
"I know it was you."

Those were the words I said.

"No it wasn't. You know that."

Painty turned around to see me. "How would I have done it? I'm dead."

Fan appeared beside them. I cringed when I saw him. Blood was dripping from a tear on his eye. He looked tired.

"Fan, who did it? You can tell me."

Fan looked at Painty, then at me. He shook his head. "I don't know. I couldn't see them."

I angrily kicked a rock. "Liar. You know who did it, but you don't want me to know. Why can't you trust me?"

Fan ran up to me and hugged me. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I just broke down and hugged him back.

"Lightbulb, I don't know who did this to me. But you'll find out before anyone else dies, right?"

I nodded. Paintbrush came up to me too and hugged me.

"You can do it, Lightbulb. I know you can."

I looked up at Painty, who'd started to fade into the darkness. In a panic, I looked down at Fan. He was already mostly faded.

"No, please, don't go! Guys?!"

"We'll see you later, Lighty! Bye!"


I shot up in my bed. It was all a dream. Test Tube started beside me. "Lightbulb? You alright?"

I put my hand on my head. "Oh my god. Yeah, I-.. I'm not."

Test Tube put a hand on my back. "What happened?"

I told her about the dream, and she hugged me. I hugged her back and cried into her shoulder. "I miss them."

Test Tube pulled away and took my hand. "I do too. But they wouldn't want you to cry. I know Paintbrush would want you to be happy, right?"


I looked at her seriously. "I'm gonna find out who killed Fan. And they'll pay. Before anyone else gets hurt."

Test Tube gripped my hand tighter. "And you'll be careful while doing it. Right?"

I stayed silent.

"Right, Lightbulb?"

"Yeah, yeah," I said, raising her hand to my chest.

"But do you promise?"

"Yeah, Tube. I promise."

I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek before laying back down. She gasped, drinking in what I'd just done. Then she sighed and laid back down beside me.

"I swear," I whispered to, really, no one, "when I find you, I'll make you pay."




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