《I Guess I'll Love You. (BOOK ONE)》CHAPTER 16- Broken And Mangled. (MIC'S PERSPECTIVE)


As I sat with Taco, I began to think about what had just happened. I still had a creeping feeling that Pickle was behind everything, but.. no, that couldn't be it. He apologized- but for what? What'd he gain? Maybe another ally?

I sighed and looked down. Taco was fast asleep in my arms. I smiled a bit and got out my phone.

I scrolled through my memories. I saw a picture of me and Knife back when the show was still going on. I smiled and kept scrolling.

Soon enough I heard a small gasp and darted my eyes back to Taco, who had sat up and was looking around with wide, scared eyes.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked, putting my hand on her's as a reassuring gesture.

Taco looked back at me, relief and a small amount of fear instantly flooding her gaze. "Oh, thank God."

I shot her a quizzical glance before looking around for danger. No one in sight.

I returned my gaze back to Taco. She was still looking around, like she was terrified.

"It's alright. No one's here. Wanna tell me about it?"

Taco looked down and silently nodded. I offered a place in my lap to sit and she took it, hugging me. I hugged her back.

"So.. I had a dream that- that killer that's going around? They murdered you. In front of me. And I- I was so scared, I didn't know what to do, so I just screamed. But nothing came out. I tried to talk but I couldn't hear myself. It's like I was mute. I couldn't remember anything, or focus. All I wanted was to help you. And I started kicking the silhouette that had you, but it was like kicking air. I tried so hard to save you but.. I couldn't. By the time it disappeared all I saw was your body, broken and mangled like Fan's was."


I sat in shocked silence. The fact her mind could conjure up something like that was scary on its own, but.. she didn't even see who the person was.

To me, that's honestly the most terrifying part.

"W-Well, look at me now! I'm perfectly fine, Taco. There's nothing to worry about," I added, pulling her closer protectively. Then I picked her up, took my hoodie, and left with her.

"Taco. Listen. I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you."

I paused for a moment.

"You have my word."

(A/N: Omga the book is almost done just 4 chapters left

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