《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 7: TMIF



I felt Granger sit up abruptly. I opened my eyes to see her terrified face.


"Granger... Quiet down. Hangover," I said in an annoyed tone.

"Did we sleep together?" She whispered.

"No Granger," I sighed.

She sighed in relief and rubbed her temples. She suddenly shot up and bolted to the bathroom. I heard her vomiting.

I groaned and sat up. I started to remember bits of last night. We kissed. I kissed Hermione Granger. She admitted she liked me. She got punched.

I rubbed my eyes and summoned a couple pepperup potions. I downed one and went to the bathroom.

I knelt beside Hermione and held her hair back. The second she stopped I had her drink the pepperup potion. She wiped off her mouth and slowly attempted to make it to her feet.

"What happened last night?" She asked.

"We got drunk," I stated the obvious.

She rolled her eyes.

"No duh. I mean what did we do? Wait... Crap! I got work!" She gasped.

I quickly grabbed her arm before she could run to her room.

"Granger," I started. "Be careful today, and if those guys come back, tell me so I can beat the crap out of them."

"How did you-"

"You talk when you're drunk Granger," I stated.

She nodded and left. I rushed around and got ready for work.


"Thank Merlin it's Friday," Herm-Granger sighed at the dinner table.

I nodded in agreement.

"How was your day?" She asked me.

I felt something... Nice. I never felt this way before. No one ever cared enough to ask me such a question.

"It was better than yesterday. Percy was back and he finished off the paperwork. I have a case I've been working on and the documents take forever to finish," I replied.


"What do you do?" She asked.

"I'm a Lawyer for the wizard court," I replied.

She grinned.

"I totally called it!" She laughed.


"Back in third year, I guessed what everyone's job would be in the future. I guessed Harry would be an Auror, Ginny would be a quidditch player, and you would be a lawyer."

I had no words.

We continued with dinner having light conversation.

"Dra-" she coughed to cover herself, I still caught it. "Malfoy, can I cook dinner tomorrow night?"

I was mildly shocked.


No words could describe the smile that lit up her face.

She stuffed more food in her mouth.


I heard her singing again. I slowly walked to the kitchen doorway and watched her. She sang softly as she slowly washed the dishes. Timmy was nowhere in sight.

"Follow me, and everything is right, I'll be the one to tuck you in at night. And if you want to leave, I can guarantee, you won't find nobody else like me," she sang, scrubbing a pot.

I had to admit, it was a catchy song. She dried all the dishes and begun to put them in the cabinet.

I smirked to myself before silently approaching the witch. I put my arms around her waist.

She shrieked and dropped the plate she was holding. It shattered on the floor. She flinched. I could feel her heart pounding when I set my chin on her shoulder.

"Malfoy, you bloody scared me," she muttered. "Let go of me."


"Malfoy!" She warned.

I held her closer despite her protests. She pried at my fingers, trying to get me to release her. She stomped on my foot, but I didn't budge.

"Relax Granger, it's only a cuddle," I smirked.


"Let go Malfoy," she ordered, still prying at my hands.


I picked her up, bridal style. She tried to get away from me. She pushed my chest to get me to drop her. Then pushed my face and squirmed around.

"So violent Granger, calm yourself," I grinned.

"Malfoy... Let go of me," she growled as she struggled.

I carried her upstairs and set her down outside my door. She gave me a nasty glare.

"Want some Firewhisky?" I asked.

She sighed.

"I suppose."

We went into the room and grabbed a bottle each.


We were drunk. That's the only way to describe us.

"Draco... We should think of nicknames!" Hermione gasped.


"Me first! What's my nickname?!" She asked.

"Uhh... Not 'Mione, that's old maybe... Mia!" I replied.

"That means mine," she giggled.

I put my arms around her small waist.

"You are mine," I replied, kissing her.

She pulled back.

"Then your nickname is Dragon, because Draco means Dragon," she smiled.

She looked so beautiful and she sounded like an angel the way my name rolled off her lips. I smirked at her and tickled her sides. She laughed and squealed, trying to get away. She escaped my grasp and ran to the door. She blew me a kiss before bolting.

I laughed and tried to run after her. We had so much alcohol in our systems it was more like funky stumbling. I caught up to her and quickly pushed her to the wall. Our lips met. She pulled me down to the floor and deepened the kiss. She pulled my shirt over my head and I did the same to hers.

Well... You can see where it went from there.

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