《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 16: Torture


Hermione started to panic. Her breathing quickly went uneven and she started trembling. I pulled her back to my chest and tried to calm her.

"Shh, it's okay. I won't let-"

I was cut off when I was stunned.

Hermione quickly jumped back and screamed. Another spell hit her, and she fell unconscious. Panic flowed through my veins.

"She's alive, son," Lucius said, coming up from behind me.

I let out a loud snarl.

"Just grab the girl before he breaks the charm again," Bellatrix stated.

"Lucius..." Narcissa started.

My breathing became rough when Lucius grabbed Hermione's arm. I looked up at him with pleading eyes. Narcissa melted under my gaze, but Lucius only gave me a sorry look before grabbing Narcissa and apparating.

Bellatrix approached me and knelt down.

"We won't kill her," she smirked, "only severely mame."

I growled as she stood back and apparated. The spell released me so I drew my wand and tried to track the apparation. They were gone, and I couldn't track them.

I stood up from the dirty ground and apparated to the ministry.

I woke when I was slammed on a cold floor.

"Hermione?!" Someone gasped.

I loud noise told me the door slammed shut. I shot up and looked around. A small candle was all the light I needed to identify Harry.

I was suddenly pulled into a hug.

"Harry?!" I gasped.

"Hermione, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry," Harry said quickly.


"Ron told me everything. He wanted to go with a clean slate, and I'm sorry I ever believed him," Harry whimpered, holdinme tighter.

"Wait... What do you mean, 'go with a clean slate?'" I asked.

"He died yesterday. The torture went to far," Harry explained, his voice shook like an old shack in a windstorm.


I was silent as the realization hit me. Ron died. He's gone, forever.

I felt the baby kick, making Harry jump back unbelievably fast.

"What was that?!" He gasped.

"Harry, calm down please."

"Your stomach just poked me!"

I laughed, "Harry, it's okay-"

"What happened?! Are you sic-"

"I'm pregnant, Harry!" I blurted.

The room went silent. The door suddenly slammed open so Harry shoved me behind him. I didn't like how he was protecting me, but I had to protect my baby.

Bellatrix marched in and flicked her wand. Harry was suddenly against the far wall. She then tried to grab my arm. I tried to fight, I really did; she was simply stronger than me.

I was dragged out of the small room and into another. I taught with everything I had when I saw the room. It was a full on torture chamber.

"No!" I yelled, fighting her.

Out of nowhere, Lucius grabbed my hair and dragged me to a chair. I swung fists and kicks as he tried to tie me up.

"Stop before I cut that thing right out of your stomach!" He growled.

Knowing I had no other choice, I ceased fighting. Tight roped tied me to the chair. Narcissa appeared.

"Lucius, are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked.

"I want revenge."

"Just... Be careful," she pleaded.

He nodded, so Bellatrix and Narcissa closed the door on their way out. Lucius smirked at me.

The baby started kicking again. Lucius noticed quite quickly and knelt down in front of me. He looked mildly interested before he grabbed a knife from his back pocket.

"How far along are you?" He asked calmly.

I stayed silent, so he pulled up my shirt enough so my stomach was bare. He then set the tip of the knife in the middle.


"I suggest you answer my question," he smirked again.

"Two months," I said quickly.

I felt the knife pressing on my stomach.

"I guess we will need Potter a bit longer then," he stated, dragging the knife on my stomach.

I gasped in pain when a thin cut formed.

And that's where it started...


I was thrown back in the room bruised and bloody.

"Narcissa will be back to heal you in an hour," Lucius growled, slamming the door shut.

"Hermione!" Harry gasped, pulling me into his arms.

I groaned in pain, and tried to ignore the pain. My blood was everywhere. I gasped for air as Harry held me to his chest.

"I'm sorry, Hermione," he whispered.

"F...For.... what?"

"For letting you get into this mess. I promice I will get you back to where you're staying if you don't want to stay with me and Gin... Where are you staying, anyway?" He asked.

"M..m..Malfoy m...manor," I wheezed.


"Dr...Dr....Draco is the b..baby's d..dad," I mumbled, burying my face in Harry's neck. "H...he takes c..care of me. A...and I l..love him."

Harry started trembling. I lightly tried to pull back, sending myself to the floor. I moved so I was laying on my side instead of my back and curled up.

"Harry, Dr...Dr...Draco is r..really n..nice to me," I stuttered. "H...he took me in wh..when you th...threw m..me out."

I was in his arms again.

"I will never do that again. I promise," he mumbled in my ear.

We sat there for a while, just like this. It was a long time before the door gently opened. Narcissa walked in with her wand raised.

"Back up, Potter," she ordered.

Harry held his arms tighter around me.

"Harry, y...you're gonna g...get h..h...hurt," I whimpered, trying to pull away.

He held me protectively.

"Potter, I suggest you move before Lucius chooses to take you next. You already got lucky enough to be garenteed a week of life; I wouldn't risk that," Narcissa stated, shutting the door.

"Harry, l..let me g...go," I ordered weakly.

He reluctantly released me, so Narcissa grabbed my arm and pulled me away. She stunned Harry before turning back to me. She started muttering healing spells and healed my battered body.

"Why?" I whimpered.

She paused.

"Why what?"

"Why is H...Harry s...safe for a w...week?" I asked.

"To deliver the baby of course!" Narcissa replied.


"Well, you're obviously due any day now, and I'm sure Lucius would rather kill you than deliver the child," She stated.

"S....so soon? I...I'm not d...due for three m..months."

"You know, I thought the same thing when I was pregnant," she smiled, gently pulling up my shirt. "The bite marks Draco left speed up the process. The Veela venom helps the baby grow."

I put a hand over my face and tried to take it all in.

Draco won't be with me when the baby is born.

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