《DEVIL IN ME ▹ supernatural[1]》SIX
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Jenna couldn't recall how long it had been since Jack left her. Days, weeks, it could've even been months. The days all squished together in her mind as she sulked in her room.
Jack was gone, she had lost her twin brother. He severed their mental connection and left her behind. She couldn't sense his presence, she couldn't talk to him through their minds anymore. She was alone.
Sure, Jenna knew she had the brothers and Castiel, but this was different. Jack had been her rock, the only thing she thought would always be constant in her long life. This was the same person she shared a womb with. This was the same person who did everything he could to make her happy. But he was gone and she couldn't help but wonder who was next to leave her.
The knock on her bedroom door shook her out of her deep thinking. "Jenna? It's Sam" The Nephilim slightly relaxed at the sound of Sam's voice. Jenna knew she could trust Sam, he was the one she felt the most comfortable with.
"Come in" The hunter opened the door, frowning at the state of the teenage-appearing girl. Dark bags planted themselves under her eyes that weren't shining like they usually did. Jenna's tangled hair was thrown into a messy ponytail like Sam had once shown her how to do.
"How you holding up?" Sam knew it was a dumb question after he said it, but no one knew how to comfort her. Both himself, Dean, and Castiel had tried to come up with some sort of plan but it never seemed like it would actually work. So Sam decided to wing it, go without a plan. They couldn't let the girl be alone for a long time until they came up with a plan.
"Fine" Jenna's voice held no emotion as she continued to stare at the wall, not daring to look over at Sam. "You don't have to lie, Jenna. Remember what we taught you, it's okay to be upset. It doesn't make you weak" Jenna could feel her broken heart starting to throw emotions at her left and right, but tried to contain it as she spoke.
"I..." Jenna paused for a moment, more confused on how to handle the situation then anything. "I trusted him, and he betrayed me. How am I suppose to know who I can trust?" Jenna finally looked away from the wall and at Sam who was sporting his famous puppy-eyes.
"Jenna..." Sam sat next to her on the bed, holding her hand comfortingly before continuing. "Jack believed he was protecting you, he was scared that he would end up hurting you physically and forgot how it would hurt you emotionally. We'll get him back, Dean and I are calling everyone we know to be on the lookout for Jack. But staying in your room and staring at the wall...that's not gonna help you".
Sam had gotten the nephilim out of her room with the suggestion of doing research to keep her busy. Jenna tried to find anything that could lead to Jack, using aliases that Jack might use like Luke Kline or Jack Skywalker(Jenna never said he was creative), but still couldn't find anything.
Dean entered with coffee for himself and Sam along with tea for Jenna. While Dean thought tea was kinda stupid in some ways, he felt bad for the girl and got her some knowing she liked tea and honey.
"Hey kid" Dean greeted, setting down the tea in front of her. "Anything?" Dean asked as he slid Sam the coffee. "No, thanks" Sam acknowledged the coffee before continuing. "Not yet. I put out an APB to every single Hunter we know. But... Jack's off the grid" Dean was now seated across from Sam at a laptop, Sam shut his laptop and sighed while Jenna frowned.
"I can't find any traces of aliases he would use, either" She added. "Kid was pretty spun out. We'll find him. I mean, there's gotta be a sign at some point, right?" Dean was trying to stay as positive as he could, but the other two felt unsure and a bit defeated. "Yeah".
"Kid can cause a tsunami with a hiccup" Jenna shook her head. "Sam taught us how to make sure we stay hidden. Jack's covering his tracks" She corrected. Castiel then entered the room, adding his own theory.
"Or this apparent dearth of evidence is, in fact," Sam looked at him in befuddlement. "The evidence of...." Castiel became a bit somber before continuing.
Of some horrific misadventure that's befallen him, like being dragged down to Hell by Asmodeus. Or....I don't know, possibly worse, being hijacked to Heaven by angels" Jenna started mentally freaking out making Sam shoot a look at Castiel.
"Yeah, but isn't he too fast and furious for angels?" Dean suggested as he remembered the few times he saw Jack use his powers, something that got them in this situation in the first place.
"Maybe. Maybe not. That's what I'm going to find out" This caught Jenna's attention, a plan to find Jack that didn't consist of research. "Find out from who? From—from the angels?" Sam spoke in disbelief. "Yes" While Sam thought it was a bad idea, Jenna and Dean got out of their seats. "All right. Well, let's go" Only for Castiel to shoot them down.
"Dean, you can't accompany me. My contact is already anxious about meeting and won't speak in the presence of a stranger" This didn't convince Dean, it didn't deter Jenna either.
"So introduce us, then we're not strangers. I'll bring a six-pack" Dean said seriously despite his sarcastic words. "Dean, I swore I would protect this boy. Let me do this" Dean reluctantly let him go, but Jenna didn't.
"Jenna, the angel's could be the ones that took Jack. If they were able to capture him, they could get to you as well. You have to stay here" Jenna shook her head. "Castiel, he's my brother. I'm not going to just stay behind and wait until you find him" Castiel sighed.
"Jenna, I promised your mother that I would take care of you two. I already lost Jack, I won't let anything bad happen to you too. Once I find a lead, I promise I will come get you" Castiel started to walk away. "Don't do anything stupid" Dean called as Castiel left, the two sat back down in their seats.
"All right. I guess we're stuck in idle" They heard the bunker door open and close, signaling that Castiel left. "So..." Sam scoffed. "What do we do? Just—just sit around here and wait?" Sam questioned.
"What about a case?" Sam and Dean looked over at Jenna, the one who suggested it. Dean nodded in agreement, believing that it could help distract them from their emotions. Sam was hesitant, not wanting to push Jenna into a case just to make her forget what happened for a few moments.
"Jenna's right, I found one. We got three murders here a couple hundred miles apart, same M.O. They were all horribly tortured before having their throat slit" Dean turned the laptop towards Jenna and Sam. "Look at the body. Next to it" Jenna took the laptop and zoomed in to one of the pictures, finding ingredients and objects that witches used.
"She's a witch" Dean made a noise to confirm and he drank some of his coffee, Jenna drinking some of her tea as well. "Were they all witches?" Sam questioned. "Looking like. These aren't Hunter kills" Dean took the laptop back. "They're-they're more ritualistic. Like a sacrament or something. Plus, all their places were ransacked, which means somebody was looking for something".
Asmodeus sat criss-cross on the throne(that was previously Crowley's) as he tried using his powers to call out for the twins to locate them.
"Jack...Jack...Jenna...Jenna..." A demon entered the room. "Lord Asmodeus" Asmodeus still has his eyes closed, clearly pissed that the demon interrupted him.
"Does no one think of knockin'?" He spat. "I have news of The Twins, Jack and Jenna" Asmodeus' eyes snapped open. "What is it?" He ordered the information.
"There is no news of The Jack and Jenna" Asmodeus started glaring at the demon as he continued. "We've exhausted all our resources" The last Prince of Hell readjusted his position on the throne so he was now sitting normally.
"How is this possible? These are two entities of immense power, and yet, I detect nothing" Asmodeus shook his head. "The Winchester's are doing a masterful job of cloaking them" This is where the demon came in with astonishing news that he should've started with.
"I doubt that for one of them, since they don't have The Jack anymore, either" The demon stepped forward. "Say what?" Asmodeus exclaimed. "We have a hunter on the payroll who says the Winchester's themselves are in a panic to find him, including his sister who is still with the Winchester's" This confused the higher-up demon.
"Well, if they're only protecting one nephilim, then who is protecting the other?"
Dean walked out of the police department holding a file in one hand and his phone in the other. "Yeah, Jody. No, I mean, we don't know what's going on we just know that they're all witches. Yeah—all right will do. Thanks" He then hung up when he reached the impala where Sam and Jenna were waiting.
"All right, check this out. This is the surveillance footage of the last victim before she was kidnapped and killed. She turned down an alley, and that's when she got grabbed" Sam had his iPad out, the three watching the surveillance footage.
"Wait, stop. Stop, stop" Dean said, recognizing who was in the video. "Stop?" Jenna tilted her head in confusion. "There, blow that up" Sam did so, both brothers in shock as they see who it was. "No. Is that...." Dean nodded. "Ketch" Jenna looked between the brothers. "Who's Ketch?"
"You know how we told you the British Men Of Letters tried to kill us?" Jenna nodded. "He was one of them, but our mom killed him".
"Then how is that possible?" Jenna wondered. "It's not possible. That—that can't be Ketch" Sam denied. "Mom shot him clean through the head" Dean recalled. "Exactly. So that can't be Ketch" Jenna shook her head. "People come back from the dead a lot" She spoke up. "You think I forget the face of the guy who tried to kill me? Twice? That's him. And he's 30 feet away from the girl who got tortured and murdered. I say case solved" Dean agreed.
"Say it is Ketch, which I still don't understand. Why...why is he—" Sam was interrupted by a woman wearing a hat and large sunglasses, most likely to hide her identity. "Sam and Dean Winchester? And Jenna Kline?" Jenna inched closer to Sam instinctively. "Do we know you?" Sam placed his hand on Jenna's shoulder to reassure the girl that it was okay. But Jenna was too scared to loose someone she cared about again.
"No, but I know you. In my profession, it pays to know the enemy, especially a powerful nephilim that could easily kill me if she wanted to" The witch looked at Jenna who glared harshly at her. "My name is Daniela. I'm a witch. And I know you don't like witches, but I also know you help people who are in trouble".
Asmodeus was torturing a poor motel clerk from the Stamped Motel from Dodge. "Aah! Ow!" The man cried out, his name tag showed that his name was Karl. "I don't know anything!" Karl had cuts all over his face as well as a black and swollen eye.
"Don't know anything about what?" Asmeodus questioned. "A-anything at all! I-I'm a motel clerk from a nowhere town where nothing happens to anyone, okay?" He exasperated.
"Well, then how do you explain how Jack and Jenna, the infamous nephilim twins, along with the Brothers Winchester, all stayed in your No-Tell Motel?" Asmodeus held the knife he had been cutting Karl with.
"What are you talking about?!" He then gasped when the knife was pointed at his face. "What miracles did you witness?" The man was still confused. "Where they goin' next?"
"The people in Room 26, they were FBI agents, okay? They—they paid the bill in cash and they left. I only talked to the girl that was with them when she asked for help getting M&M's out of the vending machine, that's it! I swear to God, I don't know anything! You're just beating a dead horse" Karl had lied slightly about only having a brief conversation with Jenna, the girl helped scare off his abusive ex-girlfriend and made sure he was okay afterwords. Karl felt like he owed it to her not to tell, even if it costed him his life.
"Not quite" A female demon stabbed Karl and killed him. "Clean this up" Asmodeus ordered before being struck with the appearance of a familiar power. "Sir, what is it?" The demon asked. "I'm sensing something. Not the nephilim's, something else. More like..." The Prince opened his formerly closed eyes that were now black and yellow like the other Prince's of Hell. He smirked definitely before chuckling to himself as he realized it was Lucifer.
Jenna and the boys followed the witch to an unnamed cabin in the woods, unlocking the door and letting them in and shutting the door. "You live here?" Dean looked around in slight disgust.
"It's a safe house some of us use when we're in hiding. From Hunters, for instance. It's almost impossible to find" Daniela knew the three were very apprehensive and protective of each other, but she needed their help desperately, especially the nephilim.
"Yeah, we noticed. All right, so here's the deal. Uh, we trust you about as much as you trust us, but we followed you here. So what's going on?" Jenna crossed her arms over her chest. "What's going on is, I survived. He had me, the serial killer you're looking for" Jenna could tell she wasn't lying, the fear present in her voice made it clear that she wanted their help.
"Well, no one he's grabbed has lived. So why should we believe you?" Jenna nudged the elder hunter. "She's not lying, Dean. I can tell that she's scared" The witch smiled softly at the nephilim before reluctantly pulling off her shawl that was previously hiding wounds across the top of her chest and shoulders.
"This is how he tortures you, slow cuts with a red-hot knife. While he was doing it, I managed to get a hand free enough to touch him and whisper a spell, to disable him just long enough to get away" Jenna knew she couldn't truly heal the girl if she wanted to fight Ketch, but she still felt bad about it. Despite still not trusting the witch completely, she understood that she wouldn't hurt them.
"What did he want?" Sam questioned as he recognized the torture as the way the British MOL did. "He kept asking the same thing over and over again. Where is Rowena MacLeod?" Sam, Dean, and Jenna recognized the name. Sam had told her stories about Rowena, how her father had killed her, how her demonic son sacrificed his life to trap her father in the apocalypse world.
"Rowena's dead" Dean deadpanned. "That's what I told him. That's what everybody's been telling him. That's why he'll keep doing this until he hears what he wants" Daniela stated, anxious about everything. "Did he happen to have a British accent?" Dean inquired.
"Yeah, why? Do you—" Sam pulled out the picture of Ketch from the footage. "Is this him?" Daniela nodded. "Yes. You have to find him. He has to be looking for me. He knows I can identify him" Daniela panicked. "We want him, too" Jenna spoke up, still a bit in front of Sam just in case. "You can't tell anyone that you spoke to me. Until he's caught, no one can know where I am" Dean met her eyes. "Hmm. Well, about that... I was thinking just the opposite".
The three ended up using Daniela as bait before dragging an unconscious Ketch off to the bunker. He was currently tied to a chair for interrogation, his face was bloody and his left eyes bruised.
"One more time, how are you not dead?" Dean questioned as he circled around Ketch. "One more time. Why should I be?" Ketch slightly sassed, pretending not to be himself. "Because we killed you" Sam brought up. "Apparently not" Jenna punched Ketch in the face, earning surprised looks from everyone. Jenna knew the horrors that the man had committed, unlike other people he was never sorry about his wrongdoings from what she heard.
Ketch groaned it pain from the strong punch. "I am not in the mood for being messed with right now. You killed your own people, you tried to kill my family. I am already angry, so I wouldn't try anything" She hissed. Sam and Dean were shocked, but a little proud that she called them her family.
Dean grabbed Ketch's hand, a crunching noise was heard, signaling that Dean was breaking it. "Oh, look at that. You got rid of your tattoo. Was that a stick-on? It was a stick-on, wasn't it? Yeah" Sam smiled slightly in amusement at his brother's joke. "What? Tattoo? I would never g– Oh. I think I know what's going on here" Jenna rose an eyebrow. "Really?" Sam, Dean, and Jenna stood next to each other, Dean more in front to protect them if he needed.
"You have me confused with my brother" Dean and Jenna shared a look, both not believing his bullshit. Jenna could sense the darkness in his soul, even if it was his brother he was still evil. "I'm Alexander, his twin" Jenna wanted to wipe that look off of the guys face. She never wanted to hurt a human, but he was no human. He reminded her of the evil her father had done.
"Do we look stupid to you?" Dean snarled. "Is that a trick question?" The man the received another punch in the face. Dean straightened out his shirt, clearly satisfied by punching him. "So you're seriously gonna sit there with a straight face and tell us that you have an evil twin?" Sam gave the man his signature bitchface.
"If reducing things to that black and white level helps you, fine. Arthur was the family success story. The... headliner, our Donny Osmond" Jenna titled her head to the side. "I don't understand that reference" Jenna mumbled to herself. "All right, Marie. What's your story?" Dean ignored Jenna's comment.
"Arthur and I attended a feeder school for the British Men of Letters" He started. "Kendricks. We know all about it. Just get to the point" Sam snapped slightly, all three of them being tense and ready to fight if needed. "When it came time to initiate into the organization, I... fled. It wasn't for me. And if they were to find me... I'd be dead" The story wasn't believable, he had to know that they wouldn't be tricked.
"It's really funny because, you know, your name never came up" Ketch scoffed, still playing his game. "Well, no doubt. Arthur felt I brought shame to the family and to the Men of Letters. He had to work twice as hard to make up for my, public failure. And I had to work thrice as hard to disappear, live in the shadows. Do my work" He finished.
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