《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 9: Faint


I paced back and forth in Hermione's room. She was taking forever. She decided she would do five pregnancy tests, because of how defective some are.

My head snapped up when the door opened.

"Now we wait," she stated.

She brought the tests out and sat down on her bed. I sat next to her and waited. We watched as they changed. Every, single, one, was positive.

Hermione fainted.

I quickly caught her and laid her on the bed.

"Hermione!" I yelled, lightly slapping her cheek. "Hermione!"

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

What the heck am I gonna do now?

I looked at the witch beside me. She was breathing slowly and looked really relaxed.

I laid down beside her. I was curious. I poked her stomach. It didn't feel any different.

She groaned and moved around.

I sat up.

"Hermione?" I poked her cheek. "Wake up."

She groaned and rolled over.

I poked her cheek again.

"Hmm?" She hummed, not opening her eyes.

"You fainted," I stated.

She opened her eyes and sat up. She held her head.

"Where's my wand?" She asked, glancing around.

She grabbed it and quickly muttered a soothing spell.

"Had a headache," she explained.

I nodded.

"What are we going to do?" She asked me.

"I...I don't know," I replied, running my hand through my hair again.

"I think we should... At least try to be a couple... For the baby," Hermione stated.

I was shocked by her statement, but couldn't agree more.

"Yeah, we can try," I agreed.

She smiled at me.

"So... What are we?" She asked.

"Wanna be my girlfriend?"


I laughed.

"You didn't think about it at all. Just answered yes," I laughed.


"Well, you begin to trust someone when you wake up on the floor naked with them," she stated, blushing a bit at the memory.

I laughed a bit.

"Hermione, can I try something?" I asked her.

"Depends," she replied. "It can't be dirty."

I smirked and pulled her back so we were both lying down. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her close. When she didn't protest, I pulled her closer and buried my face in her neck.

She slowly snuggled up to me and closed her eyes.

We both jumped when the door suddenly slammed open.

"Wow," Blaise gasped. "Am I interrupting?"

I realized Hermione had a tight grip on my arm. Her face was red.

"Uhh... Kinda," I replied awkwardly.

"Good," he laughed.

He walked over and sat on the end of the bed. I winced when he stepped on something. He looked own at it.

A pregnancy test.

He looked back at me and Hermione, wide-eyed.

"Is this yours Granger?" He asked slowly.

Hermione's face got impossibly redder as she stumbled for an explanation.

"Yes," I cut in.

"So you and Weasley messed around before you left him?" Blaise continued.

"No! Never!" Hermione growled.

"Then who's child is it?!"

"I'm gonna go take a shower," I stated, trying to get away.

"No you don't!" Hermione hollered, grabbing my arm. "I'm not staying with him alone!"

"Wait..." Blaise said, his eyes getting impossibly bigger. "You're the dad!"

"Well... I... Uhh... I..." I stuttered.

"Merlin, you are!" He gasped.

"Funny actually," Hermione stated, "you found out about thirty minutes after we did."

"I think I'm gonna... Let you two be..." Blaise muttered before apparating.


"Can we snuggle again?" Hermione asked.

I chuckled and laid back down.


She snuggled right up to me.


My body was suddenly cold when Hermione jumped off the bed. She bolted to the bathroom. I sat up when I heard her vomiting.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I held back her hair and rubbed her back. When she finished she wiped her mouth and stood up.

"I'm sorry I woke you," she stated, rinsing her mouth in the sink.

"It's fine. You couldn't help it," I replied. "You look a bit pale."

"Stress... I'm going to lay back down," she muttered.

I followed her to bed and snuggled up to her. I had an urge to get closer to her. I wanted her to be with me. We both soon fell asleep in each other's embrace.

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