《Wrongfully His》Chapter 15
The song for this chapter is " by Staind.
This chapter is dedicated to !
Enjoy! Please don't forget to .
Today is the day I go back to school. I will finally face my entire pack and the humans after my abduction and attack. They will finally get to see my scars, and won't have to speculate anymore on how bad the damage is. It wasn't that I was popular in school or even in my pack for that matter being the Beta's sister had its perks at times. However, usually, I was just looked at as another member without any special treatment and I didn't mind it at all. However, popularity had nothing to do with the fact that I was the biggest news in the community.
It's not every day that someone is stolen and marked by someone other than their mate- actually it's never happened before. Not to mention, Carter has been introduced around by Trent and Wyatt and from what Lynn tells me he is looked at as a hero by some. "It will be fine" Lynn assured me as she straightened my unruly hair. "On the bright side even if people are thinking things more then likely they won't ask" she laughed causing me to do the same.
"That's comforting" I spoke sarcastically as I hiked my backpack farther up on my shoulders trying to keep my eyes focused on anything but my peers who were gawking as if I was some rare possession.
"See I told you they wouldn't ask" she began as we walked past a large group of kids who were staring intently at me "Wyatt really stuck it to them" as this left her mouth she quickly covered it with her hand and spun to me. As my eyes widened she sighed realizing I had heard her. "I wasn't supposed to tell you" Lynn murmured nervously as she chomped on her bottom lip fearing I would rat her out to our future Alpha.
"I won't tell" I assured her as I smiled to myself. Wyatt was really sweet, like my second brother always looking out for me. "Besides now I have leverage" I winked as she gasped expressing her shock.
"You are evil Jamie Watson, pure evil" my best friend grinned widely as if nothing had changed between us in the days I was gone and the weeks ai'd been hiding away in my bedroom.
It wasn't long before the questions began. Everyone wanted to know every single thing about Carter and Nate though I withheld all details and kept my answers simple. I guess they assumed if they didn't mention the attack they wouldn't get into trouble with their future Alpha. Though I had to admit it was seriously annoying how everyone was treating me as if I was fragile like I would break at any second. "Surprise" Lynn chuckled causing me to break from my wandering mind and focus back to the corridor we were exiting. I shook my head as I turned to her following her head as she nudged it toward the left.
Sitting on one of the tops of the outdoor picnic benches sat Carter looking as handsome as ever. His forearms rested on his thighs as he stared up into the sky earning himself looks from every girl that walked by without knowing it. Grinning widely, I marched toward him. When I was close enough I wrapped my arms around him from behind and resting my head on his strong sturdy back pulling him from his own daydreams. "Hi" I murmured into his shoulder blade.
"Hello Jamie" he purred welcomingly as I leaned up and pecked his cheek. "I wanted to come and see how you were doing" he admitted with a slight blush. Though as sweet as Carter had been to me being patient and encouraging I couldn't help but get annoyed. He too was treating me as if I was damaged goods and ready to snap at any moment. I know he was doing this out of love but, I couldn't control my frustration. As if sensing something was wrong he spun around causing me to sit up straight. "What's wrong?" He questioned thoughtfully.
I'm not sure if there is such thing as too nice but that's Carter as of lately. He's so sweet to the point that it's exhausting and repetitive. "Please stop treating me as if I'm a child," I asked him lowly through gritted teeth.
"I'm not I'm just watching out for you."
"Really?" I spat harshly unable to control my lips "everyone is just watching out for me. Well did you ever think that maybe I could handle things on my own? Maybe I don't want Wyatt telling people not to ask about my attack and maybe I don't need Lynn to babysit me. And I sure as hell don't need you showing up here to check on me" I growled feeling instantly ashamed of my outburst as his dark eyes grew sad yet still held worry.
"Alright, you are right" he agreed hoping down from the bench without pausing to think about it "I'm sorry. I won't baby you anymore. I love you and I will see you at three" Carter told me defeated as he leaned down kissing my lips lightly before walking off.
That's it? No arguing? No telling me to grow up or to deal with it? If I had said that to Nate he would have told me to get over it and not to tell him what to do. As frustrating as his stubbornness use to seem, I missed it. I miss how passionate we would become over things. Even in our disagreements it felt real.
With Carter, it feels as if he just agrees with whatever I say to keep the peace. I don't want that. I want him to tell me how he sees things without fear. I miss the fact that Nate didn't act as if I was fragile and defenseless but mostly I missed how he challenged me.
I watched Carter stalk off feeling that he was angry with me for saying what I had said yet he did nothing, he refused to speak his mind. Instead, he would rather runoff in order to keep me happy. But, that wasn't making me happy. It made me feel as if he thought I was too delicate to fight back. Like he had to give in or risk me having a mental break down.
'He said he loved us' my wolf stated making me think back and realize she was right. I completely ignored the fact that he confessed the deepest of feelings for me in order to compare his reactions to Nate's.
'I know' I told her unsure of what else to say. Did I love Carter? I know I did. Was I in love with him? I wanted to be. He was the perfect guy by most standards it was as if he was made in a factory and labeled 'boyfriend material' yet I still wasn't satisfied.
I'm just being selfish I know that. Carter gave up everything to be with me and at one point I wanted that. I wanted the simplicity of a normal loving relationship like my parents had yet now I longed for more. "Hey" Lynn murmured sheepishly as she took a seat next to me causing the wood to creak under us. The confused look on her face led me to believe that she had heard my exchange with Carter.
"I'm being a jerk aren't I?" I whispered wishing I could apologize to him.
She sighed as she tugged on her brown hair nervously "a little but we understand you're going through a lot" she reasoned curling her locks around her long fingers.
"That's the thing I don't want you guys to understand and to let me be a jerk. I want everyone to go back to the way they were before... Nate" I reasoned spinning in my seat to look at her fully as she nodded agreeing with me instantly still too afraid to tell me what was on her mind.
"But you can't forget Nate" Lynn hypothesized with a shrug of her shoulders. "I'm your best friend Jamie, I can tell when you're unhappy. I can read you like a book" she empathized book expressing how easy I was to understand. Was it that obvious? Was it that obvious to Carter?
I quickly diverted my gaze to my hands feeling disappointed in myself. "Is that crazy?" I asked lowly to where she could barely hear me had it not been for her amazing sense of hearing she wouldn't have.
"Yes, but the heart wants what the heart wants. You can't help that you want him he's marked you it's only natural" she informed me as she rubbed my back encouragingly. "Just give it time and you will fall for Carter again you just have to try."
What if I don't want to give it time? What if I don't want to fall harder for Carter?
* *
I was so angry I didn't even bother knocking on my sister's door instead I just forced it open and allowed myself in. "What the hell, Nate?" Chloe screeched as she lay with Brett on her bed watching what appeared to be some cheesy chick flick. Boy, he really was whipped.
I ignored my sister completely as I focused on her mate who was now looking at me as if he knew what was on my mind. "I'm not sure if you know this or not Brett but you are in my pack which means you must follow my rules" I spat sarcastically as he and my sister shifted to sitting positions.
"I didn't break any of your rules" he retorted easily and though he was right I still wanted to yell at him.
"I shouldn't have to tell you not to run and tell Carter my business. If he wants to leave the pack then fine but that means he no longer has access to what's going on inside of it!" I roared dominated my rage only growing as I thought of Carter gloating that he got what he wanted yet again.
"With all due respect Alpha, he is my brother, packmate or not I will not stop talking to him" Brett stated matter of factly. As mad as I was right now I had to admit I admired him at that moment for standing up to me. After all, I need a replacement Beta who was headstrong and that's exactly what he was.
My sister hopped up as she gripped my forearm with little force "please don't make him choose Nate" she begged flashing me her best puppy eyes, causing me to sigh.
"I would never do that," I told them both letting my guard down not wanting to see the only family member I had left hurt in any way. "But, the fact remains that neither Carter nor Jamie have any right to the inner workings of this pack" I blurted holding back a wince as I said her name.
Brett nodded understandingly as I fought back every urge to ask him Jamie's reaction. In a way, I was hoping the news of Heather would push her back to me yet she probably didn't even bat an eyelash. "You miss her don't you?" Chloe asked me a look of concern and worry laid in her taunted blue eyes.
I knew my sister was the one person I could trust yet I couldn't admit to her that I missed Jamie especially not with Brett in the room. She knew I regret messing my chances with her up but if I admitted I wanted Jamie back I would just look foolish when she remained with Carter. "No" I lied as her lips formed into a straight line like she knew I wasn't being honest. Our eyes locked challenging one another. Her wanting me to be open with her and me wanting her to let it go.
"You don't have to act tough, Nate," she told me lovingly while resting her hand on my arm "you deserve to be happy too" she whispered hugging onto my midsection as I towered over her.
"I don't miss her" I spat pushing my sister away hoping that if I acted careless enough she would believe me. "Jamie is nothing to me, she was just a way to get back at Carter" I lied yet again feeling guilty even as I said it.
I glared at Brett who was already becoming angry at how I was treating his mate who in reality was trying to help me. "Can you give us a minute?" She asked him as he stared at her disapprovingly. I could tell by the annoyed look that grew on her face that he was questioning her decision through their mind link. I can't say I blame him I have been a loose cannon lately but I would never hurt my sister, ever. As soon as the door shut behind me she crossed her arms stubbornly over her chest. "Stop being an ass" she ordered using the Alpha blood that ran through her veins. "You are not happy about being with Heather, in fact, you look disgusted so why are you going through with it? Are you in denial?"
"Because Jamie deserves to be happy okay?!" I snapped glaring off into the distance "I could have killed her because of my temper Chloe do you not get that? She isn't safe with me" I admitted as I broke down holding back the tears that threatened to escape my eyes. My weak voice cracked as I spoke of Jamie, unable to fully talk about her without losing my cool. I was an Alpha for fuck's sake I couldn't be fragile.
"She is safe with you Nate. You're not a bad guy and you love her!" Chloe screamed back as she slammed her small fists into my chest, trying to make me believe I was good when I knew I wasn't. Good guys don't yell. Good guys don't seek revenge. Good guys don't attack people they love. I was not a good guy.
'Neither is Carter' my wolf hissed.
"She doesn't want me, Chloe, she wants her true mate. I would be stupid to think she would want anything but him" I fought against her as she sighed and ran her hands through her short hair with frustration.
"You at least have to try!" She squealed pleading with me to go after what I wanted. Why should I? Things never go right for me and they never will. It's like I'm cursed or something, I'm doomed to be alone.
"Why?! To be rejected? What I need to do is move on" I concluded yanking her bedroom door open causing it to slam back into the wall surely leaving behind a hole.
"You are such an idiot Nate!" Chloe growled causing me to spin back to her watching her eyes flash black with determination. "Just admit you want her and get her, why do you want to be miserable?"
"I don't want to be miserable. Seriously she is all I think about, I even dream about her but I need to face the facts...she hates me" I vowed as my nostrils were glaring dramatically. "She's going to make a life and a family with Carter and I will do the same with Heather. That's it, Chloe, just let it go" I demanded with defeat as her sadness only grew. "Please" I added as she nodded. Though the hopeful glimmer in her orbs led me to believe that she wouldn't be letting it go.
As I stormed out of the door I almost rammed into Brett as he leaned against the wall letting me know he heard every single word I said. Great.
* *
The second I entered my house my eyes scanned around looking around for a particular brunette werewolf though he was nowhere in sight. I lifted my nose up searching for his scent but instead I ran into someone else. "Where is Carter?" I asked Wyatt as I entered the kitchen not bothering to question why he was in my house or where my brother was.
He squinted his light eyes at me harshly as if he was aware of what took place earlier "I hope you're planning to apologize" he stated smugly without answering my question.
"Great, he told you?" I huffed tossing my backpack on my kitchen table. "Why are you here anyway?" I finally asked without bothering to comment on his latest comment.
"No, Lynn told me you're having a breakdown and-"
"I'm not having a fucking break down!" I screamed my voice echoing through the house not helping my case that I was mentally stable. "I just want you guys to stop acting like I'm going to fall apart. What happened with Nate is over and I'm not worried so just stop" I ordered him as if I was his Alpha. He rolled his pools without thought not believing my story for a second.
"You are a liar" Wyatt hypothesized making me let out a long exaggerated sigh.
"Fuck you Wyatt" I growled slamming my body into him as I passed him though he didn't budge nor yell at me.
I charged up the stairs not bothering to slow down until I reached the hallway near my room. I opened my door to find Carter sleeping on my bed. His large being looked peaceful as his arms were laced behind his head as though he fell asleep while in deep thought. I climbed onto the bed being careful not to wake him as I crawled next to him. I placed my head on his chest as I listened to the steady beat of his hurting heart feeling more guilty than before.
Instantly his arm draped around my shoulders as he hugged my body closer into his. "I'm sorry" he muttered as I shifted my head so I was looking into his decadent brown eyes that were swirling with many emotions.
"No Carter, I'm sorry. You were just trying to be a good boyfriend and I took my anger out on you, that wasn't fair" I admitted as he stroked my straight hair gently as his heartbeat increased dramatically.
He grinned widely as he pushed his body up to a half-sitting position. "So I'm your boyfriend now? That's news to me" he joked his bright teeth showing off as he stared at me. The happiness was practically radiating off of him as he watched me closely, taking in my every move. I blushed hard at this. Was I wrong to assume that's what Carter was that? Well, of course, he was my mate but so was Nate I guess. Seeing Carter as my boyfriend was just easier than trying to say 'one of my mates'. "I'm just kidding Jamie" he laughed as I turned my body so I was facing him fully.
"That was mean Carter!" I reprimanded as his hands darted out to grasp my hips.
"I'm sorry" he stated again his teasing behavior was careless and reminded me of the first night we had met- before everything became complex. I smiled weakly at him, taking Lynn's advice as I tossed my left leg over his and straddled his waist. His sharp features lite up happily under my movements causing me to feel triumphant, to say the least.
His wolf was enjoying our relationship progressing whereas mine as unsure and weary yet she didn't try to stop me anymore nor speak of Nate. 'He will be good for us' I promised her. 'He won't hurt us' I added knowing she was thinking of Nate already.
'But I don't love him' she argued lowly making my heart grow sad immediately.
'You will' I vowed as she gave up and allowed me to call the shots.
Without giving her time to change her mind I leaped forward slamming my lips into Carter's in an aggressive manner unlike I had ever kissed him before. It was as if this kiss was my only hope at making my wolf want Carter and forget all about Nate.
* *
I smirked at my reflection as I wiped Jamie's spit from around my lips proudly. I was planning on insinuating a make up with her when she got home from school but after talking to my brother I knew I needed to do a lot more than just apologize.
When Brett told me that Nate was clearly not over Jamie and didn't even want Heather as his Luna I began to panic. It didn't take a genius to see that Jamie's wolf was hesitant on the idea of being with me again so I needed to prove to her that my wolf and I would be the best mate possible.
I would be gentle, loving, forgiving and patient. I would do whatever it took to make sure Jamie would remain mine. As she kissed me harder and harder my worry began to fade. There was no way Jamie nor her wolf would ever consider being with a freak show like my previous Alpha.
Mark my words as soon as she is ready I'm going to seal the deal with her and official break their bond, and that was a day I can not wait for.
Hey! How are you all? So what are you thinking about Nate's confession to Chloe? Also, do you think Carter is being heartless? Or are his feelings justified?
I really love Chloe by the way! How about you guys? Please don't forget to !
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