《DEVIL IN ME ▹ supernatural[1]》EIGHT
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Sam walked into the kitchen to find Dean cleaning his gun and Jenna on her laptop. Neither of the two were speaking to each other, but it seemed as if it was a mutual and peaceful silence. "I think she's clean" Sam commented, making Dean drop the gun back on the table. Sam looked over to see Jenna checking leads on her brother still.
"Anything on Ketch?" Dean asked. "No. Checked every hospital in a 50-mile radius. Nada" Dean sighed. "Crazy son of a bitch probably pulled the bullet out with his teeth" Jenna scoffed slightly. "What about Jack?" Dean directed his question to both Sam and Jenna.
"Castiel says he has nothing, there's no aliases being used that fit what Jack would use" Jenna explained, looking over to Sam to see if he had any new information, but Sam just sighed. "It's like...we gotta find something in the lore, or wait for Jack to make a mistake" Sam spoke.
"Yeah, well, the 'mistakes' are what I'm worried about" Dean had just begun to trust and understand Jack before he disappeared, Dean was hesitant now on how much he could trust the missing nephilim.
Jenna's phone rang, stopping anyone to say anything else. Jenna looked to see that it said 'Unknown' on the Caller ID, which confused her. The only people that knew her phone number were Sam, Dean, Jack, and Castiel.
Jenna hit except put the phone on speaker, catching both Sam and Dean's attention. "Hello?" Jenna questioned hesitantly. "Jenna Kline?" Sam sat down on Jenna's side of the table. "Who is this?" She asked. "I have something you might be interested in" Dean decided to bud in, suspicious that someone knew her name considering the phone was put under the alias 'Jenny Olsen'.
"No, we're happy with our cable provider. Thank you" Dean commented. Jenna went to go hang up until the voice on the other side of the phone captured Jenna's interest. "What about your nephilim brother, Jenna?" The female nephilim moved her hand away from the 'hang up' button.
The three stayed silent, so the man speaking continued. "Word on the street is he's gone rouge" Jenna clenched her hand into a fist. "What street?" Jenna snapped slightly, Sam placing a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
"Hell Street, Hell Avenue. Just Hell, really" The three locked eyes, Sam mouthed '', making Dean roll his eyes. "What if I told you and your friends that I had a way to find your brother? Meet me at Smile Diner at 12:45".
Sam, Dean, and Jenna walked down the sidewalk towards the Smile Diner. "It's a demon, I can sense it's power from here" Jenna confirmed before they even arrived. "You know, this could be a trap. I mean he could work for Asmodeus and is trying to capture Jenna" Dean theorized. "Yeah, but what if he's telling the truth?" Sam argued back, his hands stuffed in his coat pocket as they walked side-by-side.
"You know, after Crowley I told myself, no more demons" Dean complained. "Dean, we don't even know what this guy's deal is" Jenna chose to but in. "Sam, he's a demon. I'm pretty sure all he wants is to try and use us for his own personal gain" Dean nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, but like Dean said, we need a miracle. And maybe this is it" Sam stated optimistically. "You know what miracles are called from demons? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it's not miracles" Dean spazzed. "How about this, we'll hear the guy out?" Sam suggested. "Then kill him" Both Jenna and Dean finished as they arrived at the diner, walking inside.
They surveyed the practically empty diner, spotting the demon considering he was the only lone person and Jenna could sense his demonic energy. "That's him" She mumbled to the brothers as they walked over. The demon stood up to greet them.
"The famous Winchester's and the nephilim child of Lucifer" Dean was annoyed, wanting to be anywhere else but there. "Some random demon" The demon didn't seem phased by Dean's comment. almost as if he completely expected it.
"Barthamus. Bart's fine. Please, sit" Dean pulled up an extra chair as they sat across from him so nobody had to sit next to Bart. "I ordered Cherry Pie" Bart pushed the pie closer to Dean as if it was a peace offering. Dean was entranced by the pie for a moment before snapping out of it. "Well, Bart, don't know what you've heard about us, but..." Barthamus cut Dean off.
"Everything. I've been following your careers a long time. You're a real pain in the pitchfork. And the halo. Natural disrupters. We have that in common, you and I" He then looked at Jenna. "And you, darling, a big talk throughout the entire supernatural world, both you and your brother" The three gave the demon the same look.
"Mm. Yeah, we're twinsies" Dean said dryly, Bart looked at Dean and Jenna with a smirk of amusement on his face. "All right. You said you had something for us" Sam got straight to the point, wanting the awkwardness to be done with.
Barthamus took out an old piece of paper from his jacket that had been laminated to keep secure. "That is a genuine Nephilim tracking spell" Jenna glare at Bart as he pushed the document over to the three to see. "Yeah, and I just won the Powerball" Dean mentally rolled his eyes.
"You don't believe me" It was Jenna's turn to roll her eyes, a habit she got from hanging out with the Winchester's. "You're a demon, we hunt demons. How did you think this would go?" Jenna asked bluntly. "Even if this is real.." Sam started, Barthamus cut him off. "It's real" Sam ignored him. "Why would you give it to us?" Sam finished.
"I'm a crossroads demon, Sam. After Crowley's promotion to King of Hell, the crossroads demon. Helping people's what I do, my raison d'être" Jenna felt an odd vibe coming from Bart, not one that came from all demons, something different.
"What's the catch? In every movie when the bad guy gives the good guys something they need, there's always a catch" Jenna brought up. "You got me. For a nephilim born not that long ago, you are pretty quick. I do need something in return. Call it a favor" Jenna went to go attack him, but Sam grabbed her arm to hold her back from smiting him just yet.
"Yeah, but you already gave us the spell" Dean replied smugly. "Half the spell. That's half the spell. The other half is elsewhere. But I'll happily hand it over once we're done" He corrected. "Well, see, here's the thing. When a demon tells us to jump, we don't ask how high. We just ice their ass" Dean snarled. "How very "Dean" of you" Barthamus chuckled before turning to Sam. "Sam, do me a favor. You're the smart one. Look into that. I'll be in touch" He then looked at Jenna.
"Be careful, nephilim. You have a lot of people wanting to use you for your powers, choose your allies wisely" Barthamus left, Sam and Jenna looking over the spell while Dean ate the pie.
Dean entered the bunker library where Jenna and Sam were studying the parchment. He smiled to himself seeing the two wearing the same exact expression, both looking identical. "What's the verdict?" He questioned, getting their attention. "The spell... I think it checks out. We put together a rough translation. Um, it's Canaanite. Dates back to the time of King Solomon, who apparently commissioned it to keep tabs on the Queen of Sheba, who, according to the lore, was half-angel" Dean was weirded out.
"She was a nephilim? So, what you're saying is that King Solomon created a spell so that she could stalk his girlfriend" Jenna nodded. "It looked like it worked for him, but he had the other half of the spell, which made it work" Jenna sighed, resting her head on the table in frustration.
"Look, whatever game Bart is playing, I-I-I don't wanna play it, but..." Sam trailed off. He didn't want to work with another demon, he had already dealt with that plenty of times. But he missed Jack and he couldn't stand seeing Jenna so lost, neither could Dean. "Sam, you know that these things don't usually go our way".
"It doesn't matter. Jack is out there, in the world, and he's alone and he's scared and he's dangerous. And if this is our chance to find him...we have to take it".
After much compromising, the three decided to go to the warehouse Bart texted Jenna about. And despite them trying to get Jenna to stay behind, she convinced them that she should go with.
The three entered the odd room, Barthamus also had two others with him, a man and a woman who sat at a table. "Sam. Dean. Jenna. Welcome" Barthamus greeted. "Who are your friends?" Dean's voice boomed throughout the warehouse. "I'm sorry, I should've told you. These are my associates" Bart motioned to the woman.
"This young lady is Smash" The brunette had her headphones in as she looked down at her phone, only throwing up a lazy peace sign. "And this is Grab" The man lifted his drink slightly. "Hiya" Jenna furrowed her eyebrows, noticing that the man was a demon and that the two had odd names.
"I've never heard of anyone named Smash or Grab" Jenna didn't understand the meaning like the brothers did. "Not our real names, kid" Smash slightly looked up from her phone before looking back down. Jenna then looked at Grab, the one with the demon energy.
"You're a demon, your soul is distorted and your energy is dark" Jenna spoke out loud, observing the demon with curiosity. "And you're the famous nephilim, child of Lucifer" Grab sassed slightly, making Jenna squint her eyes. Barthamus cleared his throat to stop the two and grab their attention.
"Smash can crack any safe built by man. And Grab's a demon, expert in bypassing supernatural security" The remaining members of Team Free Will 2.0 were puzzled at why Barthamus needed them. "Wait. Safecracking? What is this, a heist?" Realization hit Dean that it could very well be one. "Hold up. Is this a heist?" He exclaimed.
"His name is Luther Shrike" Barthamus gestured to the bulletin board that had a picture of Luther as well as other information. "Lives off-grid. Paranoid, agoraphobic. You might call him a hoarder. Has a rabid appetite for collecting rare supernatural objects, including something of mine" Sam rose his eyebrows.
"What did he take?" Jenna crossed her arms over her chest, clearly not interested. "What I want is in a mahogany trunk, in a safe, locked in a vault room, hidden somewhere on Shrike's farm. I want you to find my property and bring it back to me" Barthamus walked over and sat on the table.
"What's in the safe" Dean asked, while Sam said "Why can't you rob it yourself?" Barthamus looked over at Dean. "If I could, I would. Farm's warded inside and out. Grab can locate the vault room, but the only thing that can actually open it is the blood of a man who's been to Hell and back. Tell me, Dean, do you know any men like that?" Jenna and Sam looked over at Dean who was hit with a few flashbacks of his torturous time that still created nightmares whenever he slept.
Dean looked down to collect himself before looking back up. "Well, here" Dean rolled his jacket sleeve up as he continued speaking. "Why don't you just take it? Then you can give us the rest of the spell" Dean snapped slightly, frustrated that the demon had the balls to mention hell to Dean. "I'm afraid it needs to be straight from the tap. And I don't just need your blood. I need you. You see, when it comes to Shrike, there's what I know and what I don't know. Now Grab can locate the vault, Smash can crack the safe. But there will be curveballs. And you boys and your nephilim, well, you tend to hit those right out of the park" Bart smirked.
"How does Shrike get into his own vault?" Jenna spoke, not ending her death glare directed towards the head demon. "He uses his own blood, nephilim" He answered. "So he's been to Hell. What's he, a demon?" Dean questioned, getting tired of these long conversations. "Luther gets around, but he is human. Not one of the good ones. He's a sadist, a murderer who'll do anything and everything to add to his collection" He warned the three, mostly looking at the nephilim.
"All right, seriously, what does he have of yours?" Dean pushed. "It's important to me. That's all you need to know" Sam shook his head. "Sorry. That's not good enough" The giant Winchester decided. "Put it another way... take the deal, or I give the spell to Asmodeus. I made a copy of your half, obviously. Did I neglect to mention that he's looking for your boy, too? And your girl who's right here?" Sam and Dean clenched their jaws while Jenna clenched her fist. "But here's the thing... I don't trust him. Of course, I don't trust you either, but I trust him less, so you get dibs. For now" Sam and Dean both held Jenna's arms as she was about to lunge at the demon who smirked at the girl's response.
They pulled her to the side as they discussed what to do. "All right, well, I've seen this movie a thousand times. Some asshat too fancy to get his hands dirty plans a job, swears it'll all go smooth, and it does... until bang! And everything goes screaming off the rails, and it's our asses" Dean exclaimed dramatically.
"Dean..." Sam trailed off, looking over at the nephilim. "Jenna" She only shook her head. "Dean's right, he will screw us over the first chance he gets, we know this for a fact" Jenna agreed with the older hunter. "Not if we screw him over first. Listen, we want that spell, right? I mean, we need that spell. We definitely don't want Asmodeus getting his hands on it. So, let's do this, have him hand over the other half of the spell" Sam proposed.
"And then?" The hunter sighed. "And then, like you two want, we kill him" The three agreed before walking back where the others were. "Peace made?" Barthamus asked. "Yeah, you could say that" Dean and Jenna both shot glares at the demon,
"Alright, look, if we're doing this, finding the vault's gonna take time. We need a distraction, something to keep Shrike busy" Sam said. "I'm all ears. See, boys, it's kismet, us working together. Shrike'll never see us coming".
The plan was that Sam and Jenna would be the distraction, selling an object worth value to the man. They were invited in under the fake names John and Kelly Dortmunder. They were offered a drink by Luther. "Homemade gin. It'll blow your whistle. And water for the girl" Sam looked skeptical while Jenna kept the same neutral, bored facial expression.
"Homemade?" Sam questioned. "I don't get out much" Both drank what they were given. Jenna could tell it was holy water, not that it effected her at all. "I gotta say, you have a very impressive collection" Sam complimented, looking around. "Ever seen a fang of the Basilisk?" Luther showed the two, Jenna shook her head. "Whoever sold this to you obviously lied" Sam smiled with pride, happy that she actually paid attention when he was teaching her.
"Really now?" Luther was now curious about the extent of the girl's knowledge. "Basilisk fangs are hollow, this is a Gorgon fang" She corrected, setting it back down. If they weren't in that situation, she would've gotten a high five. "How do you know this, young one?" Luther asked in curiosity.
"I've been trained to know any monster when I see one, practically since I was born" Jenna shot Sam a knowing look, making Sam slightly smirk before clearing his throat. "Of course. Um, okay. So, what I brought today is very special. It's very rare. It's one-of-a-kind" He took out the infamous knife, Ruby's knife to be exact. "A knife that can kill demons" Jenna mentally prayed that Dean would hurry up and stay safe.
"So, what's your price?" Luther asked the two. "Uh, you know, what we agreed to in the e-mail is... is fine" Luther turned around, getting the money. "But, uh we all know you two are not really here for this" He swiftly got the demon knife, pointing it at the two. "Ah, come on. Seriously?" She groaned in annoyance. "Bart sent you two" Luther snarled.
"What the he—" Sam covered Jenna's mouth. "You're the distractions, right? Got your friends out there, stripping me blind as we speak" Sam protested, but Luther stabbed Jenna with the demon knife, finding out it didn't do anything. Jenna looked at Sam, deciding now to be the best time to quote a Disney movie.
"Oh look, I've been impaled" She smiled cheekily before taking out the demon knife and stabbing him right back, only for it to not work on him either. "Bart didn't tell you? As long as I'm on the property, I can't die" Luther went to attack Sam, but she knocked him out. "Seriously, Jenna? 'I've been impaled'? You're quoting Frozen now?" Sam complained. "Just let it go, Sam" She sang.
Dean had joined the two after almost being killed by Luther's traps, Grab dying in the process and Smash running off. Luther was now tied to a poll in his house, waking up to the three glaring at him. "All right, jackass, this is how it's gonna go. You can tell us how to get past your little booby trap in here, and then you're safe, all right?" Dean snapped, only making the man chuckle.
"Sorry, son. That riddle in there? You'll never crack it. And if you try, you'll find yourself on the business end of a thousand tiny darts, each tipped with silver and filled with arsenic, holy water, and holy oil. Gentlemen, I wish you good fortune!" He laughed again, stopping when Jenna's eyes glowed the golden nephilim color she regularly sported.
"I would shut up if I were you, you don't piss of a nephilim, especially the child of Lucifer himself" Dean smirked with pride before taping the man's mouth shut again.
The three now stood in front of the entrance to the vault. "All right, so what are we looking at here? Some sort of an ancient hoodoo disco floor?" Dean asked the two, clearly confused. "No, I... I think it's like a... like a giant keypad. Like we have to walk over the tiles in a very specific order... an order which only Shrike knows" Sam explained, using his knowledge as best as he could.
"Yeah, well, Shrike's not talking, so I guess we wing it" Jenna looked at them in confusion. "Wings? Like mine?" She wondered, not really paying attention to the conversation. "You have wings?" Dean turned towards Jenna. "Of course, why—" Sam cut her off.
"Wing it? Dean, these... these aren't like the lasers in Entrapment. There are infinite possible combinations and pressure-released darts" Sam scoffed at his brother's suggestion that would get one of them killed. "Did you just say Entrapment?" Dean inquired. "I don't know. I mean, I don't... I don't watch a whole lot of those kinds of movies" Sam admitted.
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