《My Brothers Gang》Chapter 8 ~ My Ride


My entire mind is tranquil, everything is peaceful. But then my body starts to shake rapidly and my eyes fall open

"Wake up!" Payton shouts

"I'm up!" I yawn

"Good" he says, getting up from my bed

"I hate mornings" I call out

"Me too" Payton responds

Payton offers me a smile as he reaches the door.

"You know, you should really cover those things up" he says, hinting towards the hickeys that are still on my neck.

I gasp and try to cover them with my hands. He just laughs at me

"See you for breakfast" he says before leaving my room

I sigh. I open my wardrobe doors and I look around at my cloths. I need an outfit for school but I want something decent, not my old cloths because they were things my parents wanted me to wear. I don't actually like half of them

I find a pair of Black ripped jeans and a plain white T-shirt. It's nothing special but I need to go out shopping soon! I have nothing to wear for tomorrow.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen, the boys are helping to clean the living room so I have the kitchen to myself. I pour a bowl of cereal since there's nothing else here. I grab the bowl of cereal and I sit at the kitchen bar.

"Good morning" Cole sounds happier than ever as he skips into the kitchen, grabbing a drink of coke from the fridge

"What's up with you?" I smile

"Oh you know, life being great and all" he says

"No really, what are you so happy about" I laugh

"Hazel gave me her number yesterday" As he says her name, his face lights up even more

"You like hazel?" I ask

"No? Yes? Maybe? I don't know" he stutters the words

"Well, there's only one way to find out" I claim

"How?" He asks with wide eyes

"Call her" I say

"Are you crazy! I can't just call her" he sounds scared at this point

"What's the worst that could happen?" I ask

"She says hello and I mess up a simple word like hey or hi or hello! What would I even say?" The nerves are definitely getting to him

"Hey, can I have your phone for a second?" I sneakily ask

"Sure?" He says, handing me his phone

He unlocked it before handing it to me, I find Hazel's number and I press call. Then when she answers, i shove the phone in Cole's direction


"Hello?" Hazel asks through the phone

"YOU CALLED HER?!" Cole is taken off guard and I can see him blush a little

"Just talk to her!" I demand

Cole takes the phone off me and takes a breath before putting it to his ear

"Hey hazel" he reply's

I smile before putting my empty bowl in the wash and leaving the kitchen. I walk upstairs and into the bathroom to wash my face and to brush my teeth. As I brush my teeth, the door opens. I quickly wipe my face with the towel beside me and turn to look at the door.


"What do you want?" I ask as my eyes narrow onto him. He scratches the back of his neck

"I was going to wash my hair before hell" he admits

"You mean school" I correct him

"That's what I said" he roll his eyes. "How long will you be?" He asks as he crosses his arms and leans against the wall

"I'm done now" I sigh "the bathroom is all yours" I say as I pass him and leave the bathroom.

I walk back to my room and I look for my school bag. I find it under my bed, I honestly don't remember putting it there but I remember that Zed must of brought it home after the Chase situation yesterday. I drag my bag from under my bed and I pick up my phone off the bedside table. I walk downstairs but everyone's gone. There's a note on the kitchen door for me. I peel it off the door and I read it.

: sorry we had to leave early. We have some business to take care of and you can't come with us, but we will see you in school!

P.S we left Zed to take you to school

"ZED" I shout at the top of my lungs

He comes running down the stairs

"What's wrong?" He asks with concern

"Did you know about this?" I ask, holding the note up in the air for him to see

"What does it say?" He asks

"It says your my ride to school" I respond

"Where's everyone else?" He seems to know as much as I do

"Something about having business to take care of" I answer

"Im stuck babysitting again!" His voice sounds annoyed

"I'm not that bad" I roll my eyes

He just scoffs at me. He's seriously just as obnoxious as he appears to be. He walks back upstairs and I'm left standing in the middle of the houses entrance.


It takes Zed 30 minutes before he returns downstairs. He's changed his outfit to something more 'his style'. He's wearing black jeans, a white skirt which is slightly longer than his Black leather jacket. My eyes wander down his body, the white shirt shows his abs through the thin piece of fabric.

"Are you ready to go?" He says as he steps off the stairs

I nod as I watch him walk to the front door and open it. He gestures for me to walk out the door and I oblige. I thought we were walking to school

Boy was I wrong

I see a black motorbike on the side of the street. I look at him and he smirks, confident washes out of me and I'm left with just completely and utter HORROR

"you getting on?" He says while getting on the bike

"You expect me to get on that thing, with you?" I nearly laugh

"Well, Yeah! How else are you getting to school?" He asks with a confused face

"Walking!" I suggest

"This is quicker and we haven't got time, the first bell will ring soon" he shrugs and then slips his gloves on

I roll my eyes and sigh. I walk over to the bike and I hop on. I did not expect this to be my ride today. Or EVER. He hands me a helmet and I slip it over my head while he does the same. I wrap my arms around his waist to keep myself on. He readjusts our position so that we are tightly gripping into each other and are safe.

"Hold on" he says before starting the engine. He pushes the stand up and we take off. It's like flying! I feel alive and free, i think it's the best feeling I've ever felt. My arms grab tighter onto Zed as he speeds up, my head rests against his back as we continue to ride to school.

When we pull up in the school parking lot, all eyes were on us. I quickly get off of the motorbike while taking my helmet off.

"How was it?" He asks nervously.

"It was fun" I admit with a smile

"I'm going inside, see you later" he says before turning the engine off and walking inside

I stand there for a second to process what just happened. I got into a motorbike and had a RIDE on it, With Zed!

When I finally decide to walk inside, I see Hazel. She runs over to me with the biggest grin on her face.

"You and Zed?" She asks

"What?" I feel clueless

"He gave you a ride on his motorbike!" She squeals

"Oh that, we didn't have time to walk" I explain. It's been 2 minutes and the whole school is talking about it. "What's the big deal?"

"He NEVER gives anyone a ride on that thing, it's like his most prized possession or something. He won't even let the gang on it" she explains

"Wow... really?" I feel something weird in my stomach but I try to ignore it

"You must be special" her grin gets bigger and i can't help but laugh at her comment

"We just needed a ride, he probably won't let me on it again if it's that special" I correct her

She shrugs before the bell rings. We both have chemistry so we don't go to our lockers, we decide to walk straight to class.

When we sit down in the back row of Chemistry, someone knocks the door. The teacher opens the door, Zack and Max are standing in the door way looking at me.

"Can we speak to Maddie?" Max sounds angry

The teacher nods, granting me permission to leave the classroom.

I close the door behind me and both boys stare at me as I lean against a locker. Both boys have their arms crossed against their chest.

"What's wrong?" I ask, But the tension between us rises

2 minutes of silence feels like an hour

"Seriously Guys, what's going on?" I think I'm visibly shaking

Zack clears his throat, causing my nerves to increase. I look at Max and his eyes are full of anger and worry.

"Did chase hurt you?" Max finally speaks, breaking the silence between us all

"N-no" I stutter the word out of my mouth

"Why didn't you tell us about chase trying to rape you!" Zack half questions half demands

"Because I was embarrassed" I admit looking down at the floor. Max wraps his arms around me and I hug him back

"This is officially war" Max declares.


Thank you for reading 💓

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