《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 8: Shaken



I slowly woke to my entire body aching. I quickly realized I was on the floor, naked. My eyes snapped open, quickly landing on the figure beside me, Malfoy. I looked around, our clothes were scattered everywhere.

The air got thicker. I couldn't breathe when I realized what happened.

I shagged Malfoy.

My back pressed against the wall, I curled in a ball, and I tried to force air into my lungs. My head was pounding. My vision blurred.

I didn't notice Draco wake up. I didn't notice him get pants on. I did however notice how he put a blanket around my shoulders, covered up my body, and tried to calm me.

"Shh, calm down. It's alright," he whispered softly, running his hands up and down my arms.

I was trembling and crying as he tried to help. He pulled me a bit closer so I was against his bare chest. I gasped loudly, trying to breathe.


I woke when I heard gasps for air. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I realized I was in the hallway, on the floor, nude. I saw Hermione against the wall, trying to breathe. After realizing what happened, I cursed under my breath and pulled on my boxers.

"Accio blanket," I muttered.

A small blanket flew into my hand so I rushed to the witch's side. I wrapped the blanket around her trembling body.

"Calm down, it's alright," I said soothingly.

I gently pulled her to my chest and rubbed her arms. She gasped for air and tightly clutched the blanket around her.

"Breathe Hermione, it's alright," I whispered.

She cried softly on my chest. She closed her eyes and started to regain her breathing. When she could breath, she pulled back. Her cheeks instantly turned red.


"S..sorry," she stuttered.

"It's alright," I replied.

I stood up and offered her my hand. She moved her legs like she was about to get up but gasped in pain. She cursed loudly. Her cheeks got impossibly redder.

It took me a moment to realize what was wrong.

"Hermione, was that your first?" I asked.

She bit her lip and nodded.

"Then you need a bath," I stated, picking her up.

"Why?" She asked, her cheeks getting redder.

"Because it's going to hurt four times as long if you don't," I replied.

She was silent until I set her down in her bathroom.

"We can talk about this later, see if we can remember anything from last night," I stated.

She nodded so I left her alone.

I went strait to my room and took a cold shower.


Hermione and I were sitting on her bed, discussing the situation.

"Did you have your wand in the hall by chance?" Hermione asked anxiously.

"No, I found it in my room," I replied.

Her face paled.

"Mine was in my bathroom so... No pregnancy spell was used," she stated.

I felt the blood drain from my face.

"We'll do a pregnancy test in a week," I stated.

"A week?" She asked.

"Right... Muggle born... Uhh... Wizards and witches of pure blood have kids faster you see... If both parents are pureblood, then it's only three months but since only one of us is a pure blood, it's five," I explained.

"I'll need to get a book," she muttered.

"Do you remember anything that happened last night?" I asked her.

"Actually... Yeah, just a bit," she admitted. "We were laughing and made nicknames for each other."

I smiled a bit.

"I don't remember anything after my first bottle of Firewhisky," I told her. "Do you remember what they were?"

"Uhh..." She hit her forehead. "Oh! Yours was Dragon, because draco means dragon and mine was mia, because that means mine."

I smiled a bit.


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