, forcing herself off the tree as she walked a few paces forward. Just in time, she reached out and quickly caught Arthur by his arm, pulling him away from the conversation he were previously having.

"Mazeki?" He sounded completely shocked.

"I hear you wish to do some daddy daughter bonding, and while I can't offer you that, I can offer the next best thing. One day with me and my brother, where I continue to make sarcastic remarks about you." She patted his arm, smiling at him.

Elijah sighed at his sisters temperament, looking around once more. His eyes quickly narrowed on something abandoned on the ground. Walking closer, the original crouched down, and picked up the brown piece of leather that was all to familiar.

His wallet.

Someone of his sisters pack, had stolen his wallet.

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