《I Guess I'll Love You. (BOOK ONE)》CHAPTER 1- The Beginning (Taco's perspective)


"So, where should we go?" I asked. I picked up Mic from the hotel and was standing outside of the elimination area.

"Hmm.. maybe the lake! That'll pass the time. Don't tell OJ we went though," she added, "He hates it when someone comes back wet because they'll have to, and I quote, 'Use the towels he just folded'."

I laughed. "That sounds about right. Welp, lead the way!"


As we trampled through the tall grass, chatting about whatever, I noticed that Mic was becoming more quiet. How odd.

"You okay?" I asked.

She seemed to snap out of her thoughts. "Oh, yeah! I was just.." she went a slight red for a bit, "thinking."

I got concerned. "About?"

"Nothing much. Just, uh.. how I don't think I can swim. I am electric, after all. Haha!"

I studied her. We stopped at a clear patch of ground, the lake glimmering in front of us. I sat on the deck, inviting Mic to come join me.

"What if you just turned off your loudspeaker?" I asked. "You'd be okay then, right?"

"Well," she chuckles, embarrassed, "I kinda can't swim."

"Turn off your speaker," I instructed.

She follows my lead. Once I was sure she was safe, I pushed her into the water.

"AHHHHH!" She yelled and flailed in the knee-deep water.

"Oh my gosh, keep your voice down! It's not that deep." I lended her my hand and she smiled, grabbing it. Our gaze connected for a minute. Her face went a slight pink. She laughed, and without warning, pulled me in too.

"Oh!-" I laughed. Even though the water was deeper for me, I swam easily, keeping my head above the lapping waves. Seeing my struggle, Mic picked me up and hoisted me onto her back.


A new feeling. What was I experiencing? My heart started to beat hard, and my breathing became quicker. I felt my face go a beet red.

"Mic, I-.." My voice longed to say "I never want this moment to end", but I stopped at I. I just started to feel this.

"Did you say something?" she asked, reaching for my hand to tap it gently. Acting on instinct, I jumped from her back. "Well, I- we should try to dry off."

With some effort, I leaped up onto the deck and helped Mic up as well. The sun was setting, I figured we'd been out here for about 3 hours already. ... Already?- Wow.

I yawned and leaned back. Laying down, I started to count the stars emerging from the darkening sky. I didn't notice Mic lay down next to me. When she spoke, she was quiet. "The moon's so pretty. Test Tube should be out watching it; it's full."

I absently inched closer to her until we were touching. Just barely, but we were. I heard her yawn. We soon fell asleep beneath the glittering moonlight, the beams softly illuminating the deck.

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