《Helluva Boss: Hellish Love (Loona X Original Character)》Chapter 12: Going Shopping Part 2


I decided to respond to Loona's question "No I didn't make a deal with him, but he told me that he wanted to keep an eye on me, as part of some research and as he quoted 'ongoing entertainment' he then used some weird fucking voodoo and then something seeped into my shoulder and he told me 'That is something that will help you for later in your journey down here in hell' and I believe that it was the reason why I am now a Hell Hound, If he is as evil as you say he is why did he help me?"

Loona still with a worried face said "I don't know and I don't like it, if he did have anything to do with you becoming a Hell Hound then we don't know what else he could do to you or what his master plan is" I hugged loona as by now she had began hyperventilating and became teary eyed and I assured her "Loona I'm sure that everything is fine, and if something does then we work through it together, does that seem alright?" Loona then wiped away her tears and licked me on the snout and smiled at me and said "I will trust you Carter, I love you" I licked her o the snout also and said "I love you too, so shall we go out shopping for me?" Loona then began to wag her tail and said excitedly "Shopping?! lets go already!" Loona grabbed my arm and ran out of the office but not before yelling to her step father Blitzo "Hey da-Blitzo I am heading out with Carter to the mall!" and I laughed at her enthusiasm as we ran downstairs towards the street.

We then walked down to the end of the street to a bus stop and we waited for the next one to arrive, we waited around 20 minutes or so before a bus rolled up the the stop and opened the door. Loona and I got on and we sat down three seats down from the back on the right hand side of the bus with Loona taking the window seat. The bus started rolling and I put my arm around Loona and started to talk to her "So what is the mall like?" Loona looked at me and smiled and said "Well it's nothing too flashy, you have your clothing stores, thrift shops, electronics etc." So I inquired further and said "Is it dangerous in there, like is there a lot of violence?" Loona said with a surprised face "No actually it's one of the few places in hell which doesn't have violence in it, if any of the customers start trying shit the whole mall gets involved and instantly kicks them out it is the only place I know where people care about not having violence in".


I smiled at her and said "When I was younger we had this place called the 'The Fort' absolute shit tip of a mall, all along the pathways you would see fags littered everywhere, that was mostly due to the chavs, you would feel sick after a while due to the smell of cigarette smoke, but it eventually got better but in the past few years I never went there due to the availability of the internet and home delivery, so I am very interested to see what this mall compares to the one that I was used too". 25 minutes later the bus pulled right outside of the entrance of the mall, it had a massive neon sign outside in red which told the name of the mall 'Hells Bells Mall' Loona and I held paws as we entered the building and I was surprised with how clean it was, demons walking around happily and generally having a good time, the mall was a bright white compared to the crimson atmosphere it felt...weird seeing a place like this down here.

We walked past a few stores until we finally came across the electronics store, it had a simple sign that read "Davies Electronics" which had everything from Phones, laptops, speakers and cords to accompany them. We walked over to the display case for the mobile phones and Loona picked out the model she had for me, I also picked myself a phone case, it was a plain white phone case with a blood splatter pattern on. She smiled and said "I like your style babe" I said back to her "Well I picked it since it relates to what we work for and it also looks badass!". Loona giggled and we walked over to the counter and placed the items on the table and also picked out a sim card and I paid $5140 and we left the store, a soon as we was out I bumped into Tex!

He turned around and we both instantly recognized each other which was weird since we were both human when we first met, well I was actually a human and he was in a disguise and now here we are both as Hell Hounds. He looked at me confused as if in disbelief and said "Wait C-carter? Y-you made here to hell? And you're a Hell Hound, how is any of this possible?" We both shook paws and I told him my story so far "Well after I was gunned down by the police I ended up here in hell, but get this right I was still human! At first I was scared shitless and I ran until I was eventually pulled into an alleyway but wait for it guess who it was...Alastor the Radio Demon! He gave me some free advice and the business card to I.M.P, but before he left he did some weird voodoo which Loona and I both think is what turned me into a Hellhound like you guys!" Tex laughed and said "Thats strange as hell man, the fact that Alastor, one of hells most powerful and dangerous demons of all time you met on your first day and he decides to help you of all people. I also see that you two found friendship in each other that's cool".


Loona and I looked at each other and smirked before we turned back to face Tex before I said "Well Tex you see the thing is Loona and I are more than friends...We're dating now" Tex had a surprised but happy face and said "Wait really?! Wow Carter congratulations man as well as you two Loona I am happy for you both. Well I got to get back to my boss, she wanted me to go grab some snacks for her after the events of yesterday" He then shuddered and Loona asked him "What happened yesterday?" To which Tex blushed and got embarrassed and rubbed the back of his head and said "I would rather not say" T remembered the events of what happened that day and I came to the sudden realization and asked "Wait did you really have to do that?" Tex gave me a blank look and blinked and that was when I started to wheeze laugh and Tex had an annoyed look on his face which confused Loona even more "Hey Carter do you mind telling me what you're laughing about? I'm out of the loop here".

I said to Loona "Nah not in public love as I will respect Tex's wishes, I will tell you when we get back to the office" Tex paw bumped me and said "Thanks man I appreciate it, well see you guys later". 40 minutes later and Loona and I are back at the office and we're sitting down at the front desk, I had finally set up my phone and Loona and I exchanged numbers and that was when Loona finally asked "So what was it that you was laughing at Tex about which made him annoyed like that?" I smiled and said "Well you know how I died right?"

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