《Wrongfully His》Chapter 17
The song for this chapter isby Mariah Carey.
This chapter is dedicated to !
I was super nervous about this chapter and over-analyzing everyday detail which is never a good thing, let's hope it pays off! Enjoy!
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"Ready Alpha?" Brett questioned as he leaned down to the window of my car. His intense gaze shifted to Heather in my passenger seat briefly before turning back to me. A smile laid on his face which was suppose to encourage me though the sweat forming on his forehead let me know he was just as nervous how this whole ordeal would turn out as I was.
I nodded as he stepped back allowing me to open my door but before I could step out, Heather grabbed my arm keeping me seated and causing me to turn to look at her. "Don't be nervous baby, after today you and I can finally start our life together" she cooed which honestly made a nauseous feeling overtake my body as I cringed hearing her call me 'baby'.
I forced out a grin though I dreaded even the thought of making a life with her. I could never look at her in a loving way no matter how much I tried. I attempted to climb out again but she pulled me back this time bringing her bright red lipstick covered mouth to mine. My skin was practically crawling as she made contact with me. It was revolting.
My wolf growled inside of me hating the artificial taste of her. The one-sided kiss felt wrong, in fact, it completely and utterly disgusted me. It wasn't that Heather was visually repulsive that turned me off it was our past that I couldn't get over. Brett flashed me an approving smile as I stepped from my car and rubbed my lips roughly with the back of my hand to remove any trace of her. I charged off toward the front door of Jamie's house as Heather jogged up to me and wrapped her petite arms around my forearm. She was like an annoying dog chomping on your ankle that you just wanted to shake off. Trust me if she wasn't my last option I would.
I knocked on the door for it to be opened immediately by the current Alpha. "Alpha" I greeted with respect as he stepped to the side allowing the three of us to enter.
"Alpha Nate, Brett, and..." He trailed looking at Heather as if not sure who she was.
"I'm Heather, Nate's mate" she introduced herself as they shook hands. His eyes doubled in size as he realized the awkwardness of this situation. I'm sure by now everyone knew the truth about Carter or maybe Jamie covered for him who knows?
'She is not my mate' my wolf growled assertively as I tried to hold his rage down caused by Heather's careless being.
'She never will be' I assured him.
We were led across the house into a conference like room. It was similar to the room where I held my meetings. It was a plain cream color with a large table taking up most of the room followed by leather office chairs. My eyes scanned over the men at the table starting with the future Alpha, then to Jamie's father who was, in fact, the current Beta, Trent and lastly to Carter who was glaring at me with much more hate than ever before.
'It was a nice touch to bring Heather, it really shows what kind of a guy you truly are' he taunted me glancing at Heather briefly. I knew he was just trying to get a rise out of me especially when his eyes shifted down to her exposed legs.
A hearty snarl escaped my lips echoing against the walls which only brought more attention to me and made me look unstable just like he had planned. Though it wasn't his wandering eyes that bothered me hell he could have Heather for all I care it was the fact that he would do that when he had an absolutely perfect girl wanting him.
"Can we please get through this without any altercations?" George hissed his gaze now focused on me intently as if I was the one to start this. I nodded and sat down having Heather to my right and Brett to my left.
"We have some concerns, Nathaniel-"
"Nate" I corrected the Alpha. Nathaniel was the name my father always called me so it was a sore spot for me. Nowadays I only heard it from Chloe or Brody and when they did use it I knew it was a serious matter.
He flashed me a forced grin that screamed 'if I could kill you, I would'. "Nate" he restated as I leaned back into the chair. "We are worried that if Carter leaves your pack and joins ours that you will retaliate."
"We all know how you love to get even" Trent chirped cockily. God, he was so much like his sister, a bunch of smart asses they were.
"Where is Jamie?" I asked instead of commenting on the Alphas concern or acknowledging Trent's jab at all.
Carter stiffened dramatically across the table. He jerked forward so he was now leaning on the wooden surface as his chest pushed out in an attempt to intimidate me. "That's none of your business" he barked which only made me smirk loving that I was getting to him.
"It's truly adorable when you get possessive, Carter" I taunted him narrowing my now black eyes into his matching ones.
You could feel the tension between us as well as both of our wolves stirring around ready for battle. Though Carter was a smart boy he knew that I could harm him a lot worse then he could me so he didn't push his luck any further. "Nate please" the Alpha cut in from the head of the table. I could see he was losing his cool but I was willing to push my luck.
"I just want to know where she is, why isn't she here?" I purposed seemingly confident though I just wanted to know why she wouldn't be here to see me. Did she not want to? Was she purposely avoiding seeing me? Of course, she was. Chloe told her I loved her and she did nothing about it, now she wouldn't even bother to attend a meeting at her house where I was. It was clear really but I need to confirm it.
"You have no right to know anything about her" Wyatt stammered angrily as his features turned as hard as a statue. Please. Something about his over the top concern about Jamie didn't rub me the right way.
"Don't I? She is after all my mate" I cooed calmly feeling Heather's eyes penetrating into my profile as I said this yet she remained silent and didn't dare question me in public.
"She didn't want to be here, is that what you want to hear, Nate?" Trent asked sarcastically adding emphasis on my name. His blue orbs twinkling with amusement when he realized he crushed my spirit. "When she heard you were coming she couldn't wait to get away" he added speaking softly and slowly so I heard him clearly.
* *
I was walking around the mall with Lynn honestly becoming extremely bored. We had already eaten and shopped in every single store yet she didn't want to leave. "Lynn" I whined dramatically as I dropped to a bench "my feet hurt. Can we please go home?"
"Don't be such a party pooper, Jamie! Ever since you got back all you want to do is lay in bed, you need to get out and face the world" she told me as she gestured around to the 'world' which consisted of mothers with multiple crying children and teenagers who were trying desperately to fit it.
I exhaled as I slumped back allowing my neck to rest on the bar of the bench. "All I want to do is lie in bed because a huge chunk of me is missing" I explained delicately as I shut my eyes tightly wishing I would wake up and this would all be a dream.
I could feel her shift on the bench as I peek out of the corner of my eye as her warm brown orbs softened understandingly. "I know you can never push away the trauma of how you were marked but Carter is trying Jamie, all he wants to do is make it up to you the best way he can" Lynn whispered thinking she was helping but all she did was make me feel worse. Honestly, the last thing on my mind right now was Carter.
"It's not that, Lynn" I gulped as I spun to face her bringing my leg up onto the bench in the process. "It's not that I can't forget being marked" I paused nervously "I don't want to."
"What do you mean?" She chuckled uneasily as she fiddled with her shorter than average brown hair.
"I love him" I admitted having my wolf howl in delight as my best friend's eyes doubled in size and her jaw hung open. I didn't need to explain who I was talking about it was clear she knew.
She shook her head rapidly. "No you don't Jamie that's just your wolf talking. You don't love Nate, you wanted to get away from him remember?" She attempted to jog my memory but she was wrong. I didn't want that.
"You're wrong. Carter took me from Nate, Trent told me he was bad and you all kept me from seeing him and even Chloe. I've wanted him all along but I wanted to fight it. I wanted to want Carter again. I know he won't hurt me but I will only hurt him because I don't love him as much as Nate" I rambled biting my bottom lip anxiously as I awaited her response.
"Are you sure?" Lynn questioned looking unsure of how to handle the situation. I nodded my head without a thought. I knew I loved Nate as crazy as it was, as erratic as he was I felt connected to him, he was someone I couldn't live without. "Then we need to hurry up and get home" she whispered as she jumped up. "Come on!" She ordered as I grabbed my shopping bags and chased off after her.
I burst through my front door open not caring about it slamming into the wall as I ran off towards my dad's office. Nate's scent was strong throughout my house, it was almost intoxicating as it drove my wolf into overdrive. I could also smell Brett as well and another scent that almost seemed familiar yet I couldn't place it.
"You got this" Lynn encouraged from behind me as she patted my back forgetting about the orders she was given to keep me far away.
'We've got this' I told my wolf who was happy for the first time in weeks. I pushed open the large oak doors revealing the men gathered around the table. My eyes instantly met Nate's, the blues of our pools melting into one another's as we saw each other for the first time in a week.
His body jerked upward knocking his chair back but he didn't care. I could see he was nervous and almost a bit scared as though he didn't know what I was going to say or how I would react. "Jamie, it's okay" Carter tried to soothe me as he stepped up next to me and tugged on my wrist until I was up against him.
"Lynn get her out" my Alpha ordered as she bowed her head and walked up to grab me though I knew she wasn't really going to pull me away. I heard a light chuckle come from Nate's side as I looked down to the female sitting in the next seat from him
I couldn't believe my eyes as I stared at the girl whose picture I had in my possession for weeks. Her medium brown hair the same color as mine, her chocolate orbs that used to seem dull and lifeless to me but now looked alive and satisfied. The girl in my fake I.D. came to life once more before my eyes but when I realized who she really was I felt instantly sick.
"The infamous Jamie Watson" she snickered as everyone turned to her with their eyebrows lifted skeptically
"Heather Clark" I retorted gulping angrily not believing my eyes even as I stared at her. All those weeks ago when I met her, she was helping me make my I.D. to get into Toxic, I liked her, I genuinely liked her but all of that was long gone. Within one second I had an overwhelming hate for her. She was the one who came in between Carter and Nate. She contributed to Nate's heartbreak and self-destruction. She was the reason I was in the position I am today.
"Wait" Carter interjected anxiously "You guys know each other?!" He squealed as everyone's eyes shifted between the two of us as if trying to piece together the missing pieces of the puzzle.
"What a small world we are living in" Heather noted not explaining how we knew each other.
"A small world indeed" I agreed with a nod as her eyes shifted up to Nate, they were filled with admiration and love making my distaste for her grow more.
"Jamie" Nate called as I regretfully brought my gaze back to his leaving Heather as a distant memory. How could I have been so naive? To really think someone like Nathaniel Ryder would ever want me? I was just a pawn in his game and now that he got his revenge on Carter he was back to his real mate, he couldn't have planned something anymore perfect than this.
Within a second my brother hopped up pushing himself in between the two of us as Nate rounded the edge of the table. "That's close enough" Wyatt ordered sternly from behind me, his body was close enough for me to feel his heavy breathing fanning my neck.
I stared up at Nate who towered over me and everyone else in the room for that matter. His eyes didn't look the same beautiful turquoise color anymore they now shone a light sky blue. "Trent, move" I demanded quietly as he glanced at me briefly before returning his gaze to Nate as if feeling safer about keeping an eye on him.
"No" he dismissed as he crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly.
'What are you doing?' Wyatt questioned just between us.
'What I need to do' I told him as he sighed as though he knew what I was planning on doing.
"Trent stand down" He spoke out loud this time as my brother's eyes widened with confusion but he obliged.
Nate took this opportunity as he stepped closer to me. I could hear his heavy sporadic heartbeat growing louder and louder the closer he got to me as a worried feeling engulfing his entire body. Without saying a word he reached up and clutched my chin in his large rough hand. I could hear a stifled growl from behind me and I knew it was Carter but both Nate and I ignored it. His gaze finally left mine as he examined the scarring he had caused on my nose. Slowly he tilted my head from side to side as he examined the damage fully.
"I'm so sorry" he whispered genuinely as he looked back up and into my eyes but instead of letting them lock I looked away, I had to. Letting him know I wanted him would only make this harder for me. "Jamie please talk to me say anything... Please" he begged sounding desperate as his once strong voice cracked under pressure.
"I hate you" I murmured so quietly yet as still as the room was I knew everyone heard me. I could feel the sadness and regret grow inside of him as he dropped his hand and let it dangle at his side.
"I can't have you hate me, it will kill me" he stated as I shoved his chest with all my power shocking him and everyone else with my bold movement.
I could hear a shuffle to my side and I knew it was my father. "Jamie" he hissed out fearing what Nate may do if I pushed him again. Last time I started a fight with him I didn't come out the winner. Though judging by the ball of guilt brewing in Nate's stomach he didn't either.
"Is that all you think about Nate?! You?! What about me? What about the fact that you took me, you forced me to be yours and then you threw me away like garbage!" I yelled uneasily neglecting my fallen tears in the process as I beat my fists against his solid chest. I didn't care about the fact that everyone could see me break and could hear my pain I just wanted him to know how much he hurt me.
"I thought that's what you wanted. I thought you wanted to be free to go on about your life and to be with Carter?" Nate questioned his voice now loud as he gripped my wrists tightly in his hands forcing me to stop hitting him.
"But you're my mate!" I screamed officially snapping as the entire room changed. His face softened dramatically as for the first time I didn't deny that he was my mate. In fact, I proclaimed him as mine. Yet at the same time, Carter's heart was shattering into thousands of tiny pieces that would become unfixable.
Nate stared at me for a good minute not saying anything, just looking. He examined my face intently as his eyebrows furrowed together causing temporary wrinkling to etch itself on his forehead. "I'm not your mate" he voiced quietly. "Mates don't hurt their other half" he reasoned crushing me with his words.
"So what? We aren't your typical pairing but I know you feel it, Nate, I know your mind goes berserk when you smell me, I know your heart beats fast when you see me, and I know you can't stand the thought of not being near me" I spoke weakly as his face went emotionless not allowing me to see his true feelings which only caused me to doubt myself. "Don't deny it" I whimpered pathetically as the tears began to flow silently against my cheeks.
"I will never be the guy you deserve" He admitted as his eyes began to water but he wouldn't allow the tears to fall.
"What do I deserve Nate? I deserve someone who will love me and that I love. We belong together. All I want is you" I told him as he yanked my wrists until our bodies smashed. Roughly he gripped my neck as he held my head in place and our lips met once again.
The same softness greeted me as it did all those weeks ago, as the stubble on his face brushed against mine, the contact being much more than just a lustful feeling it wreaked of love. He was filled with such passion, such desire it was something I never thought Nate would be capable of.
In that split second every worry of mine disappeared, every fight we had shared was forgotten, even the very reason why he claimed me melted away. Nothing else mattered but the two of us feeling at complete bliss as we allowed ourselves and our wolves to connect again without a care in the world.
Though that careless moment was short-lived as a desperate howl echoed the room from behind me. Nate pulled back from me as he effortlessly shoved my body behind his in order to protect me as Carter's frame began to shake wildly.
I watched in horror as his back began to bend, his bones dislocating themselves and his shoulders broadened preparing to take on his wolf form. The shape of his fingers warped as his claws became visible. His smooth tan skin began to disappear as gray stubble took its place. But what scared me the most was the empty look in his dark orbs as if he had nothing else to lose.
I knew he was going after Nate and there was nothing I could do to stop him.
Hi guys! I feel a little bad for leaving the chapter off like that! So who is happy about Nate and Jamie admitting their feelings? How do you feel about Carter and Heather now?
Please give me some feedback as well as . I will love you forever! Also, I want to thank you all for supporting my story and helping me reach ten thousand reads! :D
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