《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 14: Lovebites


I kissed Hermione before I left for work.

"Have a good day," I grinned.

"You too... Hold on a second," she muttered before I apparated.

She started messing with my tie.

"You did it wrong," she stated, smiling a bit.

I grinned at this cliché moment. She fixed the tie and patted it down, leaving a hand on my chest.

"Have a good day," she smiled.

I leaned down and kissed her softly.

"Now I will," I smiled back.

She completely moved back.

"You should get to work," she mumbled.

I pulled her in for one more kiss before going to work.


Business was quite slow today. Percy and I had already finished all the paperwork so we were just sitting around.

Percy suddenly burst into my office.

"Mr. Malfoy! You have to see this!" He shouted, handing me the Daily Prophet.

The headline made me jump out of my seat. I skimmed the page.

"Mass Breakout from Azkaban... Escaped... Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Avery Carrow, Alecto Carrow.... Revenge... Golden Trio..."

"Percy, close up. I'm going home," I ordered.

I didn't wait for an answer, I just went strait home.

I searched the bedroom and kitchen, looking for Hermione but found nothing.

"Timmy!" I shouted desperately.


"Where's Hermione?!" I asked.

"Master, Missus is asleep on the couch, sir," Timmy replied, grabbing my wrist.

A split second later I was with her.

"Thank you, Timmy."

He dissapperated.

I looked over at the sleeping girl. She was starting to get bags under her eyes and her hair was everywhere. I put my hand on her stomach and lightly felt for the baby.

Hermione groaned and shifted when I found him. I didn't know what got into me, but suddenly I was pulling her shirt off her stomach. I then put my arms on either side of her stomach, holding her down, and completely lost control. I trailed my lips across her stomach. I quickly realized the Veela blood was a lot worse than I'd first realized. Hermione and I read that it only gets worse as the baby grows, but I couldn't control myself at all. It wasn't supposed to be this bad until she was in labour.


It quickly went from lips, to me dragging my teeth on her stomach.

"Draco? Draco!" Hermione gasped, quickly waking up.

I paid no attention. I was trying to stop.

"Draco stop!" Hermione pleaded, obviously knowing what was going on.

Unwillingly, I started lightly biting her skin, leaving marks in their place.

Hermione lightly tried to push me off, but my actions were really messing with her. I couldn't tell if she enjoyed it more or it hurt her more. Either way, I couldn't stop.

"Draco, s..stop," she stuttered.

I was worried the Veela venom might mess with her. I tried to keep the bites from being too deep, but I failed.

The bites got lower, so I was nibbling the lower part of her stomach.

"Draco," she gasped. "D..don't!"

I forced myself to stop. It was painful to just quit loving on the baby bump. My heart hurt as I rested my head just above her stomach and tried to calm myself. I could feel Hermione's quick breaths beneath my head. I felt guilty. I should have stopped myself sooner.

"I'm sorry, Hermione," I whimpered. "I'm really sorry. I should have stopped sooner, and now you have marks all over your stomach. I could have hurt you and-"

"Shh," she shushed, tangling her fingers in my hair. "It's okay Draco. I know it wasn't you; your eyes were completely black. You couldn't have stopped. And I know you would never hurt me or the baby, Veela or not."

I pulled my head up a bit and looked at her stomach. Some of the marks were deep.

"Most of these won't go away," I stated shamefully.

I hid my face above her stomach again.

"Draco stop," Hermione ordered.

I lifted my head when she hissed in pain.


"Calm your baby down! You made him upset!"


"He knows you're moping now and he's kicking really hard!" Hermione told me.

I was amazed and confused. I laid my head down on the baby bump. I could feel him kicking me.

"Shh," I hummed. "Calm down, it's okay."

The movement ceased.

"Draco, carry me to bed. I'm too tired," Hermione smiled.

I smiled a little before gently picking her up. She fixed her shirt as I carried her upstairs.

"I'm really tired all of a sudden," she yawned.

"It's the venom. Sorry," I said.


"Veela venom. I'd bit you enough times that the venom was sure to affect you a bit," I tried to explain.


When I got to the room, I gently laid Hermione down and covered her with the blanket. She pulled me down beside her.



"I was just wondering why," she stated. "I mean, I understand that the Veela part of you wanted to do that. I'm just confused as to why."

"Instinct. My blood wants me to mark you, but I can't. When I saw you sleeping there, I wanted to feel the baby. Well, I was suddenly very interested in your stomach and well, my instinct to mark you kicked in," I explained.

"Why can't you mark me?" She asked quietly, starting to doze.

I was silent for a moment.

"Well, I don't have fangs... And I don't want to force anything on you," I replied.

"Have you tried?" She asked. "Like actually let the Veela part take over?"


"Do you want to?" She questioned, moving to look at me.

"What do you-"

"I mean do you want to try and mark me, like really try. Don't the Veela and mate have to be willing for the Veela to mark the mate?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Then we can try... If you want. I'm perfectly fine with it; we've already got a baby, we're together; why not try?" She smiled.

"Really?" I asked.

"Tomorrow if you want. I'm too tired now."

"Alright, Love," I agreed. "Get some sleep."

She closed her eyes and passed out.

I relaxed and let my thoughts wander. That's when I remembered the jailbreak. I slowly moved myself out of Hermione's arms and drew my wand.

I shut the door and locked it with spells that only allowed me and Hermione to leave. I did the same to the windows and made sure we were safe for the night. We would leave as soon as Hermione wakes up.

I moved back over to Hermione and laid next to her. I gently pushed the blanket back and her shirt up. The bites looked gentle, calm. They were small. I was glad I kept myself from hurting her too much.

I covered her back up and pulled her close. I defiantly wouldn't be sleeping tonight. I really don't want her to get hurt because of my psychopath family.

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