《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》3.1


wondered silently through the camp, her hands tucked neatly away behind her back with sunglasses on the edges of her nose. She was quiet at the hellos from strangers that knew her name, and passive at those who tried to engage her.

The blonde Mikaelson had lost herself after Rebekah left, abandoning Klaus in his sorrow, ignoring her mate in the time where she finally had what she wanted, even sharing few words with those that still pushed to see her.

She instead used her respective time to council her fathers pack, she'd come by at morning and leave by dusk when the crowd would turn to rowdy for her taste. She never spoke however, even to Arthur, she'd keep her silence to stay impartial to them.

However it seemed the relaxed schedule she had grown accustomed too in the last month was only a pipe dream.

Feeling a rough smack on the back, the Mikaelson woman halted in her path. Raising an unamused brow, she slowly rounded to meet the enraged eyes of a special Hayley Marshall, who had set her sight on Mazeki upon seeing her strolling around.

"Hayley, it seems you grow more pleasant the longer the baby stays inside." Mazeki grumbled lowly, looking the woman over the Heretic was pleased to see her mate unharmed, simply bothered. "May I help you?"

"What the hell!" Hayley yelled enraged, stepping forward and shoving the blonde roughly.

Quickly reacting, she reached up and caught the werewolf's wrists, pulling her closer in one swift motion so that the two mates faces were only separated by mere inches. Her voice lowering to a whisper only the wolf could hear. "If you want help I'd be really nice to me right about now."

Glaring at the beautiful woman, Hayley lowered her voice to match the Heretics in a challenge. "Your brother arranged a meeting with everyone but the wolves Mazeki, without the ones who helped build the city. Do you understand how ridiculous that is!"

Arching a brow, the green eyed woman frowned at her Little Minx's anger, annoyed at the fact that Elijah had clearly hoped to have her resolve whatever issue he didn't want to have on his mind. "Very?" She assumed, watching as Hayley tried to pull from her, only for her to grip tighter on the wolfs wrists. "I'm sorry little Minx, It seems I was deceived as well by my brother."


Hayley kept her heated glare on the woman for a moment, though slowly sank as the softness in Mazeki melted her soul. God she hated this woman and he beauty! "You really didn't know?"

"About your pack not being invited? No. I do however know of the meeting," she nodded, before smiling at the young woman. "And it's whereabouts."

Hayley furrowed her brows for a second before the realization dawned on her, forcing a smile to appear on the pregnant werewolf's face.


are a sacred bond, one very little believe nor begin to understand, however it was a reminder of fate, passion, and trust. Mazeki herself wouldn't even insult whoever had placed her within the solid bond between herself and Hayley. Despite the way to two argued, and assumed, Mazeki could be unrelenting when it came to protecting those that mattered.

So Mazeki stood at the werewolfs side, her hand resting on the small of her back as she stared Elijah down with annoyance. Her brother was one dumb fool. "Do you have any idea what it took just to get those people in one room together?" He chastised the two woman who had affectively cut his meeting short.

The brunette glared, putting a hand on her hip as she too stared down the Original Vampire. "No, actually, I don't! Because I didn't even know what you were doing out here until someone else told me. Then I had to go get Mazeki to help me find you!" Hayley gestured to the blonde vampire that stood beside her. "Tell me something, Elijah. Did you leave the werewolves out because of me?"

"Or perhaps you were hoping I'd convince Arthur to agree to this treaty so you wouldn't have to deal with the crescent's at all?" Mazeki scoffed, rolling her eyes at Elijah's decision making. She had resolved most with Elijah, but god could he be short sighted.

"I excluded them because they no longer reside in the French Quarter. My immediate concern is to end the mounting conflict here. Now, I can assure you once this treaty is solidified, it will expand to include your people." Elijah assured, shooting a sharp look at his younger sister who only met the gaze with the same sharpness of her own.


"And until then, I should tell them what? Sit? Stay? Roll over?"

Growing frustrated at being backed into a corner, Elijah's voice began to raise as he looked between both women. "I would prefer that you both remove yourself from the process all together!" Realizing his tone from the way Hayley scoffed at him, Elijah centred himself, softening his gaze on the woman."Hayley, are you absolutely certain that you shouldn't return to the compound?"

"You think the baby belongs there? You think that's where she'll be safe?" The wolf laughed at the thought, being trapped within the glass tower once again, unable to escape.

"Is the Bayou any better?"

"I am there, able to protect her if anything were to grow a drift due to this treaty of yours." Mazeki gestured towards the area the meeting had once being commencing in. "At least she will be able to trust those she plans with there."

"The wolves deserve a voice. Give them one. You know it's the right thing to do." Hayley added with an assertive tone, turning to grab Mazeki's hand and drag her out of the building.


wondered through to corridors of the large building, in search of a particular Blonde Mikaelson she'd yet to see that evening. In truth Hayley had hoped she'd be able to trick a stubborn heretic into a quick dance, as to at least some sort of fun to the evening.

Though as usual, the woman was scarce to none, Elijah informing her that he had only seen her at the beginning of the party and never again. And with the brief chat with Davina, she confirmed that the Blonde was hidden somewhere else.

Gently pushing open the door to Mazeki's bedroom, The werewolf walked in slowly as to not startle the woman if she were in the middle of something.

She was pleasantly surprised to see the woman laid back on her bed, both her heels kicked off, with one knee bent and her arms resting behind her head. The window of her room was opened letting in a beautiful stream of moonlight in to match the candles lit around the room.

"Maze...?" The werewolf inquired softly, looking around the room in curiosity.

The blonde didn't look up, however she did choose to address her mate. "Hello little Minx,"

Hayley walked closer to the bed, resting one hand on the support beam as she looked down at the beautiful Mikaelson Woman. Smiling down at her, the werewolf raised a brow. "You do know there is a party right down stairs, right? One you helped me fight to come to."

The blonde smiled, extending one of her arms from behind her head to reveal a brown flask she'd been hiding. "I cut the party down to a solo- well, now a duo I suppose." She smiled cheekily at the woman, the blonde being so soft that it almost shocked the wolf.

Hayley grinned widely at the woman, tilting her head to the side. "Are you inviting me to party with you? A pregnant werewolf." She gestured down at her extended stomach, clearly amused at the Blonde's invite.

"So... Party of three then?" The Blonde inquired, looking down at the woman's stomach before meeting her eyes again with a happy look in her eyes. The werewolf laughed at the Heretic, shaking her head as Mazeki sat up grinning. "Come on, I bet your feet are sore."

Hayley rose an amused brow, looking between the bed and the grinning Mikaelson. Shifting, Hayley held up five fingers. "Five minutes, then we are going back to the party."

"Whatever you want My Little Minx," the blonde agreed softly, reaching out to help the werewolf lay down beside her.

Both woman shared happy smiles as they laid next to one another above the sheets, neither looking at one another but happy at the feeling of comfort the other provided whenever they wanted.

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