《Mark of the Fated》Book 2 - Chapter 24 - The Real Deal


The Disciples led us in a heavily guarded procession alongside the Cathedral. Rhys was silent and introspective as we entered the narthex, finding the place packed. It was standing room only.

“Follow me,” said Rhys, guiding us between gangsters standing in the nave. “You’ve got the best seats in the house.”

He wasn’t lying, either. The front pew on the lefthand side was empty, and we shuffled in and sat down. My heart was racing, and it was only partly down to be in a place of such evil. It had permeated the walls, the floor, and the people all around us. Central to it all was a pile of rubble that had once been the altar, and a massive, inverted wooden cross that hung on iron chains from the timber arches above. The wood’s dark stains were not as a result of varnish, but of something far warmer, that belonged inside a human body, not out of it. A filthy trough sat below the foot of the crucifix, festering with maggots that writhed in the thick layer of rancid blood.

I was naturally repulsed by the sights all around me, and this was just a mockery of the horror we would face in Hellscape Nightmare. On that world, the sacrifices weren’t a form of authoritarian mind control, designed to ensure submission. It was the tearing out of actual souls, fuel for an infernal war machine. I prayed we would succeed in proving ourselves before I had to set foot in that place. Orcs and dinosaurs were one thing. Demon lords at war with Heaven were quite another.

“You should stand,” warned Rhys, as a commotion broke out near the entrance.

I remained firmly rooted to the seat, as did my party. Jessop, whose worst scare before this week was probably a spilled petri dish, did as he was told and climbed to his feet.

Whoever was being dragged in was putting up a fight. She screamed until the roof trembled. I heard the guards grunting as they struggled to hold onto her. They finally broke through the crowd, and I wasn’t shocked to find the woman completely naked. Her body was slick with sweat from the fight, covered in a lot of crude tattoos. Facing the strength of eight men, she stood little chance now they were clear of the packed aisle. With more space to move, they surrounded her, pinned her legs, and flipped her over. One of the Disciples moved to a small ladder behind the cross and pulled a length of rope free. The group hefted the prisoner into place and the lashing was yanked tight, pinning her ankles against the timber. Another was tied around her waist, and then finally her outstretched arms. If any nails had appeared, I was fully prepared to go scorched earth on the entire building, but they seemed content with knots. I could feel Cris quivering with rage beside me, and it was my turn to soothe her lest the whole plan go to shit.

The woman caught sight of us and her head tried to cock to get a better view. We were an unknown quantity, neck deep in the pit of vipers that were the Disciples.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” whispered Rhys as the entire place fell silent.

All that could be heard over the woman’s rapid breaths of fear and exertion were slow, steady footfalls against the stone floor. They appeared through the crowd which parted submissively. Dressed in red robes with pointed hoods, I read the leader’s name and muffled a laugh. His hood whipped in my direction, and I smiled at the hidden face beneath. There were another three members following up the rear, with the last carrying a crimson pillow with a vicious looking dagger resting atop it. The entire charade was so contrived I almost burst out laughing. Only the sight of the stricken woman and her pendulous breasts stopped me. They intended not only to slaughter, but to humiliate, and I felt my fury rising.


The gathered Disciples glanced between their leaders and ourselves, the undaunted captives. Even Rhys was casting nervous looks our way. I had a feeling they weren’t used to outsiders attending a punishment, much less showing no fear of the proceedings.

“Be seated,” said the leader, in a quiet, effeminate voice.

Everyone complied, and those without seats just knelt on the cold stone.

He peeled the hood back, revealing a man who looked to be in their early forties. He sported a shaved head, the pallid scalp riddled with protuberant veins. Prison quality tattoos were inked in random places all over the pale dome. Set around thin lips, his scraggy beard was flecked with grey. Like some on our world, his eyeballs were entirely black. Whether from a needle or contacts, I couldn’t tell. He stared around the room for almost a minute, and the effect of the darkened colour was that no one knew quite who he was watching at any given time.

Finally, he took in a slow, frustrated breath. “Am I not good to you, my children?”

“Yes, Mr Ripper,” they droned like an school assembly welcoming a headmaster.

I couldn’t help myself and snorted a little at the fucking ridiculous, self-aggrandising name. He ignored my outburst, most likely because our lives were forfeit to Milley, the real boss.

“Do I not feed you? Do I not keep you warm, and safe?”

“Yes, Mr Ripper,” said the unholy congregation.

“And yet here we are today. Our sister, Rebecca, saw fit to try and betray us to the authorities. She plotted to bring ruin upon our family by going to the federal police, seeking a better life in return for securing our downfall.”

“You’re a psycho!” yelled the upside down woman whose face was turning a deep shade of red. “You deserve to burn! Child killer!”

“We all will, in time,” said Ripper. “Such is the bargain struck for our power.”

She started to thrash and scream. “It’s all bullshit! Can’t you all see that? He has no power other than fear!”

One of the guards yanked on her head and tied a gag around her mouth. The cloth muffled her protests, and a swift jab to her exposed belly finished them entirely as she coughed and spluttered into the rag.

“How could we achieve all that we have without the Dark Lord watching over us? Our pact is signed in blood. The price? Our souls. All of you are faithful, and one day you may rise to become favoured of Lucifer, as we are. To show our devotion, we have to be unflinching in our actions. Rebecca’s fall is as a result of her refusal to carry out the Dark Lord’s orders. She warned the family that we were coming for them. Her mistake was in a lack of understanding. We not only own the street cops, but the authorities that sit above them too. Now, she must pay the price.” The pillow holder prostrated themselves, offering up the unhallowed blade.

Ripper picked it up and raised it high. The Cathedral erupted with emotionless cheers as he then turned toward the terrified woman.

“We take her heart and consume it as recompense for her betrayal. Her blood will fill our cups. Her soul, however, is promised to Satan. He will feast upon it for all eternity.” He stood before Rebecca. Her free flowing tears ran through her hair to patter in the bloody trough. I noticed a tiny tentpole in his robe from the throbbing erection as he raised the ceremonial knife overhead.


“Enough of this shit,” I said, standing up. A dozen guns swung towards me, and I ignored them.

Ripper turned around to face me, quivering with rage. “You dare stand in the way of the Dark Lord’s wishes?”

“Cut it out, Clarence,” I scoffed, using his real name. “You’re a pretender. A charlatan. There is only one man in this room who controls the gods, and I’m here to make you suffer for your blasphemy.”

He laughed appreciatively. “Well, well, well. It’s been a long time since I’ve had the pleasure of meeting someone as insane as I am.”

“You’re not crazy, Clarence. You’re just a spiteful little man. Ordinarily, that wouldn’t be a problem for my employers, but they tire of your mockery of the powers they wield. I’m here to make you pay for your transgression.” I laid it on thick, addressing the crowd with a preacher’s fervour.

None of the gang members knew quite what to do as I casually walked over towards the defiled altar. Even Clarence was more intrigued than angry. That was, until I held my arms wide as Cris cast levitate. I rose from the ground, hearing the hiss of fear from the woman strapped behind me. Judging by the collective gasps of shock that rippled around the room, it had the desired effect. I walked back and forth, staring at the crowd while floating. The initial shock was replaced with panicked whispers amongst the onlookers.

“A price will indeed be paid here today, but not by Rebecca,” I declared.

“Shoot him!” barked Clarence, finally throwing off his own fear.

“If anyone moves, they’ll be next!” I snapped.

The gang leader made to grab a nearby member’s gun, and I cast shimmer strike. Vanishing one moment, only to appear behind their feared leader had the whole room flinching. Cue a renewed bout of disbelieving cries from the Disciples while Clarence tried to swing round and bring the weapon to bear. I caught the silk covered wrist and twisted the arm up. He managed to fire off a couple of rounds before I squeezed. They punched through the stained glass windows harmlessly. I felt the bones grind beneath my powerful grip, and the gun clattered to the ground from pain-numbed fingers. Had I wanted to, my increased strength would’ve allowed me to shatter the arm, but I held back because I wanted him fully aware for what came next.

“To maintain the balance, I walk the veil between darkness and light. My powers are bestowed upon me by the divine gods. Your actions are an insult to that balance, and there will be a toll to pay.”

With all eyes on me, Sun had sneakily withdrawn her warcleaver under the pew and called forth my plan.

“Make way!” I snapped as the solid floor began to teem with a tempestuous malevolence. “My slave approaches.”

Holding fast to Clarence, I took a few paces back as the portal grew in size. The nearest Disciples began to scurry back in fear, but I stilled them with a withering look. I’d never been close to the summoning gateway before, and the hot currents rising from it reeked of rotten eggs and carrion. The arrival of Sar’Ozan’s claw-tipped arm sent everyone reeling back again. It was even more incredible being up close to the colossal limb as it heaved, dragging the demon’s twin heads and massive body from the prison realm. I was forced to backtrack myself as the vile, festering bulk climbed fully into our world, its horns punching holes through the roof above. The lesions all over the mottled, red skin were leaking, giving it a moist coating that steamed.

“I’ve called you forth to punish this blasphemer!” I yelled.

The words were my own, but the driving force behind the resulting actions were Sun’s alone. Sar’Ozan looked down on us from obsidian eyes that matched Clarence’s, only the demon’s pitiless orbs were the real deal.

“Feast upon his soul!” I ordered.

The monstrous creature snatched up the gang leader in its clawed fist and raised him towards its mouths. Clarence’s three associates were trying to covertly distance themselves from the fate of their leader until I pointed in their direction. “Bring them to me!”

“Do something!” Clarence screamed in terror. “Shoot it!”

Nobody moved a muscle expect for Rebecca’s former guards who now manhandled the red-robed figures towards me. I gave Sun a nod, and her demon minion stuffed the evil little man in its mouth. The screams lasted until Sar’Ozan chewed once, then all that remained was a wet crunching followed by a loud gulp as he swallowed.

We were nearly out of time, but I used every last second to fully break the leadership. “Do you want to join him?” I growled, and the demon lord leaned in close, his bloody mouths wide open.

Their heads shook so forcefully I thought their necks might snap.

Sun surreptitiously held out her fingers and counted them down one by one as the timer ran out. At the last moment, I glanced up at the gigantic demon. “Begone, creature! Back to your festering pit.”

The Disciples had been cowed by Sar’Ozan’s arrival. The grasping hands that burst from the reopened conduit to drag him back to Hell were from beings even more awesome. The demon roared as he vanished, the awful sound of unimaginable suffering fading as he crossed dimensions.

Everyone in the Cathedral was stunned into silence. I picked up the sacrificial dagger, turned to the crowd, and smiled.

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