《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 15: Deatheaters



The second Hermione woke I explained everything.

"What?! They escaped?!" She asked, panicking.

"Love, calm down. We need to leave," I told her. "Start packing your clothes and stuff."

Hermione didn't look well; her skin paled almost instantly and her breathing got faster.

"Hermione," I sighed, "I'm here, everything will be okay. They are already being tracked. I just want to leave for safety."

She nodded unsurely and clutched my hand. She used her wand to pack.

All our clothes and some money were packed in a suitcase. I made plans with Blaise to live at Zabini Manor until we got a hotel across the world.

Hermione was panicked and it wasn't going away.

"Love, you're safe. I'm right here; I won't let anything happen to you," I told her.

"You don't understand," she mumbled, pressing her face into my chest.

I sighed and held her close. I grabbed our suitcase and apparated.


After Hermione and I talked to Blaise and made arrangements, we went to our room and got settled. Hermione had been pale all day and she didn't talk much.

She suddenly wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine. She was looking for a distraction, and I would give it to her. I kissed her back and put my hands on her hips, pulling her closer. I lightly pushed her to the wall as she unbuttoned my shirt. I pulled her shirt over her head before kissing her again.

"Draco," she moaned as I started kissing down her neck.

I started to lose control again. I only got in one bite before I pulled myself away from her. She grabbed my arm.

"Draco, is it the Veela stuff again?" She asked, looking just above her bra at the bite.


"Yeah," I sighed.

She drew her wand and muttered a silencing charm on the room. She then locked the door and came back to me.

"Draco, mark me," she whispered, taking my hand and pulling me to the bed.

"Hermione, please think about it before I loose control," I begged.

"We're staying together. I don't see a single reason why you shouldn't try to mark me. It's supposed to help you know when I'm in trouble too," she smiled.

"Are you sure?" I asked, burying my head in her neck.

"Yes, Draco; you shouldn't have to fight with yourself before being around me," she mumbled, dragging her hands on my back.

I felt it taking over. I pushed Hermione back on the bed and pulled myself on her. I turned it over to the Veela.

I ran my lips over her shoulders and chest, seeing if it was the perfect spot to mark her. I pulled myself lower over her stomach. I then pulled her pants down and searched her legs. I growled lightly when I found the spot. In the middle of her inner thigh on her left leg.

"Draco?" Her soft voice whispered.

I gained control for a second.


"Be gentle," she pleaded, her brown eyes worried and scared.

"Of course, Love," I replied, letting the Veela take control again.

The worry of no fangs vanished when I brought my face closer to her leg because two huge fangs sprouted from my gums. I quickly sank my fangs into her leg. She slapped a hand over her mouth to turn the cry of pain into a whimper.

I felt the venom leaving me and sinking into her system. I felt my control come back to me. I looked at the bite, surprised there was no blood.


When I looked back up at Hermione, she'd fallen asleep. The venom forced her into a sleep. I moved so I was by her side and pulled her close. Both of our breathing was rough

I carefully pulled my pants off so we were left in our undergarments.

I snuggled back up to her and held her tight.


"Why is Draco with the Mudblood?!" Someone whisper-yelled waking me from my sleep.

My eyes flew open when I'd realized I was stunned.

"Lucius, we have a problem," Bellatrix stated after pulling the blanket off me and Hermione. "She's pregnant."

A loud growl escaped my throat. I couldn't move to stop them from what they were doing.

Lucius pushed Bellatrix away and looked at Hermione. He pulled up her left leg, earning a loud snarl from me.

"I hadn't realized he had this much Veela blood. He's only an eighth Veela. We can't kill her, unless we want to kill him. They're bonded for life," he stated.

He then ran his hand over her stomach. I could tell the baby was kicking because of how his eyes widened. I growled and fought the charm. Narcissa suddenly pushed through with wide, worried eyes.

"Lucius, we can't take her," she stated, lifting her shirt.

Her stomach had identical marks as Hermione's does.

"Remember how the dark lord always stayed away from me because he knew I was greatly protected, and if he hurt me, he would be hurting you. Draco would suffer more than her. Would you really hurt your child like that?" She asked.

I suddenly overpowered the curse. I grabbed Hermione, my wand, and our suitcase. Just as I apparated, a stunning curse flew my way. We got away.

We arrived in a forest. I quickly used spells so they couldn't track the apparition. I then got clothes for both me and Hermione. Slipping pants on my own body, I wondered what Lucius' reply would have been.

I carefully dressed Hermione in a short sleeved shirt and loose pants. The thought that they almost took Hermione away terrified me. I cradled Hermione to my chest as a few tears slipped from my eyes. I'd put her in danger.

"Draco?" She whispered.

My head snapped up and I pulled her back a little.

"Hermione, how are you awake; you are supposed to be asleep until dawn?" I asked quietly.

"Baby keeps kicking me, like he's scared," she replied with a worried tone. "Why are you crying?!

I broke down.

"Hermione, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I sobbed.

She looked alarmed.

"Draco! What's wrong?!"

"They almost got you, Hermione. I put you in danger; I shouldn't have marked you last night. They almost took you," I continued.


"My family."

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