《I Guess I'll Love You. (BOOK ONE)》CHAPTER 2- Embarrassment! (MIC'S PERSPECTIVE)


When I woke up, it was still dark out. I was somewhat wet from the swim and.. oh no. I fell asleep!

I looked over to see Taco snuggled up close beside me. My face went a dark shade of pink and I gently sat up, pulling Taco into my lap. She looked so peaceful like this. I ran my fingers through her hair. I got a lump in my throat for no reason. I smiled and hugged her, gently, so she wouldn't wake up.

"Happy?" I heard a voice behind me and jumped. It was Knife! That was so embarrassing.

"Y-yeah-.." I said, pulling Taco closer to my chest.

"What if she were to wake up right now? Oh, right," he chuckles, "she'd kill you."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Taco. So... peaceful. Knife sat beside me. "You two are.. a duo of duos. I'd see you two-"

Before he could finish, we heard rustling in the bushes."Who is that?" I said into the darkness.

"You caught me!" I hear someone laugh and emerge from the bracken. It was Lightbulb.

"Enjoying your little 'date'?" she teased."The hotel was rooting for you. Why won't you just say you like her?"

I sighed and shook my head."It's... complicated."

Knife looked down at Taco. She seemed to stir. He motioned to Lightbulb, a let's go! motion. She nodded and grabbed Knife, quite literally carrying him away.

I watched them go and turned back to Taco. She was opening her eyes. She gasped when she realized where she was."Mic, I-!"

I silenced her with a shh. "You're fine. Just... chill here, alright?"

I know I was being a little pushy, but we never get moments like this! I wanted it to last.


Taco looked unsure for a moment, then got closer to my chest and yawned. "If you say so." She rested her head against my chest and soon after I could hear her breathing slow to a soft, rhythmic beat. Wrapping my arms around her, I laid down and looked up. Test Tube taught me how to tell the time with the stars; I looked, and made a judgement that it was about 12:30 AM. Fresh serotonin burst in my heart as I clung to Taco's shirt, making sure she didn't fall off of me. Sighing, I soon drifted back to sleep, smiling at Taco one last time.


I awoke to Taco playing with my hair. "H-huh?-"

She looked startled for a moment, but then got back to my hair. "Good morning, sleepyhead. It's about 9. Your hair's still wet, so I figured playing with it would make it dry faster." I could tell that was a lie, but I wasn't complaining!

Still staying close enough to let her continue braiding small parts of my hair, I pushed myself up and looked around. The hotel was bustling with liveliness, people going in and out of the hotel due to it being so sunny and warm.

I saw Knife and Pickle playing frisbee, while Nickel and his alliance talked by a small well in front of the hotel.

I looked over to Taco. "We should go over there! It'll be fun."

Taco looked unsure. "Well... I know they've forgiven me, but I just haven't forgiven myself, you know?" She sighed. "I'm just not ready."

Without warning, I picked her up and started to carry her over to the hotel.

"Mic! Put me down you-!"

I laughed and kept going, ignoring Taco's non-serious attempts to jump out of my arms.


When we made it to the hotel, people waved and looked at the bundle of a pretend fit that was Taco. When she looked up, her eyes got wide and she whispered to me, "Please put me down now." I could tell that she was serious, so I obliged.

"Um... hello, everyone!" She murmured. I didn't think they could hear her, so I pulled her close and nodded. They all understood and said hi.

Taco looked at me and her eyes said we should go. I nodded at her and waved bye to the residents of the hotel.

(A/N: This one was really long, sorry!)

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