《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》3.2


adorned the darkly lit face of Mazeki Mikaelson, as she looked at her pregnant Mate, who accepted her offered hand upon exiting the Heretic's bedroom. Both women couldn't help the way they forgot of everyone else just downstairs, or the way they immediately grew giddy at the touch of the other.

Instead they both chose to relish in it, Hayley accepted the fact that she could at least feel like a princess for a few moments in Mazeki's hold. As for the Heretic, she accepted the fact that holding Hayley wouldn't kill either of them, it truly would sustain them.

The blonde Mikaelson woman rested her hand along the small of Hayley's back, as her other hand reached up to wrap gently around the brunettes wrist. Hayley smiled as she pressed one of her hands on Mazeki's shoulder, while the other reached around to the back of her neck.

The two ushered into a slow dance, not attempting anymore within Hayley pregnant state. It was gentle, a fact Hayley was still growing use to within the presence of Mikaelson's, however did enjoy on the face of the Blonde female.

"You do look beautiful in that dress, have I mentioned?" Mazeki complimented, her Voice gentle as she let her eyes look down and over Hayley's frame.

The werewolf melted inside at those words, her heart feeling as though it could beat out of her chest. Of course it wasn't even the most creative compliment, yet it still made the girl gush at hearing it. "Better view of it upright, hm?"

"You looked beautiful in it laid next to me, but the lighting didn't do you Justice."

There it was again, an extremely simple and polite comment really, yet it made the werewolf's heart bleed.

She went to respond, however got distracted by the sounds of loud commotion coming from the far end of the hall. Arching a brow, Hayley turned back to the blonde. "Whats happening?"


"I don't know," Mazeki narrowed her eyes, unlatching herself from the brunette, and quickly marching off down the hall with the werewolf quick on her heels. "One time I get you to myself, and something comes in between us. How very fucking predictable." She grumbled lowly.


be told, Mazeki struggled to sleep, even as a child. To much wired her mind, to many plans or thoughts that wouldn't let her sleep, it was only when Elijah or Finn would enviably find her curled up by the burnt out fire in the den, that she'd be ushered back into her room. They'd sit and talk her through each and every thought, until she was to tired from talking that she couldn't form words.

It was one of the few things she missed from being human, the tiredness that came after a stressful day, or the complete exhaustion after chores were finished. It made everything all the more rewarding. She supposed it was one of the reasons she restrained from feeding, the want for some exhaustion in her life.

The blonde Mikaelson sat on her bed, the lamp on her left being the only way to light the room as she sat upright with all of her grimoire's displayed over the bed. A small brown notebook sat in her arms as she attempted to pick through the books for something helpful in bringing her brothers back.

Mazeki paid little mind to the creaking of her bedroom door, knowingly instantly that it were her special apprentice.

Davina scurried quickly over the cold floor, her hair dripping with water from a hot shower she had used to wipe the last few days away. Brushing a few of the grimoire's out of her way, she immediately clambered into the spot beside the Mikaelson. "What are you doing?" She extended the last of her words in a bored manner, leaning over to look at what the blonde wrote.


"Research," The Mikaelson woman smiled at the teenager, who looked at all the many different written books in awe and confusion. "You can't read half of these, can you?"

"I can read..." The dark haired witch leaned forward, looking over at the books in an oblivious way to her hair. Mazeki watched in silent disarray as different water drops dampened many of the pages, though but her tongue. "Those two." She gestured to the two books the farthest from Mazeki.

The blonde hummed, clicking off her pen before tossing it in her lap. Reaching an arm over, she brought Davina into her side, Smiling to herself at the comfortable sigh that left the teens mouth.

"I made a bunch of roses bloom today." The girl whispered, enjoying the quiet safety that came with Mazeki.

"Well then we know who will be taking care of the house plant." Mazeki joked, squeezing the girls shoulder. "Well done Dove."


began to consume all her senses as she slowly delved farther into the neck of one of the many tourists in the quarter. Her fingers tugged on the roots of his hair, and her other hand bawled the front of his shirt.

Weeks, literal weeks since she had drank anything beyond a small sip of Davina's blood, in the name of cleansing herself from the gruesome blood she had fed on after leaving Hayley and Arthur in the Bayou. She was a monster, she had accepted that, but she'd play good little witch so long as it kept Hayley close.

Feeling as the males heart slowed to a halt beneath her, the blonde Heretic groaned before retracting from him. Shoving him off the the side of her, she pressed one of her palms against the wall, Her finger tensing as she soothes her breathing.

She listened to the sound of her ringer go off in her pocket, earning her attention as she reached behind with her free hand and answered on the other line. "Hello?"

"Maze, you wouldn't believe what the hell Klaus has been up too!" Hayley immediately Jared through the phone, oblivious the the fact that the person on the other line had just committed a murder of her own.

"I'm unsurprised by most my siblings do little Minx. So please, fire away." The blonde shook her head fondly at the anger her mate felt for her brother, enjoying the way she immediately went to call Mazeki.

"He's been- been plotting! Making plans with Jackson- and Oliver! Making promises and whatnot without evening telling me!" Hayley huffed, storming in circles around a tree, To angry to be around anyone at this very moment.

"Yes, all very Nik-Like it sounds, may I ask what it is you want me to do?"

"Want to be my co-representative?" Hayley wondered, resting herself against the tree.

"As in... what exactly?" Mazeki reached up, using the back of her hand to clean some of the blood off her lips.

There was some silence for a few moments, until a sheepish request finally came through. "Wanna be my date to a festival tonight?"

"I'd like nothing more."

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