《I Guess I'll Love You. (BOOK ONE)》CHAPTER 13- Searching (and finding). (TACO'S PERSPECTIVE)



I grabbed Mic's hand and we stepped into the hotel.

"Think the cameras will still work?" I whispered, looking up at one.

"Probably not. They shut off the power since there's really no need for it right now, so I think we'll be safe. We should still be careful though," Mic added, looking at me sternly. "You're not gonna twist your ankle on anything on my watch."

"Alright!" I said it louder than intended, and Mic shot me a glance. I quickly put my hand over my mouth.

"So," I whispered, "what if we split for a minute? See what we can find."

Mic looked unsure for a moment, then sighed and put a hand on my shoulder. "Taco. Be. Careful."

"Don't worry, I will! I'll see you at.." I checked my watch. It was 9:33. "10:00?"

She looked at her watch and nodded. Then we parted.

I went upstairs while she explored the main floor. I'd never been in Lightbulb and Test Tube's room, so that's where I decided to look first.

When I got there, I tried to open the door to find it charred. Jumping back, I helplessly watched as the door caved in and almost hit my foot. Bang! I moved it just in time.

I breathed a sigh of relief and stepped in the room.

There was the typical stuff you'd see in any other room in the hotel. Orange walls, wooden floor, the usual. But then there were chemistry sets EVERYWHERE. Meeple posters hung on one side of the apartment, half burned away, and the other side had motivational quotes on it. Not even in posters. Just written on the wall. They looked resilient, not even a chip of ink gone. I guessed that this was Lightbulb's side of the room.


I ventured further into the room. I opened a drawer close to a dandelion-designed picture frame with an untouched picture of Lightbulb and Paintbrush.

I took it. I can give it to Lightbulb later.

In the drawer, there were a couple Lightbulb-themed clothes, you know, the whole thing. Then I saw it.

A knife. Dried blood stained the edges. Shaking, I picked it up. Why would she have this?

Then I saw a carving on the handle.

"Lightbulb Borrowski".

This was hers? I was thinking Test Tube had given it to her.. oh my god. Why was it bloody..?

When I further examined the knife, I noticed some things.

There was a smiley face carved into the blade. Totally a Lightbulb thing to do.

Team Epic's logo was printed on it. Aw.

There was recent blood. Someone must've used it very recently.

I shook my head and put the knife back in the drawer. I don't wanna think about what she was doing with it.. or who could've used it so recently. I just wanna go home. ...Not now. I still had to examine one more room.


I made my way to the room. Shaking, I put my hand on the handle. It actually stayed on it's hinges and swung open.

I curiously peaked inside.

I saw a picture of Knife. That was cool.

And that's about it before I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I jumped, whipped out my ray gun, and aimed at who had touched me. It was Mic.

"Oh thank goodness," I exhaled, putting the gun away.

"Taco, I think someone else is here with us. We have to go. Now."

I nodded. I was getting more creeped out by the second when I thought of Lightbulb's knife.

I let her grab my hand and she led me out.


We got to the last flight of stairs. While we were walking down them, one of them caved in and Mic got her foot stuck.

I gasped. "Ohmygosh, Mic! Are you okay?"

She grimaced, trying and failing to hide her pain.

I pulled her foot out of the hole and helped her down the rest of the stairs. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked as we reached the main entrance.

"Yeah, I'm-" She was cut off by her stumbling forward.

"Yeah, you're not okay." With great effort, I picked her up. Ohmygosh, she's heavy!

She'd passed out from sheer pain. As I was walking, I heard a gasp. Then a thud. Then footsteps running away from behind me.

I whipped my head around, and..

Fan. Oh god, no, no, Fan..

Fan was dead, his body sprawled in an awkward angle just a few feet away.


This is slowly turning into a horror novel. Help

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