《Wrongfully His》Chapter 16
The song for this chapter is "" by Simple Plan.
This chapter is dedicated to !
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Groaning I shifted my body upward in order to look into Jamie's telling sapphire pools. "I don't want you to go" I pouted over dramatically as I clutched onto her body and held her in the bed keeping her as close to me as possible. Her skin provided me not only warmth but the security that I desperately needed.
She giggled cutely making my lips flip-up involuntarily. "Carter, I have to get ready for school," she told me as she pushed off of my chest playfully to distance herself. Her lips parted, revealing her shining teeth as she enjoyed our banter. My wolf, howling in delight at her happiness.
"No" I grunted pulling her closer into me, engrossing her scent. "You're all mine" I whispered secretively as I kissed her clavicle, knowing those words weren't true even as I said them. "Besides you don't have to get dressed you can just rock your jammie's and bed head" I suggested as she blushed and tried to straighten her unruly dark hair. Even though the messiness of it embarrassed her, I loved it. I loved how she was herself around me without fear of judgment.
"You are one to talk. You look like Alfalfa" she joked running her small hands through my brown hair tugging on the ends. She leaned down slowly as if she was going to kiss me but before our lips could meet she jerked back forcing the distance she needed to get ready.
My eyes darted to hers as she smiled triumphantly. "That was cruel" I scolded her as she gave in leaning down to peck my lips softly. Her eyelids fluttered shut as she enjoyed the kiss, taking in the gentle side I had to offer.
"I'm sorry" she laughed making my heart flip from hearing it "I have to get ready" she explained as I sighed and stepped up from the bed hesitantly.
I really hated her being gone all day. I just want to stay with her every minute. Especially after the whole Nate ordeal, I was constantly worried and not being able to communicate through our wolves was torturous. Though after Nate lets me go I will officially become a member of La Meute de La Lune Bleue and will be able to talk to her whenever I want. Every time she's gone I can't help but think maybe he'll show up and take her again.
Soon enough, when she's fully mine I won't have to worry anymore.
A loud knock on my office door broke me from my insane thoughts. I peered up through the glass door to see Brody looking back at me calmly. I waved my hand toward myself giving him permission to come in as he did. "Alpha" he spoke confidently nodding in my direction slightly to show respect.
"What's up?" I asked him casually finding no need in the typical formality of packs and ranking. Brody scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as he took a seat across from me at the large table. Usually, when the pack members got together the table seemed small yet now as sixteen empty chairs sat between us it felt excessive.
"I know Carter petitioned to leave the pack" he began pausing briefly to see if I would object to the topic of my Beta but I didn't, I knew he was just curious. "Are you going to let him go?" He asked after a moment of silence.
I licked my dry lips nervously as I tried to think of the right words to say. "I'm meeting with him tomorrow along with the Alpha of La Meute de La Lune Bleue to discuss it" I replied politically not giving him a straight answer and not inviting him to tag along to decide his son's fate.
"Nathaniel..." He trailed inhaling deeply as if to give himself the courage to say what he was about to say, using my full name so I knew this was serious. "I want to ask a favor of you" he huffed his eyebrows pulling together nervously causing wrinkles to grow on his forehead. Looking over me, he took in my features taking in my reaction to see if he was pushing me close to the edge. Folding his hands in his lap he sighed lowly.
"Go ahead" I murmured leaning back in my chair comfortably as his brown eyes darted around the room in an attempt to avoid me now knowing it was now or never. If you know Brody Stone you know that he isn't a nervous guy, in fact, he was an overly confident person yet his actions know portrayed the opposite.
"I want you to ask Carter to return to the pack" he uttered smoothly causing my chair to jerk forward, nearly launching me from it. Luckily the table blocked me as I now leaned against it.
"You want me to ask him to leave Jamie?" I restated doubtfully as he shook his head, his newly graying mop flailing about as I stared at him feeling like my eyes were about to pop out of my head. My fingers were taping anxiously as I grew agitated. The topic of Carter had my wolf instantly annoyed but once the thought of him leaving Jamie entered my mind, my wolf grew upset not wanting her hurt anymore. Don't get me wrong I wanted Carter as far away from her as possible but that doesn't mean I wanted her alone.
I watched intently as his adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed his spit in an attempt to buy some time. "No Nate, I want you to let them both come back." I couldn't have heard him right. If he was truly asking for them both to return he must have lost his damn mind. We didn't exactly end on good terms and from what I can tell Carter wants Jamie as far away from me as possible.
"You're delusional" I snickered trying to regain my stone-faced composure.
"Think about it, Nate. He's my son and if it wasn't for your actions he would still be a member of this pack. Besides you are going to make your mate your Luna so there should be no problems" Brody shrugged convincingly letting me know he had thought everything out. Except there was one factor he skipped over, one very important piece to the puzzle I loved Jamie.
"Jamie is my mate," I told him sternly as his nostrils flared with frustration. I leaned closer though there was still a large amount of space between us "and if it wasn't for your son unable to control himself none of this would have happened in the first place. You're lucky I didn't kill him for that, so consider that your favor" I growled dominantly not bothering to control my chest that was now rising and falling dramatically.
He jumped up from the chair angered by my words as I watched him walk out a scowl on his face knowing he failed to get through to me. But what did he expect? He wanted me to let go of everything and go on as nothing happened. Like I didn't feel Jamie kissing Carter day in and day out. Like I didn't understand her pain? She might be Carter's chosen mate but our wolves are connected and she will always be my mate regardless of what anyone else has to say.
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I was sitting on the couch with Carter and my brother as we watched the remake of the movie Carrie. Horror movies have always been my favorite even though some of them scared the crap out of me. Like Michael Myers knowing that he never dies is terrifying. We were all completely quiet as we focused on the movie until Trent jumped up nervously. "I... Umm... Have to take a piss" he rambled when I stared at him and then ran from the room but not before giving Carter a stern yet meaningful look.
"He's weird" I laughed dismissingly bringing my eyes back to Carter as he nodded and blocked the screen by maneuvering in front of it. Without wasting another second of our alone time he turned his body pinning me between the couch cushion and the armrest. Slowly he shifted closer as brought his lips to mine sensually. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly as he kissed me deeper and harder.
Carter climbed on me as he leaned on my thighs and let his core rub against me. I moaned into his mouth yet instantly sobered up as a scent caught my nose. I pulled back and began to push his chest back but he wouldn't budge. "Carter let me up" I groaned pathetically using all the force in my body to get up.
"No" he stammered putting all of his weight on my lower body "she is only going to lie to you" he vowed his lips turning downward as he held my eyes pleadingly.
"Please" I begged though he just buried his head in my neck and remained holding me down. His wolf whimpered as his skin brushed against my claim mark, hating that it was still on me and not disappearing.
"I'm sorry" Carter whispered pitifully as though he was torn on what to do. I relaxed underneath him knowing that me yelling at him was only going to make it worse. His heart grew sad though he tried his best to conceal his emotions as he placed small kisses on my neck avoiding my mark completely.
I was no longer a member of Paquete de Luna de Sangre so I was unable to communicate with Chloe when a thought came to my mind. 'Trent' I called to him realizing him running off to use the bathroom was just a lie to keep me away from her. He ignored me so I continued 'I know Chloe is here'.
'You don't have to worry Jamie she's leaving' he grunted unhappily.
'I want to see her, please' I asked him yet he didn't answer.
"Carter, why don't you want me to see her?" I questioned as I rubbed his back to soothe his irritated wolf. He pushed his body back so he could look at me again. His coffee-colored pools looked drained as he examined my features delicately.
"I'm scared" he admitted making my heart swell as his worry overtook my body. I flashed him what I hoped what an encouraging smile. "Nate probably sent her here" he added hinting that she was on a mission.
"Don't you two looks cozy" Chloe's soft yet sarcastic voice met my ears, causing both of our heads snapped in her direction as she gave me a bright friendly grin which I returned immediately. Despite what happened with her brother I had no reason to dislike Chloe. Our interactions were short and cordial. She didn't treat me like a stranger or like a wounded wolf.
"Well we are mates" Carter spat disapprovingly as his body tensed on top of me. As she grew closer he became more defensive, his body getting tighter as the seconds past. His arm was latched onto the cushion near my head, squeezing it just to avoid conflict.
Chloe's sky like eyes shot to his as they stared at one another in a challenging way. Even though Chloe was a petite girl she was of Alpha blood so I knew she wasn't intimidated by him. Though her and Nate looked so different they also had so many similarities. It honestly was painful to look at her. Not to mention his scent was draped over her making my wolf go into overdrive wanting more and more. "No one said you weren't" she replied calmly as though she was in complete control of her wolf while Carter was fighting his to stay in control.
"Did Nate send you?" I whispered my voice barely audible but I needed to ask her, I needed to know if he still cared about me or if Carter was right and it was all for revenge. I don't know why it even mattered. I knew Nate marking me was just a spiteful act but deep down I wondered if we really did connect. If it was more then just payback. Because to me, it was.
She shook her head her blonde hair shaking slightly falling from her shoulders. "He wanted me to stay out of it. He thinks me being here will only cause problems between Brett and me" she explained with a careless shrug as if she wasn't so worried about that possibility. All the while she made herself comfortable, entering the living room and taking a seat on the couch across from us.
"Why would it cause problems?" I asked trying to move out from underneath Carter but he wasn't budging until Trent nodded as if telling him it would be okay and they wouldn't let anything happen to me. Even then he reluctantly moved yet stayed extremely close. Seconds later Wyatt strolled in the room, being called in as back up.
"Oh Jamie you're so precious" Chloe cooed innocently as Trent grunted and sat on the arm of the couch where she was currently sitting, wanting to be close enough to stop her if something happened. "Brett thinks you and Carter should be together whereas I think you should come back to my brother" she spoke confidently as my jaw fell slightly with shock. If Nate didn't want Chloe coming here does that mean he also didn't want me and this was just her idea? I mean he has Heather again after all so he wouldn't want me that bad or he wouldn't be with her.
"It's nothing personal Carter you know I love you, I just love Nate more. You know he's had a hard life and Jamie could make his dreams come true" she turned back to him as she said this in an attempt to make him understand her point.
How could I possibly make his dreams come true? He hated me. In fact, I drove him to the point to want to cause me harm, there was no way he could look at me as anything but a pawn. "So I should help him by handing my mate over to him? Chloe, you know I respect you immensely but Nate is a walking disaster. I would never even allow Jamie near him again" He retorted sternly as he cupped my hand in his to calm himself and his raging wolf. As if knowing I was close to him made him feel safe and relax.
"You can't control what I do," I told him matter of factly unable to control my mouth. Who did he think he was? Because I am certain he was not my father. Being around Chloe made me feel like I was closer to Nate again and clearly gave me more confidence.
Carter's eyebrows rose dramatically as he now stared at me like I was a difficult puzzle he was trying to solve. "Do you want to see him?" Carter muttered heartbrokenly as he inched his body closer to me until our thighs were smushed together.
"That's not the point Carter. You keep acting like I can't think for myself. I did just fine keeping myself safe for seventeen years. In fact, it wasn't until I met you that my life became complicated" I lashed out rudely as he looked taken back, not that I blamed him.
Deep down I knew I was wrong but I wasn't going to admit it. 'Stop' Wyatt ordered through our mind link.
"And I thought Nathaniel kept you sheltered" Chloe chuckled as he glanced at her fingernails examining the red nail polish though I knew she was referring to Carter's recent controlling ways when it came to his Alpha.
"How did he keep her sheltered?" Trent pushed his desire to know overwhelming him since I hadn't shared my story with anyone but Lynn and she didn't even know it all. Chloe turned back to me looking weary as to why I kept my time alone with Nate in his room a secret. I didn't know myself.
I felt like those moments with Nate were him letting me see the real him. The sadness, the anger, the heartbreak he opened up to me and that intimate time would remain between us. "It doesn't matter" I spoke through gritted teeth as he peer pressured me to share.
"Why are you still protecting him?!" My brother yelled domintately as his eyes flashed black momentarily imagining for himself what took place.
The tears were threatening as I flickered my gaze upward to keep them from falling. "I'm not protecting him" I shuttered angrily "you guys don't need to know everything."
"I've told you everything" Carter interjected his face emotionless as our gazes locked.
"Okay well I've seen everything I need to see" Chloe spoke as she stood up and straightened her skirt "I'm being summoned" she added smiling politely "thanks for ratting me out Carter. Geez I thought we were friends, I mean I've covered for you before so I thought you would do the same" she continued leaving me confused though Carter looked like he clearly understood the underlying meaning to her words.
"You're leaving already?!" I blabbed jumping up as the three guys around me followed in suit as if thinking Chloe was going to harm me in some way or attempt to abduct me also.
"I have to. Your mate over there told Brett I'm here so now Nate knows and well, I'm in big trouble" she sighed dramatically. "It was nice to meet you boys," she told Trent and Wyatt. "Bye Jamie" she hugged onto me tightly as I did the same. As I hugged her back she whispered into my ear "Él te ama" but I have no idea what that means or even what language that is. I wanted to ask her but I knew she said it in secret.
As Chloe left I had two unanswered questions on my mind. What did she cover for Carter about? And what the heck did Él te ama mean?!
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"Chloe May Ryder!" I yelled the second my sister stepped back into our packhouse, wow I sounded like my dad. Her blue orbs shot to mine immediately as she flashed me a nervous smile.
"Oh hey, big bro I brought you a Slurpee" she spoke as she handed me my favorite drink from the gas station. Wow. She is trying to buy my happiness after doing something she knew she shouldn't do, like talking with Jamie, now she was the one acting like our father.
"You can't bribe me my darling sister" I informed her playing along and giving her a nickname as I took the drink from her and laid it on the entryway table. "I thought I told you not to go there" I growled seriously though I couldn't stop sniffing into the air taking in the delicious scent of my mate that was radiating off of my sister.
Her smell was starting to fade in my bedroom and being able to get a whiff of Jamie now gave me an extreme high, it was seriously addicting. "Shut up Nate you will thank me in a minute" she promised as she grabbed my wrist and yanked me into my office so none of the snoopy pack members could overhear us. "So when I was talking to Carter and Jamie..." A hateful growl escaped my lips as she said their names together. She flashed me an annoyed look as she continued "Carter said Jamie couldn't be anywhere near you-"
"He's acting like I'm the one who's in the wrong! I'm not the only beast here that's him too, he's just hiding behind that cocky smile!" I assured her my chest rising and falling sporadically. Just the mentioning of Carter had me on edge.
"Nate shut up!" Chloe hissed with a smack to my arm "but Jamie fought him back. She said that he can't control what she does and also she never told them about what you and she talked about the time she was here. Why would she do that unless she cared about you?" She pushed as my heart rate began to increase with curiosity just as Jamie's did an hour prior.
"You are wrong Chloe she was all over Carter, I felt it" I informed her matter of factly as I gripped the wooden table firmly in order to keep my hands from clenching into fists.
"I was there dummy and he was most definitely trying to persuade her not to talk to me," my sister told me giving me hope that I didn't need.
Jamie wouldn't give up her happy life with her family and Carter for someone like me. She thinks I'm just irrational while she probably thinks Carter is perfect in his pansy ways. "Oh and I also told her you love her. Bye!" Chloe added as she darted out of the room and up the stairs.
"What?!" I hollered but she was long gone probably hiding in her room or dealing with the aftermath of her own pissed off mate.
I couldn't believe my own sister would out me like that I still took everything she told me and analyzed every possible meaning. Now all the cards are on the table and she knows I want her so the ball is in her court. The thought of her possibly coming back to me had my emotions on overdrive.
God, I'm turning as soft as a teddy bear, a handsome teddy bear of course.
Hey guys! I hope you're all swell. Please let me know your thoughts and don't forget to
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