《I Guess I'll Love You. (BOOK ONE)》CHAPTER 15- Sometimes Being Alone Is Good. (TACO'S PERSPECTIVE)


I stared at where Lightbulb used to be in shock. I slowly backed away. I just needed to be alone.

So I ran.

Mic called out after me, but I didn't care. I was too overwhelmed for this.

What was supposed to be a fun night turned out to be a murderous one. It wasn't supposed to be like that.

I just know Pickle will blame me for this. How can he he not see that I've changed?

Angrily, I picked up a rock and threw it against a tree. Pak! It hit and bounced against the forest floor. It made a small dent in the tree.

I sighed and ventured deeper into the forest.

I had been walking for who knows how long when I tripped over a root of a tree and faceplanted into the dirt. I got up, rubbing my face, when I saw it.

A beautiful clearing. This wasn't our clearing, but it was beautiful. So I went into it.

There was a perfect view of the moon. I sat on the ground, taking off my hoodie to sit on it. Then I just had a moment to myself.

It would've been better with Mic, but I think I needed alone time.

My moment ended when I heard crashing coming from where I entered. I whipped out my ray gun, but I didn't expect who crashed through.

It was Pickle?

"Oh- I- Uh- is this your place?-" I got up to leave.

"..." He was silently staring at me.

"Sorry, I'll-"

I got cut off by him speaking.

"Taco. Why did you do it?"

I looked at him questioningly, then it hit me: he thinks I killed Fan, doesn't he?

"Look, I didn't-"

"I'm not talking about that. Why did you betray me, all those years ago?"


I opened my mouth to speak, only to realize I had nothing to say. I just sat back down.

"Please. I need a reason. I don't want to hurt you anymore, so please just tell me why."

"I-... I don't know."

"..." Silence.

"I just wanted the million. I don't want it anymore. I hate what I did to you. I'm sorry."

"... " More silence. I averted my eyes to Mic's hoodie sleeves.

"I get it."


"I get it now. You were just... playing the game. I shouldn't be bitter over strategy. Although it still kind of hurts, I can't keep you on the hook forever. I have to just.. let it go."

"You shouldn't have to. I was manipulative and toxic. But I've changed, as time does to a person. We all need some time, I guess."

"Yeah, I get it. I-... I forgive you, Taco."

"I forgive you too."

He sat beside me, and we both just.. chilled for a minute.

I finally had peace. With everyone. And for the first time that day, I felt fulfilled.

"Taco? Taco!" I heard Mic's voice as she burst into the clearing, tackling me into a hug. "I was so worried! What were you doing, going off like that?"

She noticed Pickle and instantly moved to protect me. "Don't you dare touch her."

"It's fine, love! We made up. We're cool." I laughed and patted her back in reassurance.

"He tried to kill you. He isn't cool with me." She glared at him. "You probably killed Fan."

I tilted my head to where he could see me and shook my head. He nodded and got up to leave.

"See you around, guys," he sighed and walked away.

"See? He wasn't hostile at all. Try to forgive him. Like I did. Please?" I looked at Mic pleadingly.

She sighed. "I'll get used to him. That's it."

I hugged her. "That's enough."

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