《I Guess I'll Love You. (BOOK ONE)》CHAPTER 3: Dinner with Mic! (TACO'S PERSPECTIVE)


I quietly sat on the stumps where me and Mic first met. She wasn't there. I sighed and looked up at the gaps of moonlight. Mic had hung out with the residents of Hotel OJ that day, so I had nothing to do.

I heard a rustling behind me. I spun around. "Who's there?!" I snapped, taking out my ray gun and pointing it at the bushes.

"Wow, Taco, calm down!" I heard a familiar voice laugh. Mic stepped out of the bushes and gazed at me, a mix of amusement and importance in her eyes. And.. love?

I put my gun away and looked at her warily. "Why aren't you in bed? You need sleep." I paced over to her and gently but firmly grabbed her arm. "We've stayed up 2 nights now!"

She pretended to yawn and placed a hand over mine."I was just gonna ask if you wanted to see the meteor shower with me. It's supposed to happen tonight!"

My eyes lit up."Of course! What time should I be at the hotel?"

She casted her glance to the forest floor. "Well, I was wondering if... you would go somewhere with me first."

My surprised face must have startled her, because she added quickly, "If you don't want to that's fine! I was just asking-"

"No, of course I will. Where do you want to go?"

She seemed to brighten at my acceptance. "Well, what if we were to go to, say, a fancy restaurant?"

"Is it the hotel?"


I sighed."Fine. But this'd better be the best food I've tasted in a while."

Mic smiled with compressed joy and took my hand. She lead me out of the woods and on the path of the hotel.


We arrived at the hotel door. "You ready?" Mic asked me.


"As ready as I'll ever be."

When we entered, it seems as if the entire hotel prepared for this. There were rose petals scattered on the floor, candlelight gently illuminating the hallway to the diner.

The diner was empty, only one table prepared with a chandelier right above it. I looked at Mic. "Isn't this a bit... much, for me?"

She just gripped my hand tighter. "Just relax. It's special. I figured you need it."

I looked away, my face as red as a tomato. "There was no need to do this.." I murmured under my breath.

Mic led me to the table and pulled out a chair for me. I sat down, and she took a seat in front of me.

Paper came up to us in a fancy suit, and I tried to compress my laughter. "Any drinks?" he asked.

"2 Dr. Fizz! Thanks!" Mic said. I barely noticed the nod they shared before Paper walked away.

"So, uh... how was your day with the hotel?" I asked her, hating the awkward silence between us.

"Good! I was lonely without you, though." She smiled at me, and I laughed softly. "I was lonely too."

I absently put my hand on the table. I felt another hand on mine, it's Mic's. Was that really unexpected though?

Anyways, Mic turned my hand over and grasped it. I blushed and sighed.

Paper came back with 2 cans of Dr. Fizz. I raised an eyebrow at him. "No glasses?" I asked jokingly.

"We guessed you weren't all that formal," he laughed.

"You thought wrong!" I said, and smiled at him. I felt Mic grip my hand tighter. They clearly shared another look before Paper cleared his throat and began to speak once again.

"Anything you guys want? We have menus if you'd like them." He offered the menus to Mic.


"Sure!" Mic said, taking her hand off mine to take them. My hand felt colder. I missed the touch.

When Mic offered me a menu, I took it. When I noticed Mic place her hand down on the table again, I took it. I heard an audible gasp from her, but I ignored it and blushed into my menu.

When Mic spoke, she was too quiet. "Pardon?" I asked, looking up.

The murmur became a soft whisper, but I still couldn't hear. "Please speak up, Mic."

"I said I was wondering if, after the meteor shower, you wanted to maybe.." She murmured the rest.


"I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie in my room."

"You know, you didn't have to whisper that. I'd love to."

She smiled warmly at me before Paper came up and ruined the moment. "Figured it out yet?"

"Yeah! Taco, do you want to go first?"

Oh no. My anxiety started to kick in and I started to feel all awkward and such. Mic could see my struggle and quickly said to Paper, "A sandwich please. And I'll have the same."

I could tell she was winging it, but the fact that she covered for me made me feel... what would you call it? Is it... am I feeling love right now? No. Friendship. I'm... sure. Trust... yeah.


"And then Balloon just kissed Nickel, just like that! I wish I could share a moment like that with y- err, someone! Anyways!" Mic laughed awkwardly. I laughed too. She helped me out of my chair and held my hand as we walked out of the hotel.

"Why don't we go to the deck again?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Well, I kinda had somewhere special in mind..." She lead me to an already set up blanket in the woods, a clearing. Tea was already provided! I gasped and Mic chuckled softly.

"Mic... it's so beautiful." I exhaled, taken aback by the beauty of the bracken surrounding us. Soft wind blown, making my hair gently lift to the sky as if the stars were statically energized. Mic offered her hand to me, and I took it and sat beside her. We sat close to the edge of the blanket, so I started to fiddle with the grass on the borders. I felt Mic's arm go around my shoulders and pull me closer. I let her. Letting my head fall on her, I look at the sky, waiting for the shower to start.

Mic removed her arm from across my shoulders and pointed to the sky. "It's starting!"

Without thinking, I said, "They shine like your eyes."

She cast me a glance, then blushed and laughed softly. She put her hand on my back. "Yours are brighter, my l-" She stopped mid-word.

"What were you going to say?" I asked, looking at her quizzically.

She sighed and threw her hands up sarcastically. "I was gonna say that you were my love, but that's coming in too strong, right?"

So it was true. She did love me. I leaned in closer and took her hand in mine, kissing it softly. "Not at all."

She leaned down suddenly. Without warning, she was scooping me up in her arms. She hugged me, holding me closer than anyone else has. I clung onto her. The rushing of the meteors overhead were making great wind gusts, blowing my hair into my face, but I didn't care anymore. I was too at ease to.

The gusts blowing above reduced to a small whoosh, then to nothing. It was over. I was half asleep in Mic's arms. She gently shook me, waking me up.

"Ready to watch that movie, or should we save that for tomorrow?"

"I never want this night to end, Mic. Let's watch it now."

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