《DEVIL IN ME ▹ supernatural[1]》SEVEN
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Castiel showed up at the playground that secretly held the portal to Heaven, meeting up with an angel he knew named Dumah. The angel was shockingly willing to meet up with him despite his reputation, which made Castiel happy.
"Dumah, thank you for agreeing to meet with me. This is a matter of—of great urgency. It's imperative that I locate Jack" Castiel explained to the angel as she walked closer. "You mean the twin nephilim" Heaven had found out the twin's names but referred to them as the nephilims. "Yes, do the angels have him?" Castiel questioned hopefully. "No" Castiel became worried, praying to the absent God that Jack wasn't taken by Asmodeus.
"Okay, you're certain that he's not maybe sitting in—in Metatron's old cell or—" Dumah cut him off. "If we had him or his sister, they wouldn't be imprisoned. They would be put to work" Dumah's vessels voice was soft as she explained this to Castiel. "What do you mean?" Castiel slightly tensed.
"Castiel, the angels...our numbers were greatly diminished after the fall. No one's made new angels since the dawn of creation. We're going extinct. You would need a powerful force to make more of us" Castiel tried to stay calm, but he hated the idea of that happening to the children he swore he would protect. "You mean Jack and Jenna" Castiel paused for a moment, collecting himself before going on. "Even if they had that power, what makes you think either of them would cooperate?" Castiel questioned, knowing the twins most likely wouldn't listen to some strangers.
"They may not have a choice" It was easy to forget that most angels didn't have the same experience and emotions as Castiel did, they didn't know right from wrong in a human's moral stance. "So you're planning to enslave both of them for some kind of experiment?" Dumah looked a bit guilty, or at least that's how her vessel looked. "Castiel, they are not your pet. The nephilims belongs to all of us" Castiel heard a familiar noise, looking over at the portal to Heaven to see two angels showing up. Castiel started to back up, feeling betrayed that Dumah called other angels.
"You did well, Dumah. You delivered him as promised" One angel said before turning to Castiel. "We hear you have influence with the nephilims. They'll listen to you" Castiel was upset, disgusted even at the angel's idea of enslaving the two nephilims who weren't even a year old. "No, I will not help you" He declared, never willing to give up the two that he swore to protect. "Ever the renegade" The curly haired angel commented. "Castiel, please, come with us" Dumah begged, grabbing Castiel's wrist, only for the notorious angel to push her away.
Angel blades were brought out. Castiel began to fight the three angels, but was inevitably caught by Dumah who held the angel blade to his throat. "Drop the blade, Dumah" The angels turned to see the ever-so illusive Lucifer. When Dumah didn't do so, it irritated Lucifer. "You hesitate? This isn't gonna one of those make my day moments, is it? Okay. Buh-bye" Lucifer straightened up, his eyes glowing red. The three angels retreated to heaven, leaving Castiel behind with the devil himself.
Lucifer than sat down on a bench, coughing and wheezing out of exhaustion. "What are you doing back in this world?" Castiel questioned bitterly. "What are you doing alive?" Lucifer argued back, making Castiel roll his eyes. "It's complicated" Castiel heaved. "Same here. Obviously, getting here took its toll" Castiel realized something. "You're weak" He went to charge at the archangel.
"Yeah, I'm clearly not myself" Lucifer got up when Castiel was marching over. "But, oh, cowboy, I'm not that weak. And you and I need to talk" Lucifer exclaimed. "I have no interest in talking to you. And if this is about your son or daughter—" Lucifer cut him off. "Okay, I get it, I get it. Custody of my kids is a non-starter. But if you can please just shelve the eternal enemies thing for a second, we have a situation. And by "we," I mean everything alive. We're sorta... all gonna die".
Castiel and Lucifer went to a bar to discuss everything, though it was clear that Castiel wanted to be anywhere else but there. He didn't trust Lucifer at all considering that the last time they were together he killed him. If it weren't for Jack and Jenna, he'd still be dead.
"Everything I am telling you is true. You were there, man. You saw what that place was like. The Michael I just described to you is responsible for that" Lucifer became irritated when Castiel wouldn't make eye contact with him and looked as if he wasn't believing him.
"What? What? What? What? Will you—will you do me a favor and stop looking at the door every five seconds like you wanna get outta here?" Lucifer complained. "You'll forgive me if I'm a little on edge. The last time we were together, you killed me" Castiel recalled. "Well, last time we were together, you stabbed me" Lucifer added. "I'm sorry" Castiel lied, something obvious to Lucifer who just brushed it off.
"You wanna dwell on the past? I don't" Lucifer then lowered his voice. "I'm not myself anyway. What am I gonna do? Okay? Look, it's time to save the world. Be the heroic Castiel instead of the butt of Heaven's joke" Lucifer tried to encourage his angel brother. "I am not the b—" Castiel tried defending himself, but was inevitably cut off. "I'm, you know, just sayin" The willpower he possessed to not sock the archangel in the face was amazing.
"Okay. How do I save the world?" The ever so annoyed angel asked. "We. We, save the world" Lucifer corrected. "Oh no" Castiel looked to the side, thinking that this had to be one of Lucifer's tricks to get him to the twins. Castiel would never let that happen.
"Yeah, yeah. Look, you protected my son and daughter. They trust you. If you can convince the, to be on our team, I think the combined power of the four of us can drive Michael back. I'm telling you, this guy is not the same Michael that we knew. He's much more powerful" He tried reasoning. "Ok, if this Michael comes—" Castiel was cut off once again. "Not if. When. When. The guy's on a mission" Lucifer corrected, actually wanting to do the right thing for once.
"Well, you would seem to be the weak link on this team" Lucfier feigned a hurt face. "Okay, that hurt. That was unnecessary. I'm gonna let it go. Yes, my grace is a little bit depleted, but give me time, man. Work this out with me" This angel was really getting pissed off by the devil.
"Hypothetically, um, let's say you're lying, and I help you find your son and daughter, and then you kill me again" Castiel brought up. "Cut me a little bit of slack. Please? That unhinged thing and that meth head Kevin Tran are about to bust through that door. God isn't here! It's just us" Castiel sighed deeply. "We're all we got, in case you hadn't noticed" Lucifer spazzed.
"Well, I-I-I have to talk to Sam and Dean" In true Lucifer response, the devil himself started banging his head on the table dramatically as he groaned. "Why, why, why, why, why, with all their second-guessing and their whining? This is an emergency, Castiel, and all they're gonna wanna do is—is put me back in the Cage" Lucifer complained, knowing that out of the three it was Castiel he could trust to help stop Michael. "That's all I want" Castiel said with no emotion.
"But right now, you need me, I need you, and we both need my children" Lucifer then changed his tone back to normal. "Look, not changing the subject, but we'll get back to it. I just wanna ask you, how did you hide them, so well? I mean, I tried to get a bead on both of them, and no bueno" Castiel was furious that Lucifer would just waltz in and claim the children that he didn't even know, that didn't even want him.
"Jack and Jenna" Castiel leaned forward, practically hissing at the devil. "Your children's names are Jack and Jenna" Lucifer let the names sink in, simple names that seemed to somehow fit. "Jack. Jenna. Wow. Are they..." Lucifer chuckled. "Awesome? I mean, are they a chip off the old block?" Lucifer looked like an excited child at the thought of having his own mini versions of himself.
"Thankfully, no. No, they seem to favor the mother" Castiel remembered Kelly, the brave woman who sacrificed her life for her children, and Lucifer didn't even remember or care for her. "All right, that's nothing that we can't fix. But seriously, I mean, why can't, you know, detect a presence?" Lucifer wondered.
"I don't know" It was obvious that he was lying. "But they're okay, right?" Castiel thought for a second on how to word what he would say next. "Jenna's fine, I just saw her a few hours ago. I'm sure Jack's fine" Lucifer caught on.
"Well, you don't sound sure about my son. Is he—is he nearby?" Lucifer asked. "No" Satan himself noticed the way Castiel slightly squirmed. "Somewhere more distant?" Castiel slightly nodded. "Yes, more that" Lucifer gasped. "Oh, my Dad. You have no idea where he is".
Castiel then got a phone call, his contact read Jenna. This caught Lucifer's interest. "No talking if you don't want Sam and Dean to know you're alive, Jenna will tell them" Lucifer pouted, Castiel walking away to talk to her while Lucifer used his power's to listen in.
"Hi Castiel, we need to find Jack and fast. Have you gotten a lead yet?" Lucifer was a bit excited about hearing the voice of his own daughter. "Nothing yet, but interesting things are happening. We—" Castiel looked at Lucifer who he realized was clearly using his powers to listen in, now standing behind him. "Yes Jenna, you can use a toaster" Castiel lied when he noticed Lucifer. "What? Castiel, are you okay?" Jenna worried on the other side of the phone. "Cas? You know, smooth was never your strong suit" Lucifer then hung up the phone.
"Castiel sounded odd. He was about to tell me something, and then changed the topic to toasters" Jenna informed the brothers. "I'll track his phone" Sam decided. "Let's go" Then, the ever-so-evil Ketch spoke up. "Yes, lets" Dean shot him a look. "No. No, you are not a part of "let's" M—".
"Man, I hate the idea of Ketch on his own in the bunker" Dean complained as he drove the impala. The beauty purred as it drove, Sam was doing research while Jenna had finally fallen asleep for the first time in a while. "He's locked up tight. Not going anywhere" Sam reassured his brother in a quieter tone, looking back to Jenna who was softly snoring. "Yeah. How we looking? You still got a lock on Cas's signal?" Dean asked. "Sure do. I nailed down his location. He's not much further, so... Don't worry. You did tell him not to do anything stupid" Dean made a noise. "Right. When's the last time that's worked?"
The brothers woke Jenna up before arriving at the bar. The building was dark, the brothers had flashlights on. "There's nobody here" A demon then attacked Dean. Jenna was right on it, using her sonic scream to make the demon die, turning into nothing. She didn't notice another demon coming behind her, but it was shot, making Jenna aware and kill it. The three looked over to see Ketch out of the bunker.
"H-how did you get out of the armory? Y-y-you...chains..." Sam mumbled. "Lockpick. If you'd done the prescribed cavity search, as you should've, you'd have found it. I, uh, grabbed some weapons from your toy box and a motorcycle from your garage, et voilà. What's become of your angel? Your half angel is the one who saved you two" Ketch stated, Dean pulled out his gun. "Not sure. But I am sure about you, Arthur".
Sam stood next to Dean, Jenna in front of the two slightly. "You know, I gotta hand it to you. That paper trail you cooked up, pretty impressive. But my gut told me it was baloney. Looks like my gut was right. See, I've been in it with you, Arthur. I've seen your moves. We've gone toe-to-toe. And I saw that look in your eye when you asked about our mom. So why don't you cut the crap?" Dean growled, Jenna's eyes glowed a golden color to scare him.
"Actually, everything I told you is true. Well, except for the, uh, twin brother thing. I am separated from the British Men of Letters, lying low because they will kill me for desertion. I make a rather good living as a sort of soldier of fortune, deep underground, for a certain sort of clientele who appreciate my skill set. And I do use the name Alexander" Ketch admitted.
"How are you still alive? From what I've heard, you were shot in the head" Jenna's glare with her golden eyes intimated anyone around her. "I believe you're familiar with the witch Rowena MacLeod, young nephilim?" Jenna didn't respond, just glaring at him. "She was captured by the British Men of Letters some years back. I discovered she'd sewn a powerful charm into her body that could bring her back should she be killed. I struck a deal wherein she did the same for me in return for allowing her to escape" Sam furrowed his eyebrows. "So after we dumped your body, you—" Sam was cut off.
"Good as new. Only problem is, one the device is used, it needs to be recharged" Ketch explained. "Which is why you need Rowena. She's dead, my father burned her to crisps" He rose an eyebrow. "Is she?" Ketch questioned. "Why'd you come here? You could've run" Dean asked, changing the subject.
"Did it ever occur to you, Dean, that I might actually be one of the good guys?" Ketch had glares from all three of the Winchester/Kline squad. "No. Not at all" Dean spat. "You and I were soldiers in opposing armies who were at war" Ketch tried to convince them. "Well, the thing about war is, one side wins" Ketch sighed.
"I suppose you're right" Ketch through a flash-bomb to help him get away. "Son of a bitch".
Jenna finally got a call from Castiel. "Castiel, finally. Where are you? Are you okay? You weren't at the bar and there were demons there" Jenna ranted in worry, not knowing it was Asmodeus. "I'm sorry. I'm fine. I tried to call and warn you, but couldn't get a signal" Jenna sighed in relief, making the Prince of Hell smirk. "Well, what's going on?" She worried. "I'm following a very interesting lead. I'll fill you in when I know more. See you soon, Jenna. I will find your brother, it's okay".
- End2094 Chapters
Renegade Immortal
Renegade Immortal / Xian Ni (仙逆) – Wang Lin is a very smart boy with loving parents. Although he and his parents are shunned by the rest of their relatives, his parents have always held high hopes that he will one day become someone great. One day, Wang Lin suddenly gained the chance to walk the path of an immortal but found that he only had mediocre talent at best. Watch Wang Lin as he breaks through his lack of talent and walks the path towards becoming a real immortal!
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The Madec Legacy
The dawn of Emotion Based A.I.s is here, John is the fifth test subject to have an AI implemented in his brain, and so far the first one to survive. Blinded by the dream of immortality, the researchers push the tests to inhumane standards. John is obligated to take part in sessions of torture designed to test the limits of the AI influence over the physical and mental health. What was supposed to be a new beginning in life turns into living hell. An (un)lucky twist ends his life. John then reincarnates with his AI in a new world where a System influences the interaction between Magic and Matter. With seemingly limitless potential and a game-like system influencing the world, the hero sets on his journey. --AUTHOR NOTE, PLEASE READ-- I will state here my promises to you, potential reader: 1. No harem! I don't trust myself to make a harem feel natural or healthy, I never met any person who has a personality that can adapt and live in a harem for reasons that are not monetary, so I can't draw inspiration from real life. Sorry!; 2. The enemies will not be bland and illogically mean. Some may feel like that at first, but I will take great care in fleshing them out, trust me. You may end up hating some, but you won't be able to deny that they had their reasons for what they did; 3. I am using a paid (and expensive) automated editor tool, and I take longer to write because I take my time in editing the stuff. I am aiming to improve and I will not shy away from constructive criticism, nor take offense for no reason; 4. Characters will die and will suffer, some will get over the tragedies and improve, others will not be as resilient. 5. This novel has a lot of ground to cover, it is neither a short story, a manual on crafting, or the script of some action scene. There will be both time skips and oversimplifications of some actions for the sake of moving the story forward. Time skips will be more prominent in the first 30 chapters. I will describe crafting processes and fights with more detail if they are essential for the chapter; 6. If I took my time describing something, it's because it is important. I hate novels that waste time describing useless stuff. If you skim over something, the chances are that something in the future will not make sense. I am an adept of "Chekhov's gun" principle; 7. I already have 31k words on my auxiliary documents, I have a plan for the story, and I will not be making changes even if someone ends up noticing some foreshadowing and figures out what will happen. The story comes first. 8. I have a wife, a job that demands 9h every day and courses related to my job (lawyer) three days of the week, it's unlikely that I will be able to do mass releases at all. I will have a healthy amount of chapters to be able to post at least 1 chapter every day continually. Don't worry. 9. I will read all the comments. I will listen to all you have to say and will try my best to accommodate demands as long as they do not hamper the path I prepared. 10. There is an arc that spans the entire novel. Each volume will be an arc in itself while progressing a little bit of the main arc. Every arc will have one or more main antagonists. I think that's it! Thank you for reading it all. Have an awesome time reading my first novel!!
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The Book of Hickory
Now why did Hickory go and punch that Angel? Sure it spooked him, popping up right there at lunch, and yet, it wasn't fear that balled his hand into a fist - Cause wouldn't you? Wouldn't anyone - with a sick Ma at home, Da long dead, buried, all them prayers piling up on bruised knees, unanswered? Hickory was angry, all right. He was fierce, now - cause that Angel didn't show up to give no help, that Angel came by asking for it - with all that power just plain to see, the power to fix the world and all that ails it! And now look what poor Hickory has to do - to save the world? Now how is he supposed to do that when its taking near everything he's got - just to keep them chickens safe, Ma fed, and himself out of trouble - All he wanted was maybe just a dance with May, maybe a bit more, to hold her close? That she's sweet, now, a voice like an angel, but now she's over there lookin at him like he's more than a man. And that's not to say Hickory is bad, not all the time, not ever on purpose - just there are things a man has to - That drinking and fighting ain't wrong just as long as the chores are done proper first, that those parts of life that make it worth living ain't no sin, that loving a lady is proper and Hickory just has so much love to give! And May is special, right, sweet and soft, now she's sophisticated. That she wears her passion like a pearl necklace? That certainly Hickory would notice, naturally - that she's already spoken for, perhaps taken? That ever since Hickory came back, that all she can think about is swallowing - those strange feelings, because it wouldn't do, would it? For a Lady? But certainly she can worship him and still be seen with Weston Covanger? Because Weston needs May, that what happens in the Study is only half the battle, the Men's Business, and he's far too proud to settle for half of anything. That if he wants to move up the ranks of his family, to be more than a Covanger, to become the Covanger? He's going to need a woman in the Kitchen as well - he's going to need May. And if that seems a bit old fashioned? A bit too much like the Wild West? Well the West is starting to get wild again now that everyone starts to Drink. A different take on LitRPG where answers aren't given - they must be earned, discovered and fought for, one at a time. An orator style, a long read, filled with magic buildings, crafting, alchemy, but most of all - This is a story about the human spirit. About understanding what defines a person, their morals, their beliefs, and also faith when everything they understand becomes challenged - changed. So do they. People can change. They will. Just not always for the better, not always - sometimes. Sometimes that's enough. Sometimes that's even everything.
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