《I Guess I'll Love You. (BOOK ONE)》CHAPTER 14- The Day She Snapped. (MIC'S PERSPECTIVE)



I woke up to being dropped. As I dizzily rubbed my head, my vision and hearing became clearer.

Taco was on the floor, backing away from something. Her mouth was covered with her hands and she was shaking uncontrollably. I dragged myself over to her and put my hand on her face. "What's wrong?"

She just pointed behind me.

Then I saw him.

Fan's body was there. Oh my god.

I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming. I was shaking.

Lightbulb wouldn't like this, I was sure. And.. oh god, poor Test Tube.

I helped Taco up, who was still shaking, and picked up Fan's body. I cringed when I caught another glimpse of him.

Taco could barely walk. With one arm, I carried Fan, and the other I helped Taco walk with. My foot hurt terribly, but I kept going.

When we got to the cabins, Taco was able to walk and went to go update the others. I just held Fan.

As I stared down at the body in horror, I thought of who could've done this. Paintbrush's death was one thing, it was an accidental death, but Fan..? He was just living his life. And someone felt the need to take that away from him. But who?

I was torn out of my thoughts by a scream. "Fan! Oh god, Fan! No!!"

Test Tube yanked his body away from me and started to hug it, crying. "No! Please, Fan, let this be another one of your internet pranks! Please!"

I looked up to see Lightbulb just a few feet behind her. Her face was blank. No emotion at all. Until finally, the moment must've sunk it. Because her face seemed to drain, leaving it a pasty white. Her eyes became wide, and her expression became horrified. Then.. angry?


She whispered something unintelligible. Then, she snapped.

"What. The. Fuck."

Test Tube turned her head, surprised. Lightbulb kept going.

"What in the the actual fuck. Why?! Why the hell is he dead?!"

She was screaming now. Everyone came outside.

"Who the fuck did this?! I swear to God when I find out who killed him I'm going to personally rip your eyes out of your fucking skull." She raked the group around her with a deathly stare. Then she went up to Test Tube. Her gaze softened.

"Don't worry, Tube. We'll find who did this. I promise."

She glared at us one last time, then helped Test Tube up, and left, Test Tube still clinging to Fan's body.

The gathered people stood in shock. Then I heard Trophy say, "Was that just a dream?"

He looked at Cheesy, who shook his head. I don't think he had any puns at that moment.

Then, OJ spoke up. "We'll bury Fan tomorrow. Please be at the elimination grounds. I hate to be hosting another funeral so soon, so.. if you can, be there. Go to the cabins now. See you tomorrow."

Two deaths in one month. Jeez..

I need to find out what's going on. Before anyone else gets taken away from me.

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