《Mark of the Fated》Book 2 - Chapter 25 - Brought To Heel


No one dared to move a muscle in the aftermath of the soul rending of poor little Ripper. The trio of accomplices to his spectacle consisted of two more men and a woman. Without my say so, the entire room began to kneel in worship. My reaction was akin to Sun’s with the barbarian clans, and I almost instinctively told them to get off their knees. The whole point of the crazy plan was their submission, so I forced it down. My tattooed friend met my eyes and nodded. She had helpfully coined the term ‘Dhaulfing’ for the proposal, and in basic terms they were very much the same thing. Both factions held strong convictions that allowed me to manipulate them. Only in the case of Sun’s kin, they were noble warriors, whereas the wretches prostrating themselves before me were criminals of the worst kind. An achievement pinged, and I took the time to pull it up.

Achievement Unlocked – The Devil’s In The Detail

Description – It seems through Machiavellian means, you have secured yourself the obedience and eternal loyalty of a gangster death cult. Erm… congrats?

Reward - +2 Wisdom

I was doubtful if the increase had any real effect. Most of the crazy schemes I’d come up with had been spur of the moment, lacking in-depth planning or forethought. I put more stock in my luck attribute for their success rather than my supposed ingenuity. Still, it was a freebie when I wasn’t meant to be getting much of anything, so I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

My dramatic silence had gone on long enough, and I turned once again to the captors. “Cut her down and give her one of their robes.”

The guards complied instantly, removing the gag and gently easing Rebecca down. All three of the ex-leaders removed their clothing and offered them to her, eager to please their new, demon-summoning overlord. I felt an unhealthy giggle bubbling in my chest at the utter insanity of our current predicament. If I wasn’t so certain of the reality, my old concern that I was laid somewhere in a coma would’ve been a convincing prospect. Instead, I found myself laying out what was actually real.

Hi, I’m Mark. I just broke the will of a devil worshipping, city spanning gang network by calling forth a defeated demon lord from his abyssal prison within my friend’s looted warcleaver. Nothing crazy to see here.

I did laugh then, but it didn’t carry the threat of sending me to a padded room in a local asylum.

“What is your command, my lord?” asked Rhys from his knees.

“I want you and the other heads of the Disciples locked up where we were held. Until I decide what to do with you, that is.”

“My lord,” he started to blabber, “I’m only an advisor. I hadn’t joined the thirteen.”

I looked at him, then the three members to my right. Ripper was being digested somewhere hot. “Where are the other nine? I want them rounded up and brought here. You’re an advisor, yeah? You have knowledge of everything that happens?”

“I do, my…”

“Stop calling me your fucking lord! It’s Mark. Now answer the question.”

He was as white as a ghost. “I do, Mark.”

“Good. You can advise me now. In the meantime, I want these fucks and the others locked up as fast as you can. If any resist, bring them to me to deal with.” I was playing the hard-heart, because it needed to be played. Given the chance, they would’ve carved Rebecca’s chest open in front of us, eaten her still beating heart, and handed my party over to Milley for torture and death. I would maintain my stranglehold on their organisation with whatever means I had. I pointed up at the empty cross. “And bring tools to tear that insult down or I’ll call my slave back.”


Old Mark was aboard a makeshift raft, drifting away on the ocean of necessity. I could barely make out his cries of warning across the growing gulf of time and events. Osterland couldn’t brook a weak-willed hero. Too many lives counted on me, so I waved him off as he vanished further into the glare of the freshly risen sun.

Rhys was aiding in my orders, harrying the guards as they led away their new, half-naked prisoners. Radios crackled, creating fraudulent reasons for the other leaders to come back to their base in the area. The reason I classed it as such was because I couldn’t believe an organisation of this size and complexity was headquartered in what was effectively a cordoned off portion of a slum.

Even as Rhys barked orders to clear the cathedral, none of the members moved. They looked at me in terror. They’d witnessed a demonstration of my powers, but I wanted them completely cowed and popped my holy shield, before walking back and forth near the ruined altar, glowing with divine brilliance that cast a painful light on their wretchedness.

“Is this what you wanted?” I yelled, making them all flinch. “To be tortured playthings for demon lords like the one I brought forth?”

They were utterly still at first, then their heads started to shake. I held my arms wide in my crackling cocoon of holy energy.

“Darkness has no power,” I continued with the same manic fervour. “It’s like the shadows before the dawn. At the first sign of the light, they retreat until they come skulking from the gloom at dusk. I conquer darkness! That mighty lord of Hell is mine to control! He’s now nothing more than a puppet. As you were once puppets.”

I let that sink in for a few moments.

“So I ask you again. Do you want to be playthings for creatures like Sar’Ozan?”

The shakes were much more powerful now. Someone at the back meekly called out, “Isn’t it too late for us?”

“Possibly,” I replied honestly. “What I can guarantee is that you’re fucked if you don’t listen to me and do as I say. Would you like the chance to make amends? To try and save your soul from being devoured forever like little ol’ Mr Ripper?”

The unseen Disciple replied with a simple, “Yes.”

“Ok, good.” My holy shield faded, pitching the unhallowed building back into the half-light from the glowing candles. I’d noticed at least one face that didn’t seem interested in salvation. “As for the rest of you, make your choice one way or the other. If you stay, you’ll be fighting for me until this thing’s done. If you want to leave, take what you can with my blessing, but stay the hell out of my way.”

“You said fighting?” asked the nameless member. “Fighting what?”

“You’ll see soon enough.” I had no further use for them. Yet. “Go back to whatever you were doing. No drink, no drugs. I want your minds clear.” I’d expected some complaints, but they accepted my words and funnelled out in a calm manner. “Rhys!” I yelled.


“Take Rebecca and get her cleaned up and in some proper clothes. Did Clarence or the thirteen have a house of their own here?”

“Behind the Cathedral. You can’t miss it.”

I grunted and urged the rescued woman to leave. “Go with him. No one will touch you now. You’re safe.”

She gave me a wide berth, obviously terrified. Rhys led her out into the night, and I tuned to my group. “That went pretty well, don’t you think?” My voice echoed in the vast, empty space.


“Not for Ripper, it didn’t,” said Cris, and we all laughed, letting out some nervous energy. Well, Jessop didn’t, but then again he was new to the whole calling forth demonic entities, so I let it slide.

“Let’s find their house and work out how we’re going to survive the CID coming for us,” I suggested.

We joined the rest of the Disciples outside. They had all filtered off to their particular duty, or gone home, but the jubilant screams and throb of pounding music was gone. I could feel their eyes on our group as we looked around.

“That one?” asked Cody, pointing behind the cathedral.

The home was new, large, and luxurious. All sides of the building were floor to ceiling glass, while the decaying homes around were sided with what I called shiplap, crumbling with rot. Every room was awash with light, and we followed that glow like moths. We passed through the crimson halos of the spotlights adjoining the cathedral and I grew angry at the insulting colour. I pulled out my flail and smashed the first, causing everyone except Sun to flinch.

“What are you doing?” blurted Cris in shock.

“Destroying these,” I explained between swings. “You go on, I’ll be right behind you.”

She gave me a concerned frown, then carried on with the others.

I circled the defiled building and beat the shit out of the glass and bulbs beneath. It only took a few minutes, and as I began to head in the direction of the house, I heard quiet conversations about Malkar’s severed head. His presence was so familiar to me I hadn’t even given it much thought, but it freaked out the Disciples. Flipping it over my shoulder, I sauntered off, letting the yellow tusks scrape against my back.

I heard footsteps that broke into a run. On my minimap, a yellow icon turned red as the owner switched to full hostility. Spinning round, I found the angry faced Disciple from the congregation charging me with a machete. In a blink, the shield was in my arm and the wave of energy from my shield bash stopped him dead. The blade whistled past my head as its former owner collapsed into the dirt.

“Mark!” Rhys yelled, racing over with a group of gangsters.

I didn’t have time to watch over my shoulder constantly while navigating the world. The temptation to send the man off with a beating and another warning was fleeting. Instead, I cast smite. The beam’s promise of doing extra damage to evil creatures was confirmed as the figure was engulfed. He thrashed briefly, but his entire upper body and head were scorched away like a vampire under the cleansing rays of the sun. When the column of light receded, all that remained were a pair of hands, and two lower legs. Everything else was just a patch of burned ash that blew away on the wind.

“Are you ok, Mark?” asked Rhys breathlessly, staring at the remains.

“Who was that? I guess he didn’t understand my lesson.”

“Hayes. A child molester. We think he killed some of them too.”

“And now he’s off to join Ripper for eternity. Anyone else want to try me?” I demanded, glaring at the gathered gangsters. None answered. “Good. Now do as I say or get the fuck out of here. I won’t tell you again.”

They scurried off, giving the legs and hands a wide berth.

I headed off toward Ripper’s old home. My awe at the leader’s property only grew as I neared. The entrance doors were open, revealing a white marble floor in the reception area. Most of the décor was a glossy white too, from the furniture to the fixtures. Our coronation was in full swing, with the on-hand Disciples bringing out every type of food, drink, and drug they had available. They came and went like ghosts, trying to avoid our attention.

“They’re terrified,” Cris whispered as I joined them at a crystal topped dining table.

“Good,” I said, “They’ve seen a glimpse of where their life was taking them. I’d be shitting myself too.” Plonking myself down at the head of the table, I helped myself to some fat strawberries. I didn’t care that they were bought with drug money. We all needed to eat, and they were delicious.

“What are your orders?” asked Sun.

I choked on the fruit. “Orders? I don’t want to order you. I’m open to suggestions on what to do next, though?”

Cris was first to speak up. “Let’s analyse where we are, and then go from there.”

“I’m all ears,” I replied.

“Liza’s still missing, and we have no idea where she is,” said Cody, miserably.

“I know it’s tearing you up, mate, but I’ve been thinking about her and the good professor here. I think she might be the safest one out of the lot of us. Lake obviously wants their knowledge for whatever’s coming. She and the others will be with him, and I doubt he’d be putting himself at risk.”

“What can she possibly offer if they’ve already got the things made?” he argued. “You said the attack was coming soon? That’s why they released the scorpions.”

It was a sound point. “The only answer I can come up with is that they need different minds, or more minds.”

“That might mean something hasn’t gone to plan,” added Cris.

“Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?” asked Sun. She turned to one of the serving girls. “Bring me the hot black liquid! Now!”

“Coffee,” explained Cody as the young waif fled toward the kitchen.

“Anything that messes with Lake is good for us. But it might be that the dinosaurs are thirty percent more deadly, which could also mean it messes with our plans too.”

“Thirty percent more deadly?” Cris repeated, shaking her head.

“Bad example, but you know what I mean. The staff he already has working for him are the ones behind the atmospheric changes and the soon to be unleashed dinos. Professor, do you and your faculty have any specialisation that might put you in the crosshairs?”

He put down his glass of water, brow furrowing. “I honestly can’t say. We’re only a small charity funded facility that operates around our teaching.”

“You teach genetics type stuff?” I asked.

“These days it’s mostly genomic science with a dash of biochemistry to keep me awake. Liza was working towards becoming tenured, and I’d hoped to hand the department over to her when I grew too long in the tooth. There are hundreds of us in universities across the country. We’re not unique.”

“Nothing about your findings was out of the ordinary?”

“Our research has been shared with many other labs, here and abroad. Trying to pool our capabilities, many hands make light work, you know how it goes. Other than the effect the oxygen content was having on the growth cycles of the insects and other species, we hadn’t discovered much.”

“Maybe it’s something you don’t even know you know,” offered Cody. “No doubt Lake’s been watching everything you’ve been sharing. They might have picked up on it and decided to snatch you up before the shit hits the fan.”

“They could be gathering all the great thinkers in their robes to ensure the smartest survive the creatures,” said Sun, scooping up a spoonful of white powder to mix in with her freshly delivered coffee.

Cris reached out and gently eased the hand away from the steaming mug. “That’s not sugar, Sun. I wouldn’t put that in my drink if I were you.”

“It looks the same,” said Sun, tipping it back onto the small pile of cocaine, scowling.

“You’re already a coffee fiend. I don’t want you getting hooked on the sniff,” I replied. It would give the frenzy skill a tenfold buff if she went into battle off her nut on Charlie. “Get rid of that shit down the toilet,” I ordered.

The teenager who’d brought her coffee hurried away to get a bowl of the non-narcotic sweet stuff and dispose of the valuable drug.

“But back to your point, you may be right. Liza explained that Lake was turning into a spiteful little fucker, moaning about normal people being parasites and stuff. It could be a simple case of trying to build a master race of clever people to take over once the dinosaurs have done their thing.”

Cris didn’t seem convinced. “Isn’t it always the rich in the movies? The elite, all banding together while we get wiped out by an asteroid or tsunami?”

“Would you want to share power with people as psychotic and narcissistic as you?” I asked. “How could you sleep at night, knowing the rest of the billionaires were plotting on being top dog?”

“I guess you couldn’t,” she replied. “We’re just going round in circles with his motives. For all we know, he could be snatching up the world’s supermodels to breed with the scientists to create a stunning, intelligent race of beings.”

Jessop faked an outraged bluster. “Why did you have to rescue me? I could’ve had it all!”

I chuckled. “If you help us save the world, I’m sure you’ll be beating the models off with a stick, Professor.”

“At my age, I’d rather take them all to Arazza for some dinner and fine wine,” he replied.

The word meant nothing to me. “Arazza?”

“The most famous restaurant in the world,” Cody helpfully explained. “If you can afford the prices.”

“It sounds like you’ve got a sound plan there, Professor. Now we just need to figure out what we’re going to do to achieve it.” I caught sight of Rhys through the windows. “Maybe our new advisor there can give us a few tips.”

He saw us watching and slowed in his approach. I waved a hand, telling him to hurry the hell up. Time was running out before the CID were due to arrive, and I wanted to be ready.

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