《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 13: Slytherins


Over the past couple weeks, Draco and I have gotten closer. We moved my stuff to his room so we were together more and more. I felt safe with him around. He'd become a bit more protective lately but we think it's just the Veela blood.

We were cuddled up on our bed now. He had his hand in my stomach, feeling the small bump. I shivered as his cool hand wondered my stomach. He grinned but said nothing.

"Has anything different happened yet?" He asked quietly.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Like, has the baby kicked or moved or anything?"

"I'd definitely tell you if the baby kicked," I assured him.

He sighed in relief.

"Anything else happen?"

"Well... I can feel where the baby is," I replied, catching his wrist.

He let me set his hand on my lower stomach.

"If you press a bit hard you should feel him," I told him.

He pressed down so lightly I could hardly feel it.

"You'll have to try harder than that."

"I don't want to hurt you," he muttered.

"I'll be fine."

He pushed a bit harder until his eyes widened.

"That's him?!" Draco asked excitedly.

"Yeah, he's been moving sometimes. It feels so weird," I replied.

"Don't think I'm weird or anything," he said before resting his ear on my stomach.

He seemed perfectly content listening to my stomach.

"Do you hear anything?" I asked.

"Only your heart," he replied.

We sat there for who knows how long when something happened. We both froze. I knew he felt what I felt.

"Was that..." Draco trailed off when his voice cracked.

"The baby," I finished, tears coming to my eyes.

He sat up, replacing his head with his hand.


"He's done," I whispered.

Draco pulled me up and kissed me. It was a slow, calm kiss. He gently pulled back.

"We've got a baby," he whispered, a grin spreading across his face.

The grin spread onto my own lips.

"We've got a baby."

"He was kicking?"

I nodded excitedly, pulling him in for another kiss.

He pulled himself on top of me, supporting himself by his elbows, and kissed me again. This kiss was a bit... Hungry. I tangled my fingers in his hair and moaned.

I pulled him down by the collar of his shirt and deepened the kiss. I put my legs on either side of him, getting more than carried away. He pulled back and started kissing a trail down.

Well... This turned into that and... Well... *magic*


I felt soft fingers tracing lines on my arm. I groaned softly and opened my eyes.

Draco smiled softly when he saw my face. His only inches away, and his arms were around my bare waist.

"Morning," he whispered softly.

"Morning," I whispered back.

I felt a lot more relaxed this time, remembering every moment of last night. I pushed myself closer to Draco so I was to his chest. His bare body was completely against mine. This was the first time I'd done anything like this. Even the last time I woke like this, I had a bloody panic attack.

I felt his hands rest on the small of my back. I'd never felt like this with anyone.

"Are you alright?" Draco asked suddenly, pulling back.

"Yeah," I replied, "why wouldn't I be?"

"Your heartbeat is insanely fast, it's scaring me a bit," he stated, propping himself on his elbow.

"Honestly, I'm fine," I laughed, getting closer to him again. "I just... Never really felt like this before."


He grinned and replaced his arms on my waist. I lent closer to his face and kissed him. After a small smirk, he started to kiss me back.

Here we go again.

Just as Draco was going to step it up the door opened.

"HOLY-" Blaise started.

"MY EYES!" Theodore screamed, running from the room.

Blaise quickly followed and slammed the door shut. My cheeks were on fire as I quickly sat up.

Draco cursed under his breath and got up. He threw me my clothes and got dressed himself. When I was dressed, Draco opened the door.

"What do you two want?" He growled, obviously very annoyed.

Both men walked in the room, their red cheeks matching my own.

"Sorry mate," Theodore blushed more, "I'd only wanted to see if you're really gonna be a dad."

"Yes, Nott, I'm going to be a father in four months," Draco replied, almost in a proud tone.

Draco shut the door and sat back on the bed, beside me.

"Pay up mate," Blaise smirked.

"Where's your proof?" Theo snapped.

"She's obviously pregnant!" Blaise exclaimed.

Theo looked at me, then my stomach and sighed. He pulled a galleon from his pocket and threw it at Blaise.

"What's this all about?" Draco asked.

"Nott here, didn't believe me when I said Hermione was pregnant. We bet on it and..." He gestured the galleon in his hand.

The two men sat on the end of the bed. The guys all talked.

I suddenly felt light taps from inside my stomach. I wordlessly grabbed Draco's hand and set it right where the baby was. Draco stopped mid senence and looked at his hand.

"The baby's kicking again?" He asked, a smile tugging on his lips.

The other two stared as I nodded.

"Hermione, don't think I'm weird or anything, but can I feel?" Theodore asked.

"Sure?" I replied, but it was more of a question.

Draco moved his hand and let Theo replace it. Theo's eyes lit up.

"This is so cool," he grinned.

"My turn!" Blaise shouted, pushing Theo over and putting his hand where Theo's was.

"Weird, there's a baby in there?" He asked.

I nodded as Draco pushed Blaise's hand off and replaced it with his own.

Blaise and Theo stayed for a bit to talk before leaving Draco and I together.

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