《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》3.3


in a short black dress that tightly wrapped her from her neck to her thighs, Mazeki smiled down at her unknowing mate who already had her arm linked through the blondes. Both wore outfits to fit the occasion. Somber. Just like Mazeki liked it.

Dress for death even when none were planned, it's how she liked to play.

Strolling up past the many citizens of New Orleans, the Blonde paid them little mind as she kept her eyes on Hayley who wore a somber look to match her dress. She clearly didn't want to be here, which only flattered Mazeki all the more.

At least the Heretic were the werewolf's attempt at lifting the nights mood.

Walking past the red barred gate, the pair strolled up to where her brother had just left a tensed conversation with some other witches. "Strange. I thought you'd be in the company of your colourful friends." Elijah hummed to the werewolf royalty, his eyebrow raised at her.

Hayley challenge his brow with a higher one, as Mazeki chose to smile and admire the two. She had taken to forgiving Elijah, sure, but it didn't change her amusement when he argued "You asked for a representative for the werewolves, so take me and your sister, or leave us.

The Brunette male nodded to himself, smiling as he looked away from them and into the many people that walked or chatted on the stairs. "Perhaps I'll take Arthur?"

Mazeki halted in her amusement, her exterior dropping as she quickly turned to her brother in aggravation."You invited him?"

"Hayley may have signed the treaty in representative of all the wolves, but Arthur is the Alpha of his own pack, it would seem unkept if I had not invited him." Elijah explained skillfully, perhaps to any fool he'd actually have convince them. But neither Mazeki, Nor Hayley were any fool.


"Or like you could finally remain out of an issue." The Blonde grit.

Hayley looked between the two confused, sure she was confused on why Arthur should or had even really been asked to attend, but she certainly wasn't annoyed. "What's happening right now?"

"Hayley, were you aware that my dear sister has not shared any words with her estranged father since he has returned from the dead? Despite visiting their pack on a daily- timetable basis?" Elijah did not turn his attention to the woman, instead keeping his eyes solely on his silently boiling sister.

Perhaps he should have though this through farther?

Unlinking their arms, Mazeki stepped forward to stand perfectly eye level with her elder sibling."Mind yourself brother, you may have a deep rooted want for a father figure, but me?" Suddenly she reached out and grabbed him by the neck, forcing them to come truly eye to eye."Im perfectly comfortable ripping out that man's heart in front of all of your guests. He isn't my father, he's a man that cheated on his wife with our whore of a mother. Remember that."

Hayley stood gapping at the way Mazeki so easily changed from content to threatening, she still even kept her poise. To any on looker, she would appear to be a concerned sister, but to anyone who took a second glance? She was the villain.


hung onto the Mikaelson even more tightly now, truthfully she didn't know if it were to restrain her to make sure she didn't go back to Elijah, or if it was because she enjoyed the way she felt pressed against her."Is everything alright?" The werewolf whispered.

The eldest sister of the family, turned to face her mate, Tilting her head as she smiled at the brunette woman. "Why wouldn't it be, Little Minx?"


"Your dad-"

"Arthur." Mazeki immediately corrected.

"Arthur, he's well- here. And you kinda just exploded on one of your brothers in front of guests." She corrected herself, waiting for the axe to drop and Mazeki to turn annoyed at the questioning. However the immortal only remained smiling like an idiot at the women."It's fine if you're not alright."

Reaching over, Mazeki collected both of Hayley's shoulders in her hands and pulled her closely to meet her eyes on a truly intimate level. Finally, the blonde did let her mask drop for a second."Arthur is not my father, I visit the pack to ensure he hasn't gotten them killed like he got himself." She sighed, shutting her eyes for a moment before opening them to look at the beautiful wolf."He may have come back to life for me Hayley, but it does not mean I have any forgiveness for that man."


"Okay? Really, that's all you have inside for me?" She grinned, dropping her shoulders as she continued to look down at her.

Absolutely stunning, inside and Out.

"You want me to go on about how he agreed to a pact with me because you're his daughter, or on how he talks about wanting to see you? Or do you wanna go give Davina our gifts?" She held up the gift between them, smiling up at her.

Jaw dropping beautiful.

Mazeki shook her head in amazement."Let's go see the kid before she thinks I bailed on her."

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