《DEVIL IN ME ▹ supernatural[1]》NINE
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The search for Jack Kline was a stressful one for everyone involved. After accidentally killing someone, the boy fled thinking he needed to protect everyone from himself, including his twin sister Jenna. He thought he would turn into Lucifer, their biological father. He knew that wasn't good, that he couldn't turn into him, so he vanished. Jenna was desperate to find her twin brother, to hug him and comfort him, to reassure him that he wasn't a villain just because their father was.
They had gotten a call from one of Sam and Dean's friends, a woman named Jody Mills. Sam and Dean always told her that Jody was an amazing hunter/sheriff who helped save lives. She had called on a lead about Jack, a man was killed by some kind of angel and Jack was the last one seen around him. Jenna didn't want to admit it, but Jack might have killed someone.
They were now at an art studio, speaking with a woman to find out more about the man named Derek and his death. Jenna showed the woman named Paula a picture of Jack. "That's him. He said his name was Jack, that he was a buyer" Jenna and Sam looked confused. "Buyer?" Paula motioned towards the paintings.
"Some freaky stuff here. Derek had quite the imagination" Dean mumbled as he looked at the paintings, only making Paula scoff. "He hated that word" The three hunters now looked at the woman. "Freaky?" Paula shook her head. "Imagination. He liked to think of his art more as reportage" Dean rolled his eyes and turned away.
"Reportage? Reportage from where?" Sam questioned. "From the places he'd visit" Dean was wandering around, finding a painting he knew all too well. "Derek was a dream walker" Jenna furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, she wasn't taught was that was. "Sam, Jenna?" The two turned to see what Dean was motioning at, which happened to be a painting of the apocalypse world.
Dean went back to the impala after getting himself and Sam coffee while getting Jenna a smoothie. "Thank you, Dean" Jenna thanked, smiling to herself in excitement over the drink she had just found and now loved. Dean got in the impala, Sam held John Winchester's journal. "So the lore on dreamwalking is pretty inconsistent. Uh, there are stories about it across numerous Native Amer—" Dean cut him off.
"Are we all gonna talk about it?" Dean asked. "Talk about what?" Jenna looked at the brothers in confusion. "You two saw the painting" Jenna and Sam didn't get what the eldest was trying to say. "And? Well, it looks like Jack gave up on us and he's looking for daddy" Jenna shook her head. "We don't know that, he wouldn't try" Jenna denied, ignoring the thought that Dean could be right.
"Do we? A guy is dead, Jenna. Look, I hate this too, but we've gotta be prepared—" Sam cut Dean off, realizing what he meant. "To kill him" Jenna's eyes widened, frantically searching for any way that her brother wouldn't do this. "Jenna, this is just worst case scenario, I actually like your brother" Sam interjected before Jenna could freak out.
"Yeah, but, Dean we need more information. I mean we gotta figure out what Jack wanted, how—how dreamwalking even works" Sam sighed, slightly calming the agitated nephilim. "Okay, well, then let's go to a reservation. Let's talk to a chief or a tribal leader" Dean suggested, feeling bad for freaking out Jenna.
"Or, we talk to a dreamwalker. I hacked into Derek's email. He's been corresponding with another dreamwalker for months, a girl named Kaia Nieves. He had been trying to coach her, to teach her to control her power" Jenna nodded. "All we need to do is find her. Where is she?"
They had found where Kaia was, a rehab center. They were inside using their fake badges when Jenna felt a power she was all too familiar with, her brother. "Jack, he's here" The boys followed the girl who was on auto pilot, opening the doors in the back of the center to find Jack holding Kaia's wrist.
"Jack!" She exclaimed, the boy turning around to see his twin sister along with the Winchester brothers. "Jenna?" As he was distracted, Kaia kicked him and punched him, running off. The three ran to Jack's side. "She hit me" Jack spoke in disbelief. "Yeah, good" Dean said in a harsh tone, clearly angry with the boy for doing whatever it is he was doing.
"No! She's getting away. I—she can't—" Jack was being held back by both boys as he struggled to get away, Jenna had to join because the boys weren't strong enough. "No no no no no. Hey, we're not letting you near her until you tell us whats going on" Dean told him. "I need her!" Jenna was disappointed in her brother, not being able to believe that he had been doing what they suspected.
"You need her like you needed Derek?" Sam inquired. "Yes" When they were sure Jack wouldn't be able to catch up with Kaia, he was let go, the three sharing worried glances. Jenna was agitated, holding onto Sam's arm to stop herself. "You don't...I'm– I'm doing this for you" Jack said, mostly looking at his sister as he noticed how she had changed since he left.
"So killing Derek was for us? Jack, seriously?" Jenna hissed. "Derek's dead?" There was a minute of silence, Jenna calming down and Jack letting the fact sink in. "Wait, hold on a second. Jack, tell us what happened. Everything" Sam demanded, the male nephilim feeling bad for hurting his twin by leaving, he could tell by her eyes.
"I left to try to get a grip on my powers. I wanted to prove to you that I'm good, to do one good thing. So I did the thing you wanted the most. I experimented opening doors to other worlds. I could almost do it. I could get right to the edge. But I couldn't see. I could only feel around in the dark. I needed eyes. A seer" They realized what he meant. "A dreamwalker".
"Yeah. So I researched, like you taught me. That's how I found Derek" Jack recalled meeting the dreamwalker. " I didn't know if it would work, but it did. He dream walked and I joined him... in the Apocalypse World. I could see what he saw. And I saw her" The three were baffled. "Her?" Jack recalled seeing the blonde haired woman. "Your mother" Sam and Dean were stunned, letting the information sink in.
"She's alive" Jenna was shocked. "What?" After Sam constantly convincing Dean that there was a possibility Mary could have been alive, Dean never thought his younger brother could be right. "But she is in danger" Jack then proceeded to show them what he saw in the apocalypse world, Mary groaning in pain but still alive.
"I was so close to her. I could've touched her. But, Derek wasn't strong enough to hold the connection" Jack explained. "Wait, so you didn't burn him out?" Sam asked. "No, I stopped. Derek, he wasn't strong enough, but he knew someone who was. Kaia, she's the key".
Sam and Dean were upfront driving, Jack and Jenna were in the backseat of the impala like they use to be. Jack didn't know how to talk to his sister, who seemed to be hesitant being near him. "You were right. About Mom. You were right. This whole time, we should've been looking for her" Dean admitted. "Dean, I was just hoping. I didn't know. Anyways, it doesn't matter. Now that we do know—" Dean cut him off, finishing his words. "We find her, no matter what it takes" The two agreed before turning towards the twins.
"You two good?" Dean asked, Jenna nodded but Jack didn't say anything. "Jack?" Dean was focused more on the road, so Sam was looking over the male nephilim. "You thought.. you three thought that I could do that, that I could kill Derek" Jack looked at his sister, clearly more hurt by her thinking he would do that than anything else.
"Jack, we, um, we didn't know what happened. We figured, m-maybe it was an accident or– or..." Sam stumbled over his words, not knowing what to say. "Like the security guard" Sam nodded. "Yes. Exactly. Like that. Jack, we were worried, okay? You know, when you disappeared, you were in a dark place. And we didn't know where you were going and..." Dean cut him off, not going to Yes. Exactly. Like that. Jack, we were worried, okay? You know, when you disappeared, you were in a dark place. And we didn't know where you were going and..." Dean stopped his brother, not wanting to walk on eggshells.
"Thought you were out looking for your dad" Dean spoke. "You mean Lucifer?" The boys said yes, Jack looked at Jenna who just stared out the window. "I was scared. I was upset. But... why would I look for him? He's no one to me. You two, Castiel, Jenna, you're my family" Dean smiled proudly.
"Yes, we are. Finding Mom, you... You did a good thing, kid. You did a real good thing" Jack then looked at his sister. "Jenna, are you mad?" The girl finally looked her twin brother in the eyes. "I'm upset that you left, Jack. I'm upset that you left because you made one mistake. Human's make mistakes all the time, but the good ones don't run away from their problems, they deal with them" Jack held his sister's hand, sad when she slightly flinched,
"I'm sorry for leaving, I thought it would be better that way. I know now that it was wrong to leave, I am sorry" Jenna smiled softly, knowing she could never be angry at him no matter what. "I know" Was all Jenna managed to say, though Jack knew exactly what she meant. They each stopped blocking their connection, being able to sense where the other was again.
Before they could say anything else, a ringing noise started screeching in their ears, the angel radio. Both twins winced in pain, holding their heads. "Jenna, Jack?" Sam worried. "Angel radio, they found Kaia".
Kaia was being held captive by an angel. " mean, you picked the wrong bait. I'm not the kind of girl folks come for. In this world, I don't even rank a milk carton. No one is gonna come for me. I'm not white, rich, blonde. No one's gonna fight for me. I don't matter" Kaia tried to tell the angel. "Of course you don't matter. But they think you do. They'll show. And when they do, we'll kill the hunters and take the twins" The angel smirked.
"That so?" Dean entered the warehouse, shoving an angel in a male vessel in front of him, holding an angel blade to its throat. Sam, Jack, and Jenna followed behind him. "You know, the girl's right. Your plan does kind of suck" Dean told her. "Give us the girl" Sam demanded.
"She's not what we want" The female angel turned to the twins. "Jack, Jenna, I don't wanna hurt either of you. I wanna help you both. You should be among your own kind" The angel tried to reason. "Our kind? The kind that kills people? That kidnaps people?" Jack exclaimed, holding his sister's hand. "You two don't belong with them. Come with us. Come home" The angel begged.
Jack and Jenna looked at each other before looking at the boys, smiling before finally looking at the angel. "We are home" And with that, the fighting started. The male angel grabbed Dean's wrist that held the angel blade before head-butting him. The female angel dropped her angel blade out of her sleeve, but Jack used his power to levitate her and throw her into a wall and a window.
The male angel punched Sam to get him down. But before he could do it again, Jenna used what she called her banshee scream. "Stop!" She pushed her scream at the angel, making it disintegrate. She had been working on using this power, it usually comes at times of panic but takes a while to do it again.
Dean went after the female angel flung out of the warehouse while the other three went to the dreamwalker. "Are you okay?" Jack asked her. "No! What the hell was that?" Kaia exclaimed. "Angels, not the good ones" Jenna spoke, eyeing the girl to make sure she wasn't a threat. "Angels?" Kaia looked at them in disbelief. "Yes, and we're hunters. We kill things like them" Sam commented.
"And they're the son and daughter of Satan?" Sam shrugged. "Yes, we are" Kaia looked between the twins before shaking her head. "You're insane" Dean entered the warehouse again. "Yeah, the whole world's insane. You get used to it" He told Kaia before turning to his brother and the twins. "She took off. She might be back, she might not" Dean guessed. "Yeah, we should move".
"We'll protect you" Jack promised the girl, who was defiant. "I don't think so" Sam got into the conversation, Jenna near Dean. "Wait. Hey, hey. Kaia, look, I'm sure this is a lot. But....look, we need you. Okay? My brother and I, our—our mother is trapped in another world, and if you can tell Jack where it is, then he can open a door—'' Dean interjected. "We can save her" He finished.
"So, what's the play?" The four started planning. "Derek said there are sacred sites, places where the walls between worlds are thin, where it's easy to cross over. I was taking Kaia to the Wind Caves" Jack explained. "The Wind Caves?" Kaia spoke more to herself. "Let's roll" Dean announced. "No" They all looked at Kaia.
"We saved your life" Jenna reminded the girl, confused on why she wouldn't repay the favor. "Thanks, but they only wanted me because of you" Kaia argued. "Kaia, we need you to dreamwalk for us, to use your gift" Kaia was fed up with their persistence. "It's not a gift. It's a curse. When Derek walked, he was free. He could go see beautiful things, to worlds that were paradises. I wish it was like that for me, but it's not. I only go to one place, the Bad Place. It's just blood and death and monsters" Kaia shivered as she recalled the place.
"Well, it sounds like a lifetime of bad dreams, but—" Dean tried talking, but got cut off. "Bad dreams?" Kaia pulled the sleeve of her shirt up to show long, deep scars. "When I get hurt over there, I don't wake up sweaty. I wake up bloody. This scar, it's not the only one. I'm sorry about your mom, but I can't help you" Sam looked at her sympathetically.
"All right, fine. Um... we can find another way. We, um..." Dean pulled out his gun, cocking it to scare the girl. "Get in the car" Jenna's dark blue eyes widened in shock. "Dean, Dean" Sam was ignored. "Get in the car" Dean snapped, eventually making the girl go into the car. "We're going to South Dakota".
"So now what? We get Kaia to the Wind Caves, and then what? Force her to dreamwalk at gunpoint?" Sam retorted as Dean drove, the hunter feeling a bit bad for scaring Jenna unintentionally. "We get Mom back, no matter what. Remember?" Meanwhile, the twins and Kaia were in the backseat. Jack now sat in the middle to give the scared teenage girl room.
"I'm sorry about all of this. I was like you, Kaia, afraid of my powers. But it doesn't have to be like that. You said that you wished that things could've been different, and that's why you reached out to Derek. Derek thought that you could help me, and I could help you, Jenna can too. She's like us, she's as powerful as me" Jenna waved when she heard her name.
"Why do you keep saying his name? Derek's dead because of you" Jack frowned for a moment. "Five seconds" Kaia looked confused. "What?" Jenna used her link to Jack to figure out what he meant. "Give me five seconds to show you what Derek saw, what I saw with him. It wasn't just the Bad Place. It was... everything. It's... amazing" She agreed, Jenna used her powers to see what Jack was showing.
"Our powers can be good. We can do good in this world" Dean ended up swerving to miss a car driving on the wrong side of the road, but the car was following them. "Oh crap" Dean drove them to an abandoned shipyard. They all got out of the car, the angel radio starting to pierce the nephilim's ears once more.
Sam raced the three inside, Dean waited by the impala for the angels, armed and ready. "Need those nephilims, Dean Winchester. Heaven's running out of angels. Only they can save us" A female angel showed up, speaking to Dean. "As far as I'm concerned, you dicks can fry" Dean spat back. "Yeah, well you first".
The others were in the shipyard, Sam was painting warding sigils while Kaia panicked. "What's happening?" Kaia panicked. "Don't worry, we'll be fine" Dean entered the boat now, running inside. "We're screwed. There's too damn many of 'em! We gotta go up. Let's go!" They went as high as they could go on the boat.
"Hey, Dean, maybe if we let 'em in and then we blast them all away" Sam suggested. "No, they get in here, we're dead" Dean looked at the twins. "Jack, Jenna, can you two do anything?" Dean questioned. "We can try, but they'll just use angel radio" The boat started shaking. "Okay, all right, so then we go out guns blazing. We take out as many as we can. Kid, sorry to drag you into this. This was not your fight" Dean told Kaia.
"If they get up here, they'll kill you all and take Jenna and I" The boat continued to shake. "No, they won't. You said I could help you find the door to another world, right?" Jenna looked at the dreamwalker, smiling proudly.
The twins and Kaia both start the dreamwalking, but Kaia lost her footing. Sam and Dean were blasted to The Bad Place, while Jack and Jenna were blasted to the apocalypse world where Mary Winchester was, but also a whole new world full of enemies that the twins weren't familiar with, people they didn't know. It was up to the nephilim's who were less than a year old, they had to find and save Mary Winchester.
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PSYCHO BUNNY (Completed ✅)
🥀තමන්ගේ එකම ආදරේ අමතක උන තරුණයෙක්..🥀තමන්ගේ නැති උන එකම ආදරේ සොයන පිස්සු හැදුන තරුණයෙක්....🥀තම මිතුරා වෙනුවෙන් හැමදේම අත අරින තරුණයෙක්...⭐ තමන්ගේ අමතක උන ආදරේ ඒ තරුණයාට යලි මතක් වෙයි ද?⭐ සමාජෙන් පිස්සු කියලා හංවඩු ගැසු ඒ තරුණයාට ඇත්තටම පිස්සු ද?⭐ තම මිතුරා වෙනුවෙන් ඒ තරුණයාට හැමදේම අත අරින්න සිද්ද උනේ මොකටද?තේහ්යුන්ග් , තරුණ කාගෙත් සිත් ඇදගන්නා සුලු පෙනුමක් හිමි කඩවසම් තරුණයෙක්.....මානසික රෝහලක අවුරුද්දක පමණ සිට වෛද්යවරයෙකු ලෙස කටයුතු කල තේහ්යුන්ග්ට දවසක් ඔහුගේ භාරයට හම්බෙන්නෙ තවත් තරුණ රෝගීයෙක්....⬆️topkook⬇️bottomtae
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